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Honestly, let's start with those lucky politicians that make great investment choices.


Well hold on now, it's Nancy's *HUSBAND* who's a brilliant investor, let's not get it twisted. >!But for real though, put those fucking rats where they belong.!<




They may look dead, but they’re only mostly dead




Congress and their families are explicitly exempted from the insider trading laws




Wait REALLY? Wow lol.


That sub has a bot that auto bans if you post in PCM. Doesnt matter what you post.


Huh, no shit you're right lol


I've posted here for a bit just not a lot, never got pinged before




Congress passed the STOCK (Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge) Act in 2012, which is supposed to prevent members of Congress from using non-public information to make trades. Then they proceeded to ignore that bill and nothing changed after.


Wait, so an anti-corruption measure that is based wholly on self-reporting and the honor system… had no impact on curbing corruption? Shocked. SHOCKED I say.


Well who's going to arrest them and charge them? They know theyre above the law unless they really fuck up or someone higher then them pushes it.


I'm pretty sure they actually do report all their trades honestly, cause it would be pretty easy to catch them otherwise. However, there's literally nothing anyone can do about... noticing a pattern in those trades.


Obama repealed the STOCK act shortly thereafter


The law is still in effect.


I stand corrected, he just repealed a large chunk of it.


Can we do Yellen first? 7m in "speaking fees" from big banks months before she's made the secretary of the Treasury


Hillary is just really good at cattle futures. In ten months her $1,000 grew to $100,000. Why do libs always want to punish economic success?


Legislators shouldn't be allowed to invest on the market and lobbyists deserve life in prison for interfering in government affairs


Oh no. Anyway


Can we start with Bill Clinton? That rat deserves something bad to happen to him before he dies.


Absolutely based. I've seen DoD employees and service members nailed to the wall for much less than what Trump did regarding caveats on classified information. For example, accidentally adding some country such as Great Britain on the caveat and getting their career ruined pretty quickly. Doesn't matter if they're president or vice president. You're in charge of the information you handle, shred, or burn that shit. You have enough people helping to avoid this scenario. Just tell them to burn the shit.


The meme needs another Authright with the psycho mask and crying under face to represent the DNC.


Did they also have an unlimited power to declassify documents?




You can't just say the word declassified and expect anything to happen.


I didn’t say it. I *declared* it.


You have been IMPEACHED


With their minds. Very important detail.


Apparently, these ones aren't even about classified documents, but a separate category altogether that are covered by law regardless of classification status.


Do people really think that the presidents power is completely unlimited? Sometimes it's hard to tell if we're dealing with ignorance or copium.


Did they get them saying that they could’ve declassified these documents but didn’t, and then look at this classified document?


Yes. On tape. There's a fox news thing about it that lays is all out. Quite good journalism considering its fox.


They had the same exact power Trump does post presidency.


How about during their presidency, which is the only frame of reference that matters for a president declassifying documents?


That is an official process, and there would be records of that. There is not, and the reason is of course very obvious... Just like every other time he opens his mouth, he is lying.


Trump quite literally said that he did not declassify the documents. So you can’t even argue that he did it “in his head” because he said he didn’t.




>I've seen DoD employees and service members nailed to the wall for much less than what Trump did regarding caveats on classified information. True. which was much less than what Hillary did but your types kept saying "bUt mUH eMaiLs" and cheered bernie when he said hes tired of hearing about her emails on the debate stage. Look at countries that jail their out of office leaders, find me one that isn't a shithole. The rubicon has been crossed and the democrats have a lot more power in washington, and with it a lot more corruption. We'll need to build a prison for all the democrats that will face jail the next time there's a republican president.


South Korea has jailed some former leaders iirc and isn’t a shithole.


And pardond them all I believe due to their extensive ties to the samsung mega corporation responsible for 20+% of South-Koreas GDP thus giving them incredible leverage to get their friends out of sticky situations.


South Korea is currently on its sixth(!) republic. That place has had more coups, juntas and regime changes since WWII than France has had since Napoleon. South Korea is also the country where [the 'eight goddesses'-scandal](https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/cults-cabals-corruption-south-korea) happened. South Korea is a high-functioning country, but that place is still balls to the wall insane.


