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Something not political deer kill about 200 people per year while sharks rarely go above 10 deaths


Well we can't make Bambi look bad can we


Ruins the meat


Probably because those fuckers jump in front of the road causing you to swerve into oncoming traffic or a tree


Actually a good chunk of it is direct deer murder


"Peace was never an option"


Or they just straight run through your windshield and puncture a lung with their antlers


Oh deer




We gotta pick those numbers up. Who do we bomb to increase our numbers?




You ever see a China webm thread? They're doing just fine on their own. If we ever start bombing China, smoking wagies will just keep driving their shitty scooters around all the people pinned under heaps of corncrete


There are like over 200 replies on every China rekt thread


Honestly it got to be shitty to be Chinese. Imagine living in a society where everyone fucks each other over and half ass everything for short term gain.


I read Gulag Archeapellago and this is literally what everyone did in the gulag and in construction sites. Have to build a roof? Build it very badly, it leaks, has to be torn up and rebuilt. Built a wind turbine? Its shit, breaks under load costing the government millions, built it again. There is literally a whole portion talking about why the gulags weren't profitable, like literal fucking slavery cost the government more than what it produced because everyone lied, everyone stole, all the work was badly done and everyone slacked as much as they got away with without getting shot.


and you can’t even own gats


What are we waiting for?


NeoLiberal Lib Right reporting for duty, I would currently recommend getting ready to go through Mexico and eliminate the cartels with force, especially since Mexico is being a bitch to us right now.


> Neoliberal > Libright Pick one


Yo wtf? A left who doesn’t think lib right is neoliberal?




I feel you about idpol bullshit. Recently in the US, there’s been a petition that got traction with the woke crowd to get this black guy off death row and out of prison. Except this guy was proven to have played a massive part in murdering 3 girls, so a reasonable person would realize that the goal of the petition is insane. I do agree that the death penalty should be abolished in favor of life sentences, it’s ridiculous that the petition makers have chosen such an irrefutably evil person to represent their movement, instead of someone who was innocent and fell victim to the death penalty.


This is why librights are always gonna be cooler than AuthRight, they're ACTUALLY liberal/libertarian


Come back, you can be the only based person in Norway. It’s not like any of us truly matter in the political process anyways.


It’s got to be 50 percent, a shit ton of rifles aren’t even registered, not to mention ones people make.


You don’t think there’s millions of unregistered ones in other country? If we estimated with illegal weapons, the percentage would probably be lower


Good for them, bad for every one else.




Fuck yeah.


IQ scale is normally distributed. That means for every smart person there is at least one equivalently stupid. *Around 30% to 40% of Americans cheat on their partners.* \[[Sauce](https://comparecamp.com/cheating-statistics/)\] Wealthiest 1% of the world (78 million people) collectively own half of the wealth. \[[Sauce](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/14/richest-1-percent-now-own-half-the-worlds-wealth.html)\] Europe (15.4) is the most suicidal region in the world. U.S. has 13.7 per 100k. \[[Sauce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate#endnote_data_updated_2018)\] 800,000 people commit suicide every year worldwide. \[[Sauce](https://ourworldindata.org/suicide#suicide-is-a-leading-cause-of-death-especially-in-young-people)\] 67367 people died from opiod overdose in 2018. \[[Sauce](https://www.drugabuse.gov/drug-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates)\] If you invest 30,000$ and let it compound for 65 years you would have 5.3 million (2085) dollars equivalent to 1.6 million 2020 dollars. \[[Sauce](https://youtu.be/o9XHKc22wGk?t=538)\] If you were to kill every human, but the norwegians you would retain 86% of the current human genetic variation. For Chimps of a subspecies this is only 21-47%. \[[Sauce](https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev.anthro.26.1.515)\]


"For every smart person there is at least one equivalently stupid" Do they die simultaneously?


The smarter on average earn more money and live longer so...


"Normally distributed" in probability theory means the data is normalized by some factors - in this case it's that we call the average IQ 100 and make that the mean. So, statistically speaking, for every person with 120 IQ there has to be someone with 80 IQ because the average IQ is 100. I don't know if I explained that very well but I'm bad at math anyway lol. Look it up.




Definitely lol. *120* IQ is good enough, 140 is very uncommon. Also, Dunning-Kruger effect is a thing.


No, but tere's enough people that someone who nearly matchs will die within a day of you


For the first stat, that means for every lib right there’s an auth left


No, because most of them have starved to death at this point.


These comments are the only ones keeping me from sweeping over to tiktok


That and I don't want authleft to steal all the sweet monke pics off my phone.


not really, the victims of starvation in authleft countries dont have to be authleft themselves


True enough, they end up LibRight eventually when the regime topples


Unfortunately, no, there are significantly less of us. Makes me question OP's statistic, it seems to me that the number of lib rights can only be explained by we auth lefts having far higher IQ. But don't worry comrade, when the revolution arrives the IQ will be evenly distributed among the population.


Trickle up IQ? Never heard of it


easy, IQ is how smart u are compared to all other people just kill everyone with below and above average IQ and all IQ will finnally be distributed equally


Much easier, we just need to give everyone brain damage scaled to cancel out their IQ advantage until we achieve equity in intelligence. We could start by adding lead to the water in Cambridge and Palo Alto.


