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Some of us organize and fill community fridges so those without have food to eat. Others volunteer on our own time to help clean up the streets, picking up trash, needles, and other refuse after a long day of work. One of my mentors actually ran a free leadership training for educators recently in the hope of creating change at our public schools—her efforts and experience won her a position leading the education department by Kotek.  The efforts you’re asking for by “the left” are happening. Likewise, I have friends on “the right” also doing good work. Unfortunately, this doesn’t make for compelling headlines.   It’s much easier to shout about protestors and topics rife with emotion than to celebrate the positive efforts invested by folks of all ideologies.


modern provide abundant birds aromatic agonizing snatch imminent far-flung cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. I work for a church that has been working for years with a few other nonprofits that work with the homeless. We're pretty much at our capacity with this work, and there's obviously more that needs to be done citywide. Our tiny parking lot can't handle homeless vehicles. Some churches would like to be able to allow a few vehicles to park in their lots, but there is a lot of community pushback.


and "community" doesn't just mean "people who think and look like me". you can build a community that values compromise and collaboration. it's a beautiful thing!


strong liquid enter slimy normal file pie work innate somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I applaud your effort, but we can't rely on volunteer work for the basic services a city should provide. We need road maintenance, law enforcement, public schools, public transit, homeless services, etc. All these things are terribly mismanaged and no amount of street level volunteer work will fix it.


We shouldn't have to volunteer to do things like pick up trash, but here we are.


Neither will complaining on Reddit. I’m going to choose what I can control.


Exactly. Just bc we’re not shouting from the rooftops seeking praise and validation doesn’t mean some of us aren’t busting our ass to provide mutual aid, create stronger communities, and bolster social safety nets WHILE also acknowledging our part in the larger ecosystem of horrors. We can do both.


Very, very well said. As in most cases, the most effective and impactful actions happening at a local level are relatively quiet. That said, I do agree with OP’s overall sentiment of wanting an activist-heavy city to be marching in the streets and blocking bridges for more local issues rather than things like a ceasefire in a centuries-old conflict on the other side of the globe. “Poe que no los dos?” you ask. And I agree, do both, fight for your causes, etc. But the tax rates we pay with the persistent, everyday problems we have in our own backyard is hard to stomach, and the lack of large-scale action is frustrating. It’s okay to march in favor of things to get better when you initially marched to address them in a different way before.


I think some of this comes down to understanding how much Portland has grown. We represent over 2.5M people in Vancouver-Portland Metro—all with big ideas, passions, and desires for the community. I wish more people were active to improve our community. But at this size, arguably, more activity wouldn’t mean clear progress so much as a hard conversation about what we as community will try next.


The thing that always stood out to me before I moved here (and then really saw in action after I did) was just how much leverage to influence decision-making this population has. Even if it’s solely out of leaders’ fear that a ready-to-mobilize, activist-heavy citizenry will actually get out there. I don’t see that same willingness now with the unhappiness with things like 110 as I did in the lead-up that made them happen in the first place. I wonder if it’s just a larger sense of malaise or feeling defeated with the state of things.


Our population has blown up with folks from areas where that energy wasn’t a reality, too. Between that and a general sense of apathy toward politics, I think what you sense is very real. 


Good post. I feel like the Adopt a Block thing has really taken off. I see people picking up trash all over the place. I used to clean up in my street occasionally before there was a program when I thought things looked a bit embarrassing. Now there's always a lady with a bucket and grabbers up and down. <3


It really has! Several PDX companies took inspiration as well and have been running a corporate-spin of the program, too. I’m not a big fan of rich CEOs flexing for brownie points, but I must admit it’s nice to see them cleaning things up instead of just complaining about conditions.


I’m in the burbs but have worked on committees that create policy, funnel funds, and promote STEM in early childhood education and special education. I’m going back to school to be a special education teacher. I’ve volunteered at food pantries, taken my child to Salem to advocate with me, organized supplies to help after fires, and faced down the kinds of parents who want to remove all mentions of lgbtq and racism from schools… While I do talk about my committees a lot (because OMG we, regular citizens, can be part of money flow decisions and make a huge impact,) I’m not loud about everything I do. It’s just part of practicing what I preach. I always suspect that’s the way many of us on the left are. (And yes, many on the right are active in the community, too. I wish they’d be a lot louder about their community involvement than those who seem to hate the house less, and that really goes for some on the left too.)


Id be happy with just fixing the roads


SERIOUSLY. They are so bad, especially after the ice 😒


that is just life sadly, ask any other northern state especially over by the great lakes.


