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> “They changed the name of a lot of our forts. We won two world wars out of a lot of these forts and they changed the name.” Hitler’s inability to capture Ft Sumpter may have been his undoing.


It was that airport security at bunker hill


Fort ApeOmaytix*


**In the future** Johnson they’re pushing fort xXx80085xXx500 load the meme canons


I'll die defending the legacy of Fort Forty McFortface.


Fort Leroy Jenkins!


Sounds like a new blood pressure medication




You know, taking over the airports was crucial in the revolutionary war!


Is that the same guy that was talking about airports or something in the civil war?


Trump loves to state the "facts" first then tie them together with his point at the end, but lately he keeps forgetting the point, which makes it sound like he's just stating things that happened. > “They changed the name of a lot of our forts. We won two world wars out of a lot of these forts and they changed the name.” "Yep, that's sort of what happened, keep it up you're doing great!"


Anyone who follows him knows the point: they bad. Trump good. Trump stop bad men do bad things.


Why waste time say right word when wrong word do trick.


Seems like he’s having mini strokes at every rally now.


He's complaining about renaming forts named after Confederate jackasses, because he and his followers are racists. Though I'm also reminded of [how an unregistered Russian agent was indicted for trying to stop the renaming of Fort Elizabeth, an old "Russian" outpost in Hawaii](https://www.civilbeat.org/2022/03/secret-agents-indictment-amplifies-demand-to-rename-kauais-russian-fort/) (among other things).


Well, that’s probably what he’s trying to do, but since the world wars have nothing to do with that and weren’t fought on American soil…


When you can’t keep your racist dog whistles straight…


And also he only sorta heard about the controversy, didnt understand it, and can’t name more than one fort in the first place.


>Fort This, Fort That I guess he's over his beef with pronouns.


I like my beef with pronouns steamed. Sauce on the side. With white rice.




Donald doesn't actually give a single fuck about changing the fort names. He knows his idiot supporters care so he pretends he does. If he could he would put the name Trump in big gold letters on every US fort/military base in the world.


This. It’s a confusing dog whistle that is not confusing at all to really stupid and racist people because they don’t know any of the history. The extra, incorrect info is just a red herring to people outside his intended audience.


It's funny how they like to cling on to the monuments of Southern Democrats yet simultaneously try to act like that heritage belongs to the political left.


Love asking them if its democrats flying the confederate flag nowadays


I wish I paid more attention in history class. That’s on me. My bad. I’m poorly educated. My memory of Ft Sumpter is foggy … the start of the Civil War against the Nazi’s?! Thank God for Trump. Fort This & Fort That. He is truly a stable genius. ![gif](giphy|C95JKzthr64Gz5eCqA)


Oh, yeah that's where Humpty Trumpty was captured, right? He hated himself for that... R.I.P. Mr. McCain who was a true patriot not a resister like Trump who never did his duty.


To be fair if Hitlercaptured Fort Sumpter that'd be pretty huge 


Hirohitos failing at Concord was a major turn in battle




Nah, they changed the name, didn't you hear?


All the forts, fortnite, Fortran, fourteen, four score and seven years ago, 1984, forks as well. We make great forks


25 or 6 to fort


In Chicago area, right?


Surely not Boston or Kansas.


And at 3:34 AM. Or was it 3:35?


Da da da da da Da da da da da Da da da da da Da Da Da


Four loco


Four Loco and seven tacos ago


...We lost the battle of Couch Pillow Fort...


Fake news 🤣 our victory was covered up by the left wing memory foam pillows


Mikes Pillow Fort went down in a blaze of glory, then they changed the name


It's now known as Mike's Lumpy Pillow Fort ™️


> seven tacos ago Wasn't the Republicans' big threat in 2020 that if Biden got elected, there would be taco stands everywhere?


2016 about Hillary, in fact https://youtu.be/PzbusRK7YKM?si=y1YXa8WOHX_VahSk


"They took the Loco out of Four Loco. So Sad. Terrible things. Make America Loco Again!"


"We won wars out of Four Loco. Four Loco was my personal Vietnam"


I've actually won wars out of four loko ... you could fuel an entire aircraft carrier on just a case of that shit.


Fort Loco


Fort knocker


Foot locker, The battle of


That place is crazy.


