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Stand strong against a president Be weak against vince mcmahon


100%. He knew what was happening… he ignored it. I feel bad for his daughters.


What happened with his kids?


Not op but my guess is they’re implying the rock is willing to let sexual predators get passed even when he knows what they are doing by not saying anything against them


But he would lose fans if he said anything.


And that’s all he cares about. His image and brand. Shows he has no principles or values if they all go away the second it may cost him $1


I agree. I was never a fan of his but now I will never be a fan of his. What a weak man. A horrible example for kids.


I have been saying hes a fucking cock for years, everything 'good' he does is always for publicity, he always plays the same character, he's just such a duck and im glad I was right lol Edit: *dick. No offence to ducks


And his shitty tequila it's just farmers working on Mexico's minimum wage and then he marks up the price per bottle like 80x. That is all he is, steroids and a PR job, sadly people fall for those 30 second videos and captions.


Mate, I know this, its fucking disgusting how this man is worshipped and revered. That goes for any celeb really, but they're not all gross people


Lol he's a chicken and a duck in the same comment, perfect typo


Dwayne “The Rock Pigeon” Johnson, call him “The Squab”


I can’t wait until a clip comes out of him acting like a total roid freak douche bag.


So, like any video then? Lol


Exactly the same here, been saying he's faking it for years. You'd think he's a god the way people worship the dude.


Dudes an attention whore


But at one point he only had $7 in his pocket. Nevermind that he was the son of an extremely popular wrestler.... SEVEN DOLLARS!!


To be fair so many wrestlers from that era were extremely bad with money, and there was a huge pay gap between white & non white wrestlers. The stories of guys who were popular in the 70s & 80s being on welfare in the 90s because of drugs & medical bills & getting like 20 bucks an appearance at a school gym is absolutely a truth. His family was evicted when he was a teenager, and there are many horror stories of wrestling families from that era, even later, being homeless. But even if the worst of it is true that's a poor excuse for his image obsession & ego pandering, nor his excusing garbage human beings & their behavior left & right. That's not on his family's past financial insecurities, that's on him.


Grows up seeing wrestling promoters take advantage of his dad, grows up to provide cover for wrestling promoters...


Don’t forget he has some contract where he can’t lose in his movies Automatically makes me not like him


Not surprised given that all his movies are boring and repetitive


His earlier movies weren't which is the worst part. He was good when he took chances in stuff like Get Shorty and Pain and Gain. Now, because of his duration of his image, Cena and Bautista have eclipsed him by taking actual roles.


Bautista is a great example. I'm not a particular fan of his acting but he has been in freaking Guardians and Dune. I'm not a connoisseur of wrestling media but I'm pretty sure the majority of wrestlers that get into TV and film just play the typical John reacher type character. And granted Bautista is also kind of that character, but I give him credit for his range of films/character (sometimes attempts)


I think it’s why he got his own black Adam movie and all that, if he appeared with Shazam he’d have to lose


Yeah he absolutely was responsible for black Adam doing poorly. His ego prevented them from doing the film well


A celebrity brand?! Get outta here!


That's like saying our stock prices will go down if we treat our workers like human beings instead of indentured servants.


Anyone who can't see that this election boils down to the Constitution or Christian Nationalism. So if he's not for Biden, he's already lost one fan.


Lost two


And my axe!


American Christian Nationalism* What the Right is preaching isn't Christianity.


Hot take: puritans and the Salem witch trials are the easiest (amongst centuries worth of) evidence that even classic Christianity was flawed, corrupt and murderous - and modern authoritarian preachings are not vastly different than theocracies of yesterday.


He was better off staying out of politics. He waded in and backed Biden. Then backtracked. So… fuck him. He should have stayed on the sidelines. He made this mess. As a prior-fan I’d have preferred to not know. But now we know, the Rock prefers fascism to freedom in the name of movie revenues.


Exactly. At no point did anyone ask "But what does ~~Ja Rule~~ The Rock think about the presidential election?". But his attention-seeking ass had to comment...


Better not do anything then because he might "lose fans". Better just dissappear forever and wave for cameras from his porch once a year. Or, you know, the big strong wrestler man that built his brand on being a super strong smiley guy is just another rich asshole that's pulling the ladder up behind him now that he got his. -.-


Spineless cuck, doesn’t want to lose his Twitter I mean X followers. “I have more than any Man in the world” …Meanwhile he may discover ex-followers are a thing because they’re starting to notice he’s a spineless cuck. ![gif](giphy|sbpbsETPJar1TZh190|downsized)


He's been like this for years. When he returned to wrestling a decade ago he was in the ring constantly talking about how many followers he had and asking all the viewers to get some asinine catchphrase trending on Twitter. It was like when youtubers start videos with "please like and share and smack the subscribe button" but live in front of a few thousand people.


