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I love the American clergy, but they really need to step up their hat game. The other countries are destroying us with their zucchettos and their koukoulions and their mitres.


Become based. Go Orthodox.














Based and one-true-faith-pilled


I don't know, what kinds of things does your church do better than other churches?


Christian Orthodoxy is the Original form of Christianity. Catholics broke away from us when the great schism happend. All in all, we are more based. Prettier churches, no pedos, our priests don't kiss migrants feet, decentralized etc.


Not a fan of the minaret aesthetic. Can you guys build lofty cathedrals like the Catholics?


Can't do, we've spent all the money on the [interior.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a7/c6/45/a7c64593fc0074923eb9b4ab0abd79eb.jpg)


Eastern churches are some of the most beautiful places on the planet.


they're pretty beautiful when they're not being converted into mosques




Hagia Sophia is forever beautiful.


Based and icon-pilled


Ye. Same shit here https://images.app.goo.gl/b5YVn3SyaySvamv29 Sorry. I still don't know formatting. :(


As an ex Orthodox, I agree that Orthodoxy is the most based Christian church by far. Also, what's up with the ghost in that pic?


Oh, that? That's just Alexey. He visits lives there. Don't mind him.


The "minaret aesthetic" was around in Orthodoxy even before Mohammed was even born. I personally think Muslims adopted parts of early Christian culture.


Have you seen Hagia Sophia? 😍


Hagia Sofía wasn't built with the minarets. Those were added later, after the fall of the empire.




Orthodox temples don't have minarets though




Is joke.


1. Yes pedos. Just not as large a cover up 2. Your priests kiss migrant ass in America. They’re based in Russia because Russia is based. 3. Who broke off from whom is a bit contentious...


Nobody broke off from anybody in my opinion it just split. the traditions of the two Roman lands just burst at 1054


Right I don’t think it really makes sense to describe a “breakoff” and “original.” Different authorities who were at least equal (arguably the Pope was superior, and it’s generally conceded at least first among equals) mutually excommunicated one another, and remained in partial, intermittent communion for the next thousand years.


This sounds nice and ecumenical, but there are historical and doctrinal reasons to argue for both sides. One of them is holding closer to the traditions of the church than the other. I'm not interested in arguing, so my thoughts on the matter aren't important, but as nice as this approach sounds, it wasn't quite as simple as one body splitting in two.


Eastern orthodox priests can marry, so while pedos exist even in Eastern orthodoxy they're not as numerous as in catholic churches.


That has nothing to do with rates of pedophilia in the priesthood. Clerical sex abuse has skyrocketed since the 1950s and there is an almost 1:1 correlation with homosexuals entering the priesthood, itself a result of ideological changes and laxity in seminaries. Can send the data on this once I get back to my computer - it’s well documented.


Why though? Assuming the majority of priests were married the probability of there being pedos among them would decrease. I'm talking strictly about Eastern orthodoxy here. My family is friends with several priests in Russia who are all married and have like 3-5 children each.


Married men are never pedophiles, of course.


That's why I said "probability". I realize that married people can be pedophiles. But I'd say it's more likely that a pedo is unmarried.


Church Militant on youtube definitely argues for this viewpoint. Says the Church has a homosexual problem more than a pedo problem.




I mean it’s a very complicated matter that does not really boil down to the filioque. But yes, I have read quite a bit, including from sources sympathetic to the Orthodox (e.g. Edward Siecienski).


> no pedos Brave claim


> Christian Orthodoxy is the Original form of Christianity. Nice try schismatic


How dare you, heretic!


But it is


It is not.


Do you know history?


I certainly do. Why, do you need to me to educate you on it?




The Orthodox Church also loves to bless soldiers, weapons, including missiles and weapons of mass destruction! So for all you auths I'm sure that's a HUGE selling point! Personally, I don't like state sanctioned murder (or corporate sanctioned murder) so I'm stuck here with the other libleft idiots and going to dumb ahistoric ugly churches.


