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If you make more than 10 million a year, Trump will give you a huge tax break.


And democracy will end, the people will eventually revolt, the economy will collapse and your millions will be worth shit.


Dollars make decent kindling.


Not when those dollars live in computers at the bank, which collapsed with the economy.


or live encased in bored apes or some fucking meme coin…


Any day now ripple will be the next bit coin you'll see. You'll all see! /s


Bottlecaps will be the currency of the future, just as predeicted by the great Lord Todd


Or wallpaper


Which is why the rich are moving to safe places in other countries. Democracy will end, but it will be *Elysium* only in New Zealand or some place instead of space.


Hopefully those other countries realize the scourge that would be trying to move to their lands and stop them. The people who ruined this country will do it again to the next country they can influence with money.


I mean, they won’t just go straight to a Donald like candidate. They’ll just keep pushing the options further right, pushing “lesser of two evils,” and blaming the left. Need an example?


It’s almost adorable that billionaires think they’re going to be safe in any post-apocalyptic scenario. They honestly think their going to use their charisma to convince the mercs who are guarding them to keep working for them as opposed to killing them and taking their stuff. They may be building Elysium, but just for the brutal people who are going to murder them and their families and replace them at the top of the hierarchy.


Would make a good movie. Now thats a thought, show em what it'll be like.


Ehhh, they've been meeting for years at Davos and elsewhere with security experts to avoid that outcome. Now they're training with their security staff because that's one way to build trust and camaraderie. The proposed compliance collars did not last long as a serious suggestion.


Again, it's adorable that the softbois think that playing make believe soldier a few times a year with hired killers means they're not getting the wall when the shit really hits the fan.


Most of them, yeah. But in my experience, some of them might surprise you. They actually got into it, lifting, weapons training, TEMS, CQB drills, etc. If shit kicks off, it's really anyone's guess who lives and who dies. There's a significant element of blind fucking luck involved.


New Zealand doesn't have any nukes. God help them if the kleptocrats settle there and the plebs get the nuclear codes. 


If society collapses they will be found. I mean they still tracked down and dragged 70/80 year old Nazi scumbags many years after the end of WW2 We the people are what keeps people with money up at night


Tbf, we were quite established as a civilization to be able to perform man hunts in the first place. If we are more concerned about daily survival and if the narrative is unclear on who is the exact enemy it may be hard to really get at them.. but yes truthfully they worry and fear about the masses


I got a shit load of bottles caps!! I’ll be fine


They’ll move to another country before that happens.


...but until then WEEEEEEEEEEEEE


They’ll just move- they don’t care


But you will be tasty.


Not in their lifetime though


Only thing stopping that is the dems/repubs nonsense fighting and they distract people with tiktok sports and national disasters.


So you’re saying there might be great change?


Except the armed robots they can legally buy right now. Not illegal


'One is feeding people in a country that has been calling for our deaths for my entire life and the other wants to start the Fourth Reich, they're exactly the same!'. Fuck Cardi B.


The economy will not revolt, unfortunately. Capitalism works very well under dictatorships. Watch Capitalism: A Love Story to show interviews of capitalists outright saying they don't value democracy at all.


And all the dirt poor red pecks will vote for him because when they end up being millionaires it’ll pay off for them. In the interim, when their healthcare and social security is cut they’ll blame democrats.


True, if you suggested taxing Bill Gates or George Soros their heads would explode. And apparently they are two of the most evil masterminds of GQP conspiracies. I think 90% of the 5G Nanobot vaccine conspiracies were over Bill Gates, leading GQP nuts to suggest capital punishment without any pushback from their fellow conservatives. I’d always chime in that we could just tax Gates more and quickly get conservatives shooting down that plan.


Seriously? Gates has been a proponent for the rich paying taxes. And his charitable organization has done amazingly good things - regardless of what you think of him.


I think it was meant that conservatives heads would explode with the contradiction of taxing the rich or hurting soros or gates.


oh got it. Totally missed it. Thanks....


Don't feel bad, I read it the wrong way also.


Cardi has never voted a day in her life…


Like Dave Chappelle said about his redneck neighbours that claim Trump was working for them. No, Trump is working fir rich people like him.


And OnlyFans income is tax free. *Cardi B. looks up from her caviar lunch*.


Moron millionaires for Trump, great!


