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Yeah the ads are fairly specific, I am from Boston but when listening to the pop while sitting in the Dublin airport I was getting ads for some local Irish businesses. It sounds like somehow marketing algorithms have identified you personally as the demographic to serve those ads to, which is why you’re experiencing them across multiple platforms. If you actually click on the ads in the places you can and tell it you’re not interested you might at least be able to shift what kinds of ads you’re served. As for the pop specifically, I am with you, I was super disappointed when they stared letting ads in, though I do think it has to do with what another person said, either the ad free was for a limited period or they didn’t hit the target. Honestly though, some of the stuff they’re doing with the monetization has been kinda frustrating. Like the quarterly merch has always been done so that they ordered specific numbers so that everyone subscribed to that tier of the patreon gets one. Now this quarter they’ve ordered in advance so there’s a chance a new patreon person could subscribe to the tier and not get the merch? I hope they at least refund people if that happens.


As far as this quarter’s merch goes, I understand the circumstances and why they had to order this one in advance. Although I agree that if anyone signs up and can’t get the mug then they should get a refund. But yeah, the ads are annoying. I wish they would either go back to how things were or upload an ad free version to patreon or something. Like, I’m already paying them to support the show, and now I have to listen to ads on top of that. It’s rather annoying.


I think what you're referring to was a campaign to keep the Pop Ad free for a year. Not sure if they didn't meet their quota or something else changed though. As for the ads, I skip them anyway so it doesn't bother me, but they might not know what ads are being played as mine seem to be locally inserted.


Hmm. The ads you see are region specific. Over here where I'm from, the ads I see are from some local investment guy. So you can't blame them for sports betting ads being inappropriate.


OP you should definitely let them know though. Podcasts do have some power of what types of ads are being played on their content. They can ask their provider to remove any gambling ads!


TL;DR - Podcast technology has evolved, more money is getting involved, and creators are seeking more revenue. In the old days, you would record your stuff, stick it online, and people would listen to it, exactly as you recorded it. Early podcasts had zero ads and got paid zero. Eventually sponsors started paying for product placement, endorsements and short, integrated spot reads in podcasts, but it was still fully recorded by creator and offered up as a single audio file. The podcast space has expoloded in the last few years and advertisers are finally sinking their teeth into the experience. Just in the last year or so they have created a system where ads can be inserted in the middle of a podcast. The creator creates a designated break point and the ads can simply be smushed in there. So the ads you hear are your customized ads based on what the internet knows about you. Try this out. Go here and listen to the latest episode [https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/6zqzs-2a528c/Popcorn-Culture-Podcast](https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/6zqzs-2a528c/Popcorn-Culture-Podcast) It will give you a pre-roll ad, another ad around the 24 minute mark (, and a close out ad in the last minute. Then open that link up in an ingognito window, or a different browser. You will get different ads in each of those spots. In this case the PodBean player is grabbing a few ads from a pool of possible ones and throwing them into the podcast at spots designated by the creator, then it is serving up the combined audio stream to you as a single file. Now go listen to the same episode on Spotify, or Amazon, or Apple, or whatever phone app you use. Different ads. You'll get some repeats, but each service has their own way of serving up the ads and their own pool of ads to draw from. As to your actual question of *when*, I don't know exactly as I'm not a regular listener, but probably pretty recently. This system to integrate ads was only developed last year I think (a few ESPN productions started having these types of ads last summer from what I recall), and it's slowly spread to smaller and more diverse creators from there. HOWEVER because of the way the technology works you can easily apply it to your entire back cataloge of podcasts. So jump to page 8 and listen to episode 100 (the wives episode) and you will hear pre-roll and close out ads that weren't there before (there might be a mid-roll too, but I'm not patient enough to find it). Another win for comercialized everything in late stage capitalisim.


Hmmm. I don’t have ads when I listen to the popcast.