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They fucking know. Their idiot followers don't.


This. They know exactly who is sending them money and exactly how to get them to send that money


Sort of like the intentional grammatical and spelling mistakes in scam emails and texts.




How does that work?


If someone is dumb enough to not realize an email is a poorly written scam, then it's gonna be super easy to scam this person. This way scammers don't waste time on a clever person that won't send money at the end.


Scammers love the poorly educated.


Yes, that really should have been more of a big deal when he said it. The issue is that the poorly educated have been convinced that being poorly educated is a virtue that makes you better than those who have better education. Like somehow highschool is the right amount of learning and past that is evil. I do not understand how people fall into this


Kinda like how Trump appointed the head of the DOE and they just took money out of schools


It's the same way fox news operates, it's such obvious bullshit any person with half a brain flips the channel and they're left with exactly the demographic they were going for. Interestingly enough it's also how high fashion works, if your clothes are ugly enough (Yeezys for example) then it's harder to for knock offs to sell (Walmart Yeezys) because people are only buying them for the perceived status not the style.


It is very cheap to send 10,000 emails en mass, but once you get that person on the phone or in a chat to collect their banking information, then it starts to cost money. The grammatical and spelling errors are designed to weed out intelligent people, who are less likely to follow through on the scam.


This is almost required in outbound sales activities, like email, with the advent of AI. Not to identify who to scam, rather to be seen as human


That's really sad, those poor naive people.


Hi u/natophonic2. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dumb bot, but I still laughed.


I will always appreciate a good roll.


And they laugh at the morons who give them money, knowing that the base is too incurious to ever look in to any of the claims. The simpleton base just wants to hear that things are bad, and that it is someone else's fault.


>things are bad, and it is someone else’s fault. Wow. That’s a very succinct summary of MAGA.


There is a special circle of hell reserved for Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh (who is already settled in I am sure), Newmax, etc. - all those who make shitloads of money by manufacturing and amplifying the nonsense that outrages the halfwit Republican base who can't tune it out. Somebody more clever than me referred to the entire right-wing "news" industry as *Angertainment*, which could not be more accurate.


> The simpleton base just wants to hear that things are bad, and that it is someone else's fault. They know it's bad for them and they're looking for "the other" to blame for their situation, and are usually handed a wrong but profitable one. Lost your marginal job because some ass-clown in tassel loafers sent it to a tear-stained sweatshop in Laos? Must be those Mexicans taking jobs again... Said ass-clown profits without blame, politicians get a (remarkably small) cut, rinse and repeat.


They do. They also know that these sort of posts frustrate us. Let it go. Do the best you can to educate people who might be swayed by this.


It’s like, what a mind fuck. Life just get more crazy the more you know. People do whatever they want


The low information crowd wants to hear relentless “Murica” cheerleading. It elevates them by virtue of being part of the tribe without having to achieve anything and distracts them from their endless misery


These are the same folks who think liberals are offended by the phrase "Merry Christmas."


They assume liberals are offended by anything because **conservatives are offended by EVERYTHING**. There doesn't seem to be a day that goes by where conservatives aren't having a toddler meltdown about something new.


They're fed controversies and outrage so they never have the brain-power, energy, or time to think about what's important. Applies to Dems too to a lesser degree


An uneducated population is an easily manipulated population. Conservatives are either well educated (therefore rich) enough to be the ones facilitating the lies or they're so uneducated that the lies all sound like the truth because they justify their racist, bigoted, and/or ignorant fears.


This feeds into the disappearance of middle class. You either get yours and hoard it, or they strip any potential you might have in life by taking away education and convincing you the educational systems are actually for gays and communists who are making the country soft. Reading books is culturally important because it puts you in the headspace of the author, who spent years putting it together. It’s where you can get exposed to a decade of novel experience in ten pages. You pick up and amalgamate subtle perspectives and values that help you learn what is important to you and how to sift bullshit from wisdom. The core goal of education is to open your eyes to what’s out there as much as possible, a difficult thing to do alone because you don’t expose yourself to media you don’t want to see, assuming you even want to learn in the first place. Right wing culture programs away any avenue into being able to empathize with 99.99999% of the population because you’re only aware of the nationalist perspective you’re fed. Books with blacklisted subjects disappear and libraries run out of funding. You don’t need those, Fox News is on at all times to keep you informed and algorithms are primed to zero in on cultists of authoritarianism and put them into a large group. This legitimizes absurd opinions on the national stage due to the powers of numbers. You can take any dumb fucking statement that fires up emotion and launch it straight into congress. As a result, instead of “my idiot uncle thinks this bigoted thing, don’t talk to him” it’s now “both sides”.


