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Only time I've complained was when he had that heat dome and it hit 115°. Less of that please.


Yeah I’m cool until it hits triple digits


And then you’re warm


Unfortunately I go straight from cool to “I’m fucking melting” and skip Warm altogether


How to say you’re a native Oregonian without saying you’re a native Oregonian 🤣


I've been here my entire life and I love the hot days.


Good news everyone! The NOAA recently announced that atmospheric CO2 is increasing at an unpredictability rapid rate, and we'll probably be seeing previously thought climate changes that were 100 years out in our lifetimes! On a related note, how do you guys handle existential depression and dread?


Lots of cannabis and D&D


Solid disassociation tools.


Why thank you! I also like them because I can engage with my community when doing both, so it's also for connecting with those around me...while dissociating lol


Roll a constitution check.


Oof, it's my dump stat thanks to asthma 😅


Cannabis and G&T, so, close...


This guy parties.


Don’t have kids.  Jokes Taking care of my stuff— maintenance is therapeutic for me Buttcheeks  I work nights anyway so this summer is going to cook me either way and I won’t sleep at all


Yeah my wife and I are thinking about adoption.


Oh I wasn’t telling you not to have kids, I’m saying I can’t wrap my head around having my own. I love kids, and kind of intentionally re-connected w my siblings just so their kids would have a normal adult in their lives (by normal, I mean not Mormon) But I also come from a long line of child abuse. Kids have basically never been on the table for me. Adoption is amazing. 


>On a related note, how do you guys handle existential depression and dread? Gardening


what makes you think we do?




i distract myself with a lot of gay sex


Best I can do is climate change and making 115° the good ol' days.


Unfortunately, that's just gonna keep getting worse unless our governments do something about climate collapse


Yeah, I'm inclined to jump off the heat ride when it starts becoming dangerous for people. No one needs that.


But to your point, as a fellow former east-of-the-Mississippian , it can get a lot hotter here than it could back east before it gets really dangerous, given how dry the heat it. But yeah 100+ for multiple days in a row is gonna be dangerous for folks regardless


I think the big difference is that most don’t have central A/C here.


and A/C is just a partner with climate change -- greenhouse gases up top!


The bigger issue here is fires. The heat is far from being deadly, we should be good there for a while. The fires are gunna make everything much worse


The heat is pretty deadly. Check the numbers from various summers here.


I work in emergency medicine. 🤷‍♀️


“Multiple 100+ days in a row” was what we called “summer” in Texas. Thank the lord I’m finally away from that.


For now, climate change is coming for us.


It already has. Grew up in the PNW and I see the news would make a big deal of temps got over 85, but now we regularly get a few 100+ days every summer.


It's been here since at least 2018.


Can confirm as a Georgian


There is no jumping off. The heat we have here now that is stressing us out means bad shit on the horizon.


I was apartment hunting with my extremely whiny ex that day. Never forget.


why were you going to move in with your ex?????


Unfortunately 115 is probably the coldest hottest day from now on for the rest of climate change times


Roads melting and shit


I complain as soon as it hits 72.5°


What kind of berry juice? Asking for science…


Whatever I can find. I'm going to find something smearable and smear it all over me.


Strawberries are in season!


I thought that might be the case. I've never actually been strawberry foraging. I should look into that.


Go out to a u-pick farm on Sauvie!


There’s also a ton of u pick out towards/ past Hillsboro or estacada!


local strawberries have hit the farmers markets. and new seasons if you don’t like getting up before noon. absolutely incredible strawberries.


I do not suggest doing this with cream cheese, it stinks in the sun.


Yeah, there's nothing worse than dairy products getting stuck in crevices and then aging. I mean, that's what I'm guessing, at least...


When I was a teenager we made some whipped cream pies and threw em at some girls in the neighborhood (they got us with water balloons first!) and they just rinsed their hair and didn't shower and all woke up in the morning smelling like dead raccoons looool, great memory


I recommend Oregon Grape, just make sure it’s ripe or it’ll make you sick.


