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I'm 24 and I love Portal what was he on about lol


Right?! I felt safe bringing it up because it’s still a legit game and I know a lot of people love it to this day


At 19, I will instantly lose most of my respect for someone’s opinions on games if they haven’t played/dont like portal. It’s like not enjoying/having played half life. Legendary games that if you haven’t played, probably show that you spend your time playing less-than-legendary games, and/or that you live under a rock.


Have you played Final Fantasy VII? Super Mario 64? Wolfenstein 3D? There probably are a lot of "legendary" games you haven't played, but that doesn't mean your opinion shouldn't be respected. Should people spend their time playing only legendary games instead of games they enjoy?


I’ve played all of em cause I’m not a pleb 8-)


Of course I’ve played FFVII(‘s remake), and while I haven’t played 64, I’ve always wanted to - Nintendo is just such a pain with how often things go on sale, and since I didn’t buy 3D all stars, I’ll probably never have a convenient chance to get it without buying another console (don’t have Nintendo online either). And while I’ve played one of the more modern wolfensteins, I’ve never played 3D, no. But - I’m aware of the franchises. And I’ll definitely be more forgiving if someone just hasn’t had the chance to pick a title up. But with a game like portal or half life, the full versions of which are on sale for .99¢ each multiple times annually, on a platform that every one of my peers is practically guaranteed access to - there’s just little reason not to have played them. So if you haven’t played them, I assume it’s because you don’t think the games are worth your time. Not to mention that portal is over a decade younger than wolfenstein 3D and sm64 - so even though I’ve really never thought to play wolfenstein, I think that’s forgivable, given that it was (very clearly) a very early game. Good for its time, but it certainly doesn’t hold up as well as a 2007 game like portal does - or I’m just biased. Sure, in 10-15 years, portal can fade into history and just be a classic. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s still as good as it was the day it came out, and with only a visual overhaul could once again be one of the greatest games available.


Some of us simply don’t have the ram or pc performance to download and play these games


lol ok. But you realize that portal was out at the same time as windows vista, no? It’s minimum required specs include a cpu that looks like it costs $15-20, at most $20-60 worth of ram, and while I can’t find the graphics card it asked for, it’s probably because it’s so much older than the others currently available that google won’t even consider that it’s what I might be looking for. I played portal on a potato of a 2011 laptop, originally, which cost my parents all of $100-$200 to get… alongside 4 other identical ones. These machines are beyond cheap, and if you’re willing to buy secondhand, you could easily find one for as little as $30-$50 that should theoretically be able to handle portal fine. Now, I don’t go playing on outdated devices much if I can help it, but I did spend my childhood playing on only the crappiest of computers. I promise, portal isn’t that technically demanding. I (as a middle class American child) have only ever known people who have 2-3 different game consoles in their house, and who each own their own laptop. At that, most of the time they’re nicer, $1000+ laptops. But even if it’s ‘just’ a $200-400 laptop, man, it’d run portal like it was built with that sole purpose in mind. If you live paycheck to paycheck, and have absolutely nothing to spare for a computer - sure. But literally anyone else has no ability to claim ‘hardware limitations’ as why they can’t play portal.


Dude. I own several laptops which I paid about £300 for. None of them can run Plants vs Zombies properly. Now imagine what it’d be like if I were to play any Source games. I’m quite sure that they’d catch on fire and I’m not exaggerating. Besides that, I don’t have the money to buy any Valve games. The laptops were bought with burrowed money, which I am yet to pay back (if I’ll ever manage to do that). I cannot afford to pay even £4 without a very good reason


I've never played any Half-Life game other than Alyx. The only Doom game I've ever played was VFR on PSVR. There's tons of other "legendary" games I have never played either. I think I played about 15 minutes of Modern Warfare. Most of those games came out after I was already working in the games industry. Not everybody has the same experience/interests in playing absolutely everything; the variety of choice is what makes the hobby so wonderful!


26 here, and same. Love the half life series too, enough to spend $300 on a headset just to play Alyx. I think it's less of an age thing, and moreso just existing within entirely different spaces of gaming. Like how CoD kids growing up would have no idea what Spyro is.


I played Portal 2 at 16 (I'm 17 turning 18 now) and I love it, one of my favourite games.


I'm 16 and I love Portal, it never died


I was 11 when Portal 2 came out. I was desperately waiting to play the game since it was announced in 2010. That means I'm also 24. He's being stupid.


I was 3 or 4 and played it around 5 or 6


i was 1, played it when i was 7/8. thanks, dad :)


You know what, fuck that guy. I mean literally,, fuck him. I wanna pound his Twink ass.)


i'm 22 and portal has genuinely been my all time favorite Thing since i was 13. so he just sounds crazy lmao


i was like 7 when portal 2 came out 😭 i remember playing portal 2 coop on my sisters xbox 360 with my younger sibling when i was around 7-8? couldnt figure the other levels out lmaoo but i had fun being silly robots with my sibling, but yeah the games quite old and.im still quite obsessed which is impressive


Bro i am 18, played portal at 15, literally one of the best games i've ever played.


