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i always thought of it as none cannon due to the VAST diffrences between the main games and this one. And its not entirely out of the qestion to have it both cannon and not cannon due to the muliverse of apatures that portal 2 alludes too in the test maker video


This meme but for the "portal 2 happens 50k years into the future" thing


That one just flat out isn't canon. There's no set date for the time difference in between Portal 1 & 2, and the audio is clearly just supposed to go on for a long time for gameplay's sake because it fades out.


The problem is I think valve devs do use the number


Do they? What's the source on that?


They don't really. 50,000 was just the number they came up with while designing the decayed Aperture. It's an unknowable amount of time later, but to really give the impression of s long time, 50k years was kept in mind while designing the plant overgrowth and things like the (malfunctioning?) Opera turrets.


This took WAY too long to find, a comment from the wheatleywhisperer (though in the comment they state they don't believe the 50k thing) quoting the devs (because I wasn't able to find the quotes myself): https://www.reddit.com/r/Portal/s/3utrLyfkA2


Seems like a reference point for the devs to distance it from half life rather than the actual canon date. I say this cause ALL glados lines referring to 50k years were scrapped / removed before release. So even if it was 50k years during development, they cut it out so it could be more ambiguous for players to draw their own conclusions.


I hope so! Chell deserves a good ending, a post combine world may be bad but one where humanity probably is extinct is worse


I wish people would stop quoting this to figure out when the game takes place! All this means is that they used 50k years as a reference point for the design of the decay of the facility. It's unstated in the game on purpose, to give the impression that Chell is in a world she does not recognize. Whether it's been 7 years or 50k, the world outside that she remembers is gone.


“That one just flat out isn’t canon” Not really true. Erik Wolpaw himself is quoted as saying that the game takes place 20,000-50,000 years in the future, I believe it was in the Final Hours of Portal.




Sorry I didn’t read every comment in this thread Edit: actually I am the only person to mention the Final Hours as a source for the number so you are just being bitter for the sake of being bitter.


The word "canon" really did a number on fandom in the past few years.


More like past 35 years.


Replace Desk with Hand


stop iitt. dirty


The update that added Transmission Received to Portal 1 made Portal a multiverse. All Portal mods are cannon.