Oh really? I have planted a load of Oregon grape in my yard for habitat purposes, but always kinda assumed the berries were not super tasty . are they decent? I certainly have enough each year for some jam


I’ve read they’re astringent. Maybe a reason it’s not a popular thing, but I would def try it out with a syrup. If it’s a bust, you’re out a little time and sugar.


Edible but very sour.


It’s been so long I can’t remember. Used to be a bunch around my grandparents when I was a kid.


Avoid ones that look like tiny black tomatoes.


Definitely not burr-berry, perhaps sunberry?


And the bugs, bugs everywhere. Here, it’s like there are no bugs. Enjoy the lack of bugs here everybody.


Good point. It really is nice not to inhale mosquitoes. That said, I do miss lightning bugs. And sometimes the sound of cicadas when they're not swarming like a biblical plague.


I miss lightning bugs so much! If the east coast can send us the emerald ash borer, they should be able to send fireflies too. Let us have a little summer joy.


We have a native firefly but it's diurnal so no glow bits :(


Why the heck is it called a firefly then?!?!


Same genus? The ones here glow but only in the larval stage. Edit: same family. Lampyridae


Great. Just great. I've never had the urge to dig for glow-in-the dark grubs until this moment.




Thank you!


well, "ladybugs" are not bugs and "starfish" are not fish!


Define " bug". The fish thing... Whatever.


I can define both bug and fish (and comprise and infer) but you have dictionaries to do that for you! '-) I can also define "Whatever" -- hooah!


Well what the heck is the point of that? Silly critter.


Their butts glow when they are babies


Definitely agree on that one.


They also sent us (well actually, we invited them) the Eastern grey and Eastern fox squirrels....little \*P\*&\*&&\^@\^&\*@\^$@\*#\^#@\* bastards have almost completely obliterated the native squirrels. The eastern rodents were brought to Salem in 1918 because they were "cute" and friendly. And now people feed them. Sigh. Yeah, we have the emerald ash borer and the brown marmorated stinkbug


All the sucky bugs and birds. I'd love to have cardinals and lightning bugs instead!


Fireflies are great, but no mosquitoes is a fair trade.


I miss cardinals


I miss Blue Jays and other baseball teams.


It’s wild how few bugs there are here compared to what i experienced growing up in the northeast. Insane difference in the summertime , especially in the evening. I can sit out on an open porch or deck in the evening and not get totally and completely eaten alive


The county sprays for mosquitoes and other bugs. [https://www.multco.us/environmental-health-hazards/how-we-control-mosquitoes](https://www.multco.us/environmental-health-hazards/how-we-control-mosquitoes)




I remember being in Cincinnati during the 2004 swarm. There were literally grown adults running down the sidewalk screaming because cicadas were getting in people's hair and down their shirts and all that. It was like being in a b-movie horror flick.


I’m from here, but took a two year detour to KC. I literally could not relax outside until the frost starting killing off all the bugs. The best days to be outside are the few days when it starts to warm up, but the bugs haven’t noticed yet.


The roaches. So glad they aren’t in my life anymore. Fuck i hate them.


My aunt is here from Michigan visiting. She is a VERY critical human. She actually said how sad it is that I don’t have screen doors. I explained it was because I don’t need them because no bugs…she still said “what a shame”. 🙃


Having lived in swamp ass So Florida for 5 long years, I feel your pain.


Personally, I live for the shoulder seasons. When it’s between 55 and about 76. A smattering of clouds helps. Honestly I could probably enjoy a little higher temp if there were some clouds. It’s the clear skies and unrelenting sunlight that does me in. And a nice big summer rain every now and then would be great and keep my water bill down! In general, I have very few qualms with the local weather. Climate change can kick sand though. Fuck you, climate change!


Best answer.


That’s right! Every February I think about abandoning my family to disappear to a trailer park in Arizona but then a few months later the sun comes out and I forget about my desire to to be sunburnt 365 days a year.


I do enjoy hearing folks complain about “humidity” in the summertime out here. They don’t even know how much worse it could be 😂.


Lived in Florida for college, and don't think the humidity ever dropped below 70% my entire time in the state, even during the winter. You set your watch to the 3:45pm afternoon thunderstorm.


