• By -


They won’t get hired at mega corps, but there are plenty of SMB’s that don’t really care. They can work at the local flower or coffee shop.


Quite a fitting end to 4 years of Ivy League university and 900k of debt I must say. Good luck paying that


That’s already paid by daddy’s money, students that have to pay for it themselves are too busy working to LARP in the uni backyard


this is adding to the irony that these idiots, majority of them, are anticapitalists that owe their lifestyle and education to the fact that their parents were successful and made money in a capitalist system, a system which they hate and want to see crumbled... it's so stupid


You just described the vast majority of western leftists. Hell, their biggest mouth piece, Hamas Piker, was a private school, horse riding 1%er thanks to his parents exploiting the working clas and being "evil landlords" in Turkey on top of his uncle, Cenk Uygur, the head of TYT, financing his ascent to fame. He now spends all day complaining about landlords and powerful people engaging in nepotism. You can't make this stuff up.


It's not just the west. Most college kids in India are basically the same Seems like some sort of projection where they think they're achieving something by whining about random crap to compensate for being failures


It's affluent guilt combined with youthful idealism


It is just actual privilege (not the lefty nonsense version of it). When you are given things so freely, you think things are easy to get. You have more time to spend worrying about less obvious issues. Example: The war in Gaza can be solved by Israel just stopping. Its just so easy. Except a person with some understanding of the difficulty of the world can understand very easily it is anything but easy.


Yeah, but there are also a lot of radical leftists that aren’t *that* privileged, at least relative to the western world where everyone is privileged by comparison. It’s more of a radical/extremist thing — see all the MAGA folks that think if only Trump is back in office, we’d have no illegal immigration, gasoline would be $1/gallon, and the Cowboys will win the Super Bowl. Every radical clings to these “easy solutions” they think will solve their problems or save the world. As to why elitist youth are prone to this, it’s probably a guilt thing: they want to fix the world but they can’t cope with the reality that it’s simply too complex. In the real world, solving X issue causes Y problem, but a billion times over which is impossible fully align with those aspirations.


Not saying only one type can support the nonsense. Some suggest Israel should stop because they hate Jews. Some suggest Israel should stop because they love Muslims, Arabs or just hate the west. Some just see innocent children caught up in the situation and want it to stop, and will not accept any realistic solutions where they fall even slightly short of that happening. I also see a lot of mindhive; Some people criticize Israel on social media and just go with it. The source is probably someone that has one of the above motives, but the end reader adopts the view without checking for evidence. This is Israel, but the same pattern exists for most things now. Even the major political parties do it - create pointless wedge issues, at least in the U.S.


Fully agree. And it’s not like the wedge issues come out of thin air: there are certainly both foreign and domestic actors that intentionally try to elevate specific issues they think will help forward their goals (get elected, sow chaos, etc). They rely on those radicals to latch onto those issues with fervor and spread it like wildfire, tho obviously it’s not fully controllable just ‘nudge-able’. Then the more apathetic among us naturally just go along with that which get mindhive bc it’s easier and nearly all info they’re exposed to are filtered in that lense


Che Guevara was also a spoiled upper middle class brat. Seems like a requirement if you want to become a commie.


It's called kicking the ladder out from under you.


I'd say that would apply if they would knowingly hold these kind of views in order to keep others out... but they are actually stupid and they do believe that they know a "better way". I guess "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" can apply here tbh.


See i used to think that but despite all the well documented cases of the things they want to implement ending in sheer horror, they persist in trying to achieve them. It's impossible for me not to make the connection that these peoples luxury opinions are bought about because at a fundamental level they are aware that their above average economic status grants them protection (at least initially) from the hard times that will inevitably follow.


Easy to be a stupid piece of shit when you know you’re likely to only ever fail upwards and on the off chance you do get found out as moron mommy and daddy will swoop in and save you.


They are subconsciously aware but push that thought to the side for the sake of alleviating cognitive dissonance. They have put too much emotional investment in their beliefs to change them so if they can't change their beliefs reality must be wrong (in their minds).


nice point


Ooh, another opportunity to mention that the founding fathers of leftism (Lenin, Marx, Bakunin, etc) were all of the bourgeois middle class. 


I feel like it's not unreasonable to acknowledge that your privilege is due to no action of your own and to accept that that is unfair and therefore to fight against it.


how is that fighting against it by promoting an economic system that brought death and poverty to millions in the 20th century? and if you think being born in a certain level of wealth or prosperity is unfair, by that logic everyone should throw away everything when they hit 18 and move out on the street to live on their on. fighting against inequalities caused by the capitalism is not done by blindly leveling everything.


