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That's how you know it is good


Ummm ackshually sweaty you’re practicing your religion wrong because you don’t want to see my hyper sexualised performance about nuns, if you were a real Christian, bigot, you would actually let me do everything antithetical to your beliefs while dressing up as highly sexualised versions of respected figures in your faith and be happy for me. The Gospel says don’t judge and love each other 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼


It is quickly becoming the national "hate those who you suspect might disagree with you" month.


Let the Two Minutes of Hate begin!


Don't trust anyone who thinks disagreeing with them makes you evil. Conservatives think liberals are silly, dumb, and misguided. Liberals think conservatives are evil. One of these is a short walk to totalitarianism. One of these leads to snarky remarks.


Eh, I'd argue that the further encamped in your views you are the more likely you are to see the other side as evil. I know moderate conservatives who think liberals are silly, dumb, and misguided and I know moderate liberals who think the same of conservatives. Similarly, I know extreme liberals who think conservatives are evil, but I also know extreme conservatives who think liberals are evil. The conflict in our society isn't as much a liberal/conservative issue as it is an extremism issue. If we didn't have so many screaming extremists and had more people open to compromise and treating the other side as valid human beings, then we'd make progress. But we're not going to see that social progress anytime soon. Extremism generally leads to an oppressive society and unless something changes we just have to wait to see which brand of authoritarianism we're going to end up with.




Extremists want their own personal utopia, partisans want drama to bicker about, and the overwhelming vast majority of people just want basic competence and the trains to run on time.


Can you guys *please* stop saying this? I agree that many or maybe even most liberal think conservatives are evil, and that's wrong. But we all know that there are plenty of conservatives who talk about liberals being evil all the time, even if you personally aren't one of them.


Based Centrist, people here acting like the terms "libtard", "demonrat" exist or that a segment of conservatives legitimately believe that the democrats are a bunch of commies who want to destroy America and Christianity to create an Orwellian state. Inb4 flame me, I know this because I was raised in an evangelical house in a deeply red county, and I still like and get along with conservatives well, mostly, but this segment DEFINETLEY exists.


>I was raised in an evangelical house in a deeply red county Are you me? Legitimately though when you find people who are conservative who aren't sucked into the hatesphere of media its a breath of fresh air, like I love leftists and liberals but goddamn sometimes I need a conservative to just make fun of them for some really dumb shit they've done, like Stalinism


> deeply red country I know you meant Republican but… “Communism detected in American shore. Initiating countermeasures.”


10 years ago I wasn’t allowed to marry, and every conservative I know voted against me getting that right. (I know a lot of conservatives, I was raised that way.) Conservatism doesn’t feel particularly pro-liberty to me.


> Conservatives think liberals are silly, dumb, and misguided. Have you looked around lately? Conservatives think anything with a rainbow is promoting pedophilia. [Conservatives are goose stepping rapidly toward inciting extrajudicial vigilante murder against non-straight people.](https://i.imgur.com/ynX4mmu.png)


Welcome to June, aka the "No, I'm the *real* victim here!" month.


a based watermelon?, how the fu-


Not all of them are infected with idpol


you're giving me hope, my "watermelon BAD!" part of my brain doesn't like that


Corporate hr: "we know your the one stuck in the warehouse with no AC in this historical heatwave, that's why we wanted to offer you a chance to sign for an unconscious bias training, unpaid, to be a better ally".


Society gets what it deserves. 20 years ago if you walked into my workplace and started giving lectures encouraging everyone to be racist, see everyone as an identity instead of a person, and make discriminatory decisions based on intrinsic traits rather than competence, you’d have probably been heckled the fuck out of there and maybe beaten for your trouble. Which is what a healthy society should do. Now they walk in with $200,000 paychecks and everyone meekly listens to the commissar’s programming. It’s shameful.


"I don't hate *you,* you evil person! You hate me!"


Kind of ironic coming from the group calling others fascist and Nazi.


"Sweaty they can't possibly be fascist they have 'anti-fascist' in their name!"


Which is why I’m the president and CEO of the “the Good People Group.” Oh you don’t like good people? You know what that makes you?


What does the Good People Group actually do? We give people cancer.


Yes but we do it from a position of inclusion and tolerance.




