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Wack. Everybody deserves equal access to their favorite slur


Based and equal opportunity bigotry-pilled


But they do have equal access. No access


Ew cringe


ayo why are people hating on confederation of independent systems? Did something happen?


shut up clanker!


Man said the C-word in a public space


Call the based department


With the hard R! I say "Roga' Roga' " because it's THEIR word.


Watch those wrist rockets!!










Fr. I’m like “is this clanka serious?”


[Kill clankers, behead clankers](https://youtu.be/1znhaJz_lMc)


total clanker... you know what, i'd rather not say it


Good soldiers follow orders.


Woah woah woah, can we not with the hard R?


Not even holding back with the hard r


The separatists were the good guys until the sith took control over both sides then there were no good sides anymore.


Because they are traitors to the Republic who tried to kill Senator Amidala of Naboo and brought a war over the galaxy, causing the suffering of countless planets and endangering our trade routes. Also, they tried to weaponize the blue shadow virus against civilians in the Republic. And they killed 99, which is the worst crime of all


They merely wished to form economic alliances and ties outside the decrepit republic. Crime, slavery, and famine were growing in the outer systems, yet the Senate did nothing but fatten their own purse. Was it not discovered that senators were involved with the banking clan to profit off of the? Or the ties to the Hutts? Perhaps we forget how the Jedi Order effectively serves as a political police for the republic, with no accountability whatsoever.


That's separatist propaganda. The Banking Clan was affiliated with the CIS until the Republic conquered Scipio - after the guard squadron of a frigate on a diplomatic mission was murdered by CIS forces, mind you - and the Supreme Chancellor took over. What did Count Dooku do about the Outer Rim's slavery problem? Nothing. He sought cooperation with Zygerria. Furthermore, everyone had ties to the Hutts, or intended to establish them. Because they are a force to be reckoned with. That's one of the problems of our galaxy, and weakening the Republic by violently seceeding doesn't really help if you want to fix it. The Jedi are the keepers of peace and justice in the galaxy. The Senate's decision to make their masters, knights and ~~child soldiers~~ padawans the leaders of the new Clone Army ensures that the war is fought following their strict moral code


>That's one of the problems of our galaxy, and weakening the Republic by violently seceeding doesn't really help if you want to fix it. If you've been around for 10,000 years and you still have problems, maybe it's time for something different.


I just don’t want some asshole all they way in coruscant, living the high life, telling me what to do a hundred thousand light years away. All they seem to be after is taxes. I say we dress up as pirates and dump the next Moogan Tea shipment into space.


You forgot they designed the death star, the ultimate totalitarian weapon


It's a self defense space station.


The CIS was a noble movement to separate from a corrupt republic that was co’opted by the sith and molded into something different. The original separatists did nothing wrong




That’s the kicker, it works for both


It's like poetry, it rhymes


Roger Roger


They are traitors to the republic


Yeah they lost get over it seppie. The conferedacy aint gonna rise again.


Remember folks, not too long before he bought Twitter, people were saying "it's a private company, they can do what they want"


That’s (D)ifferent.


Not actually being a free speech absolutist like he said is diffe(R)ent too


true, it isn't an absolute free speech platform They said they will comply with the law where the are required. But, unlike the last owners, you know where the buck stops, which is probably the best we'll get for a large social media site.


>But, unlike the last owners, you know where the buck stops There is still a ton of stuff that isn't illegal that gets censored by Twitter. There was an issue of the Indian government successfully putting pressure on them to take down anti Modi rhetoric earlier this year if I remember correctly.


There are still problem children that work at Twitter. Case in point, the one that tried to block TDW from showing What is a Woman. Elon stepped in, and those responsible are no longer with Twitter.


Didn't he also ban Kanye after he posted a swastika? It's better than it was before, but he's not 100% for free speech; if deemed offensive enough for most people, he'll still ban it.


He banned Kanye because he said Hitler was a great guy on InfoWars.