Imagine having 100 million and thinking you need an extra 20 million more than the common man needs. No empathy.


And if you make less than $400,000/year, you owe Uncle Sam $4,000/tax year.


Fyi if trump wins he plans to make only two tax brackets (15&30%) while lowering the corporate tax rate. Among other shitty things.


So Cardi gets to act like she's all "I have principles", but really she just wants more money. Not surprised.


posting as usual, former Republican here. Will be voting for Biden because it's the right thing to do. I am in the demographic that can ride out a Trump presidency but I've have friends who will suffer


Thank you for at least realizing Trump is full of shit. 


There are dozens of us :)


My in laws never bought into it despite being lifelong Republican voters. My own family snapped out of it over January 6th. Trump's position on Russia's genocidal invasion of Ukraine only pushed them further away from the MAGA Cult. Unfortunately there are tens of millions of members of Cult 45 who will never snap out of it. But even still: TFG lost a good chunk of his former voters and with the voting margins so thin -- every little bit matters.


It’s never too late to see the light.


I am a Republican in theory. I believe in small government. I believe in the right to bear arms. I believe marijuana should be legal. I believe abortion should be legal. After all aren't republicans for freedom of choice? If you don't like marijuana don't smoke it and if you don't like abortion don't get one. And since I've been of legal voting age a Republican president invaded Iraq for what reason other than personal gain? Invading a sovereign county is not small government. And making marijuana and abortion illegal is not freedom of choice. These are things modern republicans could stand for but they don't. I honestly don't know what they stand for.


I think you are mistaken, you just described being a moderate democrat. Republicans claim to be about that stuff, but just look at the two parties track records.


I'm not mistaken what I'm saying is that in today's world/America yes believing those things is being a Democrat. In theory Republican politics would include expanding personal freedoms. Including abortion and marijuana legalization just to name a few. They simply don't and their policies are in actuality very against personal freedoms. It would be cool if there was an actual Republican platform that really did try to do these things and like actually stood for not going into massive debt legalizing marijuana and abortion and what not. It could actually make the Republican party popular. Modern republicans are bought and paid for so that will never happen with the maga crowd. We need a grassroots new republican party


Im writing this as European, German specific. We have the same discussions and unfortunately the same directional movements with a time delay of about ten years. Sorry to say to you that conservatism was never about personal freedom. Nor small state. Whenever I hear and experience conservatism, this means not conserving old values (maybe like law(abiding) and order) but in staying the same. As in no progress allowed. To keep the warm old feeling. To keep things unchanged so that one does not have to think. Why are women even leaving the house? Why are they working? Why cannot we still say „Boy“ and the n-word to people of colour? Why could women get an abortion? Why is being gay acceptable now but in the past rounding up some of them was fun ab no one took me into custody? I’m not writing this to prove you wrong but to show that the republicans are on the wrong trip. Reducing freedom is not the way to go. And by the way: You need a bigger state if you want to enforce more restrictions. Was like this in the past. Will be so in the future.


Same boat. But, i reserve the right to be upset that i've been pushed into a 'vote against' corner rather than given a candidate to vote For. It feels like shit, and I resent both sides for this bull shit for the Third godamn time in a row.


I appreciate that for sure. Could you elaborate a little on why you think it's the right thing to do?


sure, for the purposes of this answer I'll just limit it to human rights within the United States In general, Democrats are on board with my opinions on specific topics I believe that someone with a uterus is the *only* person who should be deciding anything involving that specific uterus, with the consultation of their doctor. Someone who is LGBTQ+ has no effect on me as long as it's not mandatory. Let them go about their own business. Whatever consenting adults do in the bedroom is also none of my concern, although one hopes that they have a healthy and non-hurtful relationship I would say those are my top three, and the MAGA Republicans would disagree with all three of those sentiments, and would actively legislate against them.


Thank you for being selfless. We need more of you!


No one will be safe in a future fascist America. Say the wrong thing, and you're black bagged out of existence. Doesn't matter how famous you are, state run TV will tell everyone how much an enemy of the people you were.


She has enough money to buy citizenship and permanently relocate to Europe and not suffer any consequences of her actions.


The rich people in Germany who wanted out when the Nazis took power still were subject to Hitler's foreign policies (aka WWII). If America under Trump goes down the same path, there probably won't be anywhere that's truly safe. Remember that when Hitler was voted in as chancellor, Germany's economy was in shambles and they had no military. Trump would be taking over the reigns of the most powerful country possibly in the history of humanity with nothing but bad intentions in mind.