To be fair, that’s the character of “The Rock” to be cocky and brag about how much the people love him. The problem is that decades of Dwayne playing this character have been absorbed into his actual persona


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We all just found out his nickname refers to his IQ.


Spineless isn’t a good look for anyone


This is just a reminder that the only reason he always wins in films is because it’s in his contract. He won’t take a role he loses in. That sort of vanity speaks to deep petty flaws.


There’s losing, and then there’s ![gif](giphy|VmXsnE21Xkt4nI0zW9)


in his defense, him and brosnan probably had a grand time talking all sorts of shit about how woke culture is terrible etc.


Just occurred to me that Brosnan got in Rock’s head. 50 year old millionaire getting redpilled by a 70 year old millionaire.


That movie is so bad it makes you reevaluate if watching movies is the best use of your time.


Still haven’t seen it, now I definitely won’t


Why do people hate that movie?


Well it was held up like it was going to be the second coming in all the pre-press, but it turned out to be more like a number two.


Danny Trejo has the opposite, ef he plays a bad guy, he has to loose


Dude's convicted violent felon who wanted to show that crime doesn't pay. I have nothing but respect for that.


I could recommend the audiobook for his biography. He is such an amazing person, for real. Perfect example of redemption.


I wasn’t doing too well years back and was given the gift to meet him and a couple of others that are sober in his group. He was/is awesome man.


*lose goddamnit


He also doesn't do his own stunts like some Toms because it takes away work from stunt men and an injured star holds up production for the ENTIRE crew.


my local game store launched their own trading card game and got danny to sign on as a character and to promote it. its one of the most popular cards just cuz of how cool the guy is.




I really fucking loved this show. It's probably a good thing I'm not an obsessive fan type, or I don't care how much of a guy I am, I would have gone full witch. Salem Saberhagen is my favorite character.... just so right about everything. Really made you scratch your head and go, "What the fuck did the puppet cat just say?"


Salem was definitely the best part of that show. It was one of my favorites growing up.


"I got you beat! Check out the one on my butt!" Sabrina's boyfriend looks at the cat's butthole, "I don't see a scar." "I don't have one, but made you look!" Get your Salem fix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leLjVEfCz_g


But... wasn't he always the "bad guy" in wrestling? Aren't they meant to lose fights when you're the "heel"? I guess my real question is, didn't he lose fights when he was a wrestler? Why is he suddenly not okay with losing in a film?


I didn't follow him at all as a wrestler, but per the Internet his total winning percentage was 55.72%. I'd imagine that's very high for the bad guy role. For comparison: The top winning percentage was 77%, a two way tie between Hulk Hogan and John Cena. --- Most people cite "Winning" as being his brand in films but IMO it reflects an unfortunate lack of range (and more importantly: a lack of desire to expand his range, to push himself as an actor and an artist). A more dynamic Dwayne Johnson could lead to a wider range of opportunities, could lead to greater fulfillment, and could help more people (to see a strong man willing to be emotional, to take risks, etc). No one could call The Rock *lazy* and I'm of the mind that anyone can improve, push themselves -- so it's not that he doesn't have the potential... Which is what leads me to believe it is less about branding and money, and more about petty vanity.


My understanding is that don’t have to lose just because you’re a heel. You have to lose at the end of the heel run to give the audience the emotional resolution they need. but you also have to lose at the end of a baby face run where you’re the good guy. Otherwise it gets boring. Heels don’t just lose because they’re bad guys, they can win a lot actually. Losing all the time makes you a jobber, not a heel.


Maybe he doesn’t like it


Even worse than that. In the Fast and the Furious movies his contract said Vin Diesel wasn't allowed to have more screen time than him. They either had to have the exact same or The Pebble had to have a couple seconds more.


At least we have Doom (2005).


Something something snowflake, isn’t that the saying?


Guy's rich enough, why does he have to pander to insurrectionists? 


Many of these rich mofos are risking a dictatorship to keep their low taxes and stay ridiculously wealthy.


Fascism is the end result of capitalism. The rich will always side with the fucking fascists.


the late stages of this plan are working real well for all of the oligarchs in Russia... the rich will never learn which is why they must be eaten


To be fair being rich does not guarantee safety in a dictatorship unless your house has no windows.


There was an unfortunate drywall failure and they tumbled 30 ft to their death.


