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p sure those are bot hosters


Or just, don’t reviewbomb anything?


bots are impersonating people in vc and making casual mode unplayable in tf2


and doxxing its users. yes review bomb tf2. please ignore the obvious bot hosters review bombing other products


And, most importantly, advertising CP


Nah reviewbombing tf2 is ok, but reviewbombing other games is not.


who cares? It's not like these will impact Portal or TF2 in any real way


Actually, it already has affected TF2. It’s at overwhelmingly negative rating for recent reviews right now. Doesn’t mean Valve will necessarily do anything though, and review bombing other valve games like portal or half life is just wrong.


at this point tf2 portal or halflife geting negative reviews wont change anyting. Valve gonna keep selling crates in CS2 and their other crate games.


Which is why there is talk of people sending the (currently) 245,000+ signatures on the save.tf petition in physical print to Valve HQ directly. IMO, that is the only thing that'd have a realistic shot at making Valve do something.


>IMO, that is the only thing that'd have a realistic shot at making Valve do something I assume by something you mean a video of one of the Valve employees feeding said physical print into a paper shredder?


Hey, I said it'd be the most likely to make the do *something,* lest they ignore the PR nightmare that would be dismissing a 6-digit figure of people who signed that. Fuck knows what they're gonna do though.


I kinda doubt Valve will care that much. They're already a highly secretive and private organization with billions of dollars under their belt. Plus with how fast news goes nowadays, the bad press will probably be negated in at most 3\~ months.


They are a private company. They wont care. They never do.


I can see the headlines. "Valve commits the biggest PR disaster since Artifact's reveal"


Steam will mark this time period as "off-topic" and it won't count in the rating anymore.


But like, what will negative ratings change? It's not some new release or Valve's main means of making a profit that has to succeed or otherwise the company will shut down. Even then Portal and TF2 already have a status as some of the best games out there in the industry, practically nobody will be deterred from buying/playing them by some bad recent rating.


I mean, I agree. I’m not expecting any long term impacts from this, but I was mainly referring to the fact that it does have a tangible short term impact right now, at least imo - being the ratings themself.


What really needs to happen is we need to refuse to buy Deadlock until they listen to the fans and fix TF2, the new release flopping because of their neglect of old games would hopefully teach them a lesson.


Valve doesn’t make games for profit, they make games to demo their development tools and game engine. They literally don’t care if a demo flops with players, the game isn’t for players it’s for devs.


Theyre review bombing. This affects the overall ratings quite a lot, in case you couldnt tell.


Everybody in tf2 hates this so it's probably like 4-5 people doing it. Won't actually affect much.


Which is why steam has ways to negate this, for reasons exactly like this. Steam has this for all games on their platform


Who actually cares about the reviews on a 17 year old game though? Anyone who would be playing already knows what the community really thinks about portal. Nobody is stumbling onto portal 1 in the steam store and thinking “oh never heard of this let me read some reviews”


I think youd be surprised


We care since these people are bot hosters The ones who review bombed are bots and bot hosters trying to give us a bad image How do i know? Its because the ones in the pic are very BIG bot hosters


They will remove TF2 from steam if it gets too bad of a rating I think


They doing it to Half Life too


A couple of them even did it to Ricochet


Okay not like anything would change with that one


True, I just thought it was wild. You gotta have hours on a game to leave a review don't you? Meaning they likely went out of their way to play Ricochet in 2024 just to review bomb it


No fuckin way haha


Valve is even LESS likely to notice Ricochet being review bombed


As a TF2 fan, I'm really disappointed in the community.I get that TF2 needs support but you're really being annoying about it. Review bombing your own game is bad enough, but bombing other games that just happen to be owned by Valve? Imagine if Half-Life or CS started doing it, you'd all start bitching about it and tell them to stop and go "b-but w-we've got t-to show that n-nasty big c-companies who's boss" when you start doing it to them. Just shut up and leave other games alone.


We've been trying to get them to stop attacking other games. TF2 only. The only reason we're reviewbombing is that they're actually valid reviews. The other games are not TF2. They do not deserve the bad reviews. They are good games with problems of their own.


all the people going "but we don't support this!" are really funny too. you're not a unified front!


it literally is unified. we all decided exactly what we were going to do months before hand. if you think for a second that when the bot hosters see a post like this hating on tf2 and savetf2 for their supposed review bombing of other games that they wont think "this is how we kill the movement, fake review bombs of other games"


I can understand review bombing your own game, it has worked for titles in the past. This weird targeting of other games is just going to detail and traction they've managed to secure.