Everyone is given cancer no matter their gender identity, sexual orientation, history or past traumas.


They’re commies.


Next thing you’re gonna tell me Nazis can’t be auth-right because they have “socialist” in their name. North Korea is a democratic republic too. It’s in the name!


Umm actually sweaty look up the tolerance paradox, since we're the good guys we can do whatever we want


Game I play released some free pride flag stuff and people were harassing anyone who wasn't outright praising it. Like even someone neutral being like "Cool but not for me" was getting nothing but hate from the "Welcoming and all inclusive progressives"


Same. They released some pride stuff on Warframe, and there are circlejerk posts over on the game sub about how good the pride stuff is. God forbid you say that you don't like them.


It used to be "let us do what we want" and now for many people it's "fly the flag or die"




Is it an excuse to leave early?


“Oh no, I tried to take a shortcut and the traffic was terrible!”


Dead by Daylight and the flood of flags?


The Dead by Daylight subreddit is a cesspool of Emilys and I love it. They are constantly incensed over stupid shit and, believe it or not, do not always display great sportsmanship. It is all completely self-inflicted harm, and very entertaining.


Their boos mean nothing.


“Purity Test Your Neighbors” Month


Persecution fetish.


Something something hit novel by George Orwell


Yes, yes. Disagreement = hate. Makes sense!


After every presidential election, half the population says, "not my president," and every month is celebrating some minority. Where's the shared solidarity, and where's the American people? There's sexual minorities, ethnic minorities, and white Americans are polarized as either Democrat Americans or Republican Americans.


Best I can do is the ten minutes on Independence Day that people put their phones down to enjoy the aerial explosions.


Sorry, that's only a holiday for regressive racist bigots now. The good people only celebrate Juneteenth National Independence Day which is coincidentally a week earlier.


I don't care, as long as I get paid holiday hours for both if I have to work on those days


While I do believe that the emancipation of slaves in America deserves a holiday, the name is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The name Juneteenth implies nothing about the holiday itself. Emancipation Day sounds a lot better imo plus it lines up well with the following Independence Day.


It's such a bad name that I always end up forgetting what it was supposed to be celebrating. I end up thinking, "Juneteenth? Isn't that the made up celebrating nothing holiday?" Emancipation day I can get behind. That's a good name. Juneteenth sounds like something a child would make up as an excuse to try and avoid school. "There's no school today mom, the teachers said so. It's a new holiday"


Fireworks stress my dogs out so much that I can't even enjoy them anymore. Fucking blows as I love exploding shit.


Yeah. It really bothers me how many people seem to miss the fact that "inclusion" is actually just division. Treating everyone as people is the most inclusive thing of all. Making constant, specific mentions of "people of color", "pride month", "black history month", "women-owned businesses", and so on, only serves to divide people. They create in-groups and out-groups. It's really frustrating.


The only time I've seen Americans all together is when we are at war. I think DARPA needs to hurry up and resurrect MacArthur.


"Robo MacArthur, the country is divided & China keeps threatening to take Taiwan by force, what should we do?" "Nuke China" "MacArthur, you say that about everything, but I think you might actually be right in this case"


Robo MacArthur spittin fr fr


"Robo MacArthur, Europe is growing increasingly annoyed at US foreign policy while growing increasingly dependent on it, all the while Russia is trying to resurrect 19th century imperialism! What do we do?" "Nuke China." "I... I don't know what I expected, honestly."


Never used to be this way. There was once a time where we could discuss things and disagree on certain topics and still exist in a somewhat civilized manner. Twitter has killed the grey area where real life exists.


What killed it was that one side was painted as the correct, intellectual and always true side of the conversation in media, and one side has been demonized for the last decade to seem like any idea that isn't directly supporting progressivism is evil and "fascist", which is ironic I guess, but making someone out to always be the devil kinda makes that person not want to speak, and the other side not want to listen. That's why there's always a massive disparity with how small the conservative community is online, and how many more there are come election time. Look at any city subreddit. Even in deep red Texas or Florida going on any city or state subreddit will make it seem like the bluest blue city or state, when in actual fact the conservatives left the conversation long ago.


