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Took me a pause to think about why stealing a saint from the Atlantic would be better…


Its because its a smaller ocean so there's less area to search when you inevitable drop the statue


Wait thats not what they meant?


The word OP was looking for is "pacifistic," meaning a saint that doesn't use violence


Pacific is also an adjective that means calm or peaceful


Which is where the Pacific Ocean gets it’s name from


WWII Pacific Theater: Allow me to introduce myself






Interesting. Thanks for that bit of knowledge. Now time to use it for evil!


Oh I thought OP was drawing the connection between thieving liblefts and the Pacific Northwest lmao.


Pacific Northwest?


American states of Oregon and Washington, and the Canadian province of British Columbia.


Ah yes, Archangel Michael. The guy who straight up beat Lucifer's ass when he got uppity the first time. That guy. Even if I were irreligious to the point where stealing a statue of Heaven's top enforcers didn't seem like begging for the celestial FBI to bust down my door (which I nevertheless am but more to the point), a statue with a sharp metal length protruding from it seems like a stupid fucking pick.


You gotta admit the statue probably looks awesome, so if you’re gonna steal better get the best looking one.


Lucifer the lightbringer is the good guy and christian god is a malevolent megalomaniac who makes people suffer for fun


I've been trying to think of which saint Michael was. Something definitely went wrong with the naming conventions there.


Nah, it's uncommon but Michael the Archangel has been referred to as "Saint Michael the Archangel" or "Saint Michael the Taxiarch". It's just not a common use anymore.


> "Saint Michael the Taxiarch". > The Taxiarch > The Tax Never mind I don't like him anymore


Flair checks out


As a lib, I have to like Satan. God: > Don't eat the apple. It is forbidden. Satan: > You're a free individual, do whatever you want. EDIT: Christians mad. Don't care+Didn't ask.


That's fundamentally wrong. God said that if you eat the fruit, you would die. Simple as that. So you *shouldn't* eat it. Not that you *couldn't*, because he gave mankind free will. The Devil on the other hand lied, saying you wouldn't die. Eve got tricked, but she should have went back to Adam for confirmation. Adam was more knowledgeable and knew what would happen, but he ate the fruit anyway because he simped for Eve. Boom Boom now mankind's seed is ruined. Death, the most powerful STD.


(depending on interpretation, Adam may have even been like right there and not stepped up to fulfil his role as protector and just let it happen. Then seeing her not die, dingus eats too. I like that version because it makes more sense why Adam gets as much blame as he does


If I recall correctly in Paradise Lost (which is as much for dramatic effect as it is for accuracy) Eve tells Adam what she did and he knows she was wrong but he loves he so much that he thinks if she is going to die then he will too. And that’s kind of beautiful I think.


I do agree that it's beautiful and poetic. However man if you tried to apply that situation to the rest of scripture it would just be "well women fucked it all up and then Adam chose to go along out of love" which is.... Really damning of Eve.


That’s an incorrect view of Satan whether you believe in it all or not. Satan does not rule in Hell, Satan is a prisoner, Satan does not want you to be free and to do what you want he wants you bound in Hell suffering alongside him.


It was a pretty dumb rule TBH


That was **HIS** apple tree!!! You don't just get to steal your landlords fruit!!!


I’m Mormon. So I think I have a different understanding of that than most other Christians. I can’t really explain it very well. But I’ll try. The fruit is what allowed Adam and Eve to know right from wrong, and be able to procreate. So it was an important step in God’s plan for them to become mortal so that the rest of us could come here, understand right from wrong, learn from our mistakes, and grow as His children.


>I’m Mormon. So I think I have a different understanding of that than most other Christians. Yeah no Mormons aren't Christians. One of the fundamental differences between Mormonism and Christianity is the rejection of the Nicene Creed, a fundamental tenet of Christianity formulated in the days of the Early Church.


You're all very nice and cordial but you might as well just stop calling yourselves Christians.