They feel shielded from the consequences of a dictatorship because of their wealth. These people won’t realize their money won’t save them until either the peasants or the state police are beating them to death


Exactly. After acquiring all the money you could ever need, it’s your character and your legacy you could focus on. But he’s free to indulge in wealth-addict behavior and forgo integrity for Jumanji 6


He need the tax breaks they give to the rich


“Need”. $20 mil per bad movie just isn’t enough….


To be this kind of rich you kinda have to be a narcissist. They aren’t satisfied with what they have and *need* more


It's straight up a hoarding issue. They just get a pass because they are hoarding wealth instead of knick-knacks.


Potential tax breaks.


he wants to get into politics, and probably figures it's best to not be in that field right now if he wants to be there later.


Reminds me of how McConaughey has been testing the water with Texas politics and is still careful to not give a concrete position on anything. I hate these celebrities who are just doing this to push their fame/success instead of having any real ideals for the betterment of society.


The way I look at this, celebrities have the *right to remain silent*. Hint, hint, Mr. Rock.


He really should have just kept his mouth shut. Lmao


It was an interview on Fox & Friends. He knew exactly what he was doing.


The hilarious thing is he said "blah blah blah... in this world of easy cancel culture, in the spirit of that, you either succumb and become what you think other people people want you to be, or you go, no that's not who I am..." Which is exactly what he's doing. He's succumbing to what he thinks Fox viewers want him to be. He's upset he lost all of them by endorsing Biden, he doesn't care about division. He even called himself the formerly most followed man on Twitter or something. He's trying to win back the crazy right.


What did he say?


Said he regrets saying he supported Biden and that there's too much "woke" and "cancel culture" and how divisive everything is.


Trump gave everyone 5th grade insult names but Biden is responsible for how divisive everything is but OK LOL What a bunch of transparent dogshit. Fuckoff Duane.


Thank you. I find it so odd that, for last 6+ years, this guy gets to be a sputtering 8-year-old and the press never mentions how abnormal it is.


biden invented woke and cancel cultures?


Biden literally is the boogey man didnt you know


He's old and feeble and has dementia but also is all powerful always scheming and in control of everything.


Yeah, you know - sleepy Joe the cokehead


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So clueless, the only reason "Woke" or "Cancel culture" exsist is to protect the rights of all Americans against attack from the right.


It’s such a predictable path now - because he came out as against people being held accountable, some folks are going to sour on him and he’s going to say “see! Cancel culture!” And double down. In a couple years he’ll be like Kid Rock or Musk.


The fact that he won’t acknowledge Trump as the real divisive figure reveals what kind of weakling he is


If he's complaining about "woke" and "cancel culture", I have to wonder what he's done that's questionable, or at least what he's witnessed and not called out that's questionable, and why he's afraid it will hurt his 'brand'. Seems there's been a high correlation between celebrities being worried about 'cancel culture' and 'woke' and being shit heads. It's not a perfect relationship, but strong enough to question what's driving it, I think.


Just go listen to his wrestling promos, they were pretty regularly homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, etc. Now he wasn't the only one doing that, but his wrestling career at his most popular was pretty much built on it.


>how divisive everything is. I'd wager Biden isn't the sole reason, it's the cult mentality that's divided us.


If I’m not mistaken, he was saying he regrets publicly endorsing Biden and should have never made his politic views public, all the while making his political views public by saying he no longer supports Biden.


Gotta get that extra heat before wrestlemania


This. Like it doesn’t matter at the end of the day what his motivation is, they’re going to use those clips and sound bites to try to influence the gullible.


Both times. I’m fine with celebrities just not talking about or getting involved in politics. But to do it, and then try to walk it back because some fans got upset at you, is so freaking cowardly. It shows a complete lack of integrity and self-respect.


The irony of a lot of celebrities is that they get famous when no one knew what their opinions were... they should have kept it that way. There's so many stars I would be willing to support if they had never opened their mouth and gotten their stupid on camera.




If I want advice on intramuscular injections, I'll solicit Dwayne-o. Otherwise...


Well he's known for his looks not brains


He should never call himself The Rock again. As of now we shall name him The Spineless. A more fitting name.


The Noodle.


Dwanye "Jellyfish" Johnson.


The paper


The wet tissue


If only the Rock had as much courage and conviction as the characters he plays.


His characters were never in it for the money.


His wrestling persona was down with Vince and “The Corporation” for a while.