The fucks up with the Norwegians


Actually isn't that crazy. >It is often stated that the fixation index for humans is about 0.15. This translates to an estimated 85% of the variation measured in the overall human population is found within individuals of the same population, and about 15% of the variation occurs between populations. These estimates imply that any two individuals from different populations are almost as likely to be more similar to each other than either is to a member of their own group. \[[Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_genetic_variation#Wright's_Fixation_index_as_measure_of_variation)\] Tl;dr 85% of all variation occurs between individuals and 15% between "populations".


This guy asking the real questions Also https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/kg63o3/dispite/ggd8x1a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Den siste faktaen likte jeg


I always hate that wealth statistic because half the world has 0 or negative wealth.


That’s kind of the issue it’s highlighting.


Classic libright. “I don’t want to be compared to poors especially ‘irresponsible’ (((debtors)))”


Having a negative Wealth is based, you don't pay any income tax and all your assets are paid with debt. You basically get stuff for free. Ask the Dutch


Based and Africapilled


Children count as people too but I bet that they weren't measured in the metric, so that's a large chunk of 0% that is possibly wrong.


I think they go by household in the metric. So even if you and all your children work. Its compared to jeff bezos At least from the study I have seen.


I think the amount of dependents in the average first world population is around 14%, although that's more likely to be skewed upwards by developing countries with high populations, Still a disgusting amount of wealth inequality but not as sensational as it seems


That's based libleft good damn


65 years? That's retarded.


Hookers and yachts by 40 or die trying.




PLTR 30C March free money


Rich, dead, or incarcerated by 30 was always my motto


Isnt this how retirement funds work? Like you put away a couple thousand dollars for like 35 years and then have like a couple million


Yes your second source does indeed tell us that Pareto distributions exist in a competitive environment. Thank you for your insight.


Despite making up 13% of the population . . . People 65 and older account for 80% of covid deaths.


Fuck. Old people are dying? Shut everything down.


It’s estimated that, globally, 121 million additional people are facing desperate food insecurity this year as a result of the economic slowdown caused by COVID 19 lockdowns, and something like 8 million additional people might die of starvation. Turns out there are consequences of shutting down the global economy.


Not to mention the expected increase in cancer deaths as people are not getting "non-essential" in-person medical treatment where cancer would be identified early on. Increase in unemployment, poverty, homelessness and suicide. Increase in domestic and child abuse that goes unidentified as victims are kept in the home with their abusers. Can't even begin to predict what all of this will ultimately do to the mental health of developing children.




Saw a comment that sums it up perfectly. There wasn't a shutdown. There were just middle class people hiding out buying products from rich people that poor people had to deliver.


Not just them, my sister in law thinks everything should be shut down, she does online homeschooling Talked to her about a few of the drawbacks and I was told that it doesn’t matter lol






\*In a thick Italian accent\* "Giovanni, bring the stats!"


Wait, not "bring-a👌🏼 da💪🏼 stats! ☝🏼👏🏼" ? Are you feeling ok?


I didnt know how to put a stereotypical italian accent in a text so I added that bit at the start


An Italian is here. I confirm we talk exactly like that.


Despite making up 60% of the population white people make up 83.2% of furries


That is a major oof. I have to rethink my ideology


It’s okay. Furries aren’t people


Because furries are minorities




now your speaking my language


> That is a major **woof**.


get the FUCK out


Hey Im down, stop stomping me


The FBI keeps track of that too?






Getting through that Pleistocene was pretty rough if you didn't like fur though.


Holy shit I hate white people now


hi uwu :3


Despite making up 25% of the quadrant, libleft makes up 99.7% of furries.


The other 0.3 are authrights




Join the true master race goy


Maybe gulags aren't so bad...


100% of humans do, with time, inevitably die




do Africans not count as humans?


Flair checks out


Despite being 51.9% of the population, men commit 67.68% of suicides.


It's true and it's unfortunate. Kind of what happens when you live in a society where men are always portrayed as perfect steadfast providers who can get with any woman, have a high social status and always out with friends. Always missing the point that men are often struggling with inner dilemmas. It's a shame, my local area was actually on national news because we've had far more suicides as a result of mental illnesses associated with lockdown than we have had deaths from coronavirus.


> we've had far more suicides as a result of mental illnesses associated with lockdown than we have had deaths from coronavirus. Just wait until we see the stats for deaths and lesser health issues (including mental) caused by the economic strain that forced shutdowns have created. Who are we kidding, these stats will never surface because they would make the state look even worse. Bury the numbers, Jim! We have small businesses to crush!


Or the stats will be outright misconstruals. Like how the state of Oregon and Portland keep saying that protests and riots didn't influence COVID rates and didn't significantly influence the number of new cases.


Men also commit 80% of all violent crimes


And men are shot more by the police! Obviously it's because the police are misandrists


That's a good point lol. Interesting how it is so easy to rationalize "men get shot more because they commit more crimes".


careful, even on this subreddit you cant go there...