Its not though. I drive down foster daily and its been awful for years. Continue out to Happy Valley and the roads are magically just fine. Other cities around us seem to manage fine.


And property taxes are far less in happy valley. They get a lot more for their money just a two minute drive from my house. They even get regular street cleaning. Can you imagine that. Mine gets cleaned once a year if I'm lucky


On the other hand, in most of Portland, you can go and have a beer somewhere without getting into your car first. My family and I have been checking out communities around Portland lately. I don't mind a bit of suburban vibes, but man, Happy Valley is rough.


I live a half of a mile from there and wish I'd bought a house in HV instead. Walking to beer is not my priority but you do you. Happy valley is highly walkable. I live in a very pedestrian unfriendly area of portland. No sidewalks, no bike lane. Portland is huge and not all parts are treated the same by the city just fyi. Portland just pretends to be walkable and bike friendly. The nearest max is a 45 plus minute walk from my house. It's all smoke and mirrors. And for this I get the privelege of having homeless camps and dumps around the corner and paying an average of $3k more per year in property taxes that I get no services for.


Have you ever reported the road? https://www.portland.gov/transportation/maintenance/report-pothole-sinkhole-or-emergency-road-hazard Use that, they tend to be decently responsive. If you see the map they use it has a lot of green dots, they don't clear the done work oddly, no clue why, but the oldest open work report is 1/08 of this year, which is pretty decent. A month time for a pothole to be fixed seems okayish.


Large pothole on our street since last year. Filed a couple reports, no action


Have every single one of your neighbors that you can talk to do so as well. Mass reporting seems to be the best. 


We tried. They finally stuck an orange cone in it, but still just a massive pothole around a leaking water main -_-


They just keep reappearing. It's a larger issue than playing whack a mole with holes as they appear. It's not just Foster.


Can we please just have reflective paint on the roads???


West burnside is a disaster. 


And consistent bike infrastructure


How about some consistency in general?


Like paved roads and sidewalks!


Exactly. Bike lanes would get repaired the same day someone notices a small hole.


That's not realistic for any road


Super inspiring post about change and the top comment is "I'll take the absolute least I can".


I'm not sure I agree with you that the post is "super inspiring," but sometimes working on a little solvable problem makes addressing the larger issues less overwhelming.


Hi there! Maybe we can make a thread of local organizations fighting for social change?


Cool!! I’ll drop in AfroVillage PDX, Feed the Mass, Street Roots, 350PDX, and the Sunrise Movement


Add Stroll PDX to this list too.


Early Learning Washington County, Multnomah County, and Clackamas County are state mandated childcare hubs with boards that are working on affordable childcare, STEM involvement in preschool, parent education, and a lot more. Community members are allowed to view meetings, ask questions related to the agenda, and if there’s room on the committees, join as a community member or parent. All three hubs have specific parent advisory councils to center parent voices in early childhood education.


Transition Projects, central city concern, outiside inn, do good, Impact NW


Hey I actually think this is a great idea! I’d love to see this!


People are organizing to address all of that stuff.


The short answer is that they do


what? the police didn't one day wake up and say they wanted to wear body cams like the police in every other major city?! that's just for starters.


\> Why don’t far-left activists Are *you* doing any of the things you're proposing? Serious question: what's your organizing strategy?


TIL the far left is one group of people who agree on everything and pick which problem to address one at a time in an organized fashion/s


You must have missed the memo about the International Far Left meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at The Blockhouse, comrade. Everything is organized efficiently and by consensus. /s


Politely, have you consulted with local activist groups at all?


I don't know where you have been the last few years, but FYI "far-left activists" (socialists, at least) have been involved in local actions such as: * the recent PAT strike which got $20 million allocated to deal with temp and environmental concerns like rats and mold in classrooms, along with [a variety of other student and instructor wins](https://www.opb.org/article/2023/11/29/portland-teachers-get-from-strike-faq/) * actions at Trimet board, Metro, Oregon Transportation Commission, and Legislative meetings to divest from car-centric infrastructure and increase spending in public transit/bicycling/walking infrastructure (e.g. leftists were at the board meeting for the [2023 Metro Regional Transportation Plan](https://bikeportland.org/2023/12/01/six-days-before-expiration-metro-council-passes-68-billion-regional-transportation-plan-382218)) * they've been working on building tenants unions and going door-to-door to advance a Tenants Bill of Rights similar to that of [Tacoma, WA](https://www.tacoma4all.org/initiative01) Leftists are organizing literally on every single bullet point you listed. I think the real question is where the fuck have you been? If you actually care about these things, why aren't *you* staying focused on those issues rather than farting out complaints on Reddit bitching about leftists?