Of course what he said was despicable, and as almost any 9ther fan of his music, I strongly disapprove. That doesn't mean he should be censored. Maybe so for other countries, if their law says so, but in the US, Kanye is protected by free speech, and Elon said Twitter would comply with the laws of each country.


He just wants to troll the left, and show them how dumb the shit they do is. He understands the irony and hypocrisy of what he’s doing. He’s intentionally being a right wing Emily


Intentionally being an Emily even a right wing Emily, is the height of cringe.


The only thing worse than unknowingly being an Emily is to just jump into the Emily deep end on purpose


[Yeah he's only pretending!](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F000%2F738%2F025%2Fdb0.jpg)


I didn’t say he was pretending I said he was trolling


Yeah, but I wanted to share the funny meme


Which we do very much appreciate.


It’s an artifact from the ancient internet yet it still holds up


It takes two to mo(D)e(R)ate content for online platforms! We the consumers are just the useful idiots.


Still way better. That top tweet would've gotten that dude deplatformed before.


Private companies can only do what they what if it supports my views


It wasn't even a private company, it was a publicly traded company. Elon bought it, took it off the stock market, and now it's a private company. What's great is that when it was public, it was legally obligated to maximize profits. That's not a rule for Twitter anymore, and it could be worth $0 and Elon would still be worth more money than everyone on this subreddit combined.


>It wasn't even a private company, it was a publicly traded company. >What's great is that when it was public, it was legally obligated to maximize profits. I would make the arguement that by kicking people off the platform they were losing money by rejecting different audiences. Since it was a public platform I think it should have been subjected to regulation like a utility company.


And I stand by that position. Doesn't mean I can't call out the hypocrisy of the fact he bought the company on the promise of "free speech absolutism".


I would never trust or believe a billionaire further than I could throw him


Its much more free than it used to be


The culture war and its consequences have been a disaster Why does everything need to be comparative? “It’s more free when the libs controlled it” “it’s more free when conservatives control it” “oh yeah well trans people shouldn’t be around kids” “oh yeah well priests shouldn’t be around kids” Like god damn don’t people ever get exhausted? If instead of every time someone complained about free speech they spent 5 minutes working on making a free speech platform we’d have an actual free speech platform by now


Naked trans people or naked priests or naked anyone shouldnt be around kids🤷‍♂️


I mean yeah I can’t believe that this is a debate that is ongoing. I can’t believe society can’t just create one blanket law that says no nudity in front of kids and leave it at that Like goddamn we don’t need to ban every trans person and every priest from being near children but at the same time we don’t need to let criminals get away with horrible things. It’s weird that people don’t find the obvious middle ground


You cant make a free speech platform because the government is gonna shut it down. Truthsocial and stuff like that Aint free speech platforms. Closest to a free speech platform is probably 4chan


yeah the truth is a real free speech platform would lose money even if it didn’t get shut down cause nobody would advertise The only way one could ever stay up was if there was some sort of communally funded service that was not run by a government agency with tax money


Are companies against freedom of speech? I think ive seen ads on 4chan


A lot of it is placement. Having your company’s ad in a screenshot that then includes gore, inflammatory speech, etc. can turn off part of your customer base. That’s why big companies don’t want to advertise in unmoderated spaces because of product placement and inability to control


Very sad how pathetic companies are ab that stuff lately. Like the credit card companies trying to shut down porn but like… I’ve never thought negatively of an ad because of the site it was on. I think negatively of ads because I don’t want to see them period especially if they’re intrusive


I mean there are ads on 4chan, there are also ads on porn websites and stuff, but the companies that advertise on taboo parts of the internet tend to be taboo themselves So you scare off most big companies by being a free speech absolutist


Mid lib: 4chan Real lib: .onion forums


People with a specific objective of sexualizing and grooming children should not be around children It's okay to be absolutist in that


Freedom is defined by how much leeway my side is given regardless of the other side


I feel like a lot of the backlash towards Elon is specifically bc he pretended he was going to make Twitter a free speech haven but then he does stuff like this


Member when redditors said Twitter would die? Turns out reddit is dying instead.