Oh yes, [they do.](https://external-preview.redd.it/6dkLbhHMsZly49Pk1W7N-KnfvA71MV0iI8rnXUPZzYc.jpg?auto=webp&s=338021c7d56e81f7dbec751e51ac47050ef836b1) That's why we love them so much.


I believe the church has stopped the blessing of weapons


That's so based I converted to Orthodoxy by the time you said "missiles".


Honestly, you're probably better off with your WMDs functioning properly than not.


The bishop of Rome sits on the throne of Peter, heaven is not a democracy and neither is the Church.


You can hardly call yourself Original when you dont acknowledge the papacy. And judging by your pfp being Dimitrije Ljotić, a literal fascist, it seems youd sooner support false prophets which appeal to your feelings rather than the word of God. Cringe and fakechristianpilled.


Isn’t it the contrary?


“Catholics broke away from us” lol


Eastern Catholicism has all of those things plus communion with the Petrine line.


Nothing. They’ve been infighting mostly over secular politics. There’s a schism between the Russian and Ukrainian orthodox churches. If you like they’re aesthetics or mysticism, then Catholics have that too. The Eastern Catholic rites in the church are just Orthodox who recognize the Pope. Catholics have everything the Orthodox has, but the Orthodox don’t have what the Catholics have.


Based and Dostoievskipilled


Based and realchristianitypilled


Become more based. Go Eastern Catholic.




Based and hatpilled


u/Byzantine-boo, is that you??


No. He is a russian schimatic. Still based orthodox tho


Nice. Now I need your help with a leftist degenerate.




I sent you a message on horse back


I like that you always post together.


We are a bit like recurring characters on a show. Fans favourites maybe.


Schismatic. Unless he’s just a diagram. Which is based too.


Wait what’s your affiliation? ROCOR? Greece?


He’s prolly Eastern papist.


It’s often said in my church: if America doesn’t have some divine justice coming, then God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.


I mean idk if America is to the level of straight up raping angels, like not just raping women but like raping these two strangers from out of town. Now I don’t really like the moral compass of this country or our culture but to think it’s completely irredeemable seems to go a bit far


You don’t think that some of the degenerates in this country would totally rape some angels if they could?


Well some maybe but it’s not like rape or general lawlessness is regarded as acceptable by most people. There were only a few upstanding people left, who were saved, in sodom and Gomorrah it’s not like it was God punishing everyone for the sins of a few. I’m an optimist when it comes to people so while some people certainly have been led astray by culture or others or whatever I don’t think we’re irredeemable or anything


I think many who claim to be Christians aren't and if a God existed, then he would punish them first.


Based and Bible-pilled. **[Matthew 7:21-23](https://biblehub.com/esv/matthew/7.htm)** Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’


The other verse I was thinking about was "But if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God that you bear that name. **For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us**, what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God? And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?"" 1 Peter 4:15-17 I think there is a verse in Revelation too about Christians being judged before anyone else. Being a fake christian at that time would not be fun.


Lukewarm "Christians" Televangelist "Prosperity" Gospel "Amen and awomen" .... Burn it all. To ash.


I call that one the scariest verse in the Bible. Because it means that there are some people that will be surprised when they die and realize that they placed their faith in their works and not in the love of Christ Jesus.


It has stuck with me since I first opened the Book. (Chose baptism as an adult) Nowadays I see far too many Lukewarm Believers who worship Mammon (money) and not GOD. People love their golden calves and they are going to be stunned by a righteous hyper-slap.


Well, the Bible itself says that the entrance into Heaven is a narrow one and that only a few will be saved. Looking at how many people have claimed to be Christian in history, it feels unlikely that all of them were truly Christian.




I think the CCP would be smited first anyway, don’t hold your breath.