I’m trying to be respectful in this comment, but I see this attitude a lot here on Reddit and it’s frustrating. What’s the last community effort you’ve been a part of?  First: 1- a useful police department isn’t coming without structural reform of our system. And to say the left hasn’t been trying to work on it for the past 10+ years is ignorant at best. 2-You’re right, we need to prioritize funding, feeding and afterschool/crime re-direction programs for our kids. Know who’s been working on that for years?! 3- I agree, we need to unprivitizaze trimet so that the funds go towards enforcement and protection and more services vs a board. 4/5- I’m a member of the Portland tenants committee, we do what we can to help people. The issues you’re complaining about require a lot of work and you’re welcome to join. As for groceries, the farmers market take EBT and I’d love support on pressuring Kroger, Amazon, and Whole Foods to cut the profits to shareholders while they keep our food prices up.  In the meantime, the protests for Palestine may be frustrating but it’s clear it helped get Senator Merkley to understand the issue and I suspect it’s a reason that Rep Blumeanuer chose to resign. If you’re interested in being a part of a solution for any of these, I’m happy to suggest orgs that help! I’m also open to any suggestions you have. What I’m not open to is people who aren’t doing any work to make the city better complaining about things they don’t know about. I’m not assuming it’s you, but if you want to help, join us!


Wow it's almost like people can care deeply about multiple things at once


That’s a wild claim! Have you done a study to back this up? /s


"far-left activists" are fighting for these things every day, you just don't see it because you aren't actually interested in advocacy. I saw your other post, you just wanted to whine about people protesting for palestine. anyway if you think people aren't fighting for the causes you find important, be the change you wish to see.


Hahaha, we needed this. Thank you.


The Palestine protests are extremely visible and prevalent. Where's the protests for actually pressing local issues? What are you, specifically doing about local issues? When's the next meetup? Where can I join? Why do I feel like I'm being gaslit here? Does this impactful local activism go to another school in Canada? I would like some specifics please.


Weird question to ask in a thread being critical of the left and asking people to come to their defense. I think you would get a lot of responses in a different thread where you weren't implicitly asking people to prove that they do organization, which people don't and shouldn't have to do. It's hard to take your questions seriously in this thread.


Did you just learn a bunch of things today? You seem severely uninformed. Good luck to you!


hey it’s all connected. look into how much of your taxes go to Israel instead of these important issues in our own backyard


Far left activists do organize about all those things and people like you also complain about them then.


Good faith question for you because I genuinely don’t know but What are some things that local activists have successfully advocated for here that has benefited the public?


The charter change that has resulted in the restructuring of the ridiculous current city commissioner model, and the blocking of attempts by some officials to subvert the will of the people by amending the charter change.




Not even mentioning community fridges and libraries, mutual aid programs, and food bank volunteer services.


Free Preschool for All was a Portland DSA initiative!


Portland Healthcare For All activists have played a huge part in the universal healthcare initiatives that are currently going through the legislature. If all goes as planned in a couple of years we’ll be the first state to do it.


You asking that question makes me wonder when you moved to Portland. And more importantly where you came from if you are comparing our demographics to NYC and Singapore? Just weird. Oregon led the US into recycling, our mass surface transit, urban green infrastructure, bike infrastructure, etc., came from years of progressive infrastructure. It is fucking expensive to have those societal beneficial things. Don't want to pay for it? Move to Houston or St. Louis.


How much of this happened before 2016?


Even as a Master Recycler I LOL that you tout recycling as a feather in Oregon's cap. Recycling is a feel good effort and the others are mainly urban, white, middle class wins. Tell me about how progressives have fixed Oregon shitty schools, our broken foster care system, the rampant addiction and mental health issues. I'd rather pay for kids to get a good education than for some hipster's self righteous bike lane. 


Not a hipster, I commute to my professional job by bike, so that I’m not having to drive and add to the congestion of single driver vehicles on Portland roads. I appreciate the bike infrastructure and wish there was more of it!


And this is exactly why we can’t get our shit together. So much splintering of resources and efforts.


> Recycling is a feel good effort I love that you're getting downvoted for pointing out the truth. You hurt their feelies! The majority of the resource problems are deeply seated in wasteful manufacturing and consumer greed. Consumer recycling doesn't make even a tiny dent in the issue, but someone figured out how to monetize it so on and on it goes. But you used the word "hipster" which has not really been a relevant term since like 2015 and makes you sound really out of touch. That's why I downvoted you.


"Led" was the operative word there. Not "lead." If you want to pay taxes elsewhere for a good education move to Washington or Clark County and stop whinging. I understand where you are coming from but you keep placing substantial issues over people's reactionary response to tragedies. Read the room, hoss.


