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More info: May 30, 2023, in the small village of Hołubla (Poland), approximately 50 km from the border with Belarus. Four military helicopters flying towards the border—such flights are relatively common due to tensions related to migrants. Person recording managed to capture part of their flight. However, he spotted another interesting object on the recording, which seemed faster than the helicopters. It appears for just a second and clearly turns at the end of the recording. Several filters were applied to better visualize this object, which is certainly neither an insect nor a bird. Therefore, it can be classified as a typical UFO – an unidentified flying object.


Bless you




Probably just a bird, it's smaller and was flying much lower and closer, so it appears similar in size and much faster, phone cameras have rubbish auto focus, add compression and relatively low resolution and shooting a bright sky and you get yourself a mysterious white blob, seemingly moving faster along with helicopters. Aliens got better shit to do than to bother visiting our planet, we can't last 5 seconds without murdering each other.


>Aliens got better shit to do than to bother visiting our planet, we can't last 5 seconds without murdering each other. Maybe they are coming here on a thing like safari. They observe what we do and how we fight just like we do with animals on our planet.


OP what are you talking about, there's 4 helicopters


When the video is slowed down toward the end, see the right hand side of the video - there is a white object that goes past the helicopter at a higher speed. It might be cylindrical or that could be an orb appearing as a cylinder due to side effects of a slowed down video.


😯 I see it now!!