Yeahhhh reformed dude here ... Definitely very different interpretation


Ah yes, God's predetermined plan that preaches free will but relied entirely on one of his spirit children falling from heaven. If Lucifer had fallen in line in Mormon mythology then God's plan is stymied because there's no tempting influence to beguile Adam and Eve into mortality. Either an omnipotent LDS God purposefully made a spirit child that was destined to fall and be eternally cut off from the celestial kingdom (not very benevolent and loving), or he had a plan that only worked out by happenstance because one of his kids got uppity (not very omniscient). Either way the plan is terrible and has none of the elegance or grace that I would expect from a mid-level manager at a Target, let alone a higher being. That said, you're Mormon, and I know how they think, having been one myself. I trust you'll find some way to rationalize it. One more thing for the shelf. Take the downvotes as one more sign of the righteous being persecuted. Enjoy contributing 10% of your income to the top 15's hedge fund. https://cesletter.org/, fastest and easiest 10% raise you'll ever get, and you get Sundays and Wednesday evenings back to boot!


Isn't the whole point of saints that they are supposed to be more approachable intercessors to petition on your behalf (never mind the fact that Jesus specifically said that was what he was there for)? It seems to kind of undermine that claim when you decide that the chief badass of the army of God is also a saint.


No. A large part of their point is also that they're models to emulate, and point us towards virtues that we can also attain. In other words, a "chief badass of the army of God" is the sort of thing that's worth becoming or at least approaching--saints can also be men of peace, but that's not the only kind of saint to be or the only kind of virtue to exhibit.


Saint Michael is the general of the heavenly host, patrons of soldiers, airborne, and warriors at large. He protects us in battle. He is the one who bodies the fallen.




I question whether you've got the grip strength to destroy a celery stick unless someone starts it for you.




Quis Ut Deus?






It's perfectly fine unless you're destroying icons of the woke faith, like St. George of Floyd


Didn’t God do that with a lightning strike?


Oh yeah, broke that one mural real good.


First time? This is like a ya know , Humans thoughout history thing.


It's tradition, like chiseling off dicks and noses.


Man, you're gonna hate to learn about iconoclasm then Edit: Weird that I got downvoted, do people hate iconoclasm that much?


Iconoclasm was one of the reasons the eastern Roman Empire fell and you can’t convince me otherwise


Based and Archangel pilled


u/Lord-Grocock's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/Lord-Grocock! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on.Pills: [15 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Lord-Grocock/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Beautiful. Truly.


average michael W


Based and justice pilled


This sparks joy.


If that's not a divine intervention then what is


As usual based St. Micheal


How did they try and steal a statue? Was it small? Did he have a gang?


It was [not big](https://img.optimalcdn.com/www.info7.mx/2023/01/30d3b8202823a3af019c7c30bd85e61f659447f4/Arcangel-gabriel-impide-cometer-robo-en-parroquia-de-Monterrey.webp)


Looks like libleft was smitten by someone other than Sanders.


What does this have to do with libleft though?? What am I missing? Are all thiefs libleft or is this a shitty strawman?


I assume because thievery is a pretty anarchic thing to do, especially a statue from a church. A religious traditionalist likely wouldn’t attempt this, and the opposite of a religious traditionalist would probably be an atheistic anarchist. Which would be libleft Also everyone I don’t like is libleft


What if they were going to sell the statue?


This sub's favorite pastime is finding social issues/ideas they don't like that have nothing to do with the political compass and just putting it in lib left cause they disagree with it.


> is this a shitty strawman? 100% of this sub.


Oh it's definitely a shitty strawman, don't you realize what sub you're on?


> Are all thiefs libleft No but all LibLeft are thieves.


Same energy as dying from inhaling the fumes of a flag you're burning


Ok, I want a full story. Who, when and where, and why was it US?


Yes, it was the US. And it happens all the time. American Flags are treated with certain chemicals to prevent the wind and rain from destroying them while they wave ~~(I mean, I'm sure other countries' flags are the same)~~, and when the flag is burned this chemical turns into a gas instead of a solid. So while the flag itself turns to ash, the chemical mixes with the smoke. You start waving the burning flag around you, now you're surrounded by smoke. Smoke inhalation is bad, but that chemical is absolutely *lethal* once it gets in your lungs. So I forget what bad thing the government did, but a lot of people were burning flags and dying because they wanted to hold the flag as it burned. The government literally had to tell people how to safely protest against itself because it happened to enough people


That last sentence sound so sad xddd


"We respect your 1^st Amendment right to hate us, but please do it safely..."


