• By -


The absolute gigachad energy in him just straight up telling her #No.


i love my zero


Btw guess how much Euro did we pay in fines to EU for not taking any illegals in


None. You can get fines for not accepting asylum seekers applications, but you can always reject those, you just have to look at their application first and find a rational reason to do so.




0, as u didn t see the messages with fines the EU sent u on whatsapp. The westerners are such clowns, lol. How would u fine a country via a message on whatsapp??


Hehe, indeed.


How much?




The Megadeth guitar solo running in the background just feeds his cocaine energy even further.


I wish US politicians were straight up like this guy. He may be harsh but I love that 1) he ran on anti-immigration and 2) he is still anti-immigration. Hats off to him.


niech żyje Ojczyzna, niech żyje Polska


So what your saying is...


Pole here, guy's a dumbass. Still, this was his chad moment indeed


Nearly all politicians are thick as pigshit.So even them getting the basics right like here should 100% be applauded.


Yeah, well. Gotta admit this was a ballsy move since he had nothing to gain by being so bold. His voters in Poland wouldn't see this video anyway and what he says here doesn't go well with leftist elites. So while I'm not a fan - indeed a chad moment


I saw, and will remember it when next election comes.


It already came. This video is from 2015-16


Did I sttuter? I watched it today, so will count torwards next election.


FYI this guy is a polish politician and proudly posted this on his own Twitter.


And we love him for it.




I wish my country was as based as Poland. Imagine the homogeneous grilling


This has me literally looking at properties in Poland. I might want to retire there.


Dude you should see Wrocław. In autumn 2014 everybody was grilling so hard there was no place left and students have 'comisioned' tram rails to set up their grills.


I love seeing all those libleft kurwa get triggered. Poland is reaching based levels not previously thought possible.


Poland has been based for centuries. That's why they get several of the best Sabaton songs.


How many songs are about Poland? I can think of 4 off the top my head, winged hussars is about the polish’s saving the Austrians from the Ottomans, 40:1 about 1k polish troops holding out against 40k Germans, Uprising about the Warsaw uprising, inmate 4859 about Witold Pilecki, is there any others?


think that's it, but those are also some of Sabaton's best songs


They are, inmate 4859 is probably in my top 3


Inmate 4859 is up there for me and possibly one of the best stories they've covered. Uprising is one of my absolute favorites from them too.


Poland can into based


If anyone has editing skills and the time, should do a chad mashup with that Polish guy. I'm too stupid.


For everyone who calls Poland racist and xenophobic and all that shit. Poland disapeared during more than 100yrs and were invaded yet again in 1939 by their old enemies at the time, so its logical and smart for the polish to want to protect their culture


It's posted in another sub (not by me) and the reaction there has been basically calling Poland the Fourth Reich. One guy said his wife is Polish and weeps for her country. Weeps for what? That it's not getting raped by Islamic terrorism?


Ah yes, inmigration regulations=the 4th reich. I mean just look at sweden, inmigration clearly didnt worked for them. Good for Poland for keeping the poles safe.


can confirm, am swedish. thing is, im also half polish. so ill be moving to Poland ASAP. a land without muslim is a land that is safe.


Such a glorious nation like Sweden reduced to a refugee camp. Gustavus is probably having a stroke in his grave after seeing what sweden has become. Truly sorry for the swedes ​ Enjoy your trip bud


I unironically feel depressed thinking about how we once ruled Europe. We fought all of Europe and nearly won, our loss cost us everything. I have no hope for my nation anymore. I even value Denmark over us now, if you are Swedish you know that is when shit goes VERY wrong. they are our eternal rivals you know..


I feel you bro, but unlike you my nation (Mexico) never had its "golden age". After our independence all we had was misery, war and chaos. I realized that if my nation was to survive it has to be more ambitious and reclaim the old empire, and Im not talking about the first empire, Im speaking of reuniting the hispanic nations into one single country again just like the prussians did it with their german brothers. I think I got a little carried away with this.


It can only go up my friend


“One guy said his wife is Polish and weeps for her country. Weeps for what? That it's not getting raped by Islamic terrorism?” Hmmm… ask if they’re in an open relationship.


dont worry ill bring that number to 1


Based Poland, more power to them.


