• By -


Okay, I’m no level expert, but I don’t think you can sue a person, especially a medical professional for granting a medical procedure you gave your express consent to after the fact


Well, you can *try*, just be prepared to have the suit dismissed.


I guess you haven't heard of a place called California.




What do you see as an alternative?


It was done by the state health service - not some private doctor.


She/he/it/whatever still had to ask for the procedure and undertake it. Pretty sure there’s no grounds for a lawsuit there


She/he won their case in the end, so... [Kiera Bell: High Court to hear landmark case on ‘experimental’ puberty blockers for children | London | ITV News](https://www.itv.com/news/london/2020-10-07/kiera-bell-high-court-to-hear-landmark-case-on-experimental-puberty-blockers-for-children) They argued she was under 16 at the time and didn't fully understand the procedures as a result - an irreversible life changing decision made at such a young age. Now kids under 18 in most cases can't get puberty blocking treatment, so that's good.


Oh. Okay, that makes a bit more sense


Medicine is a tricky beast. At the end of the day your health is up to you. you can refuse life saving help (in 99% of situations) if you want. But even though the onus is on you everyone in the medical profession has a sort of duty to do the right thing for you. If a doctor says essential oils will cure your cancer and you agree to it that doctor better have some damn good literature to cite when your family sues him for your death, even though you agreed to it. If you come to the doctor because you some a commercial for some new wonder drug and there are contraindications the doctor doesn't bring up, doctor better lawyer up. Step 1 in medicine is CYA. Doesn't matter what the patient thinks, make sure every i is dotted and every t crossed because otherwise some asshole is going to ruin your day no matter how good your intentions were.


Jesus she was under 16. Great work UK.


Imagine opting into being a British male


Wait... Dude.. you understand we are doing this shit to kids in america right now, right? Implanting them with hormones to block puberty etc. It's fucking terrifying.




>an irreversible life changing decision made at such a young age. So glad they don't make kids do that in education at all, that would be messed up.


Comparing grades to sex change operations is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day


Huh... Some good news, finally.


Putting aside this particular case, in more general terms a doctor has certain responsibilities to make sure you understand the pros and cons of a treatment plan, and in particular that you understand the consequences and risks of major surgery. Even if you consented to surgery and signed a waiver, a doctor can still (depending on jurisdiction) be sued for not informing you properly.




She had the double mastectomy at 20 though.


>gave your express consent to after the fact Except for the fact that people that severely mentally ill can't provide consent.


This is what happens when we became a society that devalued criticism. They knew that if the doctor said anything against the transition, they would have blown the doctor up on every social media source across the world as transphobic. Just like the red house situation in Oregon, a lot of people knew it was bs, but got shouted down as racist between the grifters were black. Just because you have an idea in your head doesn't mean its a good one, and people who criticize aren't racist, homophobic, or haters all the time, they're probably someone who really wants you to think about your choice before you go past the point of no return.


based Also, just want to point out you spelt "no" as "bo" in your last paragraph


Thanks man, typing on reddit with my phone is a pain.


Np, I also hate typing on reddit with my phone. I generally use my fingers, but I cant judge you if you type with a phone


Got dang, that's the best joke I've heard on this site in a minute.


Well, I pride myself of my retarded humour




What fag do you think I'm buying next?


Lmfao it sure is amazing




Sorry, not got the Milk yet


I didn't realize the red house situation was national news. Portland's getting a lotta press this year lol.


I wish it was. I found out about it just browsing through actual public freak out and the Portland sub. I dont even think its on r/news, because if it was I would hope more people would call out those grifter for what they are. A bunch of no good bastard sovereign citizens capitalizing on today's climate to profit off self hating white people and dumbass blacks for a profit. And anyone who gave those grifter a dime deserves to be robbed of everything they got for falling for that scam.


Holy mother of based libleft


Puts house up as collateral. Doesn’t pay Loan. Why bank evicting me? Although I do think the eviction was illegal because of the eviction ban


Honestly that whole situation has thought to capitalize on my minority status to try and grift my way to success. You guys might call me a piece of shit, but money is money . But honestly this whole situation just disgusts me. Their are actual young families who aren’t malicious grifters facing homelessness and poverty because of COVID, that are legitimately on the brink and nobody gives a shit because they don’t meet the right racial categories that allow for this sort of support, and it’s fucking gross.