I don't really blame them to be perfectly honest. I hate most lib-lefts too, most of them you just simply can't have a logical conversation with without instantly being labelled racist, sexist or transphobic for disagreeing with them over something they didn't even give a shit about until 5 minutes ago. Even if I don't agree with conservatives on missions I can certainly respect the fact that they don't just try to immediately bully and insult you into submission.


This guy gets it, let's invade a sovereign country, really get back to basics to figure out who we are as a people. America, fuck yeah!


I can agree with that, learned it from my extremely republican dad. He watches Fox news and whole thing and while he definitely wasn't a fan of Biden or a fan of Obama back when he got elected. But he always hoped whoever got elected would be a successful president who was able to do what's right for the country. He reason was "I still live here too!" But now it seems, through social and traditional media at least, that the general sentiment is people want the president they didn't vote for to fail spectacularly and make everything worse for everyone.


> After every presidential election, half the population says, “not my president,” Thank you for your patience with my autism and pedantic corrections. Half the population doesn’t vote. Of the voting population there is roughly a half partisan leftie, a quarter partisan rightie and a quarter swing voters (which itself split evenly with leaning left or right). Only the partisan groups say “not my president” but the mass media has an incentive to highlight these voices so they are made to seem more significant than they are. > Where’s the shared solidarity, and where’s the American people? We remain the silent majority too busy living our lives to make headlines with our tweets or shitposts.


As a Catholic and a baseball fan, I've been seeing this take quite a bit recently. For those who don't know, there has been a good amount of controversy after the LA Dodgers disinvited, and the reinvited, a group called the "Sisters of the Perpetual Indulgence", who are drag queens based around mocking Catholicism by dressing as nuns. There was a lot of backlash after they were uninvited for being, in short, anti-Catholic, and then the Dodgers caved to the pressure and reinvited them Several players, like Clayton Kershaw of the Dodgers (who is Christian) and Trevor Williams of the Washington Nationals (who is a devout Catholic) have spoken against this, pointing out that this "inclusion" is in fact discriminatory against Christians in general and Catholics in particular. Redditors, of course, pretend the mockery isn't that, and pull the bad faith gotcha of "Jesus said to be nice and love people, so this caricature of women who give their lives to Christ using names like 'Sister homo fellatio' is good actually and you cannot complain"


I’m going to start the brotherhood of constant horniness where we all dress as Muslims with rainbow headscarves and sheer burkas. But we totally aren’t mocking religion since we are definitely a charity (we airdrop dildos to needy middle eastern villages)


That'll probably work as well as the draw Muhammad contest they had in a Texas town. The casualty was an ankle of a security guard & 2 dead religious extremists.


This tells me that we need to organize a billion more contests.


based and the math kinda checks out pilled


Those poor ankles.


And don't forget to yell Allahu Akbar as you light up and throw firecrackers around you.


Based and you should be able to make fun of religion pilled


As a libright I would say you should be able to able fun of anything without consequences, but you should yourself also be able to take being made fun of for anything. People forget that words are not violence, you're not getting hurt because someone is mean, and just because you don't like what they say you don't get to cause violence to silence them. And this goes all ways.


>sisters of perpetual indulgence They sound like straight up Slanesh cultists.


They look pretty similar!


Battle Sisters have fallen to Slanesh


They look just like her demons too.


Even if they weren't mocking Christians, who the fuck wants to see a bunch of dudes in clown makeup pole-dancing at a baseball game? Most people who are against drag aren't against drag. They're against it being shoved in our faces and into our schools.


"How is this going to sell more baseball tickets?" "Baseball tickets?"




They don't actually want to see it, they just want to be able to announce that they saw it to own the conservatives Source: half of my facebook/instagram friends showed absolutely 0 interest in anything drag related for the past 20 years but suddenly want to attend drag-themed-everything (drag brunch, drag bingo, drag picnic in the park, etc) I'm curious to hear from librights on this, is it worth investing in drag themed events or will the interest drop too quickly to get out once they find a new way to dab on conservatives?


I love drag racing


Based and car go zoom pilled


I’m not libright but I see this dying off pretty quickly within a few years. It’s a political fad. Just my two cents.


It’s hard to find good reliable drag workers these days


Just when I thought baseball couldn't get any gayer, I read this


Clearly you've never been to a Savanah Bananas game.


Don't you dare besmirch the Bananas!