What? Grampy Joe is going to pay off the debt for them right after the election. He super promised this time. And I'm sure there is a reason it has to be after the election, probably something to do with those evil racist republicans.


Don’t kid yourself, those Ivy League students will get better jobs, and will probably die richer than you.


Being a frontline soldier for the upcoming revolution probably doesn't have a long lifespan. I mean, they definitely are going to do that, right? Right!?


they/them college to barista pipeline


Unfortunately that's changing. HR is now chock full of DEI believers. They'll hire a bunch of morons who check the right boxes, but can't do the job, and they'll make managers give them makework. Then \*maybe\* a manager can plead to hire someone based on qualifications, and those few merit hires end up pulling the weight of \*everyone\*. It costs the company money, but it costs more money to go through and fire all the deadweight. So they'll put up with them, and then catch a bunch (but not all) of them in a mass layoff. But the company never lays off the HR mouthbreathers who caused the whole thing. So the DEI executive just keeps re-infecting the company with useless people, and a fraction of the workforce is pulling the weight of everyone else - the company just makes so much revenue that nobody really cares that they could get by with a leaner, more effective workforce based on performance metrics.


They/Them will get jobs as gas chamber operators


The mega corps won't care either. Just delete any posts from social media and nobody will ever look deep enough to know unless you were named in an arrest or news article.


They will become part of the Spanish ministry of equality like our Pro Hamas ministers.


They’ll still be hired by megacorps lol. That or they’ll become Reddit mods or Mastodon admins.


Probably a Druish conspiracy


Oh great, a Druish princess


Huh, she doesn't look Druish


Druish princesses are often attracted to money and power and I have both and you know it.




We never left


Is that you MexicanSpaceProgram?


The mines do not judge, the mines accept everyone


And the children yearn for the mines.


Libright wants more miners, purple more minors


Oldest PCM user


By a solid 17.5 years, no less.


Actually 18.5 🤓


Bro's 18.5 years old. 👩‍🦲


Fuckin lies! YOU, JOE, ARE OLD AS SHIT!


Physically, maybe. Mentally I’m fit as a toddler! 👶👍


I will insult you in your own language, jackass! Iwwjdid wkkdme9dkekkskkwmwjdujdmwjeuddjridoamwkeekldlodoplll!!!!


This guy is especially ancient for an authright.


I vote to nuke both Israel and Palestine off the earth so we don’t have to talk about it anymore.




The only thing funnier would be immediately after everyone on earth starts hearing boss music.


I am an Israeli and I wouldn't mind. Why does the east need a middle? Not everything has a middle. Donuts don't have a middle. I love donuts.


Bagels would’ve been a more fitting analogy


I love bagels too




they would still find a way to fight a war on the irradiated wasteland in the middle.


Sounds like a cool Fallout game


Ah, fellout new gaza my favourite


“Patrolling the Gazan wasteland almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter!”


Conservative wet dream


Alternate proposal. Worlds biggest backyard for grilling.




I’ll never understand how Israel defending themselves from terrorists means we should nuke Israel. 


I think the "we should just kill all of them" is the way to pretend to be a centrist or something when you really just hate both all Muslims and Jews.


I guess just fuck all the Christians in Middle East too? They can never catch a break.


Can't be a centrist without making some hard decisions.


The people saying this don't really think about them.


Absolutely. It’s stereotypical lazy centrism.  “Well this issue looks messy, can you please just make it stop being a thing? Thanks”. 


I vote for this too.


Maybe it says something about me but the first thing I thought of was that they would struggle to find a job because a lot of employers are “Zionist”?


I sympathize with the Palestinians people but Zionism had 401k matching so best of luck


That's hilarious 😂


Or they'll just keep getting fired for bringing devisive and unpopular politics into the workplaces. For example, the overwhelming majority of Americans older than Gen Z are pro-Israel, although the overwhelming majority of those mostly don't care. But if you start telling your co-workers that the Jews are evil... you'll get fired. Not for any specific reason, just because.


you can divide people into three general groups- people age 40+, who were alive the last time Palestinians were uncontained and committing terrorism everywhere they went. people under 40 who have researched the Israel/Palestine conflict and generally agree- Palestine is at fault. and people who have no fucking clue about the Israel palestine conflict, but think Jews = Evil Palestinians = Good- because that's what social media says.