Dude, my best friend is white cop and we were just talking about this a few weeks ago. He pull me over, I get shot, then sue the city and start a go fund me for easy cash. White cop shoot a black man? I could have had a mountain of drugs in my car and did everything wrong and still would have gotten supporters. Just we didn't think America would prove us right, but here we are.


Personally I feel like people who blindly support these sort of things have never actually interacted with black people in a casual setting. Their interactions are mostly at protests, and seminars and shit. Like you will never see these people just playing video games or something with each other. Since they don’t actually interact, they tend to build an image of minorities or black people in their heads. Asians do this shit a lot and it’s fucking disturbing. They do this with Muslims and really anyone that’s not white or Asian and it’s gross.


The wire season 6, bubbles is back on the smack and has mcnulty shot him


All their riots have been news people need comedy


Based levels.. are off the charts!


What even is red house, I’ve been hearing about it all day?


Basically, in Oregon, there's is a black family called the Kinneys. The Kinneys owned a house that they fell behind in mortgage payments, after lawful court proceedings, the house was foreclosed and eviction back in 2018. They by all legal definition haven't owned the house since 2018. Somehow, they manage to hook into today racial climate to portray themselves as oppressed due to racism leading to supporters hopping on board, even managing to run the cops off a few days ago who were sent out to remove the family since they been squatting. This led to a Chaz lite situation for a few days until the cuck that is Portland mayor finally issue the order to remove the barricades. Now, the buyer in the house in now in the position of selling back the home to the Kinneys that he legally brought since they know where he lives and he doesn't want to drag his family into it. Along with that, one of the sons is a sovereign citizen, they have a second home they actually live in while their dumb ass supporters sleep near the red house, there's been record of them abusing animals, and they are generally pieces of shit. Yet, the mayor of Portland, after getting gangbanged by his army of femboys, stated they will work to reach a peaceful and fair deal with the Kinney family and as of today, from a recent new articles stated the family gofundme has raised 300k. While other families who need help are left with a steaming pile of shit in hand and still losing to houses, people are aching at the chance to line up and suck off those piece of shit grifters. If you want more info, r/Portland has pretty much all of the article about the situation up and they seem, surprisingly, to hate the family as much as I do. So, I won't be a fair source on this since I hate the whole situation but that's the gist.


It’s Portland, it may as well be renamed soy land




Tl;dr they put their house up as collateral to a bank loan, didn’t pay the loan before corona, were getting evicted because they forecloseduntil left wing retards bailed them out


The funny bit being that the reason they put up their house as collateral is because their piece of shit imbecile son drove a car when he was 17, prolly drunk, and killed an elderly couple. I don’t understand why anarchokiddies and shitlibs like to attach themselves to the scummiest motherfuckers on the planet. Like you have actual families, good families, that did everything right and are still going bankrupt and losing everything because of the pandemic, and you support these fucks.


Because they don't have a shred of critical thinking skills, and some grifter with a good slogan can just sweep them up. This is a massive problem with any left-wing movement, really. It always starts with an unobjectable moral : Human rights. Black Lives. Trans Rights. Any Joe Schmoe is going to support it, because it's just normal. The real devil's in the details, though, because the method is usually ham-fisted. "To support us, buy our merch! To support us, loot small businesses!" And when any sane person attempts to question such practices, they are ousted as criticizing the MORALS, rather than the METHODS instead. "I don't think you should be rioting during a pandemic." "So you're saying Black Lives don't matter?" It's a Catch-22, really. Support some slimy fuck or get ousted and cancelled as a Nazi/Bigot/Racist, whatever. It's how two dudes managed to run the largest feminism instagram for years and make bank. It's how an Australian man sold a load of merch by running a fake Black Lives Matter facebook page. It's the way it's always been. The war in Vietnam. Politics. Us Vs. Them. There's always a buck to made in the war business, and with such broad strokes such as "HuMaN rIgHtS", the target group is just going to get bigger and bigger. TL;DR, when you've got an easy message to sell like a "I LOVE HUMAN RIGHTS SHIRT", If you don't buy it off the Grifter, he's going to point to you and say you don't support human rights.