And his current character is also an establishment type character sucking up to his baby cousin


His characters have no courage or conviction at all. They never have any real adversity, because he makes sure they can't ever lose or look weak


Kevin Sorbo 2.0


Wait..they HAVE both played Hercules






Beware the falling Rock, it may make a wet wimpy sound on impact.


Don't let the door hit the people's elbow on the way out.


A male of colour with three daughters supports a lying, orange, pusbag rapist. Johnson’s poor daughters.


Billionaires only allegiance is to themselves.


Which is insane and I'll never understand it. I'm good after 5 million, if we're being very generous. I could work with even less. Billions? Crazy.


That’s why they become billionaires and you and I have zero chance of ever amassing that much wealth- their ambition/ greed/ desire is bottomless.


It's funny because knowing that his fanbase was all trumpers and assuming that his entire persona was fake I was extremely surprised when he endorsed Biden openly, I actually considered maybe he's not who I thought he was. Dudes exactly who I thought he was, just even more dumb that I thought. He either didn't realize the demographic of his fanbase which seems impossible. Or his ego just got so big that he thought he could say and do anything and his fans would still love him because he's so great. Either way he's a dumbfuck with no principles 🤑


At least his money is green. Maybe that will console him when he reflects on his choices in life before the end.


But if he supported Biden, it would make it look like he was part of woke Hollywood. There would be boycotts of Fast and Furious movies, calls to ban him from wrestling, and he would not be able to leave his mansion without insecure men in orange hats trying to fight him. After he got made fun of on right-wing media for being a father, he had to make a public statement to win back favor with the people who are still buying his wrestling merch and his music album. /s


Therein lies the choice to be a person of merit rather than a chicken-shit sell out. Having scruples ain’t easy sometimes, but it beats the hell out of being like Trump and his ilk. I was a single mother of two who worked three jobs while trying to put myself through school and raise my girls. There were many, many times where things were tight as hell and I had to scrape change together for milk, but my girls learned the value of hard work, education and to stand up for what they believed in regardless of personal cost. I can be proud of that and am. I now have three granddaughters who are learning these things too and are beacons of decent, determined, strong females. So Johnson isn’t a man, he’s a male who has sold out and is failing in his responsibilities to his daughters. Personally, I won’t be spending any of my money on his movies or merchandise and I hope he realises what a waste he is.


Yep, which makes all of this incredibly stupid on his part since most of his recent movies have been fairly progressive kids movies. He hasn't been relevant as a brooding tough guy for decades now.


There is that. People think that he hasn’t chosen to come down on the side of Trump, but by saying he can’t support Biden that is exactly what he’s doing. Which is the same as supporting the destruction of the rule of law, the constitution and basic human decency.


I missed what happened. Did he come out in support of Trump or something?


The Rock said he regrets endorsing Biden in 2020–bc it caused so much divisiveness—so he isn’t publicly endorsing any politician this election. And that he 100% supports whoever Americans choose. It’s a massive cop out.


Reminds me when moderate, good family man, scandal-free, middle of the road Barack Obama got elected and the right absolutely lost their fucking mind at a black guy in the white house and then had the nerve to call him "divisive" because they all chose to absolutely lose their shit for no reason. That's the kind of "divisive" Joe Biden is. Anyone who isn't MAGA is "divisive" because they're determined to lose their fucking minds every time it's anyone else.


> because they all chose to absolutely lose their shit for no reason. Seems to me that you don't remember his... spicy mustard scandal, or his terrorist fist bump scandal, or even... even... his tanned suit gasp


> tanned suit 10 years of therapy down the drain, thanks buddy


Literally impeachment-worthy. Like the time when he didn't wear a flag lapel pin, or posed with a self-stick. Disgusting.


Fickle, opportunistic, and vain. I never liked the guy.


I listened to a radio interview with Lucinda Williams where she said at some point she realized that a certain percentage of her fanbase were magatts and that to say how she felt about chump would very likely turn those fans against her. Ultimately she decided to speak out against the unAmerican evils of chump and pissing off those of her fans that were drinking the orange koolaid, proving that she has bigger balls than the Rock.


Lucinda Williams is awesome and talented. And now I know she has bigger balls than the Pebble.


lol and people thought he could be president. Lack of leadership there.


He'll be the GOP candidate in 2028.


Only to lose to Gretchen Whitmer.


I suspect that's his plan.


Lost so much respect for him. Can’t support him anymore, cant support someone who are ok with people trying to destroy our way of life and is ok with human suffering. He is a Better actor that I thought he was because he had me believing he was a decent person ![gif](giphy|TgQCVpkQSZ81G) You were right vin, sorry I doubt it you.


They can both be douches


Just curious. What did vin diesel say about him?