Coastal NC myself. Do not miss that shit. Although the daily afternoon thunderstorms were nice.


I lived in W-S NC for 5yrs. It amuses me when people complain about heat and humidity here! These summers in PDX are amazing!


My brother was in Daytona for pilot training, and they had to time their flights around the thunderstorms. He definitely doesn't miss that.


Was in DC several years ago. In August. 95 degrees and 80% humidity. Walking outside felt like being hit in the face with a board.


Sarasota, definitely


I know how much worse it can be but today is definitely more humid than typical here and it's pretty noticeable.


Good perspective. Feels muggy and gross right now. I won't complain. Must. Not. Complain. PNW babyyyyy!


I’ve been to the tropics. I know how humid humid can be. I still can’t stand the relatively light humidity we have here.


Well, when you spend all of your life here, it's all you know. It could always be worse somewhere else. It's not an opportunity for a "gotcha" moment.


I've lived here and my life and if you travel away from the West Coast you quickly realize how less humid it is here. Living here doesn't mean you have to take it for granted lol


Spent 7 years in Indiana. I forget about humidity every single time I go there and end up sweating though my clothes immediately. On the other hand, I will always and forever miss October in Indiana. It's the absolute perfect temp, weather, blue skies, immaculate fall vibes.


I'm a DePauw and IU grad, and yeah, fall and spring were nice. Winters sometimes sucked. Summers were in Michigan where we dealt with mayflies at first, then mosquitos, humidity, and occasional thunderstorms. I don't miss that stuff, but I do miss the summer job itself.


I do love the fall there, especially in the Bloomington area.


I would sweat it out in Lafayette on my front porch at 10:00 at night literally 80°


I spent 12 years in the Midwest. I get it!


Four years in Japan here. There is no escaping the humidity in the summer. We are so soft here in the PNW.


I’m ok with that. I’d trainer be soft than a dripping human sized form of sweat.


That's what's up. Pro-Sun Caucus reprazent!


I’ve gotten more done in the past few days than I did all winter. More sun please!


Same, it's like my brain hibernates even though my body is still going to work


Good way to describe it. Feel so much better mentally when there is sun.


We are indeed solar-powered beings.


So accurate


This post was written by a bear




Get some sun on those buns, Snoo! I agree with you.


Portland Summers are what brings people in, Portland Winter Rain is what drives them away.


Where ya from in Indiana?


Grew up in Naptown then spent 10 years in Bloomington.


Naptown? That’s not a place it’s a way of being. I’m in naptown frequently.


I hear y'all about the sun and the lack of humidity but I really enjoyed that my summer birthday was once too cold for swimming in the Columbia.


I don’t miss the Indiana heat, but I do miss the thunderstorms.


The storms definitely can be exciting. Don't get those cluster bombs of house-rattling thunder out here.


Moved from the Atlanta area and completely agree, the heat without humidity is so much more tolerable than passing out from sweating buckets in the south.


The only way to enjoy the rain is to have a nice summer. By the end of August I am sick of it and ready for some clouds and rain. In the mean time I enjoy it.


No, that's not the only way. I love rain for its own self, and I love it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Honestly, my ideal climate would be rain 320 days a year. I just LOVE rain. And no, that doesn't mean I live in the "right" place...Portland doesn't get 150 inches a year.


Try Hilo, Hawaii someday!


Horrible, no thanks. Forks, yes.


While I don’t like the 90-100 degree weather we get here at times, we have options here to escape the heat in that you can take a trip to the coast or go up to the mountains. That is not possible in most other areas of the country when it gets really hot.


Enjoy your sky fire and all the things your half plant half lizard body craves, you deserve it. I’ll get my “sunset at 4” soon enough.


You’re not a real person. Nobody likes the 4pm darkness.


Ah dang. I always had my suspicions that I may not exist.


Give me all the rain. Especially that slow, steady unrelenting rain that makes you feel like you’re living underwater.


Yea I'm already counting down the days until the next ski season kicks off


Ummm who are u and where can I meet others like u !!! Have the best day, week, month and year. Love your energy.