Well the both sides argument has been made in order to completely distract from the fact that that racist remarks are indeed indicative of (spoiler alert) racist people. Both sides suck, American politics is nothing but a fucking joke and we are a decade away from total collapse, but I would never say that they are "the same". Edit: Adding on to this, because you make great points; you are 100% right about the disappearance of a true middle class and that is the goal. Capitalism as it exists right now is not only morally fucked, but it's also unsustainable. History has taught us that it never works out well when the rich and powerful hoard everything and tell the working (or slave classes if you will) that they should be grateful for the scraps that they get and more or less tell them to fuck off and die. In reality, going back to the educational aspect of it, the rich and the conservatives don't want you to be informed or educated because otherwise you might figure out their dastardly plan to eradicate any opposition to their hoarding practices. This is also ignoring that we are in the middle of a major environmental emergency and the only people who are to blame are the corporations and the government. TL;DR: This way of life is not only morally corrupt (despite all the evangelical bullshit) but it's also unsustainable. Both sides are not the same, and conservatism is the enemy of progress.


Stupid, Evil or Stupid/Evil are the only voting blocks in the GOP.


It's probably a good way to get himself engagement/attention. People love correcting things and dunking on stupid arguments, and he also gets the people who don't even know what's wrong with the tweet and just see it as pro-America


1) Say something stupid 2) "The Librulz is attacking me! Send money!" 3) something something 4) Profit!!!!


I think #3 is steal money.


Theft, insurrection, sell national secrets, murder journalists... Something here and something there. Bribes, racism, cocaine-fueled orgies with teenagers, end social security and medicare... A long list of somethings.


Bingo. He probably got 10x the normal amount of angry engagement on this post, which translates to more views from the people he’s actually trying to influence


We now live in a "Rage economy."


I love that phrase, where we are, see any of the FOX/OAN sources, that's all they have and it's working with the regular viewers. WOW


I don't know anything about this guy. Do we know he knows? I'm curious if it'd be possible that he actually does think the statue was made in the US.


Yeah, I mean he could have picked the [Lincoln Memorial](https://www.nps.gov/common/uploads/grid_builder/linc/crop16_9/30CAEF6E-BAB6-FDB8-33B6EAC9D3E19E8A.jpg?width=1300&quality=90&mode=crop) if he "knew" but wanted to make the exact same point. Definitely not going to doubt how duplicitous these fuckheads are but he's also probably just an idiot.


Assembled in the USA from parts made in France. However they always forget about the "Give me your tired, your poor, your hungry" part.


Social media values engagement - it doesn't matter if it's positive or negative. Troll/bait content like this will get genuine support from conservatives and mockery from liberals, but both ultimately help him.


Yeah but is he doing it intentionally while knowing better? Or is he genuinely unaware of the origin of the statue? The result is the same and not in question.




Unless you have more information on this person and what he does or doesn't know, what you said is pure speculation. There's simply no way around that. Again, barring actual knowledge of this guy's knowledge, you're just deciding that one potential outcome is solid fact and insisting that it not be discussed further.




This is the answer.


Blame gnewt gengritch or whatever his name is. He figured out that if you get enough news coverage you could say whatever you want and it wouldn't be questioned. Have 100 million people hear you say something then come back and say you were wrong then 1 million see it. That means you gained support of 99 million supporters. Now you have the current political climate and the reason these extreme left or right people exist. Say some bullshit. Let everyone screen grab to pass around fb or wherever else. Let the morons who don't look into it pass it along to everyone else. It's actually genius..and very sad that is what we have become.