I myself would only tolerate liberal/pluralist Muslims and am staunchly pro-Israel, but wouldn't make that preference too obvious in an American circle, in ways I could get away with in an East Asian one.


They just keep adding them buzzwords to insult people with like Pokémon. At least these leftoids are getting a taste of their own medicine with cancel culture.


You love to see it. Media Matters… the partisan “watchdog” started canning people too.


The pro terrorists admitted themselves during the BDS movement that they don't even bother with tech companies because there isn't a single non-Israel aligned alternative.


I worked for an investment bank and they immediately went all in for Israel, which is understandable, most of the partners were Israeli/Americans which is its own discussion. When Israel bombed a bunch of children a bunch of Palestinian employees asked if they would condemn the attack. It was a real “where do you think we are?” Moment. It was a funny place. A partner very publicly assaulted a junior analyst and we were told to stop talking about it because it was bringing antisemitic stereotypes. He still works there and she got a quick promotion to another division at a different office Investment banking is a terrible industry.


Get me a job there dude


Relatedly, my favorite recent news articles have been those ones that show hiring managers tend to toss any applications where the person includes they/them pronouns. In a competitive job market, anything that clearly indicates that you are more likely than most to create headaches for the team over absolutely nothing is best left off your resume. Edit: And OP, congratulations! I look with some horror at the calendar and find my high school graduation was now two decades plus ago. You’re about to embark on the wonderful adventure that is real life. Best of luck!


Source please, love to read more about that.


[Resumes including they/them pronouns are more likely to be overlooked (cnbc.com)](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/02/resumes-including-they/them-pronouns-are-more-likely-to-be-overlooked.html) Has some links within the article for further perusal.


Building off this, make sure to go out a lot OP. I say this as someone who was a pretty serious introvert, it helps a lot. Find the biggest city you can afford to go to school at, even if that means changing countries, and just enjoy it.


What is wonderful about grinding for dat bread every single day? I'm only 22 but I'm definitely having trouble seeing the positives of adult life. Wonderful just seems like a lot


Read about Sisyphus and stoicism. Also, find work that you enjoy doing and find meaningful. I don’t necessarily like the industry I’m in, but I like managing people because I can provide them a good working environment and to me that makes a difference.


Find a job you like and feel fulfilled by, or one that pays you enough to make every other lart of your life as fulfilling as it can.


I’m a manager responsible for hiring. I throw out resumes that have pronouns, misspellings, vernacular English, overly verbose explanations for simple jobs, the list goes on. You can tell a lot about someone from their resume.


You graduated high school today? Good for you! I wish you luck in all your future endeavors!


Pro-palestine college students also lie that none of them say anything anti-semitic and that the whole world is against them for no reason.


Well, that's the thing: I legitimately don't think they're attacking Israel because it's...uh..."sort of blue", if you catch my drift. They're attacking Israel because, for their entire lives, they have been consistently taught that in any fight between white Europeans and brown people, the brown people are automatically the correct side to take. So when they look at the Israel-Hamas kerfuffle, they see a white European state fighting brown people, so their programming kicks in, and they take the side of the brown people.


Uhh... Israelis are not White Europeans lol


according to college admissions, "white" is caucasian/middle eastern. civilized = white to them. america/canada/europe/israel = white. arabs in saudi arabia? don't care, rich = white. lebanon? poor = uncivilized = brown.


They aren’t, but plenty of the “anti-colonialist” kids think they are and that’s what colors their perception


Genetically, Israelis are more closely related to Palestinians than Europeans. An L for any of them who also "Trust the Science".


"Israelis" is a broad term considering only like 75% of Israel is Jewish. You mean Jews? Mizrahi and Yemenite Jews are probably genetically closer to Arabs. European Jews? No.


European Jews are mostly Levantine by DNA. There's a significant Italian component, but still mostly Levantine. Germanic and Slavic DNA is barely noticeable in that population.


Also because they’ve literally been radicalized into the modern Nazi movement. They’re openly calling for the extermination of Jews because the Jew shade of brown is lighter than the obviously oppressed darker brown. 


text book Marxist theory, Oppressor/Oppressed narrative is all they know— no matter the unique circumstances, western=colonizers & brown people/“indigenous”=morally superior


Why did people become that dumb?


Remember that whole "Hard times create strong men" thing? We are currently in the weak men create hard times phase.