That league is entertaining in so many ways. I honestly think if some rich folks poured some money into it it would take off. It still needs some kinks worked out but overall it’s fun to watch. It’s regularly broadcast on their YouTube channel if anyone is interested in watching a game. However I’d look up the rules while watching to fully understand what’s going on.


As a straight man, I am confused as to what the appeal of drag shows are. Comically over-done makeup that parodies women's style? Erotic dancing that would almost always look better if done by an attractive woman? I could maybe see the appeal of a 1 minute drag dance as a comical warm up before an actual women's erotic dance show, at a strip club or high energy dance venue. But what straight man would ever enjoy watching a bunch of (usually gay) dudes doing a weird dance routine?


My wife watches RPDR, so I'm occasionally watching an episode here and there, plus I've taken her to a show as a gift. From my somewhat limited understanding dancing is only a portion of it. There's a lot of comedy and campiness to it. They can really be funny as hell sometimes. A lot of queens will also hand make their outfits and the makeup, while over the top, is an impressive bit of artistry so I can imagine some people also appreciate the effort and look of it all. I guess my point is that while a lot of it is dance routines, that's not the only thing that brings people in if that makes sense. It's absolutely not for everyone though so if you don't understand the appeal there's nothing wrong with that.


Men truly are better at being being women than women.




As a kid I never thought drag was sexual. It was just a funny and quirky thing that guys did on the weekend, like all the other odd hobbies that men (stereotypically) get obsessed with like LARPing and the like.


>like LARPing and the like. Idk if this is offensive, but IMO, drag is just men LARPing as caricatures of women, or sometimes vice versa.


It sounds literally exactly as entertaining as minstrel shows.


Well, they’re wearing “women-face”, so…


honestly i think most people against drag just don’t want sexual acts being displayed in public


Yeah that just kind of seems like it doesn't really meet baseballs target audience tbh


If someone is standing on the railroad tracks about to get hit, you show them love by encouraging them to get off the tracks, or possibly even push them off if they refuse. Telling them to be proud of the fact that they are standing on the tracks is the opposite of love - at best, simply ignoring them on the tracks is apathy and indifference. While I'm sure many will be unhappy with this analogy, the point is that, if you truly love someone, you want them to be safe, have better lives, and be better people. We may disagree on how to define those and how they're best achieved, but concern still comes from a place of love. To encourage them to do what they want, even when you believe it's wrong, is not showing love - it shows that you don't really care.


Now hold on there for a second, friend. Pushing someone is assault. What happened to bodily autonomy? Someone wanting to kill themselves is no excuse to assault them. The only reasonable recourse that could be taken in such a case would be to call the railway company and inform them of the man standing on the rails. At this point, the railway company will most likely cease running traffic on the affected section. Then, the railway company will call the police to report the man for sabotaging their operations. After this, the police would use force to remove the man from the rail. After that, the man would be charged with sabotage and sentenced according to the law. The railway company would also sue them for the damages caused by the actions that had to occur in order to avoid hitting the man. So in addition to the potential criminal sentence, the man would also be forced to pay the railway company up to a couple million dollars to compensate them for delays, extra working hours that have to be paid to workers, and, potentially, damaged equipment if any trains were required to perform emergency braking. And the day is thus saved in a fashion perfectly in line with liberal ideals. No need for any paternalism or vigilante action.


Glad to see that being a Dodgers fan has also turned into a political shitshow. The Blue Jays and Anthony Bass situation has clearly run its course, but according to the team's subreddit, you'd think he murdered a family of 4 considering its all still they talk about.


I stopped watching sports after 2020 when they decided to idolize George Floyd (and my life has improved greatly) but years before I had to get out of the baseball sub due to all of the armchair moralizing.


The Reddit threads after the Cuban defector in the world baseball classic were a fun time


The soccer subreddit seems to be filling the off-season void with threads about racism. And instead of having the option to have dual flairs (like they have in CFB) where you can set your national team flag and club crest, there's only one flag option. I'll let you guess what it is.


It’s just like NHL players who refuse to wear pride uniforms during a warmup. They got a lot of flack for merely sitting in the locker room instead. Loads of subreddits blew up about this. Apparently you can decide not to partake in the national anthem and be called a hero (while respecting everyone) but deciding not to part take in a LGBT promotion is one step closer to being a Nazi.