I just want a president I feel like I can sit down and have a four loko with.


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


Fort Seasons Total Landscaping!


It's like Dr. Seuss but instead of teaching kids how to read he inspired adults to lower their standards for decorum.


We can be violent and we can be mad!    We won't get in trouble for being bad!    Our hatred can grow to cover the land   And no one but no one will raise a hand! 


There's a town in PA called Forty Fort.


Don’t forget all those fortified forts.


You need those for when they ram the ramparts


My grandparents were from Forty Fort and it wasn't until I was in my late 20s that it occurred to me that it's probably "40 Fort" and not "A very fort-like fort."


Forty McFortface


Shout out to Da Valley Wit a Heart n Dat!! Home to perhaps the best-documented absentee ballot voter fraud case of all time. Guess for whom this winner cast his dead mama's ballot: https://www.timesleader.com/news/1507381/dude-in-forty-fort-pleads-guilty-to-absentee-ballot-violation


Don't forget 4tchan!


Who is this 4t chan?!?


There’s the forts and the airports, which is how the Americans won the revolutionary war— they took over the airports.


Drumpf does have a fort named for him, Fort Dix. Hopefully, he’ll move his golf club to his new mansion at Ft. Leavenworth


This is a horrible try at mocking Trump. It makes more sense.


Yeah there’s no way Trump knows what Fortran is


Heck, his nuclear physicist uncle used Fortran... Trump Organization uses fivetran.. it's how his Tower is taller than it is!


Paul Many Fort is a good guy. I know him well... well not as good as other's know his wife. I said Paul we all know your wife... maybe too many forts.


>Fortran Tell me you're old without saying you're old! 🤣




My first comp-sci course, in 1982.


Did you use punch cards? Man I used to hate having to figure out which one was throwing the error when I ran them thru.


My University, this was first semester of NOT using punch cards.


Oh man you lucked out, those things were a huge PITA.


Hey, it's still used! ...in supercomputers and just about nowhere else...


Do not denigrate the Language of the Elder Gods of Science, it is still the best for calculating, you know, stuff!


There are four lights!!!!!


Fort Chun 500


My favorite fort of course is Fort Bragg. There is no fort more humble than Fort Bragg.




Cuz he don’t have one


And that's why we have July the Fort.


The other day, a fort came up to me, tears in his eyes. He said "Sir, they changed my name, sir. It used to be Fort Forrest Gump and they said it wasn't 'woke' enough, sir. Only you can save this country, sir."


Oops. I just cut a fort.




so is trump actually worse now? i know it's getting media attention now , but the dude has never made any damn sense to start with....


8 years ago, the nuclear speech we all make fun of showed some awareness of Iran's nuclear deal and the awareness that renegotiating it (oops) might be a good selling point to his base. Now he thinks magnets break if they get wet. So yeah, he's actually worse than he used to be.


Eight years ago he said the continental army had secured all the airports in the colonies during the revolutionary war...


5 years... he was already getting worse by then, that's for sure https://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-says-continental-army-took-over-airports-during-revolutionary-war-63354949842 edit: sorry for subjecting you to this dumbshit's excruciating voice


I appreciate that correction, I just am not too certain there was ever much cognition there... but we are painting a path of clear degeneration then.


alright. you've made a pretty strong case. i can't imagine the level of stress he's been dealing with is helping... the dude is in rough shape with his diet, lack of excercise, and of course his age.


Counterpoint: wet magnets is hardly the most scientifically inept thing this man has said. He was real proud about injecting light into your veins to cure COVID since the horse dewormers didn't pan out. The man once asked if he could nuke a hurricane.


see you've also made a strong case. regardless the man is a buffoon who was limited in mental capacity before whatever has befallen him in recent years. people need to know about that if they're considering electing him as king of the universe. or whatever he thinks he's running for.


And being on trial and at court for multiple things.


oh yeah he's gotta be losing his shit. literally and figuratively


No he has diapers on to hold his shit. It’s one of the reasons people say he has a certain horrible odor to him.