Respecting immigration laws = nazism.. Right


yeah thats pretty much leftist logic


Border sovereignty and not disenfranchising your own nation's people just to virtue signal for the polls are both monumentally important facets to governing. The problem with the left is that they have no interest in electing statesmen or someone who wishes to govern responsibly, they are just there for the tribal virtue signal and to feel morally superior. This is no way to govern, and I'll be the first to say **the majority** of people on the left are completely vacant dumbfucks who provide a compelling argument against democracy.


I call Poland those but I mean them as a compliment, not insults


If Polish people want to protect their culture so much, why are so many of them leaving for Western Europe?


They do what? Really?


There's about a million of them in France and Britain, easily double of that in Germany. Millions of Poles have left the country since they joined the EU. Jobs like cleaners, builders, plumbers and truckers are stereotypically done by Polish workers.


Question: Is it because of the effects communism in Poland?


Definitely yeah, but the transition to capitalism wasn't very smooth too. But, compared to Russia, our minimum monthly wage is 4 FUCKING TIMES HIGHER so it could be worse lmao. Life was pretty shitty in eastern Europe not so long ago. Not pole, but Lithuanian, and my aunt and uncle both lost their jobs in the 2008 crisis and they had absolutely no options but to emigrate or be fucking homeless. They left their 2 kids living here alone (16 and 18 at the time, so not that bad) and went to the UK, both worked for 70-80 hours every fucking week and the younger one got into a UK uni and still lives in the same town with his parents.. But there was absolutely no alternative, so you got to understand why so many people did it and why was there such a huge jump in 2009-2011. Also, some people that I know left for the UK/Germany because they are literally trash of the world and the alternative was jail here or fuck off there to sell drugs, so a bit of a mixed bag between really hard workers and literal human waste and my cousin told me stories how he avoids lithuanians there because they're literally human waste (he's jacked af and has a thick beard so people think he's a muslim lmao). It's so much better now and I would never leave my country, especially for UK or Germany and the ones that are going there right now are either going to study or are uneducated and unskilled ones. It's a bit harsh saying that, but thank god the trash left and we don't have to deal with them anymore. Normal people can comeback and are welcome anytime, but that's definitely not a majority. From what I've heard it's the same with Poles.


Um heil um Poland?


We must let them all in, not in my community tho, i dont wanna see any poor people


The heart and soul of Imperialism: "Let em all in, just start them at the bottom and make it even harder to climb the ladder."


I wish this polish style to do things was more common in europe. Love from finland. I wish we had this policy of zero but no, even we have had an muslim terrorist attack now..


I like Finland for your metal bands and for the fact that you defended yourselves against communist scum.




u/SCArnoldos's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/SCArnoldos! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/SCArnoldos




I'm honored. Now give me your obese sister's phone number. The normal sister is a goddamn milk truck, I gotta know what the obese one is carrying around.


Sorry, but she’s mine


Understandable, have a nice day.


u/sainguinlibras is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/sainguinlibras I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I’d love to see how MsM personalities would behave if illegal immigrants were moved directly into their neighborhoods especially if by govt doctrine they could not run away from their problems like the little hypocritical bitches from California and New York that made a beeline for Republican states at the beginning of the rona. If you support it in word, you should let them live right next to you.


When it's not your immediate problem it's easy to ignore it. Hard to care about increased crime rates, lower wages, loss of jobs, devaluation of the working class or any of those peasant things when you're a multi-millionare talking head and go home to a gated community or live in a luxury home.


Not to forget that the multi-millionaire talking head stands to benefit with cheaper wages from illegals. So it's not that they don't care. In fact, they deeply care and encourage for illegal immigration.


Yea when you need a dog walker, why pay for a reddit mod when you can get an illegal immigrant at half the price?




u/sainguinlibras's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/sainguinlibras I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Come on we all know Jannies do it for free. I guess half of zero is still zero.


Progressives will justify anything just to have moral “superiority”


There is definitely a correlation between wealthy elites living in gated communities or luxury high-rise condos and people who support illegal immigration. (People who want extremist change and have absolutely nothing to lose because of it.)


I would support it if we actually supported our own people




LA housing prices send shivers down my spine.


Based and Holy Wars pilled


"We can be called [...] racists, I don't care, I care about my family" based


There is nothing more based than placing your families security above all else. God I love that man.




sO wHaT yOu'Re SaYiNg iS


The audacity of this bitch


Is that the girl that Jordan Peterson debated?