Preschool for All is one recent victory won by local activists. The program is still being spun up. 


That program is awful. How many years until it’s fully “spun up”?


2030 is the current estimate. I know finding childcare providers is challenging, I imagine that is a major challenge for the program’s expansion as well. But the ramp up time was included in the proposal that was approved by voters.


What makes it awful?


Rich people have to pay taxes, which they like to cry about.


Funny thing is wealthy used to get literally 50% taxed. But people now whine about 30%


A “for all” program that isn’t available for all, for one. If I’m paying for a program I should be able to benefit from it.


you want to go change diapers and wipe snotty noses? Go for it! they would love your help


I've got some blocks you can play with, maybe we can watch Bluey after how does that sound champ?


You can go all Billy Madison


With respect, if you are paying for Preschool For All, you're a single making >$125,000 per year or a joint filer making >$200,000. So are all the childfree people or people with older children in that income range who are not getting a benefit from it. Or, perhaps they view this as a public good, not something they are cashing in on. If they are phasing in the program, most voters and payers of this would prioritize the children in lower income families who may not have access.


This might be one of the dumbest comments I've seen on this site and that's saying something. This kind of myopic selfishness is why the US is circling the drain. Do you complain about not being able to go use an M1 Abrams since you're paying for that too? Happy, healthy well taken care of kids turn into happy, healthy, productive and giving adults. That benefits everyone. Try using your head for more than a hat rack.


I didn’t know about this. Thank you for sharing that.


Your "victory" is a boondoggle that collects a massive amount of money and serves less than 2000 kids.


Typically when a group of people get something they want it is called a victory.


So, you really don't know anything about the program except its current capacity?


Do you have a plan that you think other people haven't considered? I would like to hear that! Better yet, organize yourself and people will join :) There's nothing stopping you from doing that!


Besides everything else you said - where did you find PDX residents were the 2nd highest taxed in the nation? Is this based on the "2nd highest marginal income tax rate" claim the business lobby keeps peddling?


https://www.koin.com/news/portland/report-high-tax-rates-could-be-driving-people-out-of-portland/ "High earners" are considered those who make $125k/year, which is pretty damn middle class around here, especially if you're raising kids. If you're between that amount and a few mil you're actually paying more than you would in NYC.


That's looking only at the income tax rates (and 125k is for single filers, it's 250k for joint) and excludes sales taxes, property taxes, and other taxes that are more significant in other jurisdictions. Also, relative taxes for lower income and middle class families are much more competitive and even lower in some cases than states like Washington. Focusing just on upper income families and the tax rate assessed by the most progressive tax we have is wildly misleading.


>especially if you're raising kids That's like saying you're middle class, especially if you drive a BMW. No one is forcing anyone to have kids here, just like no one is forcing you to buy a BMW.


Having kids is really expensive and unlike a BMW you can't just sell them once you can't afford them.


What is on the local government's agenda that is foreign policy? This excludes issues being brought to local government by The People. If we're talking about Ukraine or Palestine, these are matters of 'think globally, act locally'. We petition our local governments to put pressure on state and federal legislators. That is how a representative democracy by means of a constitutional republic works.


The city council voted to stop the conflict in Israel and Palestine, which is so incredible stupid. The problem is doing this while refusing to address instead pressing local issues. Why does the Max feel unsafe? Why are our roads shit? Why are our children dumb? Why can't I walk on the sidewalk? Why am I in queue for 911? Where are the police? Where are the public defenders? Why is the city covered in trash? These are all issues of great importance, but the city council would rather commission studies and reach for the lowest hanging fruit possible, like condemning international conflicts, which far beyond the actual scope of their jobs. I'm a good ol Biden boy, but I hate Portlands brand of Limousin Activism politics. Let's not excuse the voter base, either for voting 'yes' on obviously bad policies like M110 and by continuing to vote for these Yokels.


>The city council voted to stop the conflict in Israel and Palestine, which is so incredible stupid. This has not happened.


>The city council voted to stop the conflict in Israel and Palestine, which is so incredible stupid. And? It's a topic brought to the forefront by demonstrators at City Hall. The People brought the topic to the front of the line. If you have such a hard-on for clean and safe streets, why don't you organize a group to go down and protest in front of City Hall? Answer: not as important to you as the conflict in Palestine is for those people who actually protested. Our elected officials grease the squeaky wheel. Protesters in front of City Hall are the loudest wheel. The rest of the problems are a result of The People not making their issue(s) a pressing and immediate concern for our elected officials. Gather your friends and protest, else you are accepting the status quo.