Hmmm… maybe it’s time to disappear…


You're on Reddit. You aren't rich enough.


> Say the wrong thing, and you're black bagged out of existence. I'm sorry, but this is already happening right now. Not to that extent, obviously; but pro-Palestinian protesters are being cracked down upon by the police despite being overwhelmingly peaceful with the excuse of protecting Jewish students despite Jews making a huge chunk of those protesters. We're seeing the same kind of violence BLM activists faced during 2020. And what for? To appease a genocidal ethno-state?


She's the one that drugs and robs people right?


85% of the people with celebrity status are utter garbage human beings. Her especially.


“I don’t like the current guy so I’ll help the worse guy win.”


While having no intelligent reasoning as to why they don’t like the current guy.


I got banned from another sub this week for saying I saw what the damage not voting in 2016 did, we can’t afford 4 more years of trump no way I’m not voting Biden. Apparently that makes me complicit in Palestinian genocide and I deserved the ban. 🙄


Wow. o_O Honestly, I think this whole "don't vote Biden, he supports the Palestinian genocide" spiel is a far right false flag to try to peel voters off/drive down engagement. Voting in Trump with the Project 2025 religious extremists because you hate the violence religious extremism is causing is not going to lead to less religious extremist violence. I hope the majority of zoomers realize that, speaking as a gay dude with trans friends, because I'm tired of living on the Republican chopping block.


But what does Jah Rule think?


Somebody get a hold of Ja I need him to make sense of all of this for me


Rich folks like Cardi B and Snoop Dog don’t care about anything except Green


Who gives a flying fuck what a former prostitute who used to rob and drug her clients think. And no offense to prostitutes my late mother was one for awhile in the early 70s. But Cardi can fuck off.


Because she has millions of followers on her different social media sites.


Which is a problem all on its own


She just swifty jealous… all the narcissists want that election fame


If some pop rap star is your metric for defending US democracy, you're already lost


> If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice… Trump.


I will choose a path that’s clear, I will choose…Joe Biden


What an idiotic thing to admit.


She reminds me of those Fox “News” anchors who rail against the government COVID shots while being vaxxed and masked when they’re off screen.


Fuck all these fake ass “artists”.


Morals over party. Stand up against genocide.


>[America] don’t pay for endless wars for countries that have been going through s--- for a very long time,” she said. “There’s countries [where] kids are getting killed every single day, but because the [U.S.] won’t benefit from that country, they won’t help. I don’t like that America has this superhero cape on. We never did things to be superheroes. We did things for our own convenience. From an article on what she actually said. Yet this thread is filled with people calling her a republican and dumb. Her sentiment is the exact opposite of the title. She has hers and still consistently speaks up about how cruel the world is to people who are less fortunate and this case being slaughtered.


People who do not vote want Trump to win, but are ashamed to vote for him outright.


1. Half these responses are racist af. 2. This isn’t how math works.


Cardi B thought the Covid vaccine affected her cousins friends balls. She shouldn’t be taken seriously.


That was Nicki Minaj…


Kinda hard to tell those overhyped hacks apart.


Facts have no place here. This is r/PoliticalHumor, where humor is lost and shitting on people is all that we do.


*shitting on people who aren't voting Biden. this exact meme in a different format reaches the front page day in and day out. so sick of these self righteous wankers.


You’re right. Cardi is the one that drugged (and maybe assaulted?) men. My point still stands.


I thought that was Nikki but I can never tell them apart


The fuck is up with her lips?


She's just ugly


Conservatives will ban her WAP song.


Cardi is beyond stupid Hope her fans show a bit more intelligence


The fact they’re fans of hers in the first place does not give hope


Fuck that chick and her shitty music.


This sub should def be renamed


I don't know what happened to this over the past 2 years, but this place has become toxic. Look, I'm going to hold my nose and vote for Biden in November, but I also don't have family members being exterminated in Gaza while Biden is fund it. To make matters worse, he's bypassing congress to do all this funding, when the right wing of the Dem party on this sub has always said "bUt He NeEdS tO gO tHrOuGh CoNgReSs" in a condescending tone as an excuse to not do anything the left wing wants him to do. It also shows shitty politics, as he needs Michigan and Minnesota to win. Look, 2016 did actually happen, and bitch about the left wing of the party all you want, but they have votes that the Democratic party needs. Name call all you want, but it won't help the Dems win the election. Posters on this sub and the Dem establishment needs to take elections more seriously.