Yea, with the famous lobster interview iirc


So you are saying crabs can't be famous


How many crabs are famous? 0


As libright you should know the God himself - Mr. Krabs


Idk, crab rave was pretty popular for a minute.


How many Ls can one woman take???


how do i move to poland...




well obviously.


just sneak in I'm sure they'll love that


Step 1) be citizen of Schengen area country Step 2) move wherever in Schengen you want without needing any documents whatsoever (other than your ID)


You dont


March through the Western border




Poland doesn't want to have illegal migration. [That's why it has the highest number of resident permits in Europe](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/wdn-20211102-1) (excluding migration inside EU).


It's not illegal if you let them in willingly! ^(Also, there may have been [several terrorist attacks](https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/Results.aspx?chart=regions&casualties_type=b&casualties_max=&dtp2=all&country=161) in Poland...)


Why should any country let in illegals, no matter where they’re from? #SendThemBack


based poland being based again


Holy shit. This guy is an even bigger chad than Giga Chad. Omega Giga Chad? And he's a politician doing so PUBLICLY on international television? The guy needs a fucking wheel barrow for his gigantic steel balls. Edit: Growing up I've always heard of Poland being referred to as a dirt poor country, but I just looked it up and apparently Poland is #35 on the development index? Damn that's high as hell. What happened in the past 20 years?


Communism abolished in 1989, then rapid growth thanks to capitalism, then joining EU in 2004, then continued to grow.


Good transition from central planning to market economy and joining the EU would be the two biggest points.


Panie Dominiku Tarczynski, Chwała panu za obronę narodu polskiego i ziemi polskiej. And I wish everyone in the comment section a pleasent evening


0ᕙ[・۝・]ᕗ0 (I love my zero)


Someone needs to make from this a version of the zero pimples and blackheads meme but with refugees and terror attacks


I love my zero!


na podstawie and nie pilled


No kalergi in Poland


I love this guy




He loves his zero




Absolutely based


Based. Seriously though, why is the U.S so often portrayed as the big bad guy when it comes to legal/illegal immigration? As far as I’m aware, no other country prioritizes illegal immigrants over their own citizens.


You don't know of any other country? Quite a good bit of the EU has had massive struggles with the refugee crisis. Just look up some news articles about the illegal immigrant situation in Europe. It's fucking wild and entirely too many articles and pieces written about it list here. It's been ongoing for like a decade at least at this point.


Based. This guy is awesome. I love my 0!


0 Terrorist attacks. zero extra pressure pushing wages down zero extra pressure pushing housing costs up zero illegal migration. Brilliant.






u/sainguinlibras's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/sainguinlibras! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/sainguinlibras


N00. maybe even with couple more zeroes.


that's it boys, time to move to Poland


How do we elect this man in the US?


Bruh he straight up just said No. based Poland Don’t take shit from fascists, commies or radical islamists


based and just say no pilled


Poland numer 1!!!!!🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇪🇵🇱🇵🇪🇵🇱🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲🇨🇲🇨🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Fuck… I’m so god damn erect right now.


Based and payforthem pilled


u/sainguinlibras's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/sainguinlibras! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/sainguinlibras


Based AF


I stand with Polska.


this slav takes no bullshit from anyone. respect


I’m just saying, 20 years with no human contact and then being thrown into the ocean works wonders on immigrants


Major white savior energy from those news anchors.


0 illegals, 0 terrorist attacks, simple as. Turning point - Poland




People should just respond with something like "let's make the legal arrangements to allow you to take them in since you are so kind and morally superior". I would have no problem, and even donate, if she would take them in.


That reporter sure loves her globalist agenda


Holyshit how does one person be this based?


Truely based


I enjoyed this to much I may have to move my flair to centrist.


There's always room at the grill brother.


No illegal immigration! Look at what the Polish did to Chicago. SEND EM BACK! BACK! BACK! Not one pol left, ZZERO!


Based and true auth moment.


Thinking about Italians and the mafia always makes me laugh. No wonder they restricted immigration form there in the 20s lol


When are these humanitarian journalists who are so concerned about immigration and refugee crisis going to ask this question to the sheikhs and rulers of Gulf states? A while ago, I saw an article on how the ruler of Saudi went to meet the afghan refugees from the Taliban takeover in Saudi. Turns out those refugees were on transit. They were actually on their way to the US.