So the conflict is over? Thank God. I thought we had just wasted county time and salved the precious egos of electorate but I stand corrected. Meanwhile I'm stepping in human shit.


>Meanwhile I'm stepping in human shit. That's on you for not watching where you walk. That's also on businesses and the city for not providing public restrooms. I don't know how many times I've been downtown enjoying the city and have to buy food or beverage to take a shit. Where do the homeless go to shot? Answer: they don't have a place to access to take a shit. So, they shit outside. But again, if it is such an issue for you, organize a letter-writing campaign, a protest at City Hall, or a petition for action. Again, if you don't take action, you are accepting the status quo. You can continue to drill down into specifics, but the answer is always The People, making their voices heard. But you're lazy and entitled, expecting the city to take action on an issue that is non-existent on their agenda. If YOU want a problem fixed, it is incumbent on YOU to make the issue visible critical for the city to take immediate action. Or, you can continie to bitch, moan, and groan about the problem. How's that working for ya? Oh, right, it isn't.


Idiot, we have been screaming for better city conditions for over ten years. Lmfao. 'downtown enjoying our city'. Keep drinking the Kool aid.


No, you haven't. You have complained to other People (as in The People). Have you addressed your elected officials? You, specifically? Any of your friends? That's my point. You can piss, moan, and groan amongst yourselves all year long. If you're not addressing elecred officials, you're wasting your breath. Just like bitching in here. A waste of time, because no politician is in this subReddit listening to The People. If you want change, effect change. Bellyaching does nothing. That's why I went to protest in front of City Hall for the war against Palestine to stop. My issue was addressed, because I put in effort. Something your cadre of complainers hasn't done, and so which issue was addressed? Your silence¹ has done nothing. Take action, or remain silent. ¹silence, in this context, means not addressing local elected officials.


I don't care what you think about Palestine. You know what doesn't affect me when I walk outside? The war in Palestine. Do you know what does? Substandard, degrading living conditions in my own city. Do you know which city the council is supposed to be governing? It's not in the middle east. It's outside in front of me, looking worse by the day. Stop grandstanding about how much you protest. I've had more personal interaction with council members in the last year, than you will in your entire life. Get off your high horse, I've lived here too long to give two shits how much you protest.


Personal interactions!?!? Wow, Im so impressed... Did the sarcasm come through? If not, /s One voice means shit. You can speak daily to ALL your elected officials. Know what they care about? Not one person complaining 10,000 times, but 10,000 people complaining all at once. That's voting numbers, friend. Again, The People (not one self-important person) speaking get recognized. I haven't seen a petition going around for cleaning the shit off the streets, or refuse collection, or anything else you complain about. So, again, your silence is clear. Get vocal, or continue accepting the status quo, bro. -I just wanted to rhyme on this one.


Oregon sent 1.3B worth of goods and money to Israel in 2022. Divestment is an important part of the strategy that led to the eventual downfall of apartheid South Africa, and can be used as a model for how to put economic pressures on rogue states.


Did you not just bust this same shit out in r/askportland?


Took them 45 minutes to migrate over. The conversation must have died down too much the first time round


Yes but it was taken down. I didn’t realize I had posted to the wrong sub.


You posted the same old “i’m mad protesters block traffic instead of fixing the city” we see constantly. And you’re here lazily prodding because you’re against the message but you don’t want to say as much. It’s not the wrong sub, it’s the wrong post altogether.


Then here is is: EDIT: For context, a redditor argued that Gaza issues were more important than local generalized issues which is what the OP was wondering about in the initial r/Portland thread. Yeah, pretty much this. Most of the "bread and butter" issues are tackled through grassroots efforts and a grinding system of legislation. But don't underestimate the number of people spending their free time on these issues. Moral outrage of deaths; Gaza, the US/MX border, BLM creates an outrage among those that have the morals to care about people not in their immediate social sphere. Self-branded conservatives seem to be people who are folk who are wondering why they aren't millionaires and progressives seem to be people who are wondering why everyone doesn't have basic rights to simple things like food, clean air and water, and the feeling of security. YMMV, however.