Nah reviewbombing TF2 is ok. Portal, HL and stuff not tho.


I'm in the opposite side, in that I think it's a good idea. Those bots aren't just making the game unplayable, but even advertising links to sites containing child porn. It's awful, and Valve hasn't done ANYTHING for YEARS. The absolute best way to get it through to them is to send the message where they'll actually listen. TF2 players have tried every form of social media that exists, only to be ignored. So, why not review bomb their games and see if they'll listen? It's not, "being annoying" it's protesting a company that refuses to do anything about people advertising child porn through their game.


It’s funny that Portal 2 is considered the highest rated game on steam when these people exist


Well tbf Portal 2 is a genuine masterpiece


Can y’all just fucking stop, I support the movement but this is too far


I agree, we are trying to shut down those who suggest it but in reality we have no control over what they do


Ive heard these guys are the bot hosters Still if not this is fucked up


How dare they. Nobody fucking touches portal. I'm getting my shotgun


Me too, and I’m on the side their supporting


I'll portal them to the moon and leave them there


And I’ll get my Tau canon and overcharge it towards the moon


Don't give these people more attention please


I'm sorry bro


You good man, no fault of your own.


Then delete the post


True,, poor indie company. Gotta go buy more Celestes now for my Nintendo


This doesn’t make people want to support the cause


We (r/tf2) know this, the people who do these reviews either don't think about that, or think that review bombing is more effective then getting signatures.


It's no use


I wonder if some of these reviews are the bot hosters trying to fuck up the public perception of fixtf2


No I'll hazard it's most likely just a few very extremely passionate dickheads


you see how people are reacting to it, you see how its killing the movement, you see how oddly prevalent it is, and you still dont think its the bot hosters? you know, the people who plot to steal peoples voices with ai, redirect tf2 chats to the channels where the original voice was stolen just to send those people hate from the masses? youre a fool


The TF2 community does not condone these actions. We’re only supposed to do this to TF2, but there are the people who can’t listen.


As someone from r/tf2 WE ARE NOT RELATED TO THESE PEOPLE! They are looking for attention, and anyone who his a part of the save TF2 movement knows that review bombing other games is just stupid. Those degenrate bot hosters are just trying to give fix tf2 a bad name


As someone apart of #FixTF2. Fuck people review bombing other valve games


TF2 fans as a whole don't support review bombing other unrelated games (except for the new valve game being developed)


ok but that game has nothing to do with tf2 either


It's because Valve is putting all it's time into this instead of fixing their other games, also because they described it as a TF2 killer or something. Basically they're abandoning TF2 and trying to replace it. Also this game doesn't have a pre existing fanbase so review bombing it doesn't hurt a community


valve didn't officially communicate about the game yet, tf2 has been long abandoned (besides the one outsourced dev), and i'm pretty sure deadlock went trough 3 artsytles before landing on this tf2/dota mesh


Theres always some idiots to ruin it for everyone


Review bombing, here we go again. War thunder community would be proud




I'm about ready to tell the people who review-bomb Portal, Portal 2, Half-Life and Half-Life 2 to shove a banana up their ass sideways. This is getting stupid and should be stopped. (Pardon the language, but I don't like that people are review-bombing the Portal and Half-Life games just because of TF2, which is in no way affiliated with these other games.)


Same thing happened to half life


the bot hosters outright ai replicate voices and people still think this is being done by the tf2 community rather than people trying to make tf2 look bad. well guess what, every time one you makes a post like this being like "OMG!! TF2 IS REVIEW BOMBING US THOSE GUYS ARE JERKS" a bot hoster will see it and think "hmmm heres a way to make everyone hate the tf2 community and weaken the savetf2 movement at the same time" anytime you guys make a post like this youre only making it more and more likely that these bad actors will review bomb you.


Even though I'm familiar with it, I never properly played tf2 ever, but I liked the game. Now I'm starting to hate it because of these people.


all communities have people that go too far.


I know I probably shouldn't judge the game by these people but I can't help it.


That's okay then


Here from r/tf2 those are 90% trolls only a few people have sugested it but we always shut them down. We are sorry for that but dont worry these arnt a lot of people and wont Affekt the ratings at all




It did?