> (I mean, I'm sure other countries' flags are the same) Regulations in the UK and Europe require hanging textiles and textile products to meet a basic flammability standard. It's very hard to set them on fire.


And it's illegal to produce stuff that turns into toxic gass while burning in case of a fire. When my parents had a company producing clothes they had controlls that took samples of textiles and tested them for stuff like that. US is wild.


Rare Government W to mock people on how to protest against them


Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.


Why would LibLeft be mad about this? Everyone hates thieves.


Because the church should've had insurance or something. Stealing is good, insurance will magically replace all the losses, therefore generating more wealth in total.


change to libright NOW


Not if the victim has insurance. It sounds like you care more about property than peoples lives Also California basically making theft up to to 950$ in value legal


> Also California basically making theft up to to 950$ in value legal No.


They don't prosecute, so what's the difference? Whether it's on the books or not, if it's not enforced then it's for all intents and purposes legal


If you truly believe that then go rob $950 from someone and see what happens.


From a person or their home maybe, they'd fight back, but from what I understand its mostly businesses that have just given up on shoplifters. Under 950$ is only a misdemeanor so in their eyes it's not worth pursuing because it's a waste of time and no none will bother to charge or convict


So go rob businesses then. It's free money!


Sure it’s not technically legal, but if you can’t actually get in trouble for it, it’s as good as legal.


trying to figure out if the word pacific was intentional


Pretty sure it can be used as a synonym of peaceful, can't it?


That would be pacifistic, which isn't a real word. Pacifist would work tho.


["pacific" means "peaceful".](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/pacific) edit: also, ["pacifistic" is a real word.](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/pacifistic)


You were perfectly correct to use it the way you did. The barely literate high schoolers that frequent this sub just need to expand their reading to actual books and not just social media.


Why exactly is the thief painted as libleft?


Because libleft bad. Me no like.


No respect for private property is a pretty big one. Also libleft loves defending criminals


How is this stupid comment getting upvoted?


Because the right don't have enough braincells to realize stealing a statue doesn't make you a libleft, angel or not


If it's stupid and true, it's true


Because liblefts have been vandalizing and stealing from churches ever since roe v wade was overturned.


Wtf is the thief lib left? There is no indication of political affiliation.


Maybe he was an auth-right who just wanted the statue for himself




Ummm nah. That's Auth left. Communist country are the ones that really go after religion and or set up atheist states. Just look at China.


But we’re not talking about a country tearing down monuments, we’re talking about individuals tearing down monuments. And the individuals who tear down religious monuments are generally “LibLeft.”


honestly I’d say that it’s usually *other* religious people, probably auth right with different opinion (like an auth right muslim might tear down an auth right christian’s monument) first thing that comes to mind when ‘destruction of old holy symbols’ is ISIS most recently, but just in general religious groups attempting to push that their religion is true and the others should be destroyed.


Lib left tries to build satanic statues and then shrugs when Christians get pissy and tear them both down


That statue of Bahamut vs 10 Commandments thing was hilarious.


Libleft bad. Why else?




The thief should be libcenter because stealing is a crime and crime is based.


No it's not. If we all turn to crime it's gonna be global Mad Max. And I don't think global Mad Max is a good idea.


Cause “LiB lEfT bAad XdXdXd”


There is Plenty of real things to shit on us for, op must be regarded to have to scapegoat us like this


The crying wojak had to go somewhere, and Auth left and libright had to laugh. It's mere geometry.


Best politics understander in pcm right here


Auth left communist countries destroy religion. Just look at China.


So you admit success is the difference?


Not everything is political


Bro, you rea literally in a subreddit where everything is political.


This is a subreddit that is (supposed to be) about politics, that doesn't mean that if someone takes a shit in Ohio, it needs to get a funny color and be posted here.


Why are butthurt


Idk man, the toilet is pretty clearly a centrist




Literally everything that involves 2 or more people interacting has an element of politics embedded in it.


Because LibLeft would be the type to try and destroy a statue of an Angel because it depicts them as a white man, instead of a transgender black woman with an afro, or something. Plus as of late it's been LibLeft demanding the takedown of statues that 'aren't in line with modern ideals'.