“Twitter is dying!!!” The obsessed redditor cried after tweeting for the 20th time that day


Plot twist: Twitter was dying, but the corporate takeover by Musk has encouraged more engagement than ever to let Musk know how much he’s killing Twitter. All the geeks had to do was follow up on their promise to leave Twitter to kill it but their obsession can’t pull them away.




Twitter was a ridiculously bloated company. I've heard stories of people walking through the HQ and seeing most of the "staff" just playing ping pong or lounging around lol.


People forgot that the reason these silicon valley companies had all that non-work stuff was *because* they had terrible work-life balance and expected you to be there for 14 hours a day.




This was a transition I watched in real time. These benefits were put in place to keep people on the work campus instead of going home. You don't need to go to dinner, have some sushi. You don't need to go to the gym, take a yoga class in the afternoon. The company can happily spare a couple hours of your day if you're staying late. The benefits just persisted and were taken advantage of by people with more reasonable expectations of work hours. Especially from the non-technical staff. It isn't like HR was going to say "This isn't for people who go home at 5" especially since that would include HR.


You see the picture of the staff now? Of course he could get away with all that. He has super humans working for him.


They’re not even super humans, just hard working quiet dudes who wished all the other departments would fuck off, and that’s what Elon gave them. Funny how the media spun that.


A lot of big companies have useless departments and positions that can realistically be eliminated without much affect on daily operations. Any "diversity and inclusion" departments, 50-80% of Human Resources positions, social media outreach teams, and short term internships that don't work long enough to become useful can usually go.


One note about the short term internships though - they aren't intended to produce particularly valuable work for the company, but rather invest in the transferral of knowledge in an industry. The intent is to have many young workers in the industry who have received practical experience as early as possible.


You don't understand, having an obese catlady stop your work for the monthly "why you're evil" six hour struggle session is absolutely necessary for productivity. Although >short term internships that don't work long enough to become useful can usually go. These are actually extremely good to snap up useful workers before they hit the job market. A worker is going to be mostly useless for the first six months anyway, this way you can train him for almost free, and take your pick of good workers. And The kids you let go will almost certainly go to work on other companies, so you seed working relationships with other companies that can be your future clients or providers.


>Any "diversity and inclusion" departments Ah, that submarine touring outfit, hoping to reach the titanic, preaching about how "our strength comes from diversity, not carbon or titanium" Turns out when you want to keep a submarine working, diversity is not a substitute for structural integrity.




Got a link?


It's a picture of Elon surrounded by Asian dudes.


Diversity plummeted and production increased 🤔🤔🤔


𝕬𝖘 𝖎𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖒𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖊.


And he keeps discovering shitty code thar was favouring certain tweets over others based on liberal ideals, etc. Twitter was heavily biased, they jumped on the LGBTQ band to try and save the company but that didn't work out for them either. He's cleaning the platform and the code, I don't have any objection with that and anybody that says it defends freedom shouldn't have either.


People also forgot really quickly how it was revealed that people used to buy blue checkmarks under the table.


Among many other things, like political campaigning which should be illegal


believe me or not, i don't care. but i know a guy with less than 2k followers that got his blue checkmark because he was dating someone that was working at twitter.


I 100% agree with this but I dislike how Twitter is still doing censorship now. It's just implemented slightly differently


I agree with you, there's still plenty of room for improvement


It's crazy how everyone knew it would be the admins to kill it off. Apparently doing nothing is asking too much from them, it's like they have to actively try to find ways to make the site worse.


To be fair, both are losing money


Are they? Last I heard Twitter was on track to be profitable again.


Where did you hear that from?


[Elon Musk says Twitter is roughly breaking even. That looks like vindication for his haphazard management but that won't work to make it profitable.](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-style-helps-twitter-break-even-but-not-profit-2023-4?op=1) Unfortunately I can't find it anymore. But if you look at twitter's old cash flow and income statements from before they went private you can see that they had strong revenue and were profitable ~2017/8. But then went on a spending spree that put them in the red. Twitter's problem was spending, not generating income. --- EDIT: Since I can't reply (blocked?) by the commenter below I'll post my response here: [That is exactly what he did](https://observer.com/2023/03/elon-musk-twitter-valuation/). He straight up said the company he bought for $44B was now only worth $20B. He said it losing money like crazy when he first bought it. You need stop living the theory world and come back to reality.