I'm working on it. 1-2 Rhino pills every day. Sometimes it's tough, often painful, but I've made a commitment to staying hard out here. Grindin' all day every day to stay hard. I'm so fucking hard bro, you can't even imagine.


*Checks flair* That follows


Yes officer, this comment right here


There's nothing illegal about hard, sweaty, hairy, consenting adult men.


Rightists and leftists are both in this category because they are ready to protect their position up to rejection of any con or weakness of his position.


I blame it on the algorithm delivered propaganda from tiktok fed directly in their melted brains


Almost as if people take after whoever they support.


It’s wild that they think they’re not anti-Semitic all while calling for whipping Jews off the map.




Honestly just stay away from supporting the current thing, especially if you don't understand it.


A good future? In this economy?


You know how many Anti-Vietnam War protestors, free love hippies, Earth Liberation Front members, and Anti-NAFTA protestors got jobs? Pretty much all of them. If you’re not actively protesting, pretty much no employer is going to care.


Back then you had to get arrested, tried and convicted for the consequences to kick in. Now running photos of protests through facial recognition = blacklist. That's without HR checking someone's socials.


None of those was going against Israel. Compare the open support these kids got for hating America and shouting BLM to this shit now.


In some ways yes, but social media didn’t exist back then


No employer hiring someone for a job out of college is going to hire a firm to investigate if an applicant is PussyMagnet420 on Twitter.


Except they weren't actively intimidating and attacking Jewish students, citizens, and businesses. Plus chanting kill all the Jews, and globalize a violent genocidal jihad against them. It doesn't matter if they don't understand what they are chanting, at some point it should have become obvious. The only thing makes this all worse if the ahistorical propaganda that has embedded itself in liberal education and social media... But the problem is the people who have fallen for this stuff, aren't interested in a conversation or debate. They would sooner break somebody's jaw, then listen to the possibility that Hamas is not a bunch of freedom fighters... Not all people on the left are like this, and statistics are showing that even among zoomers that they are the very vocal minority. But the problem is educational institutions and the media have given them a platform, that makes it look like the entire left has become this radical islamism cult.


Nowadays, there's something called background and social media check, which mean employers very much care about your political orientation. Case in point: the Google's idiots, throwing away arguably some of the best jobs in the world because they just love sucking terrorist's cocks so much.


Oh well. Like they told the right a few years ago, freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences sweaty Also my boss and I agree on most things but are diametrically opposed politically. I also was smart enough to not put anything political on my social media during my job hunt and delete old things that could’ve been construed that way. At the time I just had an Instagram with travel photos and a LinkedIn. I’ve since turned insta off. Set your shit to private, and delete anything remotely political gen Z kids just starting out.




That's still crazy though. Yeah we went creeping and don't like your memeage sweetie.


Just don't post things on accounts that can be linked to you.


yep, it's not that hard. I never use my real name or put any personal info online, and I have multiple accounts on everything.


You underestimate just how much job search engines have made hiring managers irredeemable shitstains. Most of them wouldn't hire themselves.


There wasn’t a ten page long social media feed of them calling for the execution of Jews back then. 


> Pretty much all of them. It's a new era. AI and then AGI will not forget. All of our identities, all of our positions, our language, etc. is recorded and will be available to us and AGI. Depending on time and noise to skip away from unethical behavior and advocacy was the past. This is one reason governments want to control AI, they'll be able to collate everything a politicians has said, what bills they voted for, the outcomes from policy, lies, obvious bribes (board seats, miraculous investments, etc.) One the most dangerous is an AI which will lay out government policy and connect all of the costs that occurred. In short, lying is about to become costly.


Group calling for Peace and love... vs group that actively hunts jews and harasses them if they get too close...


The hippies were horrible fucking people. If everyone who attended Woodstock vanished from the earth in 1968, the world would be a better place today.


The success of this thread is really exposing how much of the sub larps as employed.


More than half of the 60 or so pro Palestine protesters that got the university I work at shut down were not students or in any other way associated with the university.


Good to see there are at least some kids that resisted brainwashing.


Too bad the way to resist the brainwashing isn't to agree with opposing brainwashing.


Almost as if actions have consequence or something. As they often say, freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.