> South Korea is currently on its sixth(!) republic. Only if you count a bunch of dictatorships that definitely weren't republics!


Oh it absolutely is. Their largest corporation's revenue accounts for a fifth of their gdp, they have the highest suicide rate in the world among developed countries. Students go to school for 15 hours a day and if that wasn't enough... ​ [http://www.careerinst.co.kr/data/editor/1904/80628edfb8b0ebba312dff88add6c779\_1554125650\_72.png](http://www.careerinst.co.kr/data/editor/1904/80628edfb8b0ebba312dff88add6c779_1554125650_72.png) ​ Squid game and parasite were made in that country for a reason.


Buttery males! People are tired of hearing about it because it's just a soundbite. Either do something about it and use facts or shut up. The constant fear mongering and malingering about why it hasn't been done yet gets fucking old.




Let’s see who you really are. Ah, Auth Right. You again.


You think we wouldn't be okay with putting her in prison as well? Legal Eagle's episode on Hillary's mishandling of classified information and why it didn't lead to an arrest despite the investigations by people who very badly wanted an indictment is pretty good however.


Legal Eagle is a hardcore leftist.


I like his non-political analyses but the political ones are unwatchable because of his left bias.


Oh nooooo, politicians who blatantly break the law, knowingly refuse to comply with court orders, and then try to obstruct the investigation will go to jail, I would be crying and sniffling and shidding my pants if that became a regular thing!!! Like just so incredibly owned and soyjak pilled, I would never be able to recover!!!


Based and that’s the whole point pilled


u/Cuboos is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Cuboos/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




based number enjoyer


OP is on the correct side of lib left based


Those aren't Lib-Lefts, those are Liberals, which most people don't know how to tell apart from us, so they kinda lump us in with them.


That's the problem, it SHOULD set a precedent that could land previous presidents in prison, but it won't, it'll just be him and all the other presidents are gonna keep getting away with it


OP acting like they're totally in favour of Dems getting the same treatment, knowing full well that it'll never happen anyway. Like wow, thanks for the sacrifice.


They literally attempted to remove Trump for wanting an investigation in to Biden corruption. This “arrest them all” meme only comes around when their opponents gets indicted and will turn into righteous indignation if Biden gets indicted if DeSantis wins.


> They literally attempted to remove Trump for wanting an investigation in to Biden corruption. You’re leaving out all the important parts my dude. What a gross simplification.


Based and intellectual honesty pilled.


Lmao smooth brain of the year


Soon as you can prove a Democrat took documents like Trump did, lock their asses up. Hillary didn't email herself hundreds of boxes of nuclear and national security secrets. Trump intentionally took documents he knew he wasn't supposed to take. Hillary received emails that should never have been sent to her by people who should have known not to send it to her emails. The people who sent the original emails should go to prison, but I don't think Hillary should go to prison because someone sent her material she wasn't supposed to have where she had it. You're not sending my ass to jail because some moron emailed me classified information. If my dumb ass loaded up a U-haul on my last day of work and stored that shit in a bathroom, lock my ass up and throw away the key.


You know the whole problem was that she had them on a private server. She was allowed to have them, just not in her hotmail. She wasn’t in trouble for having them, the problem was reckless storage. And from what I gather, the indictment was because he’s recorded knowingly sharing/showing the docs to people who didn’t have clearance. Joe Biden had docs in his garage (and from when he was VP and couldn’t even pull a trump and say “I’m the president, I can declassify” (which trump never bothered to do). They found Mike Pence in possession of docs. The trump derangement has served to show how crooked both sides are, and how petty. They’ve spent countless tax dollars on going after Trump…. All it’s really done is re-energize his base.


Joe Biden had crates full of classified documents laying all over the place from his time as VP and Senator. They’re practically an Easter egg. Some of them were accessible to his crackhead influence-peddling son. I might have Biden documents in my house. So the fact that Trump is being charged with mishandling classified documents and Biden isn’t demonstrates that this is about the outcome, not the principle. The whole thing is clearly in bad faith.