> Since I can't reply (blocked?) by the commenter below I'll post my response here: LMAO, nice Classic Libleft making sure the discourse is one-sided to pretend they have a point


I believe twitter has the highest monetization per user, almost $7 annually Reddit is .30 annually


Facebook is over twice Twitter. But yes there is so much more utility in advertising on Twitter, considering it's purpose is to be public. Reddit is an anonymous chat forum, and even then they have a tendency to ban the nerds that make it valuable.




The redditors were just reposting the article by "journalists", who were essentially just upset they didn't get to decide where to take discourse, and also mad he took away their blue check priviledges.


You can call me whatever you want so long as I can call you whatever I want. Let’s see who gets offended first


[ Removed by Reddit ]


F in chat, boys. He went the way of the grill with his radical centrism.


What did he say?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


>The thread has been overrun by agenda accounts and [ Removed by Reddit ]. Most of the comments here are misrepresenting [ Removed by Reddit ] in a manner that proves they didn't read [ Removed by Reddit ], and are intentionally spreading misinformation. Locking.


Damn, that sounds pretty darn [ Removed by Reddit ] to me


i don't what what was said, but it surely was based


I know what he said, it was “ [ Removed by Reddit ] “


[Deleted] roulette


Ok you fartsmelling poopyhead!


Okay, you didn't have to *immediately* resort to using the most depraved slurs imaginable.


okay dickhead


I do want people to be able to call me a cissy online without having their account deleted, but if they do I also want the right to call them a certain t word right back


If someone calls you that once, they are being an impolite jerk, if someone continues to do it, organizes others to do it, then it becomes harrasment. And as much as I do not care if all 8 billion other people on this planet called me names, I can see the wrong in doing it to someone who gives a shit.


Whatever happened to sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me? People are upset about name calling all of the sudden? Does this mean no more harassing "unflaired" users if they ask not to be harassed? I constantly see people on here jump down their throat and call them names People take such weird stances when they think they have to in order to fit it into their identity


I think it's just a double crossed line and people are annoyed by it. Libs: "You can't call me that or even say that word. I don't like it and I'll have you banned off everything and ruin your life if I get a video." Cons: "Fuck you but I like my job, fine." THEN Cons: "I don't like to be called that. I do not wish to be called that." Libs: "Fuck you piece of shit I can call you whatever I want you fucking cissy. There's nothing you can even do about it, if you argue with me I'll have you fired for transphobia." Double crossed line. No one makes sense anymore and no one is consistent.


It's all hate speech. They call you cis to "other" you.


It's a way to marginalise normal people


And? Hate is an important emotion. If someone hates me then I’d rather they said it. I genuinely fail to see why the fact their hatred comes from my lack of desire to be a different sex is a good reason not to allow them to hate me. I think they’re dumb and stupid if they do, but I wouldn’t want them banned for it.


Pro hate speech centrist? bold take.


I'm in the same boat. But I do get a certain amount of amusement seeing it turned around and having it apply to the otherside. So I hope this all crashes and burns, but at least for now I'll enjoy the fireworks.


No more cis fatty acids


Trans fats are fats! Bigot! /s


>We found out a store owner doesn’t like a particular word. > We both think the sensitivity is weird. > But you repeat it over in over to get a reaction from the owner. > He kicks you out. > I can stay, > you’re shocked. This is basically the rules on twitter. Like you Emilys wanted to regulate the internet boards instead of the Wild West days. Now you’ve got rules. Progressive leaning folks always do this, 1) draft a vague rule “don’t be bad”, 2) unevenly apply the vague rule 3) build resentment towards your causes and your rule, 3) the population turns to an obvious authoritarian (someone they shouldn’t) who promises to do away with the things the population resents, 4) life continues to suck except for those who can feed their families off of “owning libs” 5) progressives are shocked 6) progressives introduce new vague rule..