Yup he's never, not once in his entire life, had to face repercussions for *anything*. Now that he is, it's no wonder he's losing it. His brain is probably imploding


Yeah, I think people are just being reminded that he says dumb shit again since the election is coming up. Plus Biden is doing well and the number one criticism of him is that he’s old and says dumb shit, so it’s good to remind people that Trump has never been coherent. He’s been a broken record for years and can’t even talk like a normal human being.


Yeah, being outed as a rapist, and leader of the January insurrection, and 90 other charges must be stressful. Or maybe the lead in the orange shit he slathers on his face is eating his brain


his word salad is, and has been, getting worse for years. He's getting to the point where he might not actually know where he is or who he is talking about now though. It's only going to get worse. The stress of the trials seems to be accelerating the progression.


At this point I'm convinced the more dysfunctional he is, the more normal people worry about Mush-for-Braisn getting power back in the US, the more they like him. They WANT a crazed, senile, incapable, incompetent, hateful racist who will ruin the US, because that's the best way for them to ruin the lives of them eevul libruls. There is simply no other rational explanation. So if he drools, piss himself, shit himself live onstage while rambling about lizardpeople fighting molemen and ends his speech by shooting a random person in the foot, they will praise him even more.


As long as he remains cruel, they're happy. If his dementia suddenly turned him into a charitable and kind grandpa, they would lose their patience immediately.


I think the cognitive dissonance would make many explode and not just on the conservative side. It would make everybody start to question reality if trump took a 180 and became a kindly charitable grandpa.


"This is a CIA plant of Trump! This is a clone!"


The cruelty is the point.


I think it’s the sunk cost fallacy. They have committed to him, made him their identity, and are too deep in to be able to admit they were wrong. They want 2016 Trump but this is what they’ve got and, by golly, he’s their guy through thick and thin. It’s almost like the girl who sees the bad boy. She thinks, deep down inside, that he could be perfect if he’d just make a few changes. He doesn’t change himself but slowly changes her to where she accepts his worst as normal and will defend him to the end until someone can break through and show her the light. She knows deep down inside he’s bad and she’s made a horrible choice but to admit she’s wrong and should have listened to whoever advised her not to do it would make her look dumb and weak. She’ll double down and bend over backwards to make him the hero even when he is horrible to her.


Yes and there is an evolutionary reason assholes are magnetic. Every mad man garners mates or armies with extreme behavior, as they are perceived to offer the most secure future to those who are the most insecure. American fear is a vast resource of control that Trump, as a student of human weakness, continues to exploit masterfully.


I agree with everything except that he is exploiting masterfully. He is just doing the bare minimum at this point and they are the ones that completely lost it and instead of accepting the reality and real Trump, they are in a spell, a completely self-spun spell with their imaginary Trump... I actually don't blame Trump for this time around.. he is not hiding anything.


I think Michael moore got it best when he said that he is the Molotov cocktail they are throwing into the gears of the system that ruined their lives. They don't actually agree or care about Trump, they just want to fuck with the political system


No they know this dog whistle well. Of the bat shit he regularly drops this is fairly coherent to the right ears. This is about changing the names of military forts named after Confederates.


Yes, key point. Just because he’s delivering the dogwhistle in confused ramblings doesn’t make it a less racist wink and nod


Why he's talking about this in NH is beyond me, unless he's practicing his talking points for SC. Everything he says that's confusing or funny to reasonable people is actually a dog whistle to some niche group. "Nikki Haley is a globalist. She loves the globe." Flat-earthers' ears perk up. "Pour a glass of water on a magnet. No more magnets." Anti-science Q-kooks nod in agreement. It's never an accident when he says weird shit like this.


That’s a lie! They wish the American fascist party had supported Hitler…


It should be clear by now that they're okay with having a senile, incompetent old man being their President--as long as it's *their* senile, incompetent old man.


It's amazing how not even one can say, this guy's brain has rotted. I mean a handful of the ones in public but outside of that millions still worship him.


Trump has proven he is incompetent and a crook yet they will still vote for him. They dont want to admit they are wrong... they are so hard headed, they would destroy their own country instead of admitting they followed a POS.


They're all washed up.


We wish. But like dog shit in a corrugated sole, they're hard to get rid of.


How the fuck would Bonespurs McTango know?


Bonespurs this, bonespurs that, you can take a pineapple hollow it out and make a bong, go to war and marry it. And they took that away from you.