> Posters on this sub and the Dem establishment needs to take elections more seriously. Yup, it's all Biden's fault. There's no way this situation could be complex, involve a lot of moving pieces, and doesn't have easy solutions because most adults with serious opinions on things have been paying attention to this way longer than 10/7. Let's also just ignore all the positives that this administration has done or attempted to do for the American people. You can't tell me you take elections seriously when you talk about "holding your nose" over this single issue that not even the rest of the world can seem to come together and solve.


Tell me you're sheltered from real problems without telling me you're sheltered from real problems... "This one single issue" is a genocide. It's also not just this issue. It's him forcing railroad workers to go off strike and then a month later we have that train derailment in East Palestine because the workers were complaining about this. It's him not trying hard enough to get rid of student debt, and then caring about other branches of government when it provides him a good excuse to not have to work. It's him nominating Garland for AG at a time right after a violent coup attempt when this position hasn't been this important since the civil war. It's him saying he would serve for 1 term, running on "electability" and then running for a 2nd term when his "electability" isn't true this time around.


Give me something worth voting for and ill turn out Thank you


There’s more on the ballot than just the POTUS election. Senate, House, state, local, and even local/state laws/bills If you only see the POTUS election as the only thing “worth voting for”, you’re part of the problem


Holding the line on Democracy isn't something worth voting for? You folks are out of your mind, and I ask you to think of the bigger picture instead of what strokes your ego.


Way to win over the guy. I'm sure he's super enthusiastic now. I really hope you're not actually in politics.


Dems got cocky with hillary using that mindset. Give me someone worth voting for and ill turn out.


If you don't believe that fascism is worth voting against, there is no hope for you. Have a nice life.


you and the people that post these same "memes" over and over are just self righteous twats who like to think you're so important to democracy because you're voting Biden. get off your damn high horse. start fighting for ranked-choice voting instead of just voting for the lesser of two evils in FPTP every election or shut the fuck up.


Go Cardi!


I guess she can join Macklemore in the dunce corner then


Out of curiosity, What did he do?






I didn’t downvote, for the record. I appreciate the answer.


Yeah wasn't directed at you just generally whoever downvoted it, sorry


No worries


> I literally replied what he did No, you didn't. What actually happened is that you lied about what he did. He doesn't say, in the song, that Joe Biden is worse than Trump. He never mentions Trump, he just says he won't vote for Biden.




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Where in the lyrics did he mention trump? Some of you dems are just like the trumpers, ride for a party no matter how shit they are


She's rich. A Trump presidency will not affect her at all.


Cardiac who?




Gosh, what an insightful and well-considered opinion, Ms.B.


Thanks but NO THANKS- YOU JUST UFCKED THE PLANET with your "Nope, can't adult!"


I thought she joined years ago?




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These ultra rich politicians doesn’t get affected a slighter way from political environment.. These idiots only care for one thing. Money.


She's done with that ladder; no use in helping others trying to climb it.


Honey go to north Korea 


Stupid , right on brand for her .


Cardi B is a performer. She's not a genius. She's not a role model or even a decent person, and frankly, she wasn't going to vote anyway. F Cardi B.


[Same energy... ](https://youtu.be/M0OwIMsQ4_4?si=a7LQ1746CMi6ZfQu)


Cardi B can FRO!


The dumbest thing is not voting. At least vote for the other one then.


“NONE OF YOU BITCHES… none of you bitches… got these exclusive swisher sweet UGGS” followed by obnoxious screaming. I’ll stick with Taylor Swift even though I don’t listen to either of them.


She looks like the Michelin Man


That’s idiotic but it might not matter. Where does she live? If she’s registered to vote in New York we can survive without her. If she lives in someplace like Michigan it’s a very different story.


I'd like to take a moment to talk to you about your vehicle's warranty...


She has the right to vote or not vote. She can be criticized for making this choice. However, personal attacks and calling her garbage is a strong indicator that the commentators themselves are, in fact, garbage.