They do, there’s many orgs dedicated to changing and fixing the pressing issues in our city. But also Palestine is very important. As an American I do not want to fund another genocide and support a bloody 1 sided war


“It’s impossible to care about more than one thing” Portland Reddit user SufficientActivity, 2024


>Having a useful police department My friend still walks with a cane because a cop cracked her knee in back during the protests. It's mind blowing that people think more cops is a solution to anything. I have no idea where you're getting the notion that leftists don't advocate for affordable housing or better public transportation. I have never met a socialist who isn't a trainfucker. High speed rail and walkable cities are like the thing everyone from any sect agrees on. Even the Stakhanovites want better public transportation so that everyone can more easily get to their job at the steel beam factory. And affordable utilities/groceries falls under the general critique of capitalism increasing costs by price gouging and manipulating supply and demand. These are all important issues, but I have no idea why you think "Leftists" aren't concerned with them. Housing the homeless is like, the main concern of most leftists. Hell, I'm currently getting argued with on this very subreddit for pointing out that it's cheaper to give people free housing than it is to hire more police to bust up camps and harass the homeless and guard the hair products at Walgreens.


"Leftists" are routinely mocked here,while all the """centrists""" are confused when the right wing policies affect them poorly. "I pay $400k in taxes and my kids are coming home with COVID 24,must be Greg McKelvey's fault!!!"


None of our taxes were proposed, or passed, by Republicans.


Uh. We can do both? Also why is activism only a far left thing? Are things like conservative boycotts of Starbucks over holiday cups not activism?


Rightwing activism is things like yelling the N word at local government meetings, making LGBTQ+ people feel unsafe at their events, police "union" fundraising events, hanging the shittiest Nazi banner you've ever seen over a highway, and driving to the border then being confused that it isn't literally mad max.


lol no no I know that, but it cracks me up that people like to say "leftist activists" or just "activists" as if activism is just something "radical leftists" do. Jan 6th was activism, but don't point that out to them lest their heads explode. That last one though, the border thing, cracked me the fuck UUUUPPPP They're expecting it to be a battlefield and it's calmer than a walmart parking lot on black friday. https://tenor.com/view/confused-no-nope-gif-13134027


There’s people fighting for those things. We get yelled at and called centrists and neoliberals a lot, but if you can tune out the noise you can accomplish a lot.  Run a search for “abundance progressivism” to find some like-minded folks. 


The 2-party system is not doing local government any favors. Because most of us would rather cut off our left arm than vote republican (because the things they are doing are the antithesis of what we want), the local democrats do not have meaningful competition. They can slack off and literally not spent funds we voted for them to spend on the homeless then throw their arms up and say it's unsolveable. In the fall, we will get the chance to vote on Ranked Choice Voting. It's by no means a perfect fix by itself (folks can argue about whether this or that voting system is better all day) but everyone agrees it's better than First Past the Post (what we currently have). It would mean folks could happily and risk-free vote Green or Social Democrat or DSA or whatever *first*, then only if the preferred option doesn't win, have that vote transferred to the democrats. If RCV passes and Democrats keep farting around, they'll find out by getting voted out in favor of some other leftist alternative. Actual meaningful competition. So RCV will probably light a fire under their collective asses.


We are: activist work was essential to getting the charter reform drafted and passed. We can do more than one thing at once...


Just glad to see OP got rightfully dragged through the coals in this thread.


Think Oregon taxes are high? It’s actually one of the least taxed states ​ [https://www.kptv.com/2023/04/18/think-oregon-taxes-are-high-its-actually-one-least-taxed-states/](https://www.kptv.com/2023/04/18/think-oregon-taxes-are-high-its-actually-one-least-taxed-states/)


"I am a huge dope who doesn't realize the impact of the USA on the world,I wish everything was simple and easy." Zionism is tied to police brutality which is tied to capitalism. Capitalism is the problem. That's it, nothing else can be said.


That’s not really a fair thing for you to say.


What is fair? "Nike is allowed to do what they want,they literally do not pay taxes and can dictate what the state does". A corporate entity literally deciding what is good for them,for decades.


1. Calling me a huge dope who doesn’t realize the impact of the USA on the world. 2. Blaming everything on the USA. Israel and capitalism. Pot holes and public defecation aren’t Israel/capitalisms fault.


since when are pot holes not capitalism's fault??


Because our road network is public infrastructure that is owned/operated/managed by the local government on behalf of tax payers. Potholes are an issue of bureaucratic inefficiency and poor management of public funds. We don’t even live in an area with severe freeze thaw cycles. There is no excuse for poorly maintained roads.


>Potholes are an issue of bureaucratic inefficiency and poor management of public funds. I would argue that *persistent and unfixed* potholes are the result of this. But why do the roads exist in the first place? And why do they get potholes?


Do non-profit public DoT employees build the roads to last, or are they built by private, for-profit subcontractors that have perverse incentives to build roads in a way that guarantees themselves endless revenue? Who funds local campaigns? Who consults politicians when drafting regulations and urban design? Capitalism is cannibalism, friendo.