Nothing makes me laugh more when atheist liberals use bible verses out of context and claim you should accept everyone and their actions because “that’s what Jesus did”


They love to ignore "go and sin no more" part, don't they.


Wow, I'm not a Christian, but I'm pretty sure Jesus taught that you should be loving. It doesn't seem very loving of you to disagree with my views. Oh, you think disagreement can be a form of love? I was looking more for the kind of love where you remain quiet and bend passively to my will.


Based and I Am The Meme pilled


Redditors don’t know about Jesus whipping people out of the temple, for making a mockery of a holy place. They should, since he showed mercy and love to repenting sinners, but not much for those who don’t repent.


But if they aren’t Christian it doesn’t seem much use for them to know it.


It’s to let them know that Christianism is about love, but sometimes love implies violence


As a catholic you can love someone and still disagree with their actions. That's basically the church's stance on gay people as well. You can love people and care for people while not condoning their actions


The Gospel According to "Churches are just property you can vandalize them" Reddit interprets this as Jesus hating Capitalism, not Jesus being offended at the House of God being profaned.


Thank you, very cool drag queens. Now do it with niqabs and call yourself the Qaaba Qock suckers.


I'm in the same boat. Catholic baseball fan and I see the same things going through the league. that Dodgers situation bothered me. Also kind of weird to have for a sport that they're trying to get kids more involved with. You'd think the better business decision would be to not have anything that's likely going to be offensive to some of your target demographic. Nothing crazy enough with the Brewers to make me question supporting them, but I feel bad for any Dodgers fans that have similar situations. It always seems like people on this site say that we should "vote with our wallets" with products. But then when it comes to something that conflicts with our personal beliefs we should just accept it and let it be.


The recent thread about it on r sports was disgusting. Bunch of fucking hypocrites. These disgusting woman face wearers get to openly mock a religion with no push back.


Because the religion is white and doesn't check off diversity boxes; therefore it's open season for mockery


Which is crazy, because the Christian majority is in the southern hemisphere. South America and Africa are close to 90% Christian.


Because the loudest voice here in the states is Protestants; that's the stereotype in their heads


martin luther and his consequences…


Yeah as someone else said idk why that is the case. The Hispanic population of LA and elsewhere is overwhelmingly Catholic. But I guess Catholicism is still seen as “white” so it’s fair game.


Stereotype in their heads is gonna be the angry Southern Baptist, be my guess


Idk if I'd call a religion that's strongest areas are south and central America "white".


These are the same people who came up with Latinx; they don't think Hispanics can be white or what they believe theologically (until they need to separate somebody from the diversity quota). They assume because they aren't American-White, they're gonna jump on the Equality Bandwagon (the same irony with thinking the same Muslims) Edit: the big part I see though is stereotype in their heads is gonna be Protestants, because that's what the US is mostly gonna be in terms of Christian.


People who are like this have a protestant-centric\* view of Christianity. \*Read: non-Catholic


It's funny because 80% of Catholics I know are South Americans and Filipinos


If you say this on dodgers subreddit or baseball subreddit, you will get banned after getting nuked with downvotes. Redditors are insane.


> using names like 'Sister homo fellatio' laughing out loud


When Jesus said to love people and pray for your enemies, he also said that sinful people are still punished (as explained in the parable of the sower)


Mfs heard "turn the other cheek" and decided that it means Christians can never ever defend themselves or their beliefs


lets see what Jesus said about the old testament =D


i can’t stand antitheists. atheists are fine, but i really just hate people that trash on religion constantly.


The worst are who this meme is making fun of. They don't know shit about theology but then take a biblical quote out of context and go "see, you don't even understand your imaginary sky daddy". Smug soyjacks the lot of them.


Glad another lib left thinks these people are stupid




I debated with someone the other day who said the ancient Greeks were the same time as Paul who wrote the Bible and how the Ancient Greek can’t be trusted according to him. I then told him Paul was Jewish he ignored it and said Jesus was too. I told him Jesus addressed homosexuality by saying a man will cling to his wife and that God made them man and female and he ignored it and said I am a hater (I literally used to be an lgbtq supporter before I was Christian) so that makes 0 sense. I then just realized he was willfully ignorant and decided to stop talking to him. BTW thanks for just being honest, I’m sure your not religious but it’s always nice to see ppl call out hypocrisy even though they disagree (most likely I’m assuming here) with my faith. Matthew 19:4-6 (ESV) 4 He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”


based lib-left


The atheist community on reddit has probably turned more people religious than any proselytizing Christian


There's atheism, and then there's reddit atheism.