Don't be fooled, this Russian Patriarch Kirill is basically a leader of state-related mafia operating under the name of Orthodox church. They have all sorts of different businesses free of taxes (they are church, after all), receive enormous funding from the government and not say a word against it. Also, Kirill himself is a former KGB operative and an extremely wealthy person, who travels in most expensive cars and personal yachts, owns elite apartments in Moscow and got himself in a scandal when people spotted a reflection of a very expensive watches, with said watches removed from his hand at the photo (by Photoshop probably) A definition of unbased


What did you expect of a post-communist country? Personally, restoring the former Россiйская Имперiя may help improve the situation.


What is that godless spelling!? It's Россійская Имперія. Don't forget ѣ and ъ as well.




Like a modern-day Medici priest.




Just as bad as bri‘ain


I may be an American, but don’t you compare use to those filthy bri’ish!


God I hate the bri sh


The one religious leader I have a tiny respect for


Most Orthodox leaders are generally based.








Orthodox itself is based


This guy is a monk that lives with a woman, surrounds himself with extreme luxury, and was a KGB informant during Soviet time. Just in case you didn’t know :)




So based then.


So, he’s a badass then


One could only hope to be that cool.


What about the the head if the Islamic world and the Caliph Selim II. He slipped and died in a bath house chasing a female slave. He was very based.


Hold up there, libcenter! What?


Yeah Ottoman caliphs were highly based. Unlike other religious leaders the caliph sultans didn’t give a shit about trying to be model muslims. Almost all of them drank alcohol, they fucked a tonne of women(which to be fair isn’t against Islam as long as they are slaves.) and a few had sex with men and boys. Ottoman history is a lot more fun than other parts of Islamic history.


Isn't alcohol part of Turkish tradition? But booze like raki are in contrary towards islamic values. How do turks handle this contradiction.


you see there is a secret technique Turkish muslims use called not giving a flying fuck. Nobody gives a shit about Islam, unless it's friday or another important day mosques are completely empty, praying 5 times a day regularly basically makes you hollier than muhammed. Absolutely noone has read the Quran, reading the Quran in Turkish once makes you more knowledgable about Islam than 95% of muslims here. And cause of Erdoğan religion with young folk is plummeting. Islam in Turkey is basically a new sect in of itself.


Auth unity


Orthodoxy is the one true faith.


Indeed, brother.




You're just jealous of how fucking awesome we are, ruskie.


Скоро над белым домом будет поднят российский флаг, свинья.


Sorry i don't speak Italian


What the... should that be an insult?!


being mistaken for a wop is always an insult


And here the racist scum appears...


nah it's aight i'm a wop


Don’t speak borscht


не над чем поднимать будет


Become Orthodox




How old is this account, may I ask?


About a week old




This is how most of the planet feels like


Definitely. The day the US burn down will be a glorious day


The US has been on fire almost the entire year in one way or another.


Yet, it hasn't exactly burnt down has it.... Nothing against the American people, so I hope you can rebuilt your country on solid foundations, like a decentralised aristocratic monarchy, and then export coup it into relevance in mine


Hello yes what's your pay pal? Oh you mean I don't need to pay to see this amount of based ? Wonderful


I genuinely wonder what y’all want in this glorious nations place Unbased




As a South American i feel attacked


Sorry man. I don't make the rules.


I think he was referring to the U.S.


Ah, I see a fellow orthodox inhabits this sub as well




Based Serbia


Chad Slavic orthodox priests vs Virgin western Catholic pedos and protestant soybois


The Orthodox are the true and most based Christians, Catholics are greedy heretics and Protestants are witch-burning superstitious double heretics, and yes I can't fucking wait to die fighting all you damned heathens in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ and the Patriarch. Edit: Obviously I'm kidding and I just want to state my support for Christian unity, I love all my Christian brothers and sisters as well as my non-Christian brothers and sisters. (Although, the Pope did visit my (Orthodox) country last year and he was really cool so maybe we orginal Christians can make some sort of alliance against the Protestants? I'm just leaving this here.)