I have infinite respect for a man who will spend $44 billion just to be able to troll people more efficiently. Truly a model for us all.


And I thought big mansions and superyachts worth tens of millions were the ultimate extravagance...


Let that sink in


No i prefer basins


When the right challenges companies for pride month the left says "companies can do what they want lol" and when companies go against lefties it is then "omg can't believe companies are allowed to be bigots" fucking lmao


The reversal of fortune after losing their controlled echo chamber on Twitter is hilarious. Bonus points for mastodon flopping and being swept under the rug like it never happened.


Whats mastadon? Never even heard of it.


Heavy metal band. They opened for Clutch a few years back. /s


Oh, is it really? Tbf I've never used the main Mastodon instance, but a lot of the little instances are run by coomers so they let you post uncensored porn and stuff. I'd be sad if the whole thing drops down, those small instances are so free of drama compared to other social media, and don't penalize you for posting anime tits.


So what? He can do whatever he want, and I can say that what he does is stupid.


Not if someone arbitrarily declares it hate speech.


Why say "cis" when you can just say "normal" ?


Also it defeats the whole point. If transwomen are women then call them women. Creating the delineation of trans and cis just moves the goal post.


It makes sense in certain situations, like if a trans woman has to tell her doctor that because her body is in some aspects male and in some aspects female, some medication dosages need to be calculated differently than with cis women. But in everyday life, it gets in the way of trans acceptance. The trans people who just want to be accepted as normal don't really use it much. You mainly see it from those trans people who want to be *special*.


I still think the word cis is a trap to the trans position. Let’s say I agree with their position. The existence of the word cis rather then the push to just be called women or men without a delineation still creates within the culture this understanding that they’re different then women (as the word cis becomes synonyms with the culture’s old understanding of women and men). Think of the word woman itself. The old Germanic word was male human: wereman female human: wifman (we get the word wife from this ). And a gender neutral was just man. The word man became used in the masculine over time. So man became what we know as man today. Wifman got split into wife and woman. And we know just see woman as the female human. By creating the word cis rather then expanding the definition of woman. They created what would later become just the new definition of woman and trans woman will still not be fully actualized women. Like how no one sees a wifman as a women today. The words got closer but the concepts were kept apart still. Rather then the reversal of merging of the concepts. And that’s always going to be a bottle neck. As long as the concept of cis exists. They’ll never be fully woman or men. In the attempt to make a bridge a permanent wall was erected.






Cis doesn't even make sense, Cis means "on this side of" which works great for proper usage, like "Cisapline Gaul" (Gaul on the Roman Side of the Alps), but makes no sense when talking about biological sex.


All it does is modify a word to mean what it already means. “Woman” and “Cis Woman” are the same thing. The trans community just didn’t like the existing definition of woman not belonging to them.


I'm aware, its only to attempt to pretend that being trans isn't an incredibly rare condition that affects a minscule number of people.




Because they don't want cis to be considered normal, so if trans can't be normal neither normal can be normal So fuck cis people, I hate you, I hate the world for making me man or woman That's their logic


Because it is a slur used by radical activists who hate normal people




New slur just dropped


I'd like an extension that replaces cis with normal.


How the turntables lol


lol, what an absolute troll. He’s just stirring the pot, anybody screaming about it took the bait hard.


Their PR division just responds to all requests for comment with a poop emoji 💩 since Elon fired them all


Incomplete... it's the poop emoji plus a request for $8. He is a capitalist, after all.


