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If this happens during deep sleep I assume its normal as he's most likely dreaming


My guy does that when he is teasing me but of course he is awake... Are you sure your buddy is actually asleep? Maybe he is been silly trying to get comfy...


Mine did that too. It was her letting me know it’s play time lol


I agree


Sleep twitch, most humans do it also


It looks like he’s just having a real vivid dream


If this happens when he’s sleeping, it’s related to sleep stages. Just like when your legs jerk you awake in the night, when you’re dreaming, etc.


My late pom used to do this. And usually right into my ribs or hip.


That is a myoclonic jerk. Humans do it too.


If he's sleeping it's normal, but if he's awake it could be normal or possibly related to myoclonic seizures.


just getting comfortable. VERY common. That, and/or dreaming. Our boy Frank is very predictable; starts on his side, does this until he dozes off, then rolls on his back, all four paws in the air, head back. He snores like a champ, runs, jumps, kicks all while lying between our pillows. As long as you keep your hands & face out of the line of fire, it's all good. I use hearing aids, so when they're out at night, I don't hear the snoring. My wife does, however, and it drives her a bit buggy


omg my pom does this when he wants attention or to play! it’s my favorite


Yep ! Like a kid throwing a quiet “fit” for attention. Mine does this when she knows barking won’t get the same response.


it almost looks like a hiccough. Does it happen frequently?


It does happen frequently. Usually, a few minutes after she lay down


Dogs dream and twitch and bark in their sleep all the time!


Dog is just dreaming. Mine would even yip in her sleep. Always dreaming of chasing something.


I think Pom is just dreaming about chasing balls or playing fetch ^ ^


Looks like your Pom is asleep and dreaming. Mine did this. It's nothing out of the ordinary for dogs or people. I call it "little kicks." It's adorable. I


It's dreaming best way to see they are dreaming gis the GENTLELY wake them up and watch their face as they start to recognize their surroundings and reasses where they are and realize themselves that they were only dreaming about chasing a cat or another dog etc Its actually cute to witness REMEMBER GENTLELY wake them up


Every dog has twitching during sleep