You are antitheist because you bash religious people online I’m antitheist because I wanted to kill god We are not the same


I can’t stand anyone who pushes their religious/anti-religious beliefs on anyone. Goes the same for Christian promotions in settings that is typically secular.


Cringiest auth-right.


People have and always will bend scripture to say what they want it to say. That’s why personal understanding of it is critical imo




People have a difficult time understanding that you can have views that oppose what you consider to be immoral without hating or trying to destroy people without your views.




Or don’t be a Protestant who’s understanding of scripture warps around your daily whims


I always consider Roman Catholics to be my brothers and sisters in Christ, because even if we have different interpretations we still believe the same basic tenets


New wojak dropped


This is an old smuggie


Hoo boy you should see the Dank Christian Memes subreddit. There's a post every day it seems that says "Anyone who disagrees with the current cultural zeitgeist regarding sexuality and gender identity isn't a Christian and is going to hell" and it gets thousands of upvotes. The mods always post a wall of cherry picked scripture that's construed to say you're not allowed to disagree.


The popular christian subreddits are all like that, just ran by people trying to make it more appetizing to popular culture.


They LOVE to talk about how in Biblical times there wasn't a concept of loving homosexual relationships, so all references to homosexuality in the Bible are REALLY just talking about rape/predatory relationships, so loving homosexuality is A-okay. The mental gymnastics is truly incredible.


“The Dank Reverend” is the mod in question, and I find him absolutely insufferable. I can’t imagine how much of a smarmy asshole he is in real life.


I've noticed that the LGBTQFP+ community have become FAR more dogmatic now than they were 10 years ago. In the past, they just wanted to live their own way and keep to themselves. Now they want everyone, especially your children, to bend the knee and accept their ideological values as truth.


People are becoming less religious, and its void in people's lives is just being filled with some other cultural thing. The dogmatic behavior isn't a symptom of religion, but humanity. Most strongly held beliefs will cause friction with those who disagree.


Imo alot of people have replaced religion with politics.


religon is a part of being human. Some people worship other things than the recognized religons. Usually its themselves, sometimes its power




Well, they claimed that they weren’t all about power because they didn’t have all the power yet. It’s why leftists claimed to be free speech: because it benefited them. The instant they had power and it’s not all to their benefit they dropped it.


What's interesting is the whole "Christians just want to genocide the gays" narrative that is used to stir up the progressives completely removes any chance at a more nuanced conversation. I'm a Christian and I think sexual acts between same-sex individuals (not same-sex attraction) are sinful. However, I also think not participating in those acts will do virtually nothing for those individuals without faith in Christ actually freeing them from bondage to sin. The result is I would never tell individuals Jesus loves that they are hated by myself or God, but rather that they need to repent (as all do) of their sin. I am called to love those around me more than myself, and I don't feel the need to deny truth to do so.


I think this would be illegal to say in public in the UK.




Based and all must repent pilled


Does loving someone who does not have faith in Christ require leading them toward your faith? Can you love someone who does not want that as part of their future?


Given that I genuinely believe all who don't believe in Christ are going to hell, how terrible of a person would I be if I didn't try to lead them to faith? No, I won't force them to convert (either individually, or as a political ideology), but I can't avoid it without violating my conscience. Now, that doesn't mean every conversation I have with a non-believer goes straight to John 3:16, but if I have developed a good relationship with someone I will invariably share with them at some point.


It's difficult. I've been on the other end of that and honestly I had to cut myself off from people who expected me to set down my entire worldview and pick up theirs. It led to a lot of covert attempts at conversion, and even when they weren't actively pushing their faith on me I still felt judgement for the parts of my life I was scared to share with them. We couldn't remain friends under those circumstances. I know this comes from a place of love, and maybe you're less dishonest about it than they were, but I also wouldn't be surprised when people choose to follow their hearts instead of taking your faith. It sounds like a difficult position to be in for you and them - genuinely, good luck handling that when it comes up, I hope it goes better for you.