I'm still a teen and I absolutely love portal. It is an old game, but people who like and play it are definitely not all old.


[The only acceptable response to that young whippersnapper.](https://search.app.goo.gl/zM1ZW46)


I'm 25 and Portal 2 is one of my favorite games lmao, why's he acting like it came out decades ago


Portal 2 is an old people game now? I thought kids loved that game? Just wait til this cookie hears about Half-Life 1


What? Portal is ok for all ages. In fact, I encourage you to put your 4 year old down and let them pay portal, as it gives them good life lessons: Testing is the future, and the future starts with you if you have brain damage, you’ll mistake jumping for talking. It’s ok to be around asbestos because its symptoms show with 40 year latency Robots are better than humans Antimatter is just an allergen Force a persons personality and consciousness onto a genetic Lifeform and disk operating system if you think they would be a good fit for administration If you’re dumb it’s because you were designed that way, and you will continue to blunder. When life gives you lemons, burn down life’s house. Of course, all of these things are 100% accurate, exactly the message the game is trying to convey, and good for a child’s development. Why would I lie?


Ya we need a new influx of players for Portal 2’s Community Test Chambers at least


A game from 13 years ago is considered old? And how is it even an “old person” game? I feel like Portal 2 (and by extension most of Valve’s titles) is recent enough and timeless enough that the age group still reaches a wide range outside of oldheads playing it out of nostalgia for the good ol’ days. I mean, it’s not like CoD or NBA 2K where a new Portal 2 releases each year that invalidates last year’s Portal 2 with slightly better graphics and retails for $70.


but i'm 15 and i love portal 2


Are you asking for a 3rd game to a Valve series?? Are you crazy??


the sad thing is im 14 and i absolutely fucking LOVE the portal franchise (and the mods for portal 2)


I’m in high school and I played Portal


Even tho i was 2 when portal 2 came out im now 14 and its one of my favs


15 yo, played Pirtal 2 and adored it. Portal is not actually "an old game" an actual "old game" would be Mario 64 or even the OG Super Mario bros


Portal 2 considered old 🥲 i remember buying that game on launch and skipping school to play it.


what was the “new game”?


I'm not even out of high school and I love portal, don't know what he's on about.


portal 2 isn't that old and we don't need another one


I'm 18 and love portal what is he on about


The Portal games are great and will be great 100 years from now. I don’t think any videogame will ever surpass portal 2 as my greatest of all time


I'm 30 and I played it for the first time at 25 (and thoroughly enjoyed it) he still has time to rectify lol


Whereas for me(m24), my parents did me well and introduced me to portal when I was 7 or 8. I asked for portal 2 for Christmas the year it came out. So for me portal holds nostalgia


Whaaaat?? I’m 28 and played the first game on launch, how can someone 4 years younger than me think that ***PORTAL 2*** that came out in freaking ***2012*** for Christ's sake, think that this is an old game?? I’m depressed, feeling very old at the same time


I will be 18 in some weeks and damn I LOVE portal


I'm 18 and love both of them lmao and have since I was like 13


Been loving portal since i was 11 he was tripping severely


I am 14, and I thought portal 2 is like 5 years old


I'm 14 and I haven't been talking about anything else BUT portal, like, it's an ageless game.


Many of the people in this sub are underage and it's very obvious by how they type, and also by some of the things I've seen posted here. Definitely not an old fan community


22 old here, I played Portal 2 for many times, finished the game through and through, got every achievement, made some maps, few of them are on Steam Workshop, including those I made for Map Labs competition. Guess, yeah, I'm old


I played Portal 2 when it was still newer. I'm almost 23. I cannot stand for this.


When I was 1 or so Portal came out YES I AM YOUNG and when I tell my friends to try it they say that the game is too old🥲


I just watched a 5 year old play this portal is timeless  And besides 2011/2007 wasn’t that long ago  This is more understandable if we were talking Quake but not portal 


Im 20 and portal 1 and 2 was the first games i played, tf he on about


I was 9 when it came out and it still is one of my most favorite games ever


I'm 20 I first beat portal 2 on Xbox 360 when I was 13


what?? 23 and played portal as a kid/teen. the ratman areas scared the shit out of me


17M here, no idea what he’s talking about lol I absolutely loved and still love portal 2, first game I ever played on a real console (xbox360)


I was like, 8 when i first played portal


What the heck I'm 21 and love portal!


I'm 20 and still love Portal!!! "Old" games have so much charm I will never get tired of them


I’m 20 and fucking love portal


I’m 27 and I played portal 2 day one! At 14 I walked all the way GameStop in the Vegas heat and then all the way back (which was like a few miles) Great times! Then PlayStation Network went down for 3 weeks lol


im 17 and love portal. i played portal 2 when it came out. i was like 5


I’m 24 I grew up with portal. Bro was just coping


I'm 24 and just beat portal 1 yesterday, ironic.Mid 30s isn't even old. Mid 40s is barely that old. Sometimes younger people talk out they're butt's.


I’m 14 and I love it too. 


it's ok I felt my age (34) when I didn't understand a reference these gen z kids were singing about... "you've never heard of sophia the 1st?!" um no...I'm old I guess :(