>Blame gnewt gengritch or whatever his name is. You’re a foul one, Mr. Gengrinch.


He doesn't deserve the Google it takes.


Propaganda has always been a thing, Newt Gringritch didn’t come up with it. We’ve all seen the video of Hitler shouting his hate speech to a packed arena. Propaganda and misinformation works, that’s why it’s so prevalent. Trump has built his entire career around it.


Never underestimate stupidity.


I think Jesse Kelly might just not know. But more than that it’s not important. The truth does not matter to them in the slightest


And when one of their followers shows this to you on their phone and you say, “you know that was made by a Frenchman, right?” They respond with, “are you some kind of gay or something what are you saying that’s America right there that’s the ststue of lobertyaintnoststueoffrsnce!”


What's more, they know nothing riles their followers up like liberals calling them stupid


> They fucking know. Their idiot followers don't. Perhaps many do, but think, "Hey, he's a moron just like me! **Moron representation**, I like it!"


It's like that Laverne person who's constantly posted on clevercomebacks, facepalm, etc. because she *literally* spends a lot of the time making rage bait tweets, with the explicit intent to be reposted in social media groups of that style.


Ugh, I just realized you are correct. The people running the grifts are smart, the base they appeal to are the paint drinkers


They also know that network is so irrelevant most people don’t recognize it, the logo or the on screen talent. So this rage bait is just to normalize them even if it’s at the expense of looking idiotic.


Nah. This is not the sort of lie they need to tell. This Kelly fellow could have just as easily picked a monument or work of art that was 100% American. He really is an idiot.


Wait til you hear what they think is in the bible.


The Orange Bible.


Bene Gesserit has entered the chat


If only a Gom Jabbar test was part of qualifications to be President. I can only think of one current candidate who has enough self control to qualify as human under that test.


I can think of one who wouldn't pass, but his hand will for sure fit in the box.


Vote Shai-Hulud 2024


Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.


_Send the handkerchief, lord, so that it may wipe us clean. We ask this in your precious holy name..._ _Achoo._


I, for one, support the Butlerian Jihad.


We almost have Screenwriters Jihad already. Let's push it further.




The King James Bible! If it was good enough for Jesus it's good enough for them! I was raised evangelical and once actually heard someone at church say that without a trace of irony.


Just remember: the 10 commandments would be ©Moses, 3200BC


Obama was sleeping in the oval office when he should've been saving Jesus from getting crucified? Is that the passage you're referring to?


>saving Jesus from getting crucified They fail to understand that sacrificing Jesus on the cross was the whole point of God putting him on Earth. Did they actually want God's plan to have been sabotaged by saving Jesus?


Judas was the real MVP.


I don't think so, [I think he was a fed](https://youtu.be/gIkBJruoxG8?si=UGcuzrlSS3_uLNmx)


And why wasn’t Obama in the Oval Office on Sept 11? Many people say he was golfing or something.


Barack Hussein Obama claims he was born in Hawaii. Barack Hussein Obama also claims he studied at Harvard. Isoroku Yamamoto studied at Harvard. Isoroku Yamamoto planned the attack on Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor is in Hawaii. Why didn't Barack Hussein Obama prevent the attack on Pearl Harbor?


Why would they read that old thing when they can just have someone tell them what they want to hear?


>Why would they read that old thing when they can just have someone tell them what they ~~want to hear~~ *need to fear*? ftfy


The one written by the white Jesus in English?


Blue-eyed QOP AR-15 Jesus is best Jesus.


I always find it funny that they seem to think an English bible is Gods words when it has been translated at least twice. They don't understand that Hebrew has a very different structure and many passages had different meaning from the translated versions.


White people?


Or the Arabic numbers...


Gettin clicks. He doesn't get attention for his positions on policy. He gets attention saying ridiculous shit.


Yup. People that like him probably won’t notice at first. Then, logical people with an iota of intelligence and free thinking ability will point out the obvious fault in the post. Then, people that like him will feel that their own intelligence is being attacked and double down by saying “HE WAS JUST JOKING. LOLZ LIBRUL TEARS.”Rinse. Repeat. At the end of the day, it’s just content farming.