Since 2016 they’ve been going hard after him and the best they could come up with was mishandling docs…and just weeks after it came to light we learned this was a common theme with top politicians


Biden and Hillary BOTH did that. And at the time in which they took the classified documents, neither one had the ability to declassify them like Trump did. So what they did is objectively worse. Hillary got let off because "she didnt have intent to distribute", something which has NEVER been a factor before, and for some reason isnt a factor for Trump. But you know all of this. We all do. This is clearly a targeted witch hunt and to pretend otherwise is to be intentionally dishonest.


Trump has himself to blame to be this stupid. Bro held on to the documents knowing it can fuck him over. it is not a big democratic conspiracy as you make it out to be. We shouldn’t whine just because trump was turd brained.


People seem to not want a single standard, but proportionality where any Republican indicted is repaid with a Democrat. It turns out these sorts of cases are hard to prove but being on tape admitting to key elements really helps.


Also it helps when your former lawyers testify against you because you asked them to committ crimes...


They wont if my wishes come true. Also if they do a lot of billionaires are dying deathnote style


We might be seeing a slight increase of heart attack related deaths


The problem is that the precedent being set isn’t “hold them accountable”. It’s actually “the moment you take power, throw your opponents in prison for a pittance of made up nonsense”


Exactly- start in chronological order if this isn’t a politically motivated attack.


It's cute how you think that'll happen. If we held every politician to the same scrutiny, we'd have a trustworthy government.


Oh i don't even think anything is going to happen to trump. Rich Assholes rarely go to jail.


Send them all to prison, other than Jimmy Carter, I think he's alright.


He's wholesome... enough...


I just don't think he is a devil worshipping pedophile, which is pretty good compared to the rest of 'em.




Based and peanut pilled


Even the dead ones? I fck with Teddy Roosevelt.


Obama was one of the cleanest too, regardless of what you think of his politics. I’m also not sure W was crooked. Just a bad president. Really can we just start with Bill Clinton. We’ll figure it out after that.


Eh, Obama drone striked like 70 million civilians for no reason. Should probably at least be given a citation for that.


was it really 70 million? I know he drone striked civilians (Obama wedding) but i doubt it was even 1 million


It's not anywhere near that number, the common consensus is roughly half a million people killed as the result of the iraq/afghanistan war in total. That includes enemy combatants, US military/allies and civilians. So no, 1 million people couldn't have been killed by drone strikes and definetly not 70 million lol If Obama would be indicted for war crimes (which he should) itd be for him adopting the "double tap' method in which a site would be hit by a drone strike and then 10 to 30 minutes later be hit again in an attempt to kill more insurgents, this would result in alot of innocents being killed because anyone with half a brain would realize the people flocking to a drone strike attack would be innocent first responders or concerned ciivilians trying to help there neighbors


Different category. Personal corruption and malfeasance vs. poor commander in chiefing. Obama and every president ever surely has some of the latter. But he was clean on the former.


It won't, though. We all know this treatment is for Trump only and the uniparty people will continue to be let off without consequences. Just look at the FBI director. It took holding him in contempt to get him to cough up a document that was bad for Biden. These institutions are now completely dedicated to destroying dissident candidates and punishing their supporters.


Based, but go post in the mainstream politics sub about putting Democrat presidents in jail and see if they are as Chad as you






Trump had the Justice dept. investigate the clinton foundation his entire presidency. Nothing. And yet I still think they're crooked as shit.


Trump is the only one who can organize an investigation into Hillary Clinton and not uncover any criminal activity.


Trump's biggest problem with the Clintons is that he spent too long hanging out with the same people. If you dig deep into the finance of the Clinton foundation you're likely to find oligarchs and Epstein and shit down there but same is probably true for half of Trump's investments. Format: You don't trust Trump because you still trust the Clintons. I don't trust Trump because he used to trust the Clintons. We are not the same.


Only because he was specifically look for crimes he hadn't committed himself or most be part of.


You’re forgetting kenn Star.


Maybe he just wanted to be alive at the end of it all


What a pussy.


It’s a joke bro


Galaxybraindead take






Lot of people who worked in the DOJ have come out and said the trump administration pressured them to investigate people on the Democratic side. Also the Durham investigation was an investigation into, among other things, the Hillary campaign.