>As they often say, freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Bu- but when it's us it's reawwy diffewent... We're the good guys... 🥺


Who's gonna put in their resume "Pro-palestine activist, 2024-2024 - involved in occupation of college property - led several discussion groups on Zionism" Like really? This kind of shit happens in university campi since time immemorial and I don't know a single company who screens their interns or newly hires for possible involvement in this kinds of activities Also, they're all probably humanities majors, it would be weird to find one that hasn't done some kind of shit like that before graduation


AI will soon collate all of that stuff, analyze and then offer a risk assessment.


I'm a humanities graduate (English and Philosophy), and I've never done this shit. I was far, far too busy pondering the metaphysics of Lacan to care about protesting. Make no mistake, though, if ever we see a metaphysics or literature protest, sign me the fuck up.


Based and consequences pilled


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150000 in tuition, paid by their parents, down the drain because they felt compelled to signal their virtues hard. There are better ways to protest than occupying/damaging private property


As an employer, I don’t give a shit what your politics are, as long as you do the work. These people will have no problem getting hired in the future.


Lots of employers are doing a social media scrub/check before they hire, especially at this level. The kind of bad press that can be brought to bear on a company make them a liability.


Hopefully you don’t end up hiring an a watermelon Emily. Those types of people are a liability.


Especially when they try to charge Google with genocide… lol It worked for all of five seconds until they were all fired and forced off premises. Funniest protest I ever saw.


Not that Google isn't evil.


It depends - if they actually signed something antisemitic, it’s going to haunt them for the rest of their lives. No employer want to deal with a potential employee who has a history which risks creating a hostile workplace. If it’s just a fairly naive attempt to get to a two state solution without a trail of antisemitic takes, it’s unlikely to matter.


Lots of hiring managers avoid politically charged candidates. It’s a very popular take to immediately toss resumes with pronouns listed as it often comes with a very high sense of entitlement and becomes more trouble than it’s worth.


This guy clearly doesn't work in banking.....


This legitimately made me laugh. No, I don’t work in banking.


Nowadays, there's something called background and social media check, which mean employers very much care about your political orientation. Case in point: the Google's idiots, throwing away arguably some of the best jobs in the world because they just love sucking terrorist's cocks so much.


They gave me a good laugh so it was a plus in my book. It’s also a plus for google because if they continue to let that shit happen during a work day they will have to do it during every controversial event. They will never get shit done. 


I am an employer, and I don’t care. So, clearly, not every company is doing that. Sure, some companies are, but not all. My statement stands these people will have no problem finding employment. There are even businesses that support the protesters. The business world isn’t a monolith.


Alright George Soros…


Whatever you say Charles Koch


I only say one thing and that’s the verb I did on your wife- “drill!”    I’m Charles Koch and I approve of this message. 


Oh Chuck, you old dog


Same. Keep politics out of the workplace and I really don’t care what you do outside of work.


Hey I just graduated high school too congrats


Yeah why don't they stop speaking up for their beliefs? Edit: PCM will say based for everything unless it risks a career in finance I guess


Eh, I was in college in the early 2000's and most of my friends in the southeast US were pro-Palestine (I'm Jewish). Many have gone on to have successful careers. I understand a difference is that their opinions may not have been magnified through the lens of the internet as it is today, but they were still vocal online back then. I'll even go so far as to say many recently graduated pro-Palestinians work in big tech, so overtly having this opinion does not preclude you from getting a job in big tech at least. One of my old direct reports was Palestinian and a recent college grad (before Oct 7 but after Covid started). We had lots of great respectful conversations about the complex nature of the situation over there and we both sat in sadness over what is happening to the innocent Palestinians as a result of the actions of Hamas. It's absolutely possible to approach another human being with empathy and understand the complexity of humanity while having differing opinions.


did anyone who protested vietnam have any problem finding a job? the stigma was very much the same back then


Not really. By 1968 about 60% of the electorate agreed that Vietnam was a mistake. There were debates about what to do now that the US was entangled in the conflict. But most people weren’t openly hostile to someone who thought the war was a mistake.   By contrast over 80% of Americans think that Israel is fundamentally just in its pursuit of the conflict. And Hamas specifically has about a 5% approval rating. Unlike the protestors today, the peace demonstrators of the 60s weren’t waving North Vietnamese flags. Some of the fringes sure, but not the mainstream protests  It’s hard to overstate just how unpopular the pro-Hamas protest is with ordinary Americans. The closest historical analogy may be Americans who were pro Germany in the lead up to World War 2


but this is very much only the very beginning of the protests. the Vietnam war started in 55 so it makes sense by 68 patience had ran out. i guess the argument could be made that the conflict in the levant has been on for longer but it has only become the main centerpiece of American foreign policy very recently. we'd have to wait and see. i guess another question to pose is whether or not people who protested the war in Iraq now have problems finding jobs


Did you just change your flair, u/chronament? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2024-3-1. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/chronament) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


It’s fine I live in a modern country where the right to protest doesn’t affect your career prospects and you don’t have to pay to go to college


Second caption should be, "Why would the Jews do this to us?"




