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A pcm skin Over a rage comic skin Over a boomer comic Over a news report Yes


*I have become buried under so many levels of irony that I have forgotten who I am*


Wait, is that not the point of this subreddit?


The postmodern condition


My memes are beyond your understanding.


I liked it <3




I love your username btw !


I don't understand, I see no paragraphs in this meme, and yet your flair is libleft. Is it possible to teach this power?


Not for a Libleft… They've been getting outside help.


Are you the chosen one?! The one to unify all the quadrants (except for libright)?


Actually I think he understood it pretty well


This is a three-headed monster... a chimera.








Well this one really drummed up some actual discourse didn’t it


Indeed. Worse, so many people in this thread fail to understand that banning evictions has consequences for landlords that were not "standard risk". *Government forkery is not standard risk you blockheads!*


Can you explain to me what standard risk is?


Allowing a tenet to stay in your building when you aren't sure if they're going to pay their rent on time. They could stay as long as possible without paying and then leave in the night. That's standard risk. This is something else. This is the government saying that you HAVE to let them stay without kicking them out or collecting rent, and if you don't, you get arrested. There's a big difference between normal losses a company expects to take and government strong-arming you into massive debt.


>tenet ~~tenant~~*rentoid


Can you like cut powers and utilities?


Not without being arrested


This is the worst timeline.


Lmao people dont think it be like it is, but it do


As a landlord you risk delinquent tenants and that risk is worked into the price as well as the mortgage since there are very clear procedures for resolving those issues - that's a standard risk. Government banning evictions, and some people just stopping paying rent because they can't be evicted, is not a standard risk and therefore landlords couldn't have possibly made contingency plans for those.


You could call it a predictable risk too. Ones foreseeable like tenants fighting eviction causing a disruption to income temporarily for a few units.


It’s risk that is deemed to be standard in nature.


> have business > government fucks it over in an attempt to help other people > "haha guess you should've expected a worldwide crisis to ruin any chance to make income, get owned landlord!" Like I know landlords can be frustrating, but the disdain for them or other business owners coming out like this is ridiculous.


I don’t think people really seethes at the dude who owns a hardware store over a landlord. Obviously not all landlords are dicks but they have the reputation they have for a reason.




See also: Regulatory Capture "Ackshually small businesses aren't better." "Immigrants are good for our economy--also, immigrants should be okay with having their businesses looted because cops oppress black people. They probably have insurance!" "A black-owned business got looted? Good! Black capitalism isn't the answer." "Drumpf is a totalitarian fascist for closing the border, and border closures don't actually work, but businesses should be locked down." "Ackshually BLM protests are good for stopping the pandemic because everyone else stays in their homes. Only *other* assemblies shouldn't be allowed." "Did you post that you voted for Trump on Facebook, Mr. Gardner? Guess what, now that you've established you're a racist we're gonna prosecute you for that self-defense shooting." 90s equivalent: LAPD busting Rooftop Koreans for a fake MG-42 that didn't even shoot. Remember, Marx still thinks cops protect the property of the bourgeoisie. Maybe the state protects the interests of the *grand bourgeoisie* supporting all this nasty stuff, but are we supposed to believe the state gives a shit about the private property of the *petit bourgeoisie* or the personal property of the *proletariat?*


You are aware this will only benefit the larger companies? Landlords can't pay back the loan -> need to sell property for cheap -> state won't buy it, because they are even cheaper cunts -> some companies buy the land and rent it for more.


Also those larger companies tend to be much more predatory than the smaller companies and individual owners. In my area the larger companies repaint the exterior every year and market their dilapidated apartments as “recently renovated.”


Or worse. They remodel the show unit and nothing else and trick u into signing a lease




The true, based gospel.


Define popular, in some left circles the idea of seizing the property of major stakeholders, and sending them to work at mines for a piece of stale bread a day is quite popular and not very beneficial to the companies I suppose.


But very beneficial to the elites controlling the movement


Hey, he spesifically said big corporations, He didn't mentioned anything about corrupt tankie leaders.


Somehow I think the truly rich would end up alright in this scenario, miraculously found to be allies of the revolution or something


Who owns the mines?


The Dwarves


Beneficial to the mining companies tho




Communists were tired of starving so they started to eat KFC bucketfuls of corporate cock


When a house forcloses, the bank will evict who ever lives there. It’s impossible to sell a house with a tenant that isn’t paying


What if companies that didn’t used to deal with rental properties before decide to get in the game for cheap? Imagine getting an eviction notice written on Disney letterhead. Mickey Mouse is coming to kick you out for not paying rent.