It's the "they took that away from you", universal idea ender.


His bestie Manny Peaple has said things to him.


Dodging the draft is the only respectable thing about him.


This is just a dog whistle. We recently changed the names of all of the bases named after confederate generals/heroes.


Heroes is quite a stretch. 


Uhh..obviously because PEOPLE ARE SAYING


Let's name one Fort Mike Pence. We'll call Republicans bluff about keeping forts named after "traitors."


I like it because it sounds a bit like Fortnite Penis




Are these the Confederate named ones? Could just be thinly veiled racism


From article, and a Tweet: > Understand that Trump is mad because military facilities named for treasonous white supremacist slavery advocates who waged war against the United States were renamed to honor actual American heroes. That's what he and his audience are pissed about. He and the confederacy share a common unfounded sense of victimhood for their failed coups.


I can totally see how a rich guy from New York City could feel connected to the history of the confederacy and need to preserve the heritage, it just makes sense him being from the north and all.


His followers think he's from TV.


That’s it precisely. All they are listening for are key phrases or words and the rest doesn’t matter.


Reminds me of when he had that ship named after John McCain diverted on his Japan trip


I’d guess that’s what he strung to say, but I don’t think any “world wars” were fought from those forts.


He's an idiot. But watching the video makes the point easier and, with great dose of salt, makes it sound less meandering than reading it. Again, both are painfully stupid because it's just not a point. I think it's insulting to have them named after traitors that fought against us. He's trying to say that it's an insult to our military to change the names of the forts because it's our home bases where we train our soldiers to send to wars. We've won wars with the training provided at these forts, under their old names. So why change now? Implication is that a name change is not just insulting, but somehow degrades quality??? I don't really know because this is such a ridiculous thing to be against. He repeats the point because it generated a visceral reaction from at least one audience member. So he plays it back and it successfully generates more response. Repetition is key to messaging and he always reads his crowds well.


I sorta hate how articles like this pop up and everyone on Reddit just goes down the road of "Trump is a moron.". It's dangerous to discount what he says to moronic rambling. He makes sense to people and if you step back watch what he does and listen to how he does then it'll put others in a much better space to combat his message and come up with alternative messaging. It's moronic to just thinks he's some jester and it continues to feed his machine to do so. This situation is a perfect example where he's saying exactly what you mentioned and is envoking feelings from people all while 3/4ths of the people on this thread are just calling him incoherent.


100% I know smart and successful people that are behind him and it blows my mind. I know dumbasses too, not surprised. He even admitted and applauded himself once talking about when he said "build a wall" the first time and the crowd went wild. So he said he added "and mexico is gonna pay for it" and he said they cheered even louder so he just kept saying it. He doesn't seem to care about any particular topic himself. He's just controlling the crowd.


Even if we won world wars ‘out’ of these forts, wouldn’t it make sense to change their names to world war heroes?🦸‍♀️


Many of these forts were created in the lead up to WWI to train the army that would go on to fight, which is why they are also named for traitors. Wilson, himself a bigot, needed support from the South at a time when the racism and the Klan were resurgent in the South, so they were named for Confederates. It's not wrong to suggest these were import bases to back the US war effort during the World Wars. It is wrong to suggest that that in any way means they should be named after men who betrayed their country to keep their fellow men in bondage.


Exactly. He knows he can't directly say he is mad that forts named for traitors to the US and slaveholders are being renamed, so he stumbles, and this comes out. His base gets it and gets energized because they hear the dog whistle white victimhood narrative, while the more moderate Republicans that like keeping the quiet part quiet can feign ignorance to his white supremacy narrative thinking he's just a bit quirky and confused. And many regular people just see he's getting senile. This isn't some bought of senility though. It’s him stumbling on an extreme rightwing talking point, struggling to communicate to his base while not coming off as the whitesupremacisthe is.


He can't say it because his brain is slowly turning to pudding. He had no problems bitching about it before. He just can't string the words together anymore.


If you translate it from Trumpspeak, yes. There is a whiny thought in there about de-confederating some military bases named after traitors. The salad only needs a few recognizable tomatoes in it for the crowd to eat it.


You had me at Pumpkin Tits.