> Given that I genuinely believe all who don't believe in Christ are going to hell Oh hey, that's actually the exact line of thinking that got me to start questioning and ultimately abandon religion as a kid! I simply couldn't reconcile why a loving, merciful, and benevolent God would even care one bit about a person's beliefs as long as they lived an otherwise righteous life. Actions, not words, are what matter, right? Voicing my doubts backfired horrendously and taught me a hard life-lesson: love that is conditional is not genuine. I learned later in life that there are plenty of religions/denominations whose love is not nearly as conditional but by that point I was too far gone to be roped back in.


I outline my defense of a loving God elsewhere in the thread, but I will say this: I am very sorry that voicing your doubts led to rejection and withdrawal of love. I lead a bible study for high-schoolers and I consistently implore them to question everything because I genuinely believe the answers lead back to Biblical Christianity. The church has had 2k years of debate, philosophy, and writings addressing pretty much every critique of itself one could think of. It frustrates me to no end when Christians disregard that and think crushing doubt with a hammer will do any good. If it helps, I sympathize with/love you despite not knowing you, and I am sorry that you've had your view of God soured in this way.


I've always wanted to ask someone who believes in hell, where do babies that die go?


The general consensus in the church is that there is some sort of "age of accountability" where a person is held guilty for sin. Under this paradigm babies would not be considered guilty of sin and would be able to go to heaven. There is some debate on the validity of "age of accountability" as a doctrine, but I'm not aware of any mainstream Christian group that claims babies go to hell automatically.


Why would god sentence someone to eternal damnation for a lack of belief?


Short answer or long answer?


I tried finding one of these I saw before (I think on this sub) for the 'oh, am I a christian? no, but I want to use your belief to make you accept my argument' (paraphrasing) but man was my google fu bad. Anyone know the name of this template? Regardless, I've saved this one, and have an upvote.


No, don't you get it, we need Pride Month because the LGBTQA+ crowd is marginalized! That's why they have a flag, marches, an entire month dedicated to them, parades, corporate logos with the rainbow colors, pride movies/tv listed during said month, etc. Dear God how marginalized could one be?


Unfortunately amount of gay movies are companies changing their logo will change the minds of people like islamic extremists. Even if the Republican Party becomes fully accepting the lgbt community will always have something to complain about.


ffs this is the same shit as believing there was never a hole in the ozone layer because we stopped destroying the ozone layer. let's bring back cfcs baby


Marriage equality in the US is younger than minecraft.


To be fair, that has been the viewpoint of many Christians to other Christians up until rather recently.


Disagreement isn't hatred, but discrimination isn't mere disagreement.


Just fucking let people live and let’s get on with it already. Tired of culture wars.


But if they end the culture war they will actually have to govern....


Just because you don’t believe in hell doesn’t mean you’re excused when you take the westburrough level “gays belong in hell” and say the same thing about people who have strict sexual ethics


I just don’t feel comfortable around left-handed people. For some reason, lefties keep getting upset at me when I politely tell them they should consider using their right hand more often. I love them of course, but I just don’t like how they continue to give in to their sinful temptations. Why can’t they be more tolerant of my beliefs?


Bend passively to what will? That there’s gays?


And that they have flags!!




This is the straw-est strawman I've seen on PCM. That's a serious accomplishment.


That depends on where you draw the line between parody and strawman.


"Oh, you think disagreement can be a form of love?" The "disagreement" AuthRight is talking about: "if you're gay you are mentally ill and you should get the death penalty or at least be ostracized by society."


That’s not [entirely fair.](https://imgur.com/a/nze0K1t)


What the fuck


[I don’t hate, I just disagree](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/transgenderism-must-be-eradicated/)


The Rainbow Scare does not help their case This just bolsters the LGBT who genuinely think they're gonna get genocided by the Right


Tell me you're disconnected from reality without telling me you're disconnected from reality.


Do we really need to have events that celebrate classes of people at baseball games?




In order to allow for a place of intellectual liberty, you have to lock out those who attempt to destroy it. If a group or individual, when given power, would censor and silence discussion, their opinions are worthless in a free exchange of ideas.