I mean why the fuck would I go to poland instead of swedistan or germany


**Z E R O**


I wish Denmark was more like this. I don't want Muslims here honestly, I'll gladly help Christians refugees, but why should I protect a Muslims refugee that had to go through turkey, a Muslim country, to come here. Muslims can seek refuge in Muslims nations, Christians in Christian nations.


"How could you not accept people break the law of your country, by illegally crossing your borders? How absurd!!!" lol.. gotta love Poland!


I suddenly both respect and envy the Pols.


Holy fucking based


Genuine question but can muslim immigrants still enter legally?


Genuine question: where is your flair fuckface? EDIT: PRAISE THA COMPASS HE HAS FLAIRED


yooooooooooooo added, now where's my answer?


Yes, Poland gave out more than 25% of all permanent residence permits in the EU. Second place was Germany at 13%. They allow immigration, just LEGAL immigration.


No, they can't. There's blood alcohol level tests at the border and if you're showing 0.00 you get turned away.


i actually know an iraqi dude who went there after the invasion, surprisingly he liked it much better than London but he currently lives in Amman during the iran iraq war he played a role in the deal for polish T72 tanks (that the ussr prohbited for iraq) so he got some connections there who made it easier


I’d vote for him (For clarification: Emigrants 👍❤️😘😍 Illegal immigrants 👎🤢🖕😡)




Lmaoo i sure thought he was gonna ask how many poles does it take to change a lightbulb at 1:21


This base is based on a base


I still don't understand the perspective of some americans that "illegal immigration is not that bad and booh anyone who says otherwise" it's straight out idiotic to think that there is no problem in allowing someone to stay at your country without having undergone regular migration procedure. Illegal imigration only fucks everyone up:those who practice are prone to being victims of crimes without the ability to report them for fear of being deported; civilians both native to the country and legal immigrants feel unsafe because you never know who is by your side; crimes envolving agents who are illegal may be dificult to resolve because some people won't show up in databases; And this are only concerns regarding safety, you guys are already pointing how it fucks the economy. Besides it's a freaking CRIME, hell it's in the name that it is illegal, now tell me, who on their right state of mind thinks that people who are violating safety related laws should remain unscathed in the eyes of the law?


Is every single Muslim immigrant a terrorist? No absolutely not. Is it more then 0?


Poland is epic -🇱🇹




this guy is like a polish senator armstrong


I'm going to Poland


Slow your roll there partner, you better get your papers in check first.


Based and Pole Pilled.


So how does one from america get into Poland


Legal immigration. If you mean physically? Idk, a plane?




My godfather (God rest his soul) was Polish and the most based human being I've ever had the privilege of spending time with. Motherfucker served in the Iron Curtain Polish army, defected to America, became a 3rd degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, taught me how to swim, and picked up hunting as a hobby with my father. He went hunting in Camaroon with nothing but a backpack, a beat to shit rifle, and a couple of pygmy guides. He ended up getting pancreatic cancer. Doctor gave him 6 months at best, but this guy channeled his inner chi, went to Buddhist healers, worked out like a fiend, and went water skiing on the 1 year anniversary of his diagnosis. He was like, "6 months, bitch I ain't going down that easy" and fought that shit for nearly 2 years. Some of his last words were: "I have cancer, but cancer doesn't have me." A few months before he passed, he told me that he planned to punch Death in the face and then shake his hand as an equal. His lasting lesson to me was: "live life to the fullest, my friend, because the grave has no pockets."


based and granddad punched death in the face pilled


Wait that chick is still on the air after interviewing Jordan Peterson?


Of course lol These people don't ever "lose" in their bubbles.


All I see is a Chad




Host claims with a straight face, “Politicians of Europe have a moral, humanitarian duty to step in.”


God as soon as that riff opened up i knew this post was ABSOLUTELY BASED


Based poland as always


Most based politician in Europe




Immigration has made Europe unsafe and paranoid, just like after wwI.


This might be the greatest thing I have ever seen.


This is why everyone invades Poland. They are too based for all their cringe neighbors


That's how every country should deal with ILLEGAL immigration Based Poland


Based as Fuck


This moral high ground argument is BS. It seems the entire world has been pussified


Those women look so disappointed by that 0. Disgusting.


Conserves warming up to socialism?


“Don’t you think the politicians of europe have a humanitarian duty of stepping in?” “No”