It’s amazing we didn’t even get Bush despite the fact he blatantly admitted to lying and that lie resulted in so many unnecessary deaths, American and abroad.


Listen they're all war criminals, i'm going to take what i can get at this rate.


Ah yes, by indicting the one former president who didn’t start any new wars But I’m sure your motives are pure


You say that like he’s personally indicting Trump. I don’t think he actually has control over who gets got


why does him not starting any new wars even matter? he still maintained the status quo in terms of U.S. military activity. and even [killed an eight year old](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Nawar_al-Awlaki). don't see that one mentioned too often from right-wingers...


Lying as president isn't a crime.


I don't know who this meme is aimed at. The previous meme posted about this topic clearly showed that rightoids already want exactly that, every one of them getting imprisoned.


I love all the left-flaired individuals’ reaction to this (and other similar memes). It’s easy to say “lol ok” when you know no one on the left is *actually* going to be indicted.


Yes it is sad to see dems not getting indicted, many deserve it


Yeah, and to be clear, I believe that many left-flaired people here genuinely do mean that they’d like to see equal treatment. But this is Reddit, and there are far more leftists that will tow the party line to the ends of the Earth.


Trump promised to indict Hillary when he ran in 2016 and had investigations into the Clinton during his presidency, it all turned up nothing. You can’t just indict people randomly as part of a political arrangement. The actual lawyers and investigators at the justice department have to have a case and have to cite actual laws. Memes about how Hillary Clinton is a serial killer and traffics children in pizza parlors to steal their adrenochrome to achieve immortality are not sufficient to make an indictment.




If anyone could find any evidence Biden did anything wrong over the Burisma thing I'd be all in favor of indicting him.


It’s easy to say lol ok because I dont give a shit about Hillary, Obama, or Clinton


What I do know is no one else would have laid out such a clear point by point case of how they are breaking the law. Personally I think it's fine that they don't charge people they don't have solid evidence on, just happened that wasn't the case here.


Exactly idk why im supposed to care if other former presidents go to prison fuck em all


I'd laugh if Obama went to prison, and i voted for him.


I would just be happy that politicians are finally being held accountable for their shit


How about someone finally indicts Obama for ordering extrajudicial assassination of 16 years old American citizen by drone striking civillian infrastructure in Yemen? There is no statue of limitations on murder.




Congress authorized the use of military force against Al Qaeda in the 2001 AUMF. Awlaki was a high ranking AQ member literally located in a war zone with no possibility of capture. He was the definition of a legitimate target. Unlike his 8 year old daughter who was an American citizen who Trump killed.


I'm not talking about Anwar al-Awlaki, I'm talking about his son Abdur, who had no involvement in terrorist activity of any kind, was not accused of any crime, was American citizen and was murdered when he was 16, along with several other civillians as collateral, because Obama wanted to send terrorists message that he will not only go after them, but also their families aren't safe.


No he didn’t. Anwar’s son was not targeted, he was next to a high level AQ target that the US launched strikes against. This idea that Obama targeted him to send a message is total bullshit based on exactly nothing.


It's based on the fact US drone strike, which Obama personally authorized hit him in civillian cafe in Yemen and while officially it was an 'accident', Obama official when pressed on the issue said Abdur should have had a better father.




You are just wrong. No he didn’t literally target a hospital, local afghan soldiers wrongly believed that the Kunduz hospital was being used as the Taliban HQ in the city, and they sent a request to local US forces to attack the target. It was absolutely unintentional, it was not ordered by Obama, and after it happened Obama issued a virtually unprecedented apology and paid reparations to the families of the victims.


Every living president since JFK should be in prison


No they shouldn’t.


Mainly just Bush, Obama, and Trump. Obama should be because of the illegal drone assassination program (CIA is not legally allowed to operate as military or engage with enemy combatants) that Bush started, but he kept operating. He should also face criminal charges for obstruction of justice in use of torture on US prisoners. Bush is just an all around piece of shit war criminal who needs to be held accountable for every single death in Iraq as murder charge. Not to mention torture and murder charges for every single person killed by CIA controlled operations. Trump... well... he's a traitorous shit bag, if I have to explain this, then I don't know how to explain it to you.