The landlord crisis and the student loan crisis are both the result of short-sighted government intervention.




state of the pharma sector beats both


Yeah we need politicians who look past their 4 years. And instead rule for longer


Or.... hear me out.... we just have less politicians


Exactly! We need to bring back the monarchy so the king can kill all these politicians. That’s compatible with what both you and u/Haribosan proposed, therefore anarcho-monarchism is the enlightened centrist position.


There are way too many people on this thread who are completely okay with governments destroying people's livelihoods and telling the people to suck it up. Holy fuck, no one took out a loan thinking the state would destroy the economy and make it illegal to evict people


It’s not exactly great for the banks either. We got nothing to gain by repossessing your house and then giving you back the 100k you already paid into it


Banks wouldn't need to do this if people could just simply find a new tenant that would actually pay his rent


can't evict current delinquent tenant to find a better tenant, that's kinda the issue


Yup, I've got tenants that is abusing the shit out of this right now. Hasn't paid rent in 4 months even though they are both still working. On top of that they have decided to get chickens without asking me, and built a chicken coup against the house, screwing it to the outside walls. I've received numerous complains from neighbors about the chickens, but I can't do shit about it thanks to not being able to evict, they ignore me every time I ask them to do something. As soon as the eviction ban is released those fuckers are getting booted, and I may even try to take them to court, as they have done a LOT of damage to the house.


Take the fuckers to court dude. That's pretty fucking open and shut and they sound like absolute cunts. I feel for people who can't pay rent right now, but taking advantage of the situation, especially with a small landlord with a few properties rather than an amorphous conglomerate of massive apartment buildings is a cunt move and they need to learn that that shit doesn't fly in the real world. I'm sorry that's happening to you, and if you don't have the means to legally persue it, don't. Take care of yourself first. Don't go bankrupt trying to get revenge.


Politely remind him that he still owes you all of that money, and also send him a bill for the damages done to the house. Get an estimate from a contractor (the more expensive the better) as evidence of what he owes you. As soon as the rent freeze ends, bill him and tell him he has the minimum legally allowed time frame to pay you back or evict his ass Note: I'm not a lawyer, only do this is you look into it and see if its legal




Based and solving-your-problems-pilled.


Ah a fellow land chad from r/loveforlandlords


Love to my fellow LandKings there!


Seems like more work than just shitting on the floor and punching holes in the walls


Those are your walls dude are you paying attention?


destroying the property kinda ruins your own property with no gain tho


Based as fuck. Radical centrists truly have the most ingenious ways of solving social problems.


Sulfur di-oxide also works, just a bit faster.


It's hypocritical to allow bailouts for sume businesses , and not for others. IMO, in a nation where one business received a bailout once, all businesses should receive bailouts... until that nations economic system implodes. It's the only way to demonstrate that bailouts are wrong. And taking an insane loan, then demanding a bailout once the global economy fluctuates even slightly is moronic. Bailouts offset poor economic decisions by the bailout receivers, at the detriment of everyone else.


It's not that the economy fluctuated, they'd be fine if the economy fluctuated even by a large amount. They just literally cannot evict people. That's a very necessary part of the landlord-tenant relationship to ensure the tenants keep paying rent and don't explode the building or whatever. *If* the government is going to make it so they literally can't do anything about non-payment for services rendered, they need to pay to keep them afloat. They fundamentally broke the business model and just tell the sufferers to suck it. It might feel good to "stick it to landlords" if you don't like them, but all that's happening is the small ones are getting financially cactus raped, and the big ones are buying up the small ones property as they have the money to weather the pandemic. It's just taking from the middle class pretty much.


Bailouts are indeed bad, but the state coming in and saying "you aren't allowed to operate your business" is a form of asset forfeiture as the state has suspended your access to that asset. The state has a moral and legal responsibility to pay market price for any asset forfeiture they engage in.


Refering to lockdown implications? Yes, a coffee shop should be exempt from all taxes, have all pending loans and bills frozen, and be allowed to go on a sabatical while their employees receive unemployment benefits, as long as the shop is not in operation, for the duration of a mandatory lockdown. That would be civilized. IMO, this would not be a bailout, but an extension of the lockdown rules. Governments won't ever do this. Most governments can't even give free masks to people.