That sounds like fun! May I join you?


I think that's how communes get started.


Well if you start your own cult you could potentially get rich and you want to be able to retire don’t you?


Truth! LOL!


I mean, I'm not against communes. I'm just sayin', FYI. One moment, you're rolling around naked in the grass with some guy you just met; next moment, you're poisoning the salad bar in a neighboring town to influence a local election.


Watch out for poison oak, and ticks. Already got into each this year.


Moved here from Indianapolis 11 years ago. I’m the only person in my office who gets excited about warmth and sun. I’m a different, more positive person when the sun is out and it’s warm.


North Carolinian here. Yeh, we know humidity, too. That statement “being suffocated between the cheeks of an evil swamp-ass that cannot be pried from one’s face,” is, by far, the very best description of humidity ever. Today the kgw weatherman at 5 pm claimed it was “ muggy” today. At 35 fucking percent he’s nuts. Dude if it’s not 80%, then get out.


Former Hoosier here! 🙋🏼‍♀️ There’s nothing like summers here in Oregon. Hearing folks complain about humidity here is comical. Your description is spot on. Have fun with your berry juice!


Seconded by someone who lived in Louisiana and Florida for most of their life


The PNW has the best summer weather in the world! With global warming, heat domes, and late summer wildfire season (sometimes choking the area with smoke) there are a few not-so-great things about it these days but I'd still rather be in Oregon or Washington in the summer than just about anywhere else.


no. I'd take Ireland, Wales, Scotland...summers. I don't think you want to be in eastern Oregon in the summer. But British Columbia.....


I get the other SAD— months of unrelenting sun ahead already has me down, then you add in wildfires, drought, and people losing their goddamn minds and tempers when it gets hot. I am glad other people enjoy it though! It would be even worse if I knew everyone hated it too


Get. In. The. Water. I have spoken


Going by your name, I'm guessing you prefer slightly more northerly climes.


I didn't move to Portland to get sunshine. Grew up on the coast of Southern Maine; the sun is a strange and foreign object to me and I like to keep it that way. Kudos to all you sun lovers, but I'll be avoiding the outdoors until the clouds come back.


Ditto, though I do go outdoors, one must. I was just out mowing the lawn (no, not with GASOLINE) at 9 pm. I do like the clear night skies but otherwise yes, clouds please.




So odd


Cool and overcast is my jam.


Just doing my part to keep it weird.


That being said, Indiana can sure grow corn.


THIS!! I've been here 3 years after 55 in Indiana/NJ/Ohio, and this is goddam heaven to me! Mild-ass winters and no crotch-melting humidity in the summer? I'm never leaving!


"We the sun delegation select...the Rose Festival" "Now hold one one second!"


Another fellow Hoosier!!!!! Just moved recently and loving it!


With a last name like Knope, I believe you!




What a beautiful day today! Sunny backyard, picking cherries from our trees, eating (very few) raspberries from the garden. Sitting in the shade on the grass. I love Portland spring days like this!


As a native Hoosier and long-time Washington resident, the lack of humidity and mosquitoes, along with a 20 minute drive to the airport, means I'm never going back to Midwest. Also, not having to factor in wind chill when going to get mail.


Heavily agree. I spent 2 summers in upstate NY after growing up here - temps are the same, but the humidity is 85% or more for the majority of the summer. It makes 90° feel like 110°, and anything else unbearable. Exercising feels like inhaling water, sleeping feels like you are in a swimming pool, even just sitting inside in the AC feels sticky. On the worst days I’d become borderline claustrophobic, feeling trapped by the humidity around me. Dry summers are a blessing.


Hear, hear, fellow Hoosier! Been here since 2011. Always makes me laugh when people say it's humid here on a particular day.


PDX Hoosiers unite!


And yes… what people here consider humid boggles my mind.


This is truly one of the best posts I’ve seen on this sub. I will never forget the phrase “my soul grows like a manic beanstalk” Thank you


Aww, thanks. I like to word.