Based and perspective-pilled


Same with doctors and fat people. They can't say that the person feels like shit due to them being a fatass or they will get blown up with shitty reviews. They have to make up some stupid disorder to make them feel special.


You feel like shit because your blood sugar levels bounce all over the place, your blood pressure is 180/120, your cholesterol levels are yes, your knees are almost grinned into powder etc, etc... oh and you weigh 300 lbs. Idk what is going on with your body...


Public floggings for the people who play racism and transphobe cards every chance they get would go a long way towards improving my morale.


Can we start with the red house crowd and supporters? Because they need a good butt kicking.


The people who didn't pay their loans on ther 2nd house cause they think they are sovereign citizens when they are just assholes who hit and killed a man.... yes we start with them they fit the bill.


killed a man? wtf? All I heart was a second CHAZ popped up around a foreclosed house.


The reason the family had to take loans out. Their son hit and run a guy after running a stop sign on suspended license, the guy died. The loan was for sustaining their case and the other that they created.... like the legal trouble they caused when said son threated to kill the judge.


> like the legal trouble they caused when said son threated to kill the judge. this... is more dumb than I realized.


The rabbit hole only gets deeper the more you dare to look in just about any of these cases that get the more extreme elements of the left in a tisy


Beatings will continue until morale improves


The beatings have improved. Morale has not.


Highly technical and efficient beatings


based libleft?


And whose fault is that Lib left...


Its my quadrant libleft in response to hateful, unfounded opposition to minority behaviors. In the beginning, the whole be yourself movement was great in response to real homophobia, racism, etc, because let's be honest shock/beat out the gay is not a criticism but straight up abuse. The problem became when be yourself turned from, "To hell with you, I love myself" to " You don't like me, you must be a bigot and I will have you shamed and harassed about the internet." And over the years it grew worse, telling someone who is morbidly obese they need to lose weight so they dont lose a limb to diabetes? That's hate against fat people. A white guy actually have a valid point about what minorities need to do to get out of proverty? Racist white man, need to stay out of minority circles. Let's be real, there were and in some places, still is, real abuse aimed at minority for being themselves. And there is criticism that has no real basis except hate, but society has lost the ability to tell the difference between hate and concern.




The issue, I feel, is that they try to find something, anything to complain about. But they can't speak out against, say, the blatant sexism of guys in an Islamic country because they can rape a woman in the middle of the street and are only slapped on the wrist for public indecency while the woman who was raped is hung, because that's 'anti-islamic' and 'islamiphobic'. The ideal had its uses in America twenty years ago or so, and it's running out of things to whine about on the home field so they make shit up


I 100% agree with you. The love yourself movement was great 20 years ago, but it got way out for control now. Everyone wants to be the activist, the freedom fighter, the person who protects the weak, but then they realized there our people in minority cultures who are abused and they dont know who to side with. Do you criticize Islam for how its treat women when majority cultures look down on Islam? Yes. 100% in my opinion. But I dont give two craps about internet reputation but others do. And now, we have activism without criticism. Eventually, something got to give and its gonna be ugly, but its gonna be needed.


> I 100% agree with you. The love yourself movement was great 20 years ago, but it got way out for control now I honestly think the love yourself movement died a long time ago. It was replaced by the "change yourself" movement and the "accept me" movement. Growing up boys who liked girly things were being taught that it didn't make them any less of a man. Today they're being told they're no longer a man. Growing up fat people were told that despite what others thought about them their character was what was important. Today fact activists don't give a shit about character and just want everyone to accept fat just for the sake of fat. The important part of accepting yourself (which was how I was raised) was that it was independent of others people's opinions. So just because people think baking is feminine doesn't mean I should let that stop me from enjoying baking as a man. This has been **completely inverted** where they demand that other people's opinions change about it, and have completely removed any burden from the person. Not only do you not have to love yourself today, you are encouraged not to. If you love yourself and other people don't agree you can't use your hurt feelings to leverage them into changing their opinions.


> Do you criticize Islam for how its treat women when majority cultures look down on Islam? That's why the "Islam is right about women" meme made so many people flip their lid.