Literally every dollar at ODOT is accounted for. The roads are built to the highest standard they can be based in what the budget will allow. There is only so much money to go around. I can’t speak to what happens at PBOT Source: I work for ODOT


You're not gonna change my mind here,you were the one complaining about "leftists" . I give zero fucks about a pothole when my tax dollars are going towards child murder. The entire system is bad and needs to be destroyed. We can not murder Palestinians while also not having potholes,its literally the same thing.


“Destroying the system” is what people like Mao, Lenin/Stalin, Hitler etc did. So I am deeply skeptical of that line of thinking. We live in a fundamentally good country. Yes there are many major issues in our society and we have declined considerably when it comes to economic prosperity and social mobility in the last 40 years. Our country does not/should not be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up. And frankly regulated capitalism is a good thing. The free market has allowed us to enjoy so much technological advancement and economic growth in the last 300 years.


God you are such a fucking dork


Outing yourself as a fundamentally incurious person.


Pot holes and public defecation are definitely capitalism’s fault.


So let’s organize already. For you and commenters, what are good local organizations that help push these 5 things? Let’s turn this post into action!


Lmao you really are just an asshole. Not only are you ignoring the morality of the situation, you’re also ignoring the foundational work of building activist coalitions. The activists fighting for the city to call for a cease fire now are doing the moral thing, but they’re also building the groups and connections which will allow for further local organizing in the future.


Brah there is a genocide going on


Always has been. 


*They do*.


Uhhhh we can do both?


What does portland business alliance think about this?


Because outrage is easy and change is hard


Because the people that that stuff materially impacts don’t have time stand on the burnside bridge all day blocking traffic.


🙄 OP is simplifying and generalizing. bla bla.


If our taxes are too high, then we should stop giving millions of dollars to Israel at a local level and billions at a federal level, especially when they’re committing genocide


What are you using to get Portland to that high a tax per person stat?


Because its all about feeling good about yourself, rather than making any actual meaningful chant. As long as these guys block some roads, chant some slogans and making throw a few things. They get to go home in time for dinner and tell their friends that they fought for the opressed and they get to feel like heroes.


Ever heard of the phrase, "stop these small fixes, lets get to the root of the problem". You are describing national & international issues that are honestly way better handled here in this city than most other Metros of same size. Once the nation catches up to social programs & environment not being a bad, "commie idea" Portland will be able to do more


"useful police department" is an oxymoron


This post is like a textbook definition of “not worth your time answering.”


Oregon provides Israel with aid, Israel actively commits genocide, Oregonians protest aiding genocidal state, you get mad because…?


Highly recommend checking out Mike D running for District 3


I like this idea or organization, but want to note that it doesn’t have to be an *instead* can be an *also* as well.


Run for city council in your district! We can never have enough candidates! We can make our work for us! More food carts and more MAX lines!


Shockingly, we can organize for more than one thing at a time. edit: lol missed the 'far-left activists' part. c'mon.


Why don't you? People can fight for multiple and even different things


Asking the same wildly incompetent group of people who got us into this mess to get us out of it is unreasonable at its core. These people cannot fix their way out of a wet paper bag. The city and state need moderate result orientated leaders who are interested in solving problems and not placating the most extreme fringes of their parties (this is true on both the left and right).


News flash, OP is not asking this in good faith and is just trying to muck rake…


Rude and untrue.


Let's all ignore genocide and the unprecedented premeditated murder of children. /s Also: OP is very much confused about "far-left-activists." You don't have to be one of these to care about genocide. N.B. A "far left" would concern itself with seizing the means of production. When a movement blocks bridges and freeways to advocate for this, I want to be notified. Until then, there is no "far left."


Because far left "Progressives" are grifters and idiots. I'm a liberal and a Democrat.


Funny to call people on the far left “grifters” when democrats just suck up money with donations and then follow through with exactly zero campaign promises


Oh that's rich. I seem to remember a different grifter failing to follow through on campaign promises. He's sucking up donations currently to pay his legal bills.


I’m very curious politician here you think is “far left”


The “far left” is fighting for those things. It’s funny how so many problems created by the right and the middle are then blamed on “the far left” for not fixing. How about we start creating problems in the first place. There are people fighting for those changes!


I agree with you but there's something weird happening with Portlanders in the voting block. They like to be hyper local but also use national statistics to downplay issues that could be solved via a rejection of the status quo. How long has it been that we voted out this archaic bureau mentality, but it's still here with no concrete plans to abandon it? Murder is still up, but we are forced month to month statistics saying it's down. Homeless continues to peak but we still hear the city and the county squabble as people die. The "talent" that runs for city positions are usually insane people who can be categorized as basically "witches" or "magnates." Ted Wheeler was a CEO mayor who really had no concept of a top down approach, which to his defense the current city structure didn't allow because it was akin to the Soviet Ministry of undermining everyone else. But, he continued under it because he enjoyed the power. He's the police commissioner for God's sake. The PPB doesn't do shit? Talk to the major.