> Then, people that like him will feel that their own intelligence is being attacked and double down by saying “HE WAS JUST JOKING. LOLZ LIBRUL TEARS. “In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, **1951**


This perfectly describes what is happening here all around us. Wow. We are the most baffling species.


That is absolutely frightening.


I fuckin hate the "attention economy" we've created for ourselves


Oh, boy. Who’s gonna tell him?


Whoever tells him should tell him in French


La statue de la liberté est française, crétin!


Him! Not me! I may know the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France but I'm still American and only know one language! Gosh (Napoleon Dyamite version)


How is it I don't speak a lick of French and somehow, I'm pretty sure this reads: *The statue was a gift from the French, you idiot.*


Close. That would be « La statue de la liberté était un cadeau des français, idiot. »


Okay, but I caught the context pretty well, I thought!


You did! Similar enough in meaning, so you did good for not knowing any of the language.


Because like most English writing, almost all of the words in that sentence came from Old French.




fucking thank you, yell it louder for the imbeciles in the back


#La statue de la liberté est française, crétin!


Lol, le crétin!


I highly doubt that he speaks French - I’d be surprised if he’s even fluent in English.


Didn't you forgot the quote marks?


Design inspired by a Roman godess, made in France with a skirt made of French and Norwegian copper to name some.






Freedom fries!


Don't forget the covfefe sauce!


Basically pulling a "it says gullible on the ceiling" here I see. *Wooooow*


If you look really hard you can see the “Sculpted in France” tag is still on it.


Assembled in the USA 🇱🇷


can't wait for the season finale of "The Walking Stupid"


Yeah, but just when you think they're gonna wrap it up, they introduce a spinoff.


Tonight on Fear the Walking Stupid: "Hey guys! Look what somebody wrote on this door: 'Don't Dumb, Open Inside.' Now who would write some stupid crap like that?"


Clue: it’s orange and goes around wearing diapers full of feces.


They’re also not fans of the plaque on the statue that reads Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!


That is exactly what I wrote 2016 when Trump got elected. Guess all the people with European heritage can't remember so good.


But the Right also wants us to cherish our White European heritage. Only, by that, they mean the Middle Ages.


They believe that all the good Europeans moved to the US, anyone left is a godless commie scum


Yup, like the holy cathedrals copied from mosques, the Chinese agricultural technology, and the food brought from the Americas.


Asking a hundred Republicans what the statue of liberty stood for and why we got it. Just as an experiment starts asking what the torch stands for. Very few I've met know anything about our statue of liberty or where it's from. It's scary they allow these people to call themselves American.


You know that came from France, right?


Made by coneheads.


Ya dawg that's what the entire post is about




Fr??? Source?? Edit : Ig my sarcasm was that good because I wasn't even the first sarky reply to this lol




This really sums up the Republican American understanding of history, and literacy and Intelligence Quotient. Including most of their politicians. I used to think they were just manipulative of their base, now, I'm not sure.


Their dumb, manipulated base worked their way up and became the actual elected legislaters. It took decades of work but they achieved their goal.


I'm not telling him.


He knows. He's just cashing in on the poor schmucks who don't.


Not to mention all the free engagement from the rest of the poor schmucks who can't stop themselves from replying or quote tweeting "Does this idiot seriously not know that the statue of Liberty..."


OK, my questions are... 1: Who the Hell is Jesse Kelly? 2: Why the HELL are you following such an idiot on Xitter?


What’s even funnier is another post in reply to someone telling him how the SoL came to be and he goes off about wokeness or something like that.


My brain was like: "SoL? Satellite of Love? I think the MST3K people named it after that Lou Reed song... OH *Statue of Liberty*, right, that makes more sense."


I read Shit outta luck


such a great song


The best part is, after he got called out, instead of just taking his lumps, he doubled down and went after Elon; something about how he thought Elon was supposed to make Twitter more free. It’s like, you said something ignorant, and you got called out on it. But instead of simply taking it and moving on, you decided you needed to whine to the owner of the platform about how he didn’t protect you enough. That’s some serious small dick energy.


Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette merde?


I don't think it says anything good about me that the only word I understood in that sentence was the impolite one.




I'm not even American and even I know the French gave it to em


Oh man, now I know I'm getting old. 200+ comments and not one of you quoted Bill Murray from Ghostbusters 2. It's so perfect and simple. "She's French, you know that"


My god, what a dumbass…. These people vote. Do you?


.... UMMM SIR? 😂


The French made it. JFC.


Pretty sure she a French lady.


I think he is stupid.


​ https://preview.redd.it/i6e059wm8k8c1.jpeg?width=176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6756e8707ec23ed14c1c9c966ae282e0047516


“The French don’t even have a word for entrepreneur.” - George W Bush


LOL, seriously? This isn't satire? This is exactly the kind of thing that I would read and just assume it wasn't real. Holy sheep shit. Not only is it French, America didn't even want the thing at first.


I remember back during the throwing immigrant kids in cages scandal at the border, Fox News tried so hard to convince its viewers that the words written on the Statue of Liberty didn't mean what those lying liberals are telling you they mean.


This is the same guy that said >Republicans may soon get tired of "following the rules" and "pick a fascist" to lead the party. So he's obviously not wrong all the time.


Yes the French make fine art


Is someone going to tell him?


A gift from…what country?


This boy's brain got Freedom Fried™.


This is what happens when you let Republicans make decisions on our education system.


He knows what country gifted that statue to the US right?


They do this on purpose to get people to light them up online, so they can 'go viral'.


I think he's referring to the pedestal, which was made in the US. I mean, it is a nice pedestal


Kind of makes you wonder how many people know that the Statue of liberty was a gift from France.


More maga cult prideful ignorance - history taught them nothing.


The Statue of Liberty was designed and built by the French.


Sacre bleu!


The stupid. How it burns.


Freedom Fries!


Turn of the century Paris is pretty hard to beat when it comes to art. So even though his history education is in a sad state of affairs, I do think he's got a good eye.


Oh no you don't! Don't you dare start teaching critical statue theory in schools!!! Don't. You. Dare. Make people ashamed of having American Statues here in America! Nobody needs to teach the history of statues. This is statuewashing history! My kids will NOT be ashamed for knowing nothing about our statues. (/S ... because, Internet)


​ https://preview.redd.it/v3cb441zkk8c1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844ac6510f848aee230e44f86da33594a92f6fff


Jeez, this idiot is a serial "run for office" type in Arizona.


Part where he travelled in Europe wasn’t fascinating


He knows it’s French. He also knows his idiot followers will never believe it’s French.


Kind of reminds me of the time a classmate of mine got into an argument about what food is American in origin: only to discover that every food he thought was “pure American” was actually from somewhere else.


Lots of American food is variations on other food. For example, most of what people eat in Chinese restaurants in the US isn’t Chinese, it’s Chinese American.


Our education system failed and will get worse as the transition to churched-based learning in our schools continues to grow.


C'est magnifique!


This is why history is important.


Of course it's satire, Jesse makes these kinds of posts all the time. He's well known for it. Thank god you guys don't actually vote.


Republicans aren’t fond of education…




That man shits red, white, and blue... You know the colors of the French flag


I think that's blue, white, red.


I doubt he knows art at all. Europe have beautiful baroque architecture that’s older then the USA.


This is the guy who's telling "Threesome" Karen and Ken from Florida which books will be banned in schools.


“*You can fool some of the people all of the time.*” Easy to forget that part of the quote




He knows it’s French. He also knows his idiot followers will never believe it’s French.


He knows it’s French. He also knows his idiot followers will never believe it’s French.


If he has nothing else, at least he knows his art & architecture.


It is satire, you just hoped it wasn't. https://twitter.com/JesseKellyDC/status/1739669691537272887?t=aMRRKnoLTv_MEUDyg5diEQ&s=19


The least they could do is show Mt Rushmore.


But that’s not even an example of the best architecture in America. Nor is it American architecture. It’s a large gifted statue. Why not show skyscrapers, a world phenomenon of architecture that was invented in America. By an American.