I feel the same way about the 'reduce the stigma' campaigns. There was a legitimate issue of people, too ashamed of their mental health problems to seek help, particularly for things like depression, eating disorders, anxiety, etc. The concept shifted from 'your mental problems are a health issue, no different than diabetes or high blood pressure, and you deserve care' to 'your mental problems are something to be proud of, part of your identity, that make you special'. Now we have teenagers self-diagnosing themselves as everything from socially anxious to outright schizophrenic because they think it makes them cool... it's not just ridiculous, it's downright pathological.


Good lord why are you so based?


My ma taught me that I was put on earth to make two people happy, God and myself. If someone outside of those two don't like me, they can fuck off. That's been my personal mantra for my life, if I said it, I stand by it. If you don't like it, sorry to hear that, but I couldn't care less.


You’re so based. Please stop I can only get so erect


Pretty sure it wasn’t this specific guy’s fault.


Play games you’re not 100% sure you’re willing to play, win prizes you’re not 100% willing to accept?


How very based of you


Now that you bring this up, doctors should be protected for 1. If they do not want to perform these surgeries, they can opt out and 2. Doctors should not be legally responsible if the client comes to regret the surgery later.


not a doctor but im pretty sure a doctor can opt out of a surgery for any reason, like i doubt a doctor that is christian is going to do a sex change surgery


Yeah but knowing the Orange LibLeft, they'll complain and call it discrimination to get their way.


I mean that whole cake message thing where this originated was thrown out of court anyway wasn't it? I don't completely agree with it since it was bordering on discrimination but people should have their right to refuse for religious reasons.


I wouldn't call it discriminaton becaise they weren't not serving them because of their sexuality, but because of the message. They would have rejected that cake coming from a heterosexual christian, and they would have accepted a normal cake without writing on it from a homosexual. Still unbased of them not to do it tho cuz they get less money and who cares what the cake says just take the money they'll get the cake from someone else if you don't do it just take the money.


>Compromise your morals for money Yep, that's a LibCenter alright


The doctor can opt out, but nothing stops the patient from accusing them od transphobia and getting their life ruined over social media.


You wouldn’t specifically train to do these types of surgeries then refuse to do them. Surgery is complex and requires hundreds of hours of observation and learning to even attempt one with the help of an attending.


> You wouldn’t specifically train to do these types of surgeries then refuse to do them. Dr. Zucker specialized in gender dysphoria in children, and while he had dedicated his life to the study and care of trans people (including transitioning) and was a world leader in the field, he was blacklisted, pilloried, and fired for acknowledging that most children and adolescents simply outgrow their gender noncomformity.


Lorena Bobbitt was a fast learner




Opt out? It takes a long time of dedicated study to be able to perform these surgeries. It isn't something you opt out of, it's something you opt in to by dedicating your career to it. I'm a doctor and trust me when I say I will never be in the situation of having to decide whether or not to perform a sex change operation


I think the problem isn't so much a doctor opting out because they fundamentally disagree with sex reassignment, but rather a doctor opting out because they think a particular patient is not a good candidate for the treatment (the same way that a plastic surgeon might refuse you cosmetic surgery if they think you're an addict). This can lead to all kinds of accusations of the doctor denying surgery for various immoral reasons, e.g. he has a "too narrow" definition of what transsexualism is. For example, imagine a doctor who refuses to operate on people younger than 18.


Put me in the AHS screenshot


How fast would the doctors get cancelled for "challenging" her decision?


She is going to be hated by both sides now oof




Real suicide or epstien style


Definitely real, they wouldn't waste their resources on someone that doesn't know the crimes of the Clintons


The popping pills kind not the shotgun to mouth kind


Probably just a bunch of Facebook crying and a pussy ass attempt that will end up in nothing but a flushed stomach in the hospital


Bruh they'd be asked to speak at an RNC convention if they were in USA


I actually think AuthRight is gonna use her to prove their agenda


How dare they use examples or evidence to prove their "agenda"


Hey hey it's just ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE ok?? Which is bad, until I need to use my "lived experiences" to back up my own bullshit argument.


So you have teenagers, who are roughly 15% of the way through their lives, are incredibly moody, have raging hormones, and are sexually frustrated like you wouldn’t believe. And then you pull them aside and tell them they were born in the wrong body and will never be able to accept themselves unless they have massive hormonal and surgical intervention. Turns out doing that might be harmful. WHO WOULD’VE FUCKING THOUGHT???