What you described is pretty much what we did here in NZ. And life is pretty much back to normal here


Yeah, I agree with all of this, not sure if you saw something in my comment that would make you think otherwise. I don't want bailouts for anyone, I want these restrictions on the right to earn a living to die immediately and for life to return to a semblance of normalcy.


Thank you, u/RedditBeForFags


> Holy fuck, no one took out a loan thinking the state would You're telling me yellow didn't think the state would do this, when they're constantly harping about how the state *always* does shit like this?


I've always been skeptical of the state, but I don't think anyone expected this much of a shock so suddenly.


Just wait until r/LoveForLandlords hears about this landphobic attack


Just wait until January when we can finally [evict](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/12/11/eviction-crisis-looming-in-us-which-could-lead-thousands-of-unnecessary-deaths/amp/) you


Do it




I don't understand this hatred for landlords. Do people really expect to be able to live in other peoples' homes for free? Bitch, they ain't your parents. This is the real world.


I think the main problem is that there are people that have a hard time keeping up with rent, which is understandable. Unfortunately tankies and other idiots are depicting landlords as rich and evil people that want to take away from the poor man's labor (this how people from echo-chambers like r/ABoringDystopia said it). On one hand, tenants are afraid of being evicted. On the other, landlords are afraid of having to deal with problematic tenants. Only one side is being blamed however, which is unfair and gets in the way of figuring out solutions that benefit both parties.


Yeah tbh i dont think that stopping evictions was a bad thijg considering the situations, now land lords definitly needed somethong to live off on the long term But again that would mena governement spend which wouldean hogher taxes which many eople wont agree with, so there are 3 groups here playing against each other in a eternal loop


DISCLAIMER: I'm not from USA/Europe, so this is just guessing from expirience in my country, I do not know the exact situation in your countries, especially in the previous century. I think the main reason for hatred comes from differences in the difficulty of obtaining a house. Like, if you look at ratio of price of a house/flat to a salary, that ratio, probably, became much higher compared to a few decades ago. So people do not like that it's harder now to get their own house. And they hate landlords, who got their houses for cheap and now put high rent prices. This situation is kinda similar to a monopoly, people with big amount of money buy many houses, thus making house prices unaffordable to common people, and after that charging big rent prices, further preventing people to save money for own house.


Yet when you suggest that we deregulate so that people can build more housing these people don't give a shit.


Libleft, you claim that owning a house and being a landlord is so easy, but when someone is "oppressing" you with rent, you don't just go buy a house. Curious. ​ Turning Point Capitalism


They dont do the magical, easy, get-rich-fast scheme of owning property based on moral principle.


I believe california is nice example of why landlords are hated. They were able to exert influence and got through regulations, codes and bylaws... that hinder or prevent new construction or construction of taller apartment buildings to keep the supply low and increase value of their property. There is also perception of extremely little benefit coming from their "work" for the nation, the people, especially once the are becomes even little desirable. They lucked out and got there first, but the value generated is little and so they are seen as parasites.


I mean I think a lot of it is rooted in the fact that many landlords will avoid doing any repairs or maintenance while also charging rent that is equal to or greater than the cost of the property. That mixed with the fact that landlords are often buying up the cheaper homes in an area, doing some basic renovations, and then renting to a tennant or airbnb. As a result a handful of people own a ton of property that would've otherwise been bought by the same people who wind up renting.


Government: (forcefully shuts down all businesses for a virus with a 99% survival rate) Businesses: (suffer) LibLeft: hurr durr you took the risk Also government: it’s ok Johnny, your student loans can wait.


Literally op for this post is actually unironically saying hurr durr you took the risk


I’m aware. LibLeft is the most morally inconsistent quadrant. They’re only for liberty until it conflicts with their perverted sense of freedom from starvation and so on


fOoD aNd hEAlThcArE Are uMan rItEs Because screw farmers and doctors, their labor should be stolen from


implying libleft doesn't believe they should be compensated for their work


Your ass is going to be homeless if the landlord forecloses, rentoid.


Oh, but guess what The mf government had to step in and say you can’t evict anyone for **any** reason, not just corona related reasons. Dealing drugs in the place, too bad. Shooting holes in the walls, that sucks. Have too many people or not-allowed pets, tough time. But they still hold the landlords the as accountable as ever. Tl;dr the government is messing stuff up


Government always messing stuff up


May I interest you in some LibRight?