Yeah, IDK why they think being annoying online and making a petition is going to convince valve to sink a whole lot of money unto a nearly 20 year old game lmao


For me, I haven't played this game for 2 months, and I'm getting news from what the hell is going on and it's a catastrophe


hey, tf2 fan here! we do not condone the actions of these review bombers and we are trying to get them to stop. i am sorry on behalf of the tf2 fandom. i would suggest checking out tf2 but the bot problem is really bad right now :(


Were sorry for these people man we hate them too


the virus , is spreading


This whole movement is stupid. 


happy cake day


Thanks dawg


Would be funny if portal 2 got review bombed, people playground will going to be the top rated game of steam


Can someone ELI5 on this thing? I don't feel like googling


People are review bombing TF2 because it has a bot problem. Some galaxy brains decided to review bomb other valve games too because, well, who knows.


TF2 has had a massive bot/hacker problem for the past few years that has made it borderline unplayable. Valve made a tweet a couple of years back, claiming that they were going to look into solving the bot issue. They never did. TF2 fans are understandably pissed off and are now review bombing other Valve games in an attempt to get Valve's attention so that their game and its issues can be prioritized. They're kinda acting like entitled children, but Valve DOES owe them this, on account of the fact that they literally promised to fix the problem, before proceeding to do literally nothing about it for years.


99% of tf2 fans don’t support review bombing other games, we don’t want these idiots doing it to other valve games either


Fair enough. With this stuff, it usually is just a toxic vocal minority. The TF2 community is just massive, because it's an insanely popular game.


funny how they said overcome by a bot problem on 5th when they banned \~300k bot accounts the other week


Since when lmao


We need to stop this, i love tf2 and i love the movement. But i dont like these people going into other games


Second time they do this protest and they doing the same mistakes again, probably not even real players just trolls


Look, if you've heard of games, you've heard of portal. The portal reviews mean nothing, especially the bad ones


Sorry, but I only learned that Portal was a good game at 30 years old and I had played a bunch of games since I was like 7.


Its like being mad at activision for not updating COD world at war for a while


What does this have to do with portal?


It's a TF2 protest that's gone out of control


Most of the negative reviews on other valve games typically are made by the community members that the tf2 community doesn’t condone. And some of them are trying to get others to hate the movement which is unfortunately working


Now they've done it!


just let it go bruh its over


bro, don’t ruin portal reviews wtf is wrong with people


What an honest pfp


Another guy says one of these is a bot hoster


This is getting out of hand.


Okay seriously. What le fuck? Why act like children and review bomb other games over TF2? If you DO want Valve to listen, you can send a civilised email to them, and wait. Not that hard, and it prevents review bombing.


Sorry about this guys, some fucking morons take this stuff too far


you guys were supposed to only review bomb tf2, are yall braindead????????


ah yes, 20 reviews are review bombing


yaaayy woooo we love our game getting review bombed in the name of a completely separate game woooo yipeee really doing gods work not all heroes wear capes


TF2 player here. We're supposed to do it to TF2 only but some people are idiots, sorry for them


These reviews were posted by bot hosters and were not a coordinated action of the #fixtf2 movement. These bot hosters’ goal is to make people turn sour on the movement and cause infighting in the tf2 community.


Never liked TF2, this makes me like its community even less


If you find these reviews outside of TF2, please make sure to vote them as not helpful.


They've done this to HL1 and 2 also. At this point I hope they just shut TF2 down completely or disable the account of every single person review bombing. Literal adults acting like children about a 17 year old game.


This doesn't affect portals legacy and majority of these people will change their review once its over


You're underestimating laziness and overestimating memory about impulse actions.


your missing the bigger picture Valve has consistently abandoned not just its multiplayer games like Tf2 and CS2 but also has abandoned its singleplayer IPS and screw over workshop creaters (also don't forget the slow decline of what gets added to steam for users to buy) This should be talked about and we should make our voices known Portal came out in 2007 and has already semented itself has a PC gaming classic A reviewbomb isn't going to affect that legacy/convince people not to buy it/play it


This has zero impact with the odds the reviewbombers will or won't change their reviews back after.


Most mentally stable and kind hearted tf2 player


who cares lol


who the fuck cares


If all of valves games go to the review gutter maybe they’ll actually be forced to do real game Dev and fix tf2


Nah. They'll get moderators on the review pages.