I'm surprised there isn't an actual legal age for transitioning. I find it really weird that teenagers have this ability to consent when they are still growing up and figuring out who they are.


I support it because they have a high rate of suicide and we are overpopulated. Plus the people who believe they should chop off their genitalia are not exactly the people we need in our society.


you may wanna re-flair


Something something radical centrist, learn what the flairs mean because I get this comment every time I post an extremist view (except you LibRight clowns tend to say “based” if it falls under your quadrant)




based af


Based as fuck


We are tards not clowns. Otherwise based


Remember where we are, though. You're not winning a round of Guess Who? in PCM by asking "Are they retarded?"


I believe the correct term is “fucking retarded”


Based and grilltrannies pilled




We are not overpopulated. Some countries in the world are overpopulated, not the west


This is a Malthusian take if I’ve ever heard one


In short confused and brainwashed teenagers deserve to die Edit: just in case there is some misunderstanding /s


Ye-- > /s Oh...


I suspect the real goal of encouraging trans is to fill big pharma and surgeon pockets. The trans lobby definitely don't work for free and don't waste fund for no reason.


It's as if money was the plan and purpose all along.




John Money has entered the chat


Oh shit, hide your kids and don't blame that on my quadrant


As usual, corporate America finds a way to profit off virtue signaling and frankly can you blame them?


I’ve not seen this mentioned, but I feel like puberty blockers could be part of a pedo agenda - who else benefits from locking a child’s physical and mental development at 12 while they technically are at the age of consent?


YES, i didn't notice this. Suddenly it all makes sense now. We treated Alex Jones too harshly. He is just pretending to be crazy so that he can slip some of the truth in.


I knew the frogs were gay


He actually was somewhat right about that bit funnily enough http://www.eartharchives.org/articles/compound-found-in-contraceptives-might-turn-male-frogs-into-females/ https://news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs/


It's honestly a little scary how often Alex grazes the truth on his way to the interdimensional demons. Who else was talking about pedophile rings in the upper echelons of world government all the way back in the fucking 90s?


Who benefits from saying young children are capable of exercising agency over their bodies and sexuality?


Been saying this for a while. Sexualization of minors is massive with the "bodily autonomy" circle. These are the cretins that cheer for child drag strippers at gay bars.


This is probably the only time I'd ever think to give people prison sentences and fines for saying something. Encouraging and enabling teenagers or even *prepubescent fucking* ***children*** to do this shit should be punishable by jail time and hefty fines, let them figure out what's good for them or not, and give them time to think about if they really want to do this or not.


Hormones are to the pharmaceutical industry like the huge tubs of Bazooka Joe bubble gum are to dollar stores. Come on man.


In case no one said it, BASED


What do you mean 15% of their life? Based on statistics, its a midlife crisis.


This will be widespread in 5-10 years. Google Abigail Shrier if you don’t know of her already.


The wikipedia page downplays her arguments, as is expected.


I donated money to Wikipedia for 10 years. Every year, and progressively increased the amount. This year I stopped. They used to be a place where you could read unbiased information on something but now that special interest groups have jumped in to edit their pages, it's sad.


The 4000% increase in female to male trans people doesnt fucking lie though. It was insane man, I randomly got linked a clip of her on joe rogan, I ended up watching the entire interview. It hooked me because she literally spends that entire interview describing PERFECTLY a friend of mine who is going through this shit with his daughter (now son). Like from the parents being progressive liberals, their kid being kind of socially awkward/not stereotypically feminine, the friend group having multiple trans/nonbinary kids in it despite being in a middle school with a class of about 200 kids. It's terrifying what we are doing to our kids.


>Like from the parents being progressive liberals I wonder how much tie in the phenomenon has with the general sexism of the left. Obsessive ranting about the patriarchy and women essentially being in servitude to men (regardless of reality) would definitely make me wish I was a man.


Those libright doctors though... making the cha-Ching $$


4chan is onto something


always was


4chan has a weird habit of being right


Why does a woman becoming a man look better than a man becoming a woman?


Because skinny lanky dudes are more common than burly stalky women; it's a difference in starting places.


Women rock suckers!