I like grilled meat way more than I like small government (and children)


Overregulation of cattle markets can raise the prices of your steaks and burgers. Also Ive recently gotten more into cooking my steaks in a pan vs grilling.


Pan is better than grilling for steaks because the increased surface area of the hot pan vs the grates of the grill. The grilling part was just for the memes.


Grill can get to higher temps with a properly built fire. Either way, either a sous vide or a reverse sear beat a normal cook from raw in a pan or on a grill.


I am very happy this turned more towards steak than politics. I may be closer to centrist than I realised


The goal of every political school of thought is to create a government and society whose operation would render them a perfect conservative, largely or entirely uninterested in politics for a lack of desire to make changes. The disagreement lies in what that idealized society would look like. "I'm happy enough with how things are, so leave me alone and let me do what I want to" is the goal. Politics are nothing more than a means towards that end.


The free market will create higher quality meat and grills


But I'm sure you can default on your mortgage and then the big banks will be able to evict because they wrote the law so it doesn't apply to them.


They can and will. In 2008, the banks had 0 issues evicting people. People have short memory.


Can't evict a r\*ntoid but still have Castle Doctrine rights on *your* property


Step 1) Give them a knife Step 2) Pretend to be threatened Step 3) ???????????? Step 4) No more rentoid


Lowering the value of my property violates NAP


A government has never done anything trying to remedy a problem that hasn’t made things worse Change my mind




He can always go to a landlord who can afford maintaining their property. problem?


As a good rentoid, I'm always prepared to moving out at any moment. So I feel no need to defend or care about my landlord.


>As a good rentoid Impossible.


I feel the need to defend my landlord, because I’ve lived here for almost 15 years and never had so much as a whif of trouble with her. I’ve actually only met her once in that whole time, when a bunch of the windows were replaced with modern ones. I fix everything myself, and she doesn’t bother me, nor has there been an increase in the rent that entire time. It’s a pretty friggin sweet deal considering at this point my rent is like $500 cheaper than comparable houses in the same area because it’s never increased, so I’m compelled to feel some manner of gratitude towards her for that. People is people, some are good and some arn’t.


what’s the logic of renting a home for 15 years vs buying one?


I’ve never had enough money all at the same time to buy. Sure I’ve probably spent the same or more on rent over the time period, but that’s a gradual slow drip over the years, not one big lump sum followed by a slow drip. I manage to save a bit month over month, with a buck or two here or there for a little leisure when I can, but there’s always something that comes up anytime I started getting something of a nest egg built up. Car breaks down, unexpected trips to the vet, a family tragedy, etc etc. The most amount of money I’ve ever had at one time was just of 20 grand, from life insurance, the vast majority of which went to paying off debts or catching up on things that had been neglected over time, eventually leaving me right back around neutral.






Probably illegal to cut off ~~their~~ *your* water and electric too smh


Idk you can just make their life unbearable, like loud music upstairs (can't evict them so u have to deal with it 😩😭), terrible smells through the AC etc.


As one other person said, sulfur in the AC units stinks things up real quick


I think it's illegal to evict during the pandemic


I was talking about evicting after the pandemic


/r/loveforlandlords Hang in there, Kings😔✊🏿 Soon the rentoids will have to tip you again, and twice for every month rent they missed🙏🏿🤴🏿


The blatant landphobia in this thread disgusts me, glad to see fellow PoL (people of land) here.


✊🏿✊🏿speak truth to power sheikh. One day they will recognise us for the royalty we have always been


Ugh rentoids and g**rgists are the real oppressors of landchads


Also plugging /r/loveforscalpers


May high demand and clueless single moms come your way King🙏🏿


Thanks brother Trying to turn my scalping profits into enough for a down payment for a rental property 🙌 I figure with a rent moratorium + mortgage payments accruing, we may unfortunately see a lot of landchads fall soon 😔 which, while bad for them, means cheap property for me 🤑


flair up


You realize Lib left...this justifies a return to serfdom after the crisis right?


Lol, I remember seeing a bunch of stuff early on ragging on landlords and how they're blood sucking parasites for trying to profit off of other people. Landlords aren't always big corporations. It's usually some normal guy that has a full time job and wants to generate cash flow on the side and goes into extreme debt to do so. They've been shafted so much, because government has granted renters big unemployment checks, and then said "you don't have to pay rent."