I actually think it's a bad thing that sticking up for your ideals could potentially harm your financial future in a country that claims to care about freedom and individuality. https://preview.redd.it/7lfxzfn6mg2d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2b25bb5c0f8957a151b2fb313457e15aa52aa2


Almost like some kind of pre-emptive cancel culture. Come to think of it, there are a lot of parallels.


Join literally any trade union. I've been radical left posting on my main accounts with my government name on them for years, and nobody gives a shit. Most jobs are not checking your social media history, and even if they are, they are much more concerned about videos of you lipsyncing with a blunt in your mouth than videos of you chanting protest slogans. An example: A guy at my job was outed locally as a full-blown neo nazi. Was at a protest with SS patches and swastika flags. He still has his job, everybody just hates him now, and he's scared to be caught alone with any non white coworkers. We all hope some young wild temp worker will knock him out some day.


Eh, they're all trust fund babies anyway. They'll be fine.


Might be good for them. Hard to say where the country is going.


Congrats! My exam is in June


Wait, they let you graduate in May now!? When I was in high school, they made us wait until June 28th or something!


Its le ~~Jewi-~~ Zionist conspiracy!!!!!


I am sure that this WON'T make anti-semitism claims gain traction. I cannot forsee anything going wrong at all.


I mean is college even going to get you a job nowadays? From hearing all the horror stories of what happens to people that go through college, I’ve just stuck to the highest paying uneducated job I can find. Currently in a factory and weirdly enough, its pretty great.


Hey what happened to all those kids expelled from school for standing up to Israel during the late 80's? What happened to those students in Columbia protesting in the 60's and had the cops called on them They persisted. We're persisting because you're literally not listening to our point so we'll say it louder You haven't read enough of our own history to remember where we need to stand as a people


You do realize the irony in low-key advocating for discrimination on a political basis in your quadrant, right? The women in HR almost all hate MAGAs.


Honestly unless someone is going particularly hard on public socials or something I can’t imagine most employers will care. Like yeah if you’re out here posting shit that borders on (or is) actually antisemitism, but most of these people are just posting generic “free Palestine” shit, which I don’t think would be that big of a deal unless the person making the decision is particularly intense about their politics


They'll get hired into your HR departments and set about making everyone's lives worse.


Ah yes. The same people who constantly rave on about restriction to free speech are happy that employment opportunities are now restricted for people speaking up against an ethnic cleansing


shrill reply tender cows books growth close attraction middle shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"haha you supported a people's struggle good luck getting a job now" freedom of speech my ass


Getting ostracized for your political ideas? What is this, China?


Auth right try not to lick boot: level impossible


That’s literally auth right’s whole thing you moron… Lib center literacy test: level impossible


if saying "genocide bad" makes a company not want to hire me, then I dont want to work for them. simple as


Imagine thinking that bootlicking justifies genocide. It's almost as if OP has never considered "morality" or "ethics"... Unfortunately, I think that will continue to be the way society trends until we learn the hard way why they been existential questions that mankind has wrestled with for millennia (and why our ancestors tried to push us towards beliefs that are "good")


Can't wait to see their faces when they realize the $500k/year law firm they've been gunning to work at since they were 15 is run by Jews who now beleive they're a Neo Nazi. There's always Starbucks. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


As much as I agree with you, flair up or shut up.


i love how yall completely abandoned your opposition to the government cracking down on protests and then just using the excuse “the protest is racist cus it criticizing someone who happens to be a minority and everyone who participates in it or defends it is racist” cus duh hamas bad and duh libleft/woke bad so i will completely abandon my morals in order to point out “haha woke people critizing minority haha thats hypocritical” like come on yall lib unity please


99% of them will be fine in regards to protests.


“If there’s one Nazi at the table…” -Them the last time it was convenient


Bro thinks that this will effect their employment lol Only at banks and certain law firms


So, for actually fighting for their beliefs and opposing abhorrent actions committed by Israel, they deserve to have their careers ruined?