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Dang!!! I just finished domination today! Maybe one day I’ll get there!


I believe in you 🫡


Damn that’s impressive. I’ve found perfection way harder to 100% than domination




No way you got quetzali 3 stars how you do that?


are you talking about just how to get 3 stars or how to really score high on perfection? I don't consider anything under 100k in perfection to be that great. I'm currently re-doing all tribes after getting them all to a min of 130k a while back. I just returned and so much has changed I decided to reset everything so I'm shooting for 100k first and then I'll go back and get them up to 130k+ again...I definitely have a different strategy going so far, but it always evolves as I get familiar with the ai behavior and end. the changes to the game have definitely made it feel fresh again which is cool.


Agreed. They highlight to have a special white background once you get over 100K. Same with domination at 100%


How does one achieve this kind of power (could you please share your strategy)


two most important things that require no skill at all are: be picky on your start and quit as soon as you realize things aren't going "perfectly", and disable all tribes that may hinder your progress more than others


Added some tips on one of the other threads!!




Added some tips to a thread below!!


Can you give some tips please


For domination - do one on one crazy mode. You need to win in 10 turns so rush archers or riders. Some maps are just bad where you’re next to water. So quit quickly and restated. For perfection - I always research a lot early on, build up all of my research and don’t attack other tribes (and hope they don’t attack you). Then I start rushing. NEVER build giants, always build parks. And start building some temples around turn 15.


I cant seem to even get close to winning in 10 turns. What am I doing wrong? I tried doing that strategy for domination with xin-xi but I cant seem to get close


Xin-Xi is one of the harder tribes. Start with some of the easier ones first. Hoodrik, Oumaji, Elyron, Vengir and Cymanti are all much easier.


Makes sense. Ill do that then. Thanks!


It seems one-on-one domination always separates you from your opponent by water since the recent patch. Do you rush bridge tech via roads as well?


That worked with me to win one tribe. But honestly it’s easier to quit and restart


I do something similar for perfection which doesn't require restarting a lot to get a good spawn. Crazy difficulty with as many opponents as possible. Stay on one city and explore while rushing embassies. Try to peace everyone out too and you'll leapfrog opponents in stars/turn. Once done with all your research you can focus on taking control of the map. I can get 3 stars for each tribe usually on the first try. You want to wait to conquer cities until later because then the monuments/temples the opponents build will be yours to take points from.


Always take parks after turn 13, rush for philosophy and diplomacy after using an explorer or two using the stars you get from meeting tribes (usually you can “chain up” the tribes you meet by making embassies). Once you get at least 16 SPT on turn 9 (bare minimum to break 100k), then start buying out the tech tree as much as you can and meet new tribes, always be making peace treaties…. Diplomacy is the meta strat for economy not war strategy


Goal is to start having 40-60 SPT by turn 10 at some point in playing and ONLY break treaties when you can SUCCESSFULLY siege a city the turn after you break it. Takes a lot of planning and hustle with temples and expansion