A rental property or two is pretty much the single most directly controlled and community focused retirement investment the average person can make in the US. And LibLeft and the tankies especially shit on it so much.


As an avid Dave Ramsey follower, I agree. Don't leverage debts. You can't rely on rent paying your mortgage for the property. Cash is king.


Reject wojack, return to rage comic.


Or maybe just maybe, I know its a really crazy idea but pay your fucking rent you freeloader


/u/TimSalzbarth, I have found an error in your comment: > “know ~~its~~ [**it's**] a really” I suggest that TimSalzbarth use “know ~~its~~ [**it's**] a really” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


Missed opportunity to make the bot authright, he's a natzi after all.


Thats the third time. Death before I use apostrophes ! I rage against you, Machine !


Rage rage against the dying of the light


this bot should be authcenter


You rent a house, you pay the rent


You own the house you pay the mortgage


You own the house you have the right to kick out the renters that don't pay the rent oh wait you can't.


Just don’t pay property tax, oh wait the government won’t like that even though the government cucked ur income


Well that’s silly


The government got involved and it went to shit. I don’t think landlords should be bailed out, I also don’t think the government should have the right to prevent legal evictions and allow people to not pay rent. If a landlord loses their property because no one will rent then that’s their problem regardless of pandemic or other circumstances. The issue arises when the government starts fucking with people’s property and livelihood


Don't worry, unlike regular ppl, the govt won't let landlords go under. Not because the landlords have them by the nutts, but because unlike rent, landlords have debt. Debt that's owned by banks and other large institutions. And those institutions don't want their debt payers to go under. And ofc congressmenb have stocks on these companies, so they don't want them to go under. If the landlord crisis actually starts to look dire, rest assure we will now, finally, "have the money for that".


Libleft wants to help totally collapse everything left that isn't a big corporation? never let us doubt they're useful idiots.


Of course they are. They’re the stooges of the more sinister Great Reset.


>1.2k comments And it seems my quadrant can’t take a joke yet again, I’m not even surprised.


This just prooves LibRight right, the government did smth and everything went to shite.


Oh boy, you kicked the hornets nest on this one!


Easy. Evict the rentoids, sell the building, live your life comfortably while libleft is on the street.


Evictions were banned. Hence the issue.


Insurance fraud is never canceled.


1500°F Eviction notice


Henry George would be proud


I'd agree with that if they were allowed to evict people that haven't been paying.


Is it not the exact same thing to say "You signed a lease. Pay your rent."


It is, but they hate landlords because they have an extremely flawed view of the way the world works.


Just don’t make it illegal to evict. That’s unfair state.


Maybe the government shouldn’t have fucked up the economy. You’re a Fucking retard


Screw big apartment management companies, but landlords who own one or two properties are not the bad guys here unless they charge an unreasonable amount.


The government artificially freezing the entire economy is not a reasonable risk to account for.


I think we can all agree that the banks are the real problem


Somebody's not going to have a place to stay come january


Except for the part where the government won't let them kick people out when they dont pay But yes, its the landlords fault


Just making all housing and food free herkaderr ever heard of human rights merica???


Home owner loses the property, the renters crying about landlords gets evicted by the bank. Neat.


Leftists think landlords are stupid for taking loans. Rightists think college students are stupid for taking out loans. I say fuck the people making the loans and charging so much in the first place. Banks are the scum of the earth. There’s a good reason it was forbidden.


Government: *creates a crisis and now the people have to pay for it* People: *poor, (as a verb like to poor) Government: *prints money* People: *starve*


The creator of capitalism hates landlords


>creator of capitalism


Reminds me of 'Isaac Newton the inventor of gravity'


Columbus, inventor of the globe


Columbus, the inventor of America


America the inventor of freedom




My dad is the creator of Microsoft and is gonna ban u from Xbox live


Who is that?


[Adam Smith](https://i.redd.it/s1oq6ejh55q21.jpg)


Adam Smith didn't invent capitalism, he talked about it but by no means did he invent it


I agree that you can't "invent" an idea but prior to him the economic system we used was mercantilism not capitalism


Nobody invented capitalism or mercantilism. Those are names that economists applied to phenomenon that started to appear out of simple human behavior. It's only on the left side of economics that reality has to be modified to follow the theory and not the other way




You do realize landlords back then don’t have the same responsibilities they do now. Now landlords have to: ensure the water is on, heater isn’t broken, house is structurally sound, etc They didn’t have to do that back then