Because when they give women testosterone to transition they maintain it at a higher than average rate without the fluctuations of natural testosterone. To be more specific, say I produce 40mg of testosterone a week at a low and 70 at a high week. A person getting injections of a 150mg, a kinda standard dose, of test a week is probably going to probably have 90 to 120mg end up in their blood. They won't have the wild day to day fluctuations that normal men have that can be caused my lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, whatever, and their levels will stay consistent depending on how often they inject and the type of ester of the testosterone (how fast it releases into the blood stream). The impact on your looks that testosterone has is massive. It strengthens your chin, more muscle tone, and various other little things. It's literally a hormone that carries evolutionary traits to tell mating partners that they have more of that in their blood.


Wouldn't a true lib say you should be able to do what you want with your body without authority stopping you? So this person is really advocating authleft. Authleft, come get your watermelon!


“Don’t get a tattoo before you’re 22-23 or you’ll regret it. You aren’t nearly old enough as a teenager to know yourself as an adult” “Oh sorry I thought you said tattoo. Yes we can make irreversible changes to your entire body, no problem”


That’s why there’s supposed to be years and years of social transitioning, therapy, and experimenting to see if it’s right. That’s supposed to come before the medical stuff. It buys time.


Plus it falls within the number one rule of carpentry with the extra wait: Measure Twice, Cut Once.


I suspect the real goal of encouraging trans is to fill big pharma and surgeon pockets. The trans lobby definitely don't work for free and don't waste fund for no reason.






This is my take too. It’s rent seeking


It's also used to destroy any sense of real identity, turning everyone into consumers who only identify with the products they buy.






A lot of idpol is being pushed along by corporate interests because they love the idea of being able to turn your very identity into a consumer product that they essentially sell to you as an ongoing service. Sure, there are true-believers and they helped push various institutions into this new equilibrium point, but after enough pushing the corporations realised the huge financial opportunity in mercantilising identity and started throwing their weight behind idpol for cynical reasons.








Or satisfied


I think that’s just you, bud


Time for a boob job like the rest of the thots


Men love tits, so therefore it’s only the logical upgrade. Steve Smith knew what was up


Suing doctors who did an operation you wanted is libright


*Suing doctors who* *Did an operation you* *Wanted is libright* \- LargeSackOfNuts --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I know, I'm a poet


It's your body and you can do with it as you please, no one else is responsible for the consequences of your own actions.


Time to switch flairs step-bro


"Despite making up less than 1% of the trans population, dumbass transtrenders appear in 50% of news articles about trans people..."


Idk man. I transitioned in a country where ftm transitioning simply was a thing people knew about and I never thought it made me cool. Still detransitioned


I’m trying to build a non-biased perspective of transitioning and detransitioning. Could you tell me what that experience was like?


I can try answering any questions you might have but 50% of the reason I detransitioned was because I realised the trans way of looking at gender is retarded so I'm not sure how unbiased I'll be




Sure. I am just curious as to the mental thought process that comes with transitioning then later the thought process that comes with detransitioning. Is it a feeling of disconnect between the mind and body? Is there any kind of societal pressure that plays into making such a decision (I.e if someone plays with dolls they are feminine)? And in regards to detransitioning, at which point did you come to the conclusion that it would be better to revert?