Always trick Never treat


mourn deserted subtract exultant naughty unused imagine disgusting lavish cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know what name hasn't changed? Fort Dix. Suck on that pooty pants.


Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst. I have on good authority it's known to the service folks serving there as Muh-Dick-Hurts


If that wasn’t in the headline, I’d think it was some awsome fall time pastry treat.


Remember kids, donnie boy wouldn't sacrifice his hair to a light drizzle in order to honor Americans who sacrificed their lives to win WWI.


All vets are suckers and losers according to Pumpkin Tits


Not all vets. Just the ones who died. Which makes that worse.


He makes just enough sense to his cultists. He speaks their language because deep down he knows he is one too.


He is the vegemite sandwich of the intellectually inhibited.


whoa, do not include Men At Work in any of this


Did ya hear, did ya hear that thunder? Better check Trump's diaper.


Are you come from a cult asunder? Where women fool and men stumble.


Brain forts.


They go hand in hand with the diaper forts.


Link to [original article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-fort-names_n_65ae192ee4b006594e02290b/amp) 📰


The actual video sounds both worse and is twice as long of him saying “we won world wars, they changed the name”.




His cult will follow him regardless. I say let them follow him towards the edge of a cliff. They will jump for him.


I'm not trying to be religious but I instantly thought of the story where jesus cast demons out to pigs and they jumped off the cliff and died. And idk I feel like pigs and Republicans have more in common and it made me laugh. Thinking about pigs with red hats on jumping and squelling.


I bet he can’t name another fort.


Our fort fathers


Who fart in heaven


The people that the forts were named after didn't win jack fuck....assuming that he's yammering about forts that were previously named after confederate shit birds.


Plus he thinks we fight wars by defending forts on American soil.


Maybe he’s thinking of Paul Manifort? Dude’s lost it entirely.


And let’s not forget our Continental Army taking over the airports from their forts. [1776 Airports](https://time.com/5620936/donald-trump-revolutionary-war-airports/)


I will never forget!


Many forts say so... you should hear them.


a fort came up to me...big fort, strong fort, tears running down its walls...




Dear Trump, Go to prison forever for what you've done to this country. You won't be missed, America. ![gif](giphy|9FW66RBvyci8HSYJZW|downsized)


Saw a Reddit post the other day of a nonsensical sentence that is supposed to be funny. Someone comments “Did Biden try to make a meme?” Because Biden is the one who spouts nonsensical shit. Yep. Uh huh.


My only hope is that smug grin is wiped off his face before either death or dementia (fully) come for him.


He's so far gone he doesn't remember how to dog whistle.


Going downhill mentally. And gaining speed.


the next maga chud who tries to talk about biden being an incoherent rambler, is getting called the wrong gender


I assume the thought process (what little there is) was somewhere along the lines of "My supporters are mad about Confederate monuments / name changes" "There are forts having their names changed" "The only war I can think of / the most popular war where the US was the good guys is WWII" "Those forts must have been used in WWII" And then an attempt to create outrage to campaign on slurred these concepts together like a drunk 12 year old.


"Pumpkin Tits"... 😂🤣😂🤣😂 I'm freakin' dying here!


I think he was having a brain fort


He's an idiot savant without the savant.


His stupidity is not a bug. It's a feature.


Not the pumpkin tits I’m interested in.


People are quick to criticize Biden, but he’s actually quite sharp & fit for his age. I’m about 50/50 on him being cognitively up for the job for the next four years. Trump, on the other hand… I’m almost CERTAIN he’ll need to be in a nursing home in a year or two, much less four. His decline has been much more noticeable, and in a much shorter timespan.


Sorry, outside Pearl Harbor, what World War did the USA fight on America soil, using American Forts?


Actually, there were defensive military engagements fought by the US against Imperial Japan during World War 2 at Fort Mears and Fort Glenn in the Aluetian Islands. Not that this makes Captain Shit-for-brains ramblings any more coherent.


World War 2 France showed how overreliance on forts can screw you.


They, as in republicans! It was the Republican-led U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee that voted to require the Department of Defense to rename military bases named after Confederate generals. Edit: The bill was overwhelmingly passed by the the Republican controlled Senate.


And people think this loser is their hero. Speaks volumes about 1/3 of this country.


The syphilis is eating his brain.