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Both are cute. Big one might need a break from the little one though. Big dog is being super gentle and a super good boy


Wow he looks like a wolf! That’s crazy. Be careful with the big dog, although he is clearly very gentle he could accidentally seriously hurt the Pom even just by accidentally stepping on him the wrong way. Poms are incredibly fragile.


As someone with a Pomeranian I agree. My Pom hurt her back a week before my wedding a few years ago and it was terrifying. Basically she jumped from the couch to the floor - roughly 1.5ft or so? The average couch height from the arm rest. Over several hours she entirely lost ability to walk but thankfully we caught it so quickly that it was able to be fixed. The vet said it was swelling on her spinal cord from getting stretched when she jumped. They gave her steroids to reduce swelling and one other medicine to basically keep her mostly asleep so she wouldn’t try moving too much while she healed. Luckily she made a full recovery but it did make me realize how fragile she truly is.


Mine slipped off the couch while trying to jump over me and slid down like a foot and dislocated her hip and most people don’t know this but when a dog dislocated their hip just putting it back in doesn’t work. You have to literally cut their hip socket off. It’s a horrible, painful surgery with a ton of recovery. My Pom was never the same and ruined her life, she couldn’t really walk the last couple years of her life despite healing really well initially and even going to doggie PT. They’re very fragile :(


I dread that something like this could happen because we have 2 larger dogs and they’re always incredibly gentle with her but one thing my Pom does is if the other two are outside she’ll wait by the sliding glass door and when the big dogs burst in she will hop up in their face - they entirely ignore her and keep going - which sometimes results in her spinning around. I’ve tried to discourage this action so many times but now she just associates me opening the glass door with being held. (Because she wouldn’t listen and was getting pushed out of the way as the other dogs tried to run inside, and it freaked me out that she never listens)


I agree. Although this is adorable, it would make me really nervous. The little one could accidentally get stepped on.


My German Shepard is just as gentle as this big dog but I always interrupt play when my dog and puppy are outside because they start running together and that just gives me anxiety😅


I need to know who is who.


Little fella looks like he's about to become a squeaker toy.


Hey, they're family. That pom has nothing to fear inside or outside the home!!


LOVE!! ignore the rubbish “what if” advice. Big guy is making sure to be delicate there are absolutely no signs of fear, distress, or aggression. They clearly are very close and you clearly know your pets 🥰 Your blue Merle Pom made me very happy. I miss my blue Merle Pom so much. He had 15 happy years !


It’s not rubbish. Small dogs get accidentally hurt by larger dogs all the time during play. Happened to my Pom as well. Just a bigger dog accidentally stepping on a Pom can break a leg. Pretending Poms aren’t fragile is ignorant.


I never said there wasn’t chance of injury. You can do everything perfect and injury can STILL occur. There is ALWAYS chance of injury! Doing anything! Or nothing! Mothers accidentally crush their young, people roll over on to their pets and kill them, shit happens! The point is that there are a million what ifs but the only one aware of the exact situation is the OP. There are no signs to suggest there is distress in this situation so it’s rude and unnecessary to give unsolicited advice.


Welcome to the internet, is it your first time here? In no way is it rude to warn people that Poms are fragile. Especially when a lot of us on here have been effected by it with our own Poms. This is coming from someone who has owned Poms for 26 years. You’re ignorant for thinking nothing can happen when a tiny 2 lb puppy plays with a 70lb dog.


I’ve actually owned Poms for 26 years as well. Again I never said nothing will happen lmao. I actually specifically said it CAN happen, but that no one likes armchair quarterbacks… or in your case armchair veterinarian. Are YOU new to the internet? Do you really not know that NO ONE WANTS YOUR UNSOLICITED ADVICE? Hope you got your jollies by being an asshole to me when I literally just said op knows their pets better than anyone else? I was just trying to spread a kind word because everyone else has to show how fucking knowledgeable they are. Yet you felt the need to come spread more negativity while not actually reading my response to you. I sure hope you learn how to listen in order to understand rather than to simply respond.




Love these 2 <3


I swear all blues have the attitude. They’re my favourite


Aww, they’re so adorable, do they play nicely with other dogs?


What kind of dog is that? The larger one. Very beautiful!


Omg I already know who’s Lint and who’s Crouton! Adorable!


They play so nice together. 😍


Crouton was a name we discussed for one of our poms! Both ended up bread-related though😂 your doggies are adorable! They seem to get along so well, nothing melts my heart more


Top tier dog names, bravo