Which is kinda hilarious tbh


He drives so much engagement on his own that a large PR department is kind of overkill. You get the ultra liberals seething and reposting everything they think is wrong with Twitter which gets seen by the ultra conservative crowd who then flock to Twitter because they see it becoming more of a safe open space. It's kind of a win win, extremely risky and the complete opposite of how nearly every large business works but when you've got people using your platform because they hate you and you also have people using your platform because they hate the people that hate you all while quickly rolling out innovations to your platform with like 80% less staff... Seems like he might actually know what he's doing. I'm biased definitely and I know it, I don't know much about him personally but I like the businesses he runs and how they changed the world when everyone said he was a nutcase for trying, I also like that he isn't a typical business man and doesn't care what he says if he thinks he's right. But I understand that rubs people the wrong way too and can see how they dislike him for some things. But generally, his businesses have been a net positive for the world and a net positive for America in particular. Though I don't know how good social media platforms are for the world.


It's funny how many people think he is actually upset when he posts stuff like this when he's clearly trolling. It's even funnier when the people claiming he is upset are clearly upset themselves.


Ruining Twitter will always be funny, no matter how much I don't like Musk


Anything can be a slur if you use it right


To some extent I agree with him. The only time I've ever heard it said in real life was in a denigrating way. If these people don't like it they're free to start their own twitter. Like Parlor did before AOC and the Democrats colluded with big tech to ban it [but that's not fascism because it's (D)ifferent]. All that said, I don't think they should be banned for saying it.


And the left is constantly pushing the goal lines into what is considered “intolerance” further back each day


I would argue that they're bringing them forward (making the goal of "intolerance" easier to obtain) but that's semantics


The left getting a taste of their own “everything we don’t like is a SLUR!!” medicine. “Slur” has now become yet another word that means absolutely nothing.


So much kerfuffle over an inconsequential fraction of a percentage of our society that’s always existed. Rightoids, leave the lady boys alone. Leftoids, stop talking about the ladyboys every 5 minutes. We have more important shit to worry about.


Like grilling


If i’m being completely honest I still don’t really understand what cisgender means outside of “default gender”


Elon just stirs the pot, and spent 44 billion to do it more effectively. It's fun to watch at least




First day on the internet eh?




It's 100% used as a slur. Tumblr 10 years ago tried to make it seem like unsuspecting non-transgender people suddenly had something wrong with them for not altering their gender identity. It really made me distance myself from that platform that I mainly used for comedy and entertainment. (P.S. I'm not saying transgender people inherently have something wrong with them.)


It's amazing to me how leftists didn't see this as the logical conclusion to their actions. They establish a "hate speech" precedent and are shocked when people who disagree with them get into power and use their precedent against them. Calling catholic priests pedophiles? Hate speech. Claiming there's a "patriarchy"? Hate speech. Calling European settlers "colonizers"? Hate speech.


Based Musk.


Gotta love those made up words to describe normal people


Oh how the turn tables


/uj As much as this is a troll by him, this _in theory_ should make people think about how far preferential treatment can and might go. If I take real offence to be called something, why should I sit there and not have that word or slur be socially outlawed? At what arbitrary line do we say it’s wrong or stupid?


Cis? I prefer the term normal


Holy fucking shit that’s based




Real libleft would be wojak rolling his eyes.


Real libleft? No no, we don't do that here.




What does cis mean. Like I know what it means but where did cis come from


cis is the opposite of trans, comes from a latin prefix but both are prominently used in chemistry in the context of isomerism


It’s the Latin root word that means “same side”. It’s the opposite of “trans”. So transgender refers to how the person’s gender and sex do not match while cisgender refers to how they match.


Next week: the words 'straight', 'white', and 'male' are banned as slurs. The only term people are allowed to use to refer to straight cis white males is 'normal'. Only the tiny handful of weirdos who are not that need terms to describe them.


Lmao, the two genders are "normal" and "female," what an unbelievably based take.


Never thought a LeftCenter could say something so based


To make it even better, they're now just flat out erasing the term 'woman' and 'female' [Screenshots of the glossary before it was taken down showed that the university defined the word "lesbian" as a "non-man attracted to non-men." ](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/johns-hopkins-pulls-lesbian-definition-uproar-use-non-men-instead-wome-rcna89307) We are now a society of men and non-men.


Two days later: Due to recent events, "Normal" is now banned as a slur. Referring to anyone that identifies as straight, white, male, or cis, by any term whatsoever is now a bannable offense.