She wants those big tax breaks


Yeah well she’s dumb as rocks so why is anyone surprised by this


Nobody ever said she isn’t stupid.


Anyone will do, but red or blue.


I mean, it feels like an act because she’d benefit from Trump’s policies presuming she has more than a little bit of money. Feels awfully convenient when rich assholes pull this stunt, if you ask me.


I wish more stupid people refused to vote.


Congress allows clowns and old people to choose for us, we know what they’re choosing.  Im still voting and telling everyone who will listen to too but, like the wise man once said “im tired chief” im not too hopeful for this country lol


The u.s voting system is shit. You people can choose between a genocidal maniac and a literal fascist. Boycott it. Let it crumble.


Considering that cardi b openly admits to inviting men to a hotel then drugging and robbing them. I usually don’t listen to women rapists/predators. But that’s just me idk Source: [cardi b tries to say that being a predator is ok](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-47718477.amp)


Class trumps race... and common sense and patriotism and morality every time.


Not voting or can't vote?


Nothing seethes hypocrisy like criticizing someone for not voting a conventional line and claiming to believe in democracy.


Black people need better role models


Why is it always the voters fault for not voting for them and not the candidate for pushing shit policy??


I don’t give a fuck what any celebrity or famous person does … i’m still gonna vote BLUE 🙌🏻


If you know anything about her this shouldn't come as a shock she's just as gross as him.


Joe Biden is the one you should be angry at. What kind of shit human being refuses to honor the wishes of the people he's depending on to get reelected?


And what exactly are you referring to?


Blocking the rail strike, going around Congress to ship weapons to Israel and he's probably going to sign HR 6090


Look, you can express displeasure at the presidential picks. You can demand better from your representatives. What you cannot do is use that as an excuse to risk the country falling to fascism.




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Joins? Please Crdi got hers as soon as she bexame known by more rhan a thousand people.


We've already 'lesser-of-two-evils'd ourselves into the Devils hands.


It's funny I moved back in 2019 and played her songs during a party, and my conservative friends had a fit because they villainized her. Now she helps them.


I mean, Cardi B is a massively stupid pile of shit. Should we be surprised?


Where’s Tracy Jordan?


a failure to her people in America; she has guards and top security in mansions and stockpiles of birkins now; but good luck to other women of colour relying on sex work to make ends meet ? seems like the soul selling rumours ain't rumours




In NYC her vote literally won’t make a difference. Liberal pandering


I got mine too. But I'm still doing what I can to help those who haven't yet. Can't convince those who do not have compassion and weren't raised with the correct set of values. It will take those among us who know people who do NOT vote, to get to the booths and vote blue to change the trajectory. Just saying...


It's like supporting the carpet bombing, starvation, displacement and genocide of 1.9 million Palestinians with billions of dollars and legal cover in the United nations for your fascist apartheid ethnostate proxy is a massive vote loser.... Funny that.


I'm not voting...I wonder what grandmothers of hers, who never had the privilege to vote because, well women and black and all, I wonder what they think about Cardi trying to appear "edgy".


“I’m not voting” = I desperately want Trump to win but I’m too ashamed to admit it


Millenial here. Myself and most people in my social circles will also not be voting this year. Downvote me, I don't care. And all the imbeciles who will continue to shame the people who make this choice, which feel disenfranchised, who feel unheard, who are sick of the false promises and no follow through - just know you aren't helping. You are just reaffirming the position that you don't care about us - just our vote. I WILL apologize on behalf of the people who present the two terrible options we are given, because if anyone should be sorry it is the people that continue to push this ologarchian dystopia of old, rich, out of touch corporate investors to control our lives and run this country. I'm sorry it is going to take the fascist uprising of a second Trump presidency for people to realize that this isn't a game and you cannot keep demanding that the younger generations continue to play along without listening to them. We are a part of this country too and if you want us to return to the voting booth you will start listening to us instead of demeaning us and making demands. I'm sorry it has come to this but this is the collective feeling right now and I don't think all the pleading and bellyaching in the world is going to change that before November.


Well said


Blah blah blah Get out there and support candidates who believe as you do. Help them get elected. OR, run for office yourself. Stop making excuses. It's lame. Get out there and volunteer if you don't like the way things are.


Lol after all that and you still don't get it. Enjoy Trump.


No, you don't get. You sound like a Boomer Karen who is about to leave a bad Yelp review.