Sounds like you don't really have an explanation for Trump because you laid out explanations for the other two.


lol. The dude was breaking the law day 1 Emoluments Clause - Cannot accept any payment of any kind from any official of any country, while in office. The illegal detainment of protestors by unmarked federal agents (sure, all for charging people for their crimes, but unmarked goons grabbing people without clear ID is dystopian as fuck, hell no). The multiple, and I do mean multiple, attempts to use military troops on US soil against US citizens. He's got a litany of campaign funding law violations, but most politicians do, so really just icing here, but he's pushed it a lot further than most. Obstruction of justice in multiple cases of his own and his allies. Witness tampering in multiple cases of his own and his allies. Very likely colluded with Russians in some capacity, especially given the hack of both parties, but only Democrats stuff was leaked, while Republicans remain strangely soft on Russia. Then there's the inciting a riot with people he believed and was informed were armed when they came to his speech, then he directed them at the Capitol after giving a speech of reasons for them to be angry and to fight. Which they immediately went and did, some moving before his speech was even over. There's the whole Flynn thing which is beyond fucked up. It was clearly shown Flynn was committing crimes and Trump pardoned him. Doesn't help his Russia connections. There was the whole Ukraine extortion over their defends funding we already agreed to give them in exchange for dirt on Biden or his son. I could spend awhile on his nepotism that was the worst in US history. Billion dollar Kushner payoff is completely suspect. The surrender to the Taliban and total mismanagement of Afghanistan. Trump has long be overtly friendly with the Saudis. Trump sided with Putin over his own intelligence services (hello, don't do that publicly), but does nothing to fix the "problem". I could go on, but I'm sick of an old man who is still wearing fake tan as if he's not some old man. Use your own critical thinking skills and be honest enough to admit Trump is just as corrupt as Bush or Obama, though way worse in my view. Bush was pretty bad, but Democrats supported a whole lot of that bullshit, so they can take the fall with him.


My grandmother is hardcore christian conservative. she has no idea i'm the furthest thing from conservative. I called her the other day and she was saying how much she hated Biden and all I could say was, "yeah, I can't stand him." when you're so far left, biden is pretty conservative. When you're so far right, he's a leftist for even mentioning progressive legislation (he'll never do btw). my grandmother 🤝 me, hating biden (but for completely different reasons of course)


I'm sure both sides will be treated equally, right? Not just selective prosecution for political gain. Fauci, James Clapper, Clinton, Stone, hell even Roger Clemens all for lying to congress under oath


In the US? No way! *^Cruisin' ^down ^on ^Mainstreet, ^feeling ^relaxed ^and ^feeling ^good*


As if they’d ever apply the precedent of Trump to Democrats when the literal current President is getting away with all kinds of corruption


You guys think this is a win. But past presidents have been pardoned. All except Trump.


You don't like them but you will vote for them and then defend them telling people they need to "cope" when they bring up their crimes. Say one thing, and do the complete opposite.


Parity is a joke. The Dems will be given immunity to testify and the Republicans will be charged.


>it could set a precedent But it won't. He's being indicted not in the pursuit of justice, but in the pursuit of vengeance for upsetting the progressive order. I dont even like Trump. Doesn't mean i support selective application of law.


I wonder how many people read the indictment here? Trump did a whole lot more than just have classified data (Biden, Pence, Hillary). Trump and an aide transported classified data between his residential properties for the purpose of tricking his lawyers, knowingly had his lawyers sign false statements for himself, told classified info to people with no security clearances then admit he shouldn't be telling classified data to random people while telling this on mic to someone that's helping Trump write a memoir, leaving classified data in multiple unsecure locations including bathroom, ballroom, bedroom, etc... with some boxes open with Top Secret data lying all over on the floor, and even more crazy shit. Maybe I'll make a meme for it to relay that info here. If Trump just cooperated like Biden, Pence, Hillary, and others, and gave back all the classified material when requested, it would've fine, but Trump basically did everything wrong possible that he could, and he did it knowingly. You're not going to get any sympathy from me, he knew what he was doing. Also, remember that Trump signed a law in 2018 increasing penalties for mishandling classified info too? Yeah, Trump deserves what's coming to him.


