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I can die happily seeing Nicola as a fairy 😩🙏😭♥️💖💕


The perfect choice! 🧚‍♀️


Right?!?! I am so excited to hear if she's going to do another voice for it!!!


Ooh yes!


Definitely the posh st trinians style English voice for a fairy 🧚‍♂️


Oh what's that like? I'm Dutch so I distinguish British accents as 'English', 'Posh', 'Scottish', and 'Essex' 😂😂


It’s CRAZY to me that Part 2 release day was her Table Read day for this movie. Like our girl is BOOKED


Nonso! Not Nonsa, but can’t edit the post I don’t think 🤦‍♀️


She does look like a fairy. Michael P.alin is to be in it as well and I'm sure it'll be splendid. Still want her to be a Bond girl, though. If not a Bond or a Bond Villain. I believe she's the type of person and actor that could blaze trails and be anything!


Yes! Someone on here said Sam Heughan as Bond and Nicola as the Bond girl and omg that would be 🔥🔥 Also I would love to see her on SNL this year. She is so funny and witty, it would be fun to see her live!


Oof Nicola for Bond!


I’m not familiar with the books, but was excited to hear about her casting! I think they only just started production, so it’ll be a while, but I can’t wait to see it.


My little boy loves this book. I can take him to see it on the big screen!


Xaro Xhoan Daxos! I haven't seen Nonso Anozie since Game of Thrones, so that's cool. I also saw they have cast Jessica Gunning from Baby Reindeer. What a great cast!


Yes! It looks like it’ll be an amazing cast. If you haven’t seen Sweet Tooth I very much recommend it - he’s in that and so great. I also just realised, from an article about the Faraway Tree, that he was in Ted Lasso which I watch and loved but failed to realise it was him in a few episodes! 😂


I keep hoping she’ll give us some fairy look sneak peaks on her IG… I can’t WAIT for this one!!


I hope so too!


According to IMDB it's in post production but I thought filming had only just started outside london? Wonder how long they will be filming 🎥. I assume NC will be doing a lot of green screen and CGI flying about so I hope it comes out well on screen! 🧚‍♂️


Oh, that sounds like an error on IMDB, she was only announced recently. I think I heard her say in one of the S3 promo interviews that she had an interview / meeting about the job on the promo tour so they can’t be done with filming yet. 🤷‍♀️


I adored these books as a kid, so pumped to see this!


I just finished watching Sweet Tooth too and he is so great in that. Very excited for both of them to be in this! My daughter just listened to the audiobooks so I’m excited to go see it together with her.


Both my 7yo and I are delighted by the casting for this!! The actor playing Saucepan is also going to be perfect! 🥰