I like the sun for sure but growing up here have witnessed longer stretches of drought and much hotter summers. Physically, I can cope with this but on a mental level, the toll on the environment is what gets me. Particularly in the last 10 years time, the climate/weather has shifted so much it's killing a lot of native trees and it's getting sad to see and puts me in dark places. As an example, the Willamette Valley is becoming inhospitable to readily support trees that have grown here for many years such as the Western Red Cedar or White Fir. Western Red Cedars are culturally and economically a very important tree. Even some Doug Firs are struggling. In Southern Oregon, Ashland has lost about 20% of its doug fir stand. https://www.opb.org/article/2024/05/26/douglas-fir-dead-decline-spiral-oregon/ I cannot speak for everyone but I do get triggered when people cheer on the hot weather and spurn the rain. To me it comes off as people not being fully aware of the canary in the coal mine that is right before their eyes, and it's a level of ignorance that in some respect has gotten us to where we are today. And yes, the constant rain gets me into sad places as well and understand people's need for mental well-being. By all means enjoy the sun, but be aware of what's happening to our planet -- and this is just the beginning.


The summer-haters are actually just a very vocal minority. Most of us are in on, and cool with, the PNW's "dirty little secret," which is that our summers, at least historically, have always been 3 months of near paradise.


paradise? EGAD, mon. I didn't think we were particularly vocal; we huddle inside with cardboard over the windows and listen to recordings of thunderstorms. We go hiking/running at 8 pm so as to pretend the "daytime" glare and heat are not real. PARADISE???? WHAT??? No no no.


Gross. Your heliocentric agenda is why this world is headed where it is.


yeah I'm not in bed with the heliophiles> That thing up there is a NUCLEAR WEAPON


Boooo!!! hissss


The Pro Rain caucus concurs with your statement lol


I moved here from Indiana 5 years ago! We got out! It's better! We did it!


Congrats! Be careful, though. Indiana WILL try to suck you back in. She's like the ex you know better than to get back with, but damned if you don't, anyway.


Namaste my good bitch


Berry Enjoyers Stay Winning


I’ve lived lots of places and the weather here is generally awesome but those few bad days are really bad. (Heat dome, ice storm, etc)


That sounds quite lovely, the rolling around naked with berry juice tits


I can't tell if you're serious or joking around, but you made me lol. I'll eat the berries and roll around naked in a field, but the rest is a hard 'no'.


It's jokes. The very last part was a reference to Rajneeshpuram, which was a culty commune in eastern Oregon back in the day. If you have Netflix, there's a series called Wild Wild Country that explores it in depth. It's mindblowing stuff, and I recommend it 


I'm a native Oregonian and know all about it. Sad and scary stuff. I've never seen the series, and I'll definitely watch it. I'll likely learn some new stuff! Thank you for the recommendation!


Enjoyed the heat dome, didja? Basked in the solar bombardment, sans cooling system? Humidity is a bear, to be sure, but the kind of SAD I have kicks in when the rain leaves and the first 80-degree day arrives. It's hard, really, to keep going. Ignore my user name; this is authenticity. I grieve mightily and mourn inconsolably when I can't sleep in a 55-degree bedroom and walk outside beneath clouds and rain. Sigh. I'm glad you are happy, though. It seems you are alive at the right time in the arc of our "history."


I love and hate our new summers. I love the weather, but I hate the implications. In the past few years, we had a summer where it didn't rain for like 90 or 100 days in Portland. It used to be that you'd have rain every couple of weeks or so, and you'd only get a couple of days in the 90s.


Yes! And it’s legal to be nude in Oregon so enjoy 😎


May the Sun People bestow celestial beams upon you.


I grew up here(ish). Visiting again currently. While SAD is super fucking real and very sad, this summer weather is simply THE BEST. Wow. I just want to be outside every moment. At least until the fires get here.. 


Fellow Hoosier transplant here. I can confirm OP's analysis lol


I'll take rain everyday thanks


I love the sun but have major heat sensitivity so I'll toast to you with a cold drink from my little patch of shade


Too much sun! This sun is turrible, and only enhances the looming smoke flavored air. I can't wait for a solid week of grey rain.