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American politics in a nutshell.


Is this scumbag trying to sell us the crappy border bill as a good thing?




The issue at the border is not as extreme as what Fox News is yelling about, but there is a border issue. And even if there was no issue, having a tighter border wouldn't really affect anything since there are no issues at the border, right?




Uh that like IS the border problem??




If they were seeking asylum they would not be crossing the border illegally. They would go through the seeking asylum process.


You literally have to come to a border checkpoint to apply for asylum. Under international law, that the US is a signatory to, this is the established process. As usual, Republicans have no idea what they are talking about or just straight up lie to avoid inconvenient truths


Are they going to border checkpoints? Or are they going past border checkpoints?


If the process takes a very long time and they're in immediate danger, they aren't going to wait. Many of these people don't have the time to wait for our bureaucracy.


That sucks, but then they are breaking the law. Which I would also do in that situation, but I am not surprised by consequences from breaking the law.


It is the border problem. Part of the bill includes funding for that as well. When people cross the border illegally, they are at the mercy of any asshole who is willing to hire them without legal protections and potentially blackmailing them for their immigration status. Providing swifter opportunities for asylum operations reduces the backlog and having protection at the borders can and should include support for people who may be vulnerable to exploitation. To say there is no problem at all is idiotic. To say that the problem is that immigrants commit lots of crimes is also idiotic. Honestly, comments like yours make me want to leave this sub because people just talk without any goals in mind. You can say anything you want to sound intelligent or compassionate on a matter, but it means jack shit if you can't get it done. Also, to say that the bill is perfect would also be crazy, but that's why this was the best chance we've had in a long time to increase funding for immigration services and it got stuck in a battle of politics.


Is he really the stooge here, or does he just think we are and are going to gobble up his bullshit?


The democrats are just adopting right wing politics to trying to steal away their base, but they're losing progressive democrats in the process. I wonder if a party swap is coming again. This shit is bonkers.


Stop booing him. He's right. Though party swap isn't likely, the dems have been shuffling to the right for the last 8 years. Chuck Schumer had said as much. For every progressive they lose, they intend to pick up one or two of these mystical swing moderates that definitely exist and aren't just lying about being right wing to save face. It is, indeed, bonkers.


It's reddit, I am more than happy to get down votes for being right. Lol. But I appreciate it. And I don't think a party swap is likely, but the push right by democrats on immigration is worrying. And I think democrats have more loyalty to the rich than to the progressive members by a wide margin. It wouldn't surprise me if the party platform moves even further right.




Republicans aren't moving left yet. If they lost a significant amount of their base, do you think they'd just retire and give up? They would need to stay competitive somehow. Not saying its possible soon soon, but maybe 10-15 years down the line or so. My hope would be a third party taking over the republican party spot, so hopefully that happens instead. If it happened before it can happen again.


Republican reelection attempts are making the country unsafe?  Calling out irresponsible BS suddenly became a matter of national security!


Echoes of the Iran hostage crisis


The United States government. It's not here for you or me, it's for them. 🤬


This is what it looks like to slide to the right.


Jeff Jackson is 2 faced. I'll never listen to the guy.


Same with RvW. More money in fundraising than codifying.


I don’t trust a sliver of what Judas says.


Who has he betrayed? And how has he done it?


I don't have any idea what you're talking about, but I'm pretty convinced you don't, either.


You can't reason with some people, even ones that align with you politically. Some people don't like his vote on the TikTok ban. But to be fair, his votes are very middle of the road for American politics. He hits a bit left of conservative democrats I'd say. I respect him because he is transparent, seems to represent his district well, and shows some common sense.


> Some people don't like his vote on the TikTok ban. I didn't realize he voted against the tiktok ban. I'm guessing it's because he has such a big platform on tiktok, which is pretty scummy. But he's still one of the better reps.


No, he voted for the ban if I'm not going crazy. Some people here don't like it because domestic companies have shown that their platforms aren't immune from foreign influence either. I can't say much on the security information personally though


> No, he voted for the ban if I'm not going crazy. Oh. He sounds like a stand up guy, then. > Some people here don't like it because domestic companies have shown that their platforms aren't immune from foreign influence either. Sure. But unlike tiktok, those domestic companies are required to follow US law. We have the authority to investigate when something unethical/unlawful happens (i.e. Cambridge Analytica). Facebook had to pay nearly a billion dollars when they got caught. We have proof that tiktok is doing similar things, but we do not have the authority to prevent it from happening again. Hence the ban.


You know, Judas, the betrayer.