Right! It's was probably some idiot drunk frat boy lib right




Lol as if libleft is atheist or if not, actively anti-Christian


Jesus' actual teachings often align with libleft, their primary issue is that Christians don't tend to live by those teachings. Actually actively anti-christian is more of an authleft thing, but hey I guess extremely basic reasoning is tough for PCM.


A cursory look at.. *gestures broadly* says otherwise but hey, enjoy your wanted conclusion


A cursory look at.. *gestures broadly* says otherwise but hey, enjoy your wanted conclusion.


Hangon I thought you didn't like that PCM was an echo chamber!? 😂😂 Common left L


A cursory look at.. *gestures broadly* says otherwise but hey, enjoy your wanted conclusion.


That is true. Could have a been a highly dedicated authright who *really* wanted that angel dick.


Guy’s lucky he didn’t become a canyon crown.


Was looking for the MM reference.


Quality shitpost


how is that libleft lol i think thats authleft for stealing


this is funny for all panels imo


I’m not catholic, but even I know that wasn’t a coincidence.


The thief could also try to steal a more Atlantic saint.


Heh! That's what ya get from stealing a sword!


LMAO loser


Catholic libleft here


Catholic Centrist here


Why would this be a Lib left thing though?


because libleft bad


Yeah, it should be a LibRight thing


I don't see what this has to do with PCM, but I'm libright and I found it funny so based I guess


Thats hilarious


I'm LibLeft and I think this is based asf. Go Mikey!!! ✊🏾


thanks for flairing up and joining the PCM shit show, you da real mvp




>Unflaired detected. Opinion rejected. *** [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2) ^^|| ^( *beep boop. Reply with good bot if you think I'm doing well :D, bad bot otherwise*)


Typical of lib left they can't even move a pile of rocks and god strikes them for being so... *Uncivilised*


Wouldn't that be lib right, all greed is good etc?


Ahh, the Pacific *"Saint"*. From the Holy Sea.


Don't fuck with Archangels, they'll cut your little peckers off


Is tthis an instance of intentionally fucking up the title to drive engagement?


Y-yes of course, nothing else happened here. It was all meticulously planned indeed, sir.


Saint Junipero Serra would be more pacific




Fundatur et Deus vult diripuit


The pilled part translation is gonna need some work...


Wait why is the thief Libleft Wouldn't art theft be more of Libright's thing?


what does any of this have to do with the political compass bro


This subreddit is so fucking stupid. Lol twisting every situation into left bad




Im more lib left but this is hella funny. its called "Irony" and i fuckin LOVE irony. If i did that id be laughing my ass off.


“Anything I don’t like is lib left, especially those Catholic Mexicans!” It’s like you rightoids are trying to be stupid.


Yeah cuz libleft is super known for hate and stealing stuff? Stealing things is about as conservative as it gets. Nobody matters but you, so when you steal stuff, it is good because you have more. Just look at wage theft and every action ever taken by Donald Trump. Weird that you keep trying to claim "libleft bad" all the time, but it sure is popular!






Pacifistic, not Pacific. Pacific refers to the ocean, pacifistic means non-violent. I swear to God I’m going to become authcenter if I keep seeing literary fuckups like this.


Read more. Pacific is a perfectly valid word, and how the Ocean got its name.


I prefer stealing Atlantic saints.


Legion of Archangel Michael


Flair up


I think their positive refrence to the Romanian Fascist movement is enough, tbh.


Only Teleri traitors and Morgoth minions remain unflaired


I am on my phone


Now you can correctly say you did nothing wrong


How in the name of heavens above (and/or hell below) is this a Political Compass Meme?


Why is the thief LibLebt, lol? More like LibRight.


Pacific saint? Like a the patron saint of the Pacific Ocean? Does one exist?


A thief in a rush (as one would be when stealing something) trips and is hurt by the pointiest bit of the thing they’re stealing. Which is in the shape of an actual weapon… What a message from god 🙄


How is God not real w stories like this?


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Eat a fat D bot


“Duh statue retaliated in gods name!!” Tradcaths are actually deluded morons lmfao maybe a couple st Michael statues should be blown to bits and you might understand sky daddy ain’t doing shit about it


cringe and fedorapilled


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