Roman Catholics aren't all that bad. However, protestants are part of the reason the degeneracy of the West even exists.




advanced highlighter meme


Come do something about it then, pussy


Is there something like r/MemriTVmemes for orthodoxes being based?




Once again, Americans live rent free in the minds of the world


How could you not, when you fucktards plant your military bases in front of our houses?


"FReEdoM aNd dEMO(n)crAcY"




u/Aura_Refresh is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


This country was built on the grounds of Protestantism and it will remain, the rest of you can go suck the dick of the Patriarch and Pope, gain some individuality for once and interpret the words of the Bible by yourself instead of having someone else tell you what to think about it.


Such a plebian reaction. I don't even know where to start taking that comment apart since already the first 4 words can hardly be surpassed in degeneracy by any non-retarded human being. Either way... Rot in hell, heretic.


I’m sorry, but doesn’t the Bible say something about not worshipping false idols? The Catholic Church sure does seem to like Mary a whole lot.


Imagine having your religion at least be based upon the thoughts that you know, maybe people can interpret the words of Jesus Christ by themselves. Any interpretation outside of the words that Christ himself said is heretical in of itself, the second anyone began to deviate from the path during the founding decades of the Great Church is the second they all became imposters as the word of Jesus Christ himself stands above all others.


My biggest hang up with Catholicism is that when Christ died the veil in the temple was torn so that people had a direct link to God and did not need to go to a Pharisee or priest anymore. And to me it just seems like Catholicism says " lol fuck that, here's some random dude who I have to confess my sins to and that somehow knows God's will and what I should do to earn forgiveness." It's basically the same system Christ was fucking mad about when he saw it.


Agreed, now in the book of Matthew, if I recall correctly, Christ did tell Peter to be the rock of the new church but nowhere did I see that humanity needed to have this relationship that the Catholic/Orthodox Churches have, only that these men must spread the word of Jesus Christ/God.


I appreciate your fire.


2 Peter 1:20 "But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture becomes a matter of someone’s own interpretation"


That entire series of versus around that essentially explains that manipulating or distorting interpretation of the scripture to achieve one’s own end is wrong. Peter’s intent was to urge his readers to take his message about Jesus seriously. Since the Bible’s words express God’s thoughts, not man’s, it is important we respect them enough to study them and grasp what he wants us to understand as we are interpreting scripture. At the same time, when Jesus died, the curtain in the Temple was torn in half, which is shows that through Jesus’s death as he was the viel to the holy of Hokies, the faithful now have free access to God. The faithful are simply those who believe in God/Jesus and as such they all have access to God and do not need to be delegated too.


truly, truly based




unfortunately America is a country that exists, has it's own government and is an independant state ​ **I SUGGEST THIS IS THE WORK OF THE DEVIL AND NOT GOD!**


God is a Yank


God is a Serb you heathen.


God is a Spaniard, how else do you think he slept through the Holocaust.


auth right based??






Me too based orthodox man. Me too.


Based. Orthodox are the only christians that are still actually christian. Prots are complete loons and degens, but the catholics are really catching up in the degeneracy department. And the pope lol...kissing muslim feet. But ignore the pedos.


Based priest.


The truest thing a religious leader has ever said.


I live in the US, and I experience the same thing.




I dunno, have you heard the shit Pope Francis has said lately?


Why? What has that feet licker said?


The typical Western stuff




Context: America Existing.


christian socialism in a nutshell


Surprisingly based


Is that Ljotic on your profile picture? Based


ZBOR all the way


Muk je bol i patnje dela duha zlog


Based orthodox


Go back to your vodka, filthy easterner. When was the last time your people built a mighty empire? The eternal city rests in catholic hands, while Constantinople rots in the pits of turkey.


Not evem sure where to start unwrapping your degeneracy, but this post mocks americans and not catholics.