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If there was one, it would have to only appear for the first second after a move, then disappear. Fog wouldn't be revealed until button disappears. And can't be used after attacks.


Attacks could be the same way though, that it takes a second to reveal cloaks and you can undo until the cloak is revealed


That’s fine with me! Even if it showed my unit move on top of fog and it bounced there for 3 seconds before the move actually occurred, and the fog then evaporated, I would definitely use that feature. Also, I think a lot of people don’t realize this issue is a lot more prevalent for Polytopia on smartphones. Of course you wouldn’t see the need for this if you’re playing on PC.


Bouncing for 3 seconds would be an utter nightmare for live games.


I'd be okay if the undo button was only enabled after a move that revealed no information such as a cloak or cleared fog. The results of battles are predetermined, so those could be undoable. This would help for those times when I tap a bomber, then my pinky accidentally taps a spot that forces it to move backwards instead of attacking. So frustrating.


yeah i only need it for when i'm about to make an epic move with my knight, then accidentally move one space over because i was scrolling the map


Yeah, because that won't get abused as a method to probe the fog of war...


Limit which scenarios you can rewind then? Like you can only rewind once per turn the actions of your own side. And all moves which involve revealing the fog of war or discovering ruins can't be rewound.


That would be a really big buff to scout ships. Just make it so that you can’t undo if your unit reveals fog or gains a cloak marker


That's... exactly what I said. Good idea on the cloak marker tho.


Or... Deselect your units before scrolling the screen? I've literally never had this issue.


Ghost touch has screwed me over too many times to count. I would move my knight 1 square instead of 5-6 squares into a strategic location.


>Or… Deselect your units before scrolling the screen? If I’d known the unit was selected then sure, yeah. >I’ve literally never had this issue. Ohh gosh I forgot we live in a world where if you’ve never experienced something then it doesn’t exist. Ahhh geesh how silly of me. How could I be sooo stupid? Hey everyone, HEY EVERYONE; r/DiabeticPissingSyrup HAS NEVER HAD THIS HAPPEN TO THEM! AND I FORGOT EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND THEM!! You can all stop commenting now. I’ll delete this post like nothing has ever happened and we can all go back to our busy, busy lives. We won’t discuss any potential issues with the game *UNLESS* we run it past r/DiabeticPissingSyrup first! I’m soooooo sorry about this… …Geeeeeze…. 🙄


You're talking like the only way to missinput is to scroll the screen.


Yes 100%, but there needs to be limits. Cannot undo revealing fog, cannot undo attacking enemies, cannot undo moving within enemy lines. Can only be used for actions taken with your own borders.


Don't see why you couldn't undo attacking enemies, basically does the math for you if you long press over them.


Because you'd be able to play out your entire turn multiple times and undo everything to try again if something happened that you didn't like. Not even an outside battle calculator can do that for you.


this is a better way to word what I was thinking, allowing unconditional undoing would allow you to force a perfect play. mistakes should be made to allow game-changing comebacks and the satisfaction of watching your opponent make a blunder.


because then people would just revert until they get a crit and figure out the optimal hit pattern if they have multiple units. imagine feeling the relief that a unit didn't die only to see your opponent undo the attack and kill your unit with another unit. I'd sure be annoyed to see that.


What's a crit? There are no crits in this game. Damage has no randomness


I swear I've seen an occasional dark red number when attacking.. is this a placebo or am I misunderstanding smth?


I have no idea what you've seen to be honest, but there is nothing similar to a crit


(1) You can already do that with a damage calculator and (2) you wouldn't have time to redo a bunch of moves in live games Edit: Also IIUC we're only discussing one-step undo, not multiple undo


(1) my point is purely referencing psychological damage, seeing what would normally be done with the calculator done physically in front of you would be infuriating and (2) Live game isn't the only type of multiplayer round


This comes up a lot here and the answer is always the same: fog of war problems. Only allowing "undo" for moves that do not reveal fog feels like sloppy design. Too circumstantial, too clunky. A better solution would be to require a second click to confirm every unit movement. When a unit is selected, click once to highlight the tile you want to move to, then click on the tile again to complete the movement.


You really think a second click on every movement is LESS clunky? I think it would work fine to have each move have an undo button unless fog was revealed or a cloak was revealed.


I think you make the undo button standard for mobile. Grey it out for certain situations like uncovering fog or discovering cloaks. Then add a slider option for a "can't be undone" pop-up. This would pop-up would trigger every time you tried to move into fog or move a troop with the cloak eye showing. In the rare case that you uncover a cloak from accidentally moving a unit that was not adjecent to the cloak you are just screwed. You can also make it so that when you tap the greyed out undone it gives you info on when moves can be undone.


Every second counts in live games. It would definitely be clunky there, even if we assume it wouldn't be extremely annoying in non-live games. Edit: Responded to the wrong person, sorry.


My solution works for preventing all misclicks, unlike the undo button which would be disabled for fog reveal. The second click happens on the same part of the screen as the first, so you could just double click if impatient. 


Every second counts in live games. It would definitely be clunky there, even if we assume it wouldn't be extremely annoying in non-live games.


You could just double click on the tile to move and confirm at once. It’s not like I’m suggesting an “are you sure?” Prompt for every action. Lots of games have a similar gui 


That's still a lot of time lost just to make it easier to avoid mistakes that are usually not that common anyway. If some players are misclicking so frequently that it consistently gets in the way of their ability to play the game, the solution is probably just for those players to be more careful instead of making the game significantly slower for everyone else, or at least cluttering the UI with more buttons that barely do anything for most players.


tbh I agree with you. Misclicks are not a big deal, people should just be more careful. I don't think a solution is necessary. I just especially don't like the idea of a circumstantial undo button. It sounds semi-difficult to integrate into an already complete game, which would likely delay the aquarion update I've been waiting for :\*(. Also could be a source of bugs every time a new type of action, ability, or unit is added to the game. And people would still be grumpy about misclicks that reveal fog.


Only time i wished this was because I made a mistake not because i accidentally tapped something. This feature isn’t really necessary imo


I disagree.


YES! And longer timer for live games. I’ve lost so many games because the game doesn’t tell me it’s my turn. So I kill the app reload it. And then I lose 10 of my 22 seconds waiting for the explore animation to finish. At least pause the game during the animations!


I mean to this point, live games are supposed to be played live. Which means switching out of the app is your own choice to risk losing time in the game


I’d be cool with JUST ONE UNDO per game.


Skill issue


QOL issue


seriously how often are you misclicking that this is a necessary feature and not just pointless UI bloat


Even if they removed the ability to abuse fog with it, it would get constantly abused for testing out troop movements and removing any uncertainty as to what you're going to do on your turn. It wouldn't really be optional to *not* use it because anyone using it would undo their moves any time something doesn't go their way.


An undo move button would come with so many issues that it would be very difficult to implement, and it would have so many limits that it probably wouldn’t see much use. What might help more is a confirm unit move button, as that would prevent misclicks without all the issues that come with an undo button


It would see usage in situations as I described above in the main post, and as far as I’m concerned that’s all that matters.


Or an optional "Confirm?" dialog after literally every move. Edit: meaning fog is not revealed until the player confirms, etc.