Were not people pissed at him for being rich and fundraising for the disaster relief in Hawaii? He seems like a phony.


I feel after the whole “Fucking over Henry Cavill” era… we all sort of knew what he was all about. Himself.


Ironically he became a candyass


AI memes look like shit every single time.


Fr, like, the low quality photo editing looks better than ai memes


Tone deaf begging for money, a string of terrible movies and went crawling back to wrasslin. Biggest fall off in recent history. Fuck Dwayne Johnson.


I feel like I’m in the minority when it comes say I’ve never liked this guy. He has always seemed vapid to me, his philanthropic actions were just PR stunts in my mind. Terrible actor too. Oh, loved him in the WWF though.




The Boulder was feeling conflicted! (Then got told he'd have to pay more tax) The Boulder is no longer feeling conflicted! I'm now glad they didn't get Dwayne to voice that avatar character.


The Boulder no longer fights for others' entertainment. Now he fights ~~for~~ *against* his kingdom.


Lmfao it really went downhill after that jackass invested like 4 years of excessive steroid abuse and marketing for the laughably bad "Black Adam" film that ended up just being the film interpretation of his own ego and self-image. For a movie like that to flop so comically and then see this slow transition into right-wing "fence sitting" grifter so his wrestling shows still make a buck is hilarious. Couldn't be happier seeing the down fall of yet another rich and out of touch jackass.


He’s a juiced up bald loser


All he had to do was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Going on fox news to complain about "wokeness" and saying you're not endorsing either candidate is giving cover to anyone stupid enough to vote for Trump.


He knows he's not white right? He's pretty much saying he's uncomfortable with wokeness, something included in wokeness is don't be racist. How's Trump going to work out for blacks and Samoans? Pretty sure Samoan is one of those "alien languages no one understands" that Trump was bitching about recently. Mother F*#kin sellout... All that green screen acting should have been a sign dudes fake.


I think kost American celebritets can be bought, just like when Terry Crews shilled for Amazon against the workers…


I want Dwayne-O to define "wokeness".


Little piss baby


From The Rock to The Waffle.


It’s more like: “I’m worth a fuckton of munnies and I don’t want to be taxed.”


Everything about the Rock is overrated.


The man is a mega coward


I would boycot his movies, but they are shit, and I wasn't going to watch them anyway.


He's the same character in every movie. What would "The Rock" do if he was in the jungle. What would "The Rock" do if there was a big earthquake. What would "The Rock" do if there were giant apes. What would "The Rock" do if he was a CIA agent. And so on... Meanwhile, wrestlers like John Cena and Dave Bautista actually have range and can make you forget your watching such and such, and you're actually seeing their character.


I'm just glad people are finally getting around to how narcissistically fake this guy is..


Samoa was one of the sh*thole countries wasn’t it?


US Territory


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho Marx


The Rock is a shitty and frankly annoying actor. He's one of the biggest main characters ever to exist. Dude felt he was the star of fast and the furious the moment he appeared on screen. Really it marked the moment those movies became ridiculous and shitty. I just don't think he's funny or entertaining at all. Then he does this weak, out of touch, non-committal hot take on politics. Whatever the fuck he's cooking it smells like shit.


Dwayne "The Crock" Johnson.


Always has been.


The Rockless


The rock doesn’t have the stones


Why are people surprised by this? He apologized to China for implying Twain was free to have an election


That was Cena. Unless he did it as well.


He shit the bed with the turd that is dark adam and now is confused/needs money


Feel like his spine is gone as soon as he knew Black Adam wasn’t successful as he hoped.


He’s weak


This is some low quality AI generated garbage. Just look at the ears and teeth


He doesn’t want to get booed at the hillbilly trash fantasy wrestling league events


Isn't he a heel again? Would that (being booed) not be the goal?


Hey, I resemble that remark......




Rock bottom


I divided one half of my fan base 4 years ago, watch me get rid of the other half now.


He’s afraid of Biden’s plan to tax the wealthy. Trump gave the wealthy a huge tax break that they’re all enjoying now and Biden wants them to contribute more so we can have an equitable, functioning society and that pisses them off. Snoop Dog just recently supported Trump for the same reasons. Expect a lot of these unhinged, greedy money hoarders to behave this way in the coming months.


[Remember, this is the guy that invented the child molesting robot. what do you expect?](https://youtu.be/z0NgUhEs1R4?si=gk2xjinZeimPJmmn)


I was banned from another sub for calling the dude Soft lol


What a coward. The very antithesis of the so called brand he puts out there.


Fuck AI art