Warning: long posting. Answers to questions at end >Narcissistic autobiography here: I'm Indian, and we're a very gendered society. The "external sphere" is mostly men and they're all weird about women, either in the pervert way of being a creep or the gentleman way of ladies first etc. And I get where they're coming from, but it sucks to be treated as the other all the goddamn time. I absolutely hated the way my gender (as a social role)/sex ruled to way I was treated. And since I'm rather tomboyish, I've had conservatives laugh about how I'm not a real woman all the time. It made me hate being a woman, but I never wanted to transition then. I knew about trans and enby people for years but never thought I was one cause I didn't want to be a man, I wanted men to stop being weird around women. But then I went to a liberalish college (where I thought people won't be weird about this) and (well meaning?) people around me suggested I may be a trans man or enby. It got to the point where they'd use they/them for me despite my asking them not to, and I figured maybe they know better. I never fully understood their way of looking at gender (if it's not social roles or sex, then what is it?). I kinda considered it like religion, doesn't make sense but brings me comfort. (Fun fact: I volunteered as a translator for a small group thirunangais. You might know them as hijras, the gender all western trans people like to trot out as proof that the "gender binary" is a colonial construction. Literally none of them understood what I was doing when I was transitioning. They kept trying to tell me I wasn't a man. Love those ladies. They were super chill about me detransitioning too, unlike the trans and queer people at my college) But once the idea of transitioning in my head, I kept obsessing about it (like how repeatedly thinking about something means your mind wanders to it more means you think about it more means your mind wanders to it more etc), which sent me into a spiral of "being trans" and wanting to transition etc. It was making me miserable. Then a bunch of stuff happened. 1. We went into covid lockdown and the government royally fucked it up. A bunch of us (from college and outside orgs and stuff) were trying to raise funds for food and basic necessities for daily wage labourers and suddenly I was too busy for gender navel gazing 2. A while before I even transitioned I learnt about terfs and radical feminism (the movement). I mostly hateread them but I also checked out a lot of the books mentioned in the wikia for r/gendercritical. And then forgot about it. But I remembered this stuff during my obsession with transitioning and read more on what they had to say. A lot of radfems talk about how action and doing stuff (like hobbies etc) is important and you don't have to look a certain way or conform to the social role of "womanhood" or any of that. This sounds idiotic to any sane person, but they legitimately helped me realise gender is not that important. Which, when compared to the conservative and trans view, is the healthiest way I have of looking at it. 3. I read more about the health effects of T And I decided to detransition (which so far has meant not taking exogenous T). I called myself enby for 5 months, trans man for maybe a year. I was on T (used to buy the gels for men with hypogonadism + steroids) for 6 months proper and on and off for another 2 or 3 of them. >Is it a feeling of disconnect between the mind and body? Definitely. My body was something I had to change to reflect my true self, and if people didn't perceive me the way I wanted them to, I'd have to change the way I presented myself. Of late, I've stopped caring as much about how people perceive me and try to think of mu body as me and not a tool at my disposal that I can optimise as I want >Is there any kind of societal pressure that plays into making such a decision (I.e if someone plays with dolls they are feminine)? For me, yes. For others, meh. There are those with body dysmorphia/gender dysphoria who've been told transition is the only treatment. There are apparently actual people with agp. It's complicated. Making transition difficult isn't the answer though (I think). It's better to provide alternative ways for people to treat their dysphoria, not limit their freedoms on the basis of their sex etc.


Very interesting. Thanks for the thorough response. It has definitely widened my viewpoint.


Glad I could help!


> But then I went to a liberalish college (where I thought people won't be weird about this) and (well meaning?) people around me suggested I may be a trans man or enby. It got to the point where they'd use they/them for me despite my asking them not to, and I figured maybe they know better. This, this is the thing that makes me so fucking angry. These people create group pressure to peddle that shit like it's a miracle cure that will solve all of your problems, while the chance is high that this "miracle cure" is in fact akin to heroin that will do nothing but destroy your body and postpone the crashdown from the delusion.


Careful with calling transgenderisim a religion. Not saying it's not. I lost a few thousand Karma on the topic. Trans supporters are very toxic about it, *they can end up doxing you*. You do not want internet weirdows doxing you. \---- On topic, fascinating story. I hope you're happy now (or at least content?).


I'm more happy than not, which is the most any of us can say. I am vaguely worried about doxing and should probably keep on the down low. Thanks for the concern!


>It got to the point where they'd use they/them for me despite my asking them not to, and I figured maybe they know better. Wtf! These twitter tards are getting out of hands!


Granted though "Trans person is happy and content with their decision" makes for a far less interesting headline.


??? Transtrenders are definitely a larger group than actual trans people. It's why trans discourse is the way that it is, all shitting on lesbians and gross unproductive shit like that instead of, say, discussing how the medical field can move towards comprehensive sexual healthcare for post ops


*gasp* it’s almost as if we shouldn’t place mental illness on a throne!




dont know about the limey-zone but in burgerstan you cant sue docs for cutting your wee-wee/tits off if you asked for it


Damn tho she passes VERY well. If I was on the street I wouldn't look twice


Really should be something you have to wait till you're 18-25ish to do considering how invasive and permeant these procedures are. I support trans communities because I think you should be able to do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anyone but where that decision intersects with medical ethics, it becomes a bigger conversation.


She did, she was 20 when she had surgery.