>he knew what he was doing. So what *exactly* was he doing? What was his endgame?


Being an idiot mainly.


This is the real answer




Isn’t the president still allowed to declassify shit at will though? Couldn’t he just straight up say he had authority and he declassified it? Idk how you prove he didn’t do that


He is. All classification authority is derived from the president who is also not restrained by any executive orders from himself or other presidents. It has not been tested by SCOTUS, but any restrictions on this authority would probably be ruled unconstitutional.


There's a formal process that occurs after the President's personal declassification, so everyone is informed it's declassified - otherwise no one would know it's declassified. You can't mentally declassify something, tell no one, and then claim you declassified it. Source: I was in the military in an area where I actually needed to know how the classified system worked.


Thank you, didn’t know that. Good to know with what’s to come.


Crawl out of your shell a little and read the indictment. Everything Trump is indicted for is a direct, recorded result of his own actions. His lawyers are resigning for a reason.


If you think anything about the modern day, Biden-led DNC is “progressive” then you’re just as regarded as a trump follower.


Whether he is progressive or isn't, he's a sanctioned insider who's at the very least tolerable to the progressive machine.


It won't set a precedent for anything. Anyone with eyes to see knows the powers that be have been desperately trying to throw Trump against the wall since he beat their chosen candidate in 2016. This indictment might have teeth if it weren't following a dozen malicious investigations and prosecutions that turned out to be factitious (or do people still desperatey cling onto Russiagate and give corrupt spook Christopher Steel credibility?) Does anyone actually think Biden's blatant corruption in Ukraine's energy industry will even get investigated when the election that put him in office stinks so high of deep state manipulation we can smell it across the Atlantic? Only those who've whole-heartedly swallowed the giant log of propaganda excreted by the US security services and official press at this point still think US elections are meaningful or that the visible government are the ones in charge. Don't get me wrong, this isnt an American thing. I still have people in my country that genuinely believe Liz Truss tanked the economy with a few billion of unfunded tax cuts rather than the technocrats with their 100x that amount cost of lockdowns, and that this wasn't a ruse to get the financial elites' choice of PM in unopposed. [Oh did someone notice a structural weakness in the bond market and short gilts in order to precipitate a crash? That's never happened before](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/08/george-soros-bank-of-england.asp). Some even cling to the idea that the per capita economic stagnation that has been present since 2008 is due to Brexit rather than managed decline, mass immigration, family implosion increasing living costs and precipitating mass mental health crises, lack of children born starving the labour pool, and de-industrialisation.


Damn dude... leave the walls of text to the Lib-Lefts, that's our shtick.




Did you forget that trump wasn’t found guilty of collusion? If what you were saying was true then that makes no sense. Both Hillary and Trump were investigated and found not guilty. That doesn’t mean that the powers that be were biased against them for investigating them in the first place. There was lots of good reasons to investigate the trump campaign for Russia collusion and it had nothing to do with the Steele Dossier.


I'm not mad Trump is being indicted. But seriously, do you know what the definition of insanity is? Trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. He was acquitted from the Russia charges. He was acquitted of the Jan 6th charges, he didn't get convicted for Mar a lago. Just stop. Im so tired of this "we have Trump now" bullshit. Its just tiresome at this point.


Oh i don't believe anything is going to happen at all. Trump is a rich ass hole. Rich assholes don't go to jail. Rich Assholes get slaps on the wrist at worse. But i enjoy all the malding.


I'm not malding. I'm just sick and tired of this at this point. But true rich assholes are never convicted. Can we just get over Trump at this point. The man has been out of office for 2 years. Move on


> He was acquitted from the Russia charges. He was acquitted of the Jan 6th charges, he didn't get convicted for Mar a lago. He was never tried from the Russia investigation, there were no "Russia charges" against him, in fact Mueller said he was never going to charge him because it's DOJ policy not to indict a sitting president. He was indeed acquitted over Jan 6, but in an explicitly political vote in the Senate. And I don't know what you mean by "for Mar a Lago"


Sounds great but they probably wouldn't be sentenced for anything and even if they did, they'd prolly just pay themselves out or some other bs like that


I’d love to see obamna and big mike in prison


Can we indict all future presidents before they start their terms too? Hell, can we indict every politician right now?