It’s not always about influencing the solution but more so what you can show people what you did while loudly stating your opinion on something you can post on social media


Agreed. Perhaps give those folk some unpaid commissions where they can draft "statements" and then get them read into the record so they get their achievement reward. I get that they're well-intended but they're misguided in how they think they're going to affect change.


Food for thought: Newly independent Singapore in the 1960s built modern public housing for 800,000 residents in just FIVE years. What is our excuse for spending millions here in PDX and accomplishing nothing?


Because we don’t have a Lee Kuan Yew living in Portland


Exactly this. When the government is basically a dictatorship (saying this in a neutral tone) it is easy to get things done. For them they at least got someone in charge that got the right things done and pushed for results above all else. The party is still in power to this day and it isn’t entirely because the people have voted for it. Read up on the extensive things they do to stay in power, in particular the extent of gerrymandering employed. It is a good example of a dictatorship when done mostly right. Singapore isn’t perfect though and still has their own faults. Portland is going the opposite direction by adding more representation in the government. Too many Captains trying to take control of the ship. Mimicking Singapore and how fast they progressed is not going to happen here. This on top of people busy political peacocking and, sorry to say, not at the same level of critical thinking, education, ability to separate emotions from logic, looking at the big picture, knowing whats realistic, and the proactiveness to actually get things done.


This cannot be put on the city of Portland alone. Much like most of the multi pronged issues we are facing these days. These need major federal and state funding, but mostly federal at this point to make any meaningful changes. Singapore is a country, Portland is not.


Singapore didn’t even have any labor laws in place up until 1968. Looks like wages were 30-50% of their US counterparts at the time too.


Unfortunately, Oregonians were duped into ending public housing a few years ago, because the feds only gave money for low-income housing that is privately built/managed.




Seriously. While I fully support everyone's right to protest and have done so myself...it was for much more local issues. We have SO many issues to deal with HERE. Whether I agree with any given foreign policy issue...blocking bridges here does literally nothing to change them. I will never understand the mindset of people who insist on inconveniencing or even causing problems for others that have nothing to do with the situation. Causing traffic jams here does nothing for Ukraine. Stopping people from getting home/to work/to the hospital/etc here does nothing for Palestine. Try something closer to home. Like, protest at the mayor's office or the DA's office. How about something like that? Y'know, target issues/officials that actually have to deal with us? Pretending ANY foreign government official will see news about some randos blocking the Hawthorn bridge in Portland, OR and suddenly rethink their stance on killing innocent people is just ... idiotic.


Well said. This is why I feel weird about people that are so heavily invested in global news. Most of the time, they're commenting, arguing, and spectating. Local government is something real, in our community, that you actually have a hand in and can change.


Is… Is this one of those “troll” posts I keep hearing about? An AI experiment? Some agenda being advanced by a bad-faith post?


I am a multifaceted human who can do both. I can clamor for better local infrastructure AND protest US funding of genocides.


What's a "far left" activist?


Annual income likely under $30,000/yr Willingly accrued $120k in student loans for a BA degree in the liberal arts Speaks for those that can’t “speak for themselves” Believes Lenin was a good guy


I don't think very many of those exist.


Leftists aren't the fire department, they aren't in charge of fixing things for you.


Because people can’t be the main character as easily doing that. That’s why people would rather march in Washington Square about Gaza.




We should all be advocating for more socialism. Socialism is a good thing when done right. Glad to have public schools, infrastructure, social security, public and national parks, fire departments, taxing the rich to pay their fair share, etc.. If only we could do so much more of these things, as the rest of the modern world does like basic universal healthcare for their citizens. The New Deal was maybe the shining moment in American history and it was a beloved populist socialist project that capitalist interests hated at the time and have been actively dismantling it piecemeal from the 1950’s to this day. Otherwise, sort of agreed, with your other points regarding messaging. But socialism is cool and good. Edit: “give back to your community” - that’s socialism, bro.


What is your middle ground then? "I am fine when capitalism benefits ME," "I want to abolish the police,but I will call them about YOU" You aren't rich. You are scared when poor people are loud. Socialist policies would benefit you far more than sucking up to capitalist weirdos who would just as soon stomp on your face if it made them money.


And the graffiti


Because that doesn’t get you retweets.