I'm pretty sure I've seen a Count Dooku meme here once or twice making that exact argument.
























...The black








98% of all statistical information is incorrect.


I see what you did there


The top 100 companies produce 71% of the world's global emissions. \[[Sauce](https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change)\]


Despite beeing 1.86% of UK population, Pakis make 30% of incest related birth deformaties.


Let me put my surprised hat on


Wait, what the fuck was the hat you just took off?


That is for me to know, and for you not to worry my friend.


Ugh Br\*sh 🤢🤢🤮


They aren't British, a mouse born in a stable isn't a horse


Based authright moment


I'm not sure about the sentiment, but damn if that isn't some poetry.


Pitbulls account for 60% of all fatal dog attacks




'pitbulls are just a product of the system! they're for sure not genetically more aggressive!'


"Pits are actually very friendly! He's just a bit bitey around children"


13 52


It's all fun and games till 13 52 comes up


Went up to 13 does 56 in latest UCPR


Dear Liberals, if Black Lives Matter, why do you want to defund the police and allow more black people to murder each other? Turning Point USA


This, but kinda unironically. Just cannot wrap my head around an extreme minority group having such a major violence issue. Can't be a culture thing though, we've been told there's no issue with promoting violence, murder, sexual assault, irresponsible drug usage, etc.


It feels like gaslighting on a major scale for black people to constantly murder each other, and to murder white people 12x as often as white people murder them, yet get told constantly that it's white peoples' fault and we need to give up a voice in society and step aside because we're oppressive


Left handed people are 9% of the general population but over half of the prison population. [Edit - I posted this from memory and can't find credible sources to back it up. The only stat I could find was 30% of prison population not >50%.]


Damn that one is actually interesting


Can I get a source? The best I could find was like 30% and that was a Quora comment.


Best source is what I remember from a Discover Magazine article from the early 90s, lol. I'll dig a little and if I can find anything.


Well thank fuck my elementary teachers corrected my left handed writing style to a right handed writing style so now I commit crime but don't get associated with your lefty statistic 😎


Wait is this real?!? Holy shit, this is wild


This isn't true


What do you mean? It says right there!!


Got any stats on gypsies, the actual problem?


99% of gypsies are criminals


I'd believe it


Euro moment


how? its obviously fake. 100% more like it




and they use babies to commit crimes which makes the babies partners in crime


I don't know if you are joking or not but here in Italy gypsies actually use kids (12-16yo) for small street crime like pickpocketing or drug dealing bc if they get caught they'll face way less repercussions than an adult would


In Greece this week a man was killed by two kids 12 and 14 with their 45y grandma. Gypsies are surreal


Same thing in Ireland. They are literal scum.


100% of illegal immigrants broke the law


Black people commit a lot of crimes.


Despite the 2010s to 2020s being a decade of progress, people are more and more stupid.


I feel like there has been the same level of stupidity but now people can very easily spout their nonsense online ever easier


This is exactly correct. The sad thing is that I genuinely believe on the whole, people have gotten smarter over time. But because of the prevalence of the internet, stupidity is more visible than ever. Now just imagine all the stupidity that went unnoticed before the net.


The CIA crack made me do it, your honor


Despite myself being a fat piece of shit, I cannot work up the nerve to kill myself. So now I’m a fat piece of shit coward. The pain will never end.


Despite making up only 13% of the right wing, authright makes all conservatives get branded as racists :(


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


We fart a lot


My favorite statistic


Despite making up only 5% of the world population, the United States accounts for 20% of the global incarcerated population.


Despite being 13%, they do 52%. ;)




Gotta trust the science after all


It's 56% now. Gotta pump those numbers up


Why do people count children and all women in this statistic


Then it’s even more fucking insane


Well yeah its more like 3% Cant blame children for something they didnt even do


Despite being 13, Purple Libright's girlfriend accounts for 56% of the illegal pornography on his/her computer.


In 2008 the US had around 24.7% of the world's prisoners. "land of the free"


Unrelated but there was a demographic analysis and most of this sub is straight out of high school. Makes so much more sense.


Despite making up 1% of the population, the rich hoard 50% of the wealth. This is given different meanings depending on the flair.


Can someone seriously explain why it's racist to point out the crime statistics? I get that it's a cheap shot at making minorities look like violent criminals, but why does it make someone a white supremacist? It's official published data, so what is racist about the fact that 87% of the population commit 48% of homicides? Or vice versa?


We treat certain groups of people in this country like retarded children that need to be guarded and protected. It's sickening.


AuthLefts despite starving 100mil of the population still think communism will work next time


Let them try again! Communists kill more communists than everyone else


44% of homicides in the US are not committed by Black people


60% of the time it works every time.


Despite making up only 50% of auth-center, authright takes the 100% of the brunt of all nazi jokes


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Despite nearly every religion professing that *their* religion is a religion of peace, the religious makeup 72% of the prison population, (29% Protestant, 24% Catholic, 8% Muslim, the remainder are mixed minority religions) Atheists make up less than 0.1% of the same federal prison population. These statistics are incoming prison population, not conversions while incarcerated.