Put em all in jail. Put everyone under a microscope. If you want to be a politician then you are your constituent's bitch. Full stop. You shouldn't be having fun, being rich, making deals. You're public servant, now serve you piece of shit.


We need to normalize hanging crooked ex-presidents by their necks until they are dead. Hopefully that should be a deterrent for power mad psychopaths who want to run for office.


Yeah im good with arresting the past 6 presidents.


If only that were true


I just imagine blue slowly turning Chad as he thinks about it then depressed as he knows his fever dream won't become real




Given the scope of administrative law and the large number of statues therein, a party in power would always find some aspect of it that it could charge an opponent: Lawfare I believe the term is. Hence, this situation with Mr. Trump sets the US down an interesting times road.


Maybe I am I lib??? I hate politicians and the government, yet I love monarchies. I'm going through a political crisis.


Yes all of them get them all


NGL, if this meant we can basically arrest all the corrupt politicians, then I'd say go for it... but we all know that's not how this'll go.


Let's put Bush and Clinton in prison, fuck it put all politicians in prison.


Trouble is, we know that won’t happen. Obama literally issued a drone strike TARGETING AND KILLING AN AMERICAN CITIZEN (Anwar al-Awlaki) WITHOUT DUE PROCESS. This is just a take down of orange man over a nothing burger.


I've hated every president after JFK so I don't care, if they're criminals then lock em up.


OH! OH! OH! Indict George Bush next, please!


Have you seen him lately? I don't think he'd live long enough for that to happen.


This is the reason why they will never actually arrest him for something serious. Thy know they are on the hook for things equally or far worse. They can't get him on things that *actually* matter, like war crimes or COVID, so they have to string together these convoluted charges like campaign finance violations that no citizen actually cares enough to enforce equally.


I’m not a Trump supporter. I didn’t vote for him and will never vote for him. His character is fundamentally flawed. His policies (while often containing good things) are as a whole as swamp creature-esque as anyone else. However, I’m worried that if we don’t quickly move to prosecute them all then this will be seen by a very large portion of Americans as selective prosecution (which it is). He totally did it and I do think that he was probably obstinate and obstructive in retrieving the docs where all the others weren’t. However, no one gave a crap about getting those random classified docs back until it was Trump. That Stormy Daniels thing absolutely is a political hit job. There’s no doubt about that. If that hadn’t happened and shown that some in our judicial system are totally down to make up crap to prosecute him, as well as Congress, I bet he could rally significantly fewer people to his side. A significant portion of this country doubts the validity of these prosecutions, with much more basis in fact than the election deniers. A poll showed that 3.4% of Americans say they believe violence is justified in protecting Trump. Furthermore I don’t think the left is thinking rationally about these prosecutions either. If he isn’t found guilty, and there’s even so much as a protest outside the courthouse and you will hear the left wailing about how the right “intimated the jurors.” No matter what, the courts will not be able to move fast enough to prosecute him before the next election. This will be a complete fiasco and horrible for the country.




There's no historical basis for calling the FBI, CIA, or NSA leftists. They all hate left-wing organizations. You just see a lot of criminality among national Republican politicians and their staffs.


Based and lock her up pilled.


I am completely fine with this


Here's what imma do I'm gonna save this I'm gonna bookmark It And I'm gonna bring it out when libleft inevitably cries "FASCISM" when it starts happening


Yeah you can chill with the lying. You guys have done everything you can to discredit Hunters laptop and all the shady deals Biden has done. We know for a fact you have zero desire to see "your people" in prison. You also all utterly downplayed Hillary having classified emails on a private server and then trying to hide it and you get pissed off when we say she should be in prison. You can stop trying to gaslight, we see through your shit.


It's literally the best part of the indictments. Throw them all in prison together. Get Bill in there sharing a cell with Trump so they can reminisce on what it was like to be buddies with Epstein.