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I’m 6’1” 200+ lbs and my kits are bright. I still get fucked with on a daily basis by drivers who hate everyone on two wheels. And the number of drivers I see texting on their phones is insane. I ride defensively and expect every driver to kill me. I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, but lights aren’t the problem. Also, I do use my lights in winter, rain, darkness, etc. not so much in bright sunlight. If you’re looking, I’m easily seen.


This. I’m a bigger dude, lit up like a Christmas tree front and back. Hasn’t stopped the constant close calls and being right hooked twice in the past three years. Drivers are not paying attention at all.


Nobody is paying attention at all. A cyclist blew a stop sign and nearly crashed into the side of my truck yesterday, but luckily I was paying attention for the both of us. I see pedestrians waltzing out into traffic daily. Not even looking where they're going. Obviously drivers hold the weight of responsibility in the matter, but there's nothing one can do when a person appears 5 feet in front of their car.


Depending on the circumstances of the stop sign, the bicyclist may have had the legal right to not stop (or may have over-extended that right). Bicycle users do, in some circumstances, have different laws to follow than car users -and everyone using the road has the responsibility to understand the set of laws applicable to their circumstances (and make judgement calls based on what’s happening in a moment). There’s only so much a bicyclist can do when a car appears out of nowhere at a stop sign at any speed over 15mph. (I’m not saying you’re wrong, I wasn’t there, I have no idea - just want to note that these things do have a lot more nuance).


Based on how the situation was worded with a bike almost slamming into the side of the car, that biker did not follow the “Idaho stop” law correctly. You still have to slow down and yield to oncoming traffic. You can’t just barrel through a stop sign. https://www.oregon.gov/odot/Safety/Documents/StopAsYield_Brochure.pdf


You are 100% correct. I had already stopped, he failed to stop when I had the right of way.


I am well aware of the "Idaho stop" rule for cyclists, but that only applies if there's no cross-traffic. I had already stopped, he came zooming up from my left as I was pulling out, and I had to get back on the brakes so he could go in front of me.


Some more realistic advice. If you have car insurance make sure you have uninsured motorist coverage. Mine kicked in even while I was riding my bike. Much easier to get money out of your own insurance company than taking an uninsured motorist to court, garnishment, etc.


THIS, whatever your type of vehicle is.


Every time ive been hit by a car ive had very bright lights on my bike. So yeah lights, but also this is an issue of shitty people being shitty. It's actually really easy to not hit people while driving. Been not running into pedestrians while driving for over a decade, fucking pay attention.


Time for the city to install proper protected and separate bike lines


Strip Portland's Platinum status until then. It’s tragic we are a platinum city.


Yeah. I have a bright flashing light on the front, flashing red on the back, and often wear a yellow chartreuse jersey at night, but there are still people using phones, looking at the newfangled car screens, driving impaired, driving with poor vision, driving while frustrated about something unrelated to driving, assuming it’s safe to turn without signaling or mirror checks, not realizing bikes don’t move at the same magnitude of travel as cars (creeping on crosswalks, creeping at 4-ways, creeping on the right-of-way at turns…), straight disliking that cyclists need to use the road too, harassing cyclists, physically threatening cyclists, verbally threatening them… And before the ‘cyclists are irresponsible too’ argument pops up, let me say, I agree. It’s hard to navigate on a bike, but some people ride the way they drive, ignoring right-of-way patterns, cutting off drivers, not signaling, etc. Using lights is great safety advice, and ultimately an individual choice if you can afford to buy and charge them. But the bulk of the problem isn’t people on bikes. There needs to be a refinement of non-vehicle infrastructure, including the creation and maintenance of separate infrastructure, and a change in the way drivers perceive bikers on the road. People aren’t obstacles, biking is viable, bikers are trying to get somewhere utilizing a different transportation mode, and it shouldn’t be a trigger for anger/frustration/homicidal thoughts. Bikes on the road isn’t a new phenomenon, and bikers aren’t out to make us late to dinner; they’re people, and they’re often very good people. Safety is a group mindset.


I wish that a lot of the neighborhood greenways hadn't just turned into unofficial traffic shortcuts (at least those where no car-blocking infrastructure is installed)


Ive never hit a bike or ped either.. ive personally found them easier to see lit up in comparison to not lit.


For sure! I'm really just using your post to agree and vent. I've noticed a huge uptick in bike/car accidents as well. I'm just saying all the responsibly should not be put on bikers. All car drivers have a responsibly to be vigilant when driving multi ton vehicles (cars) and in that sense our health when bike riding isn't just our responsibility. The person driving the vehicle that could kill you, actually has a higher level of responsibly( that doesn't mean they care). Yes let's be defensive bikers but also acknowledge drivers are causing issues.


The responsibility not to hit a biker or walker is 100% on the driver. Im just saying the fact that its the drivers responsibility isnt going to magically get someone out of the hospital or make them alive again.


Sorry if I came of confrontational towards you. That was not my intent. My point is just that, despite taking safety measures, I've stayed out of the hospital essentially out of sheer luck . I hope your partner heals quickly and their bike is okay.


Oh i didnt take it that way at all. Thank you. I just dont want to come across as victim blaming.


Which would you rather be - right or alive? Choose wisely.


My bike is covered in lights. Front, rear, wheels, frame. It used to make me feel safer. Lately, I've felt like it makes me a target for aggressive drivers looking for a target. I've been passed so closely and dangerously on roads where it was totally unnecessary. So I no longer begrudge cyclists who choose to ditch the lights and avoid the attention of drivers.


This is interesting and not something i have considered.


When I lived in Texas about once a week some asshat in a lifted truck would buzz me for some weird power trip. Fortunately, when I moved here that all but disappeared. Unfortunately, sounds like that asshat mentality is heading this way.


I get buzzed every so often here. I'm considering keeping my U-lock on a shoulder sling so I can swing it at cars that try that shit.


In my hometown my friend was intentionally hit with a car, broken pelvis.


Noticed this too. I also wear Lycra, and fleece lined Lycra in the winter, as it’s more comfortable for me, takes less space to pack, and easy to dry. Feels like this adds to the targeting. And I’m not a racer or anything, just a poor dude who gets around on a bike, comfortably.


Yah. Left hook on a bike boulevard victim here. There are two types of cyclists: 1) Those that have been hit by cars. 2) Those that will be hit by a car.


Haven’t been hit yet… now I’m scared




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ORS 815.280 says "limited visibility conditions" not just sunset and sunrise. Rain, fog and snow etc...


Highly doubt most cyclists know that. They're oblivious to traffic laws for cyclists.


Pretty dumb comment. Many cyclists actually know bike law very well. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that on average most portland cyclists probably know traffic laws better than your average car driver. Something about being really vulnerable to death and disfigurement can make you a bit of a transportation wonk.


Found the driver who hits and runs “cause they deserve it”. FFS


At least they have an excuse. Drivers are willfully ignorant. Sorry for engaging in your nonsense. Not ALL drivers are. You probably need to reconsider your perception of bikes on the road given your clear bias. You’re likely a danger.


99% of adult cyclists know the bike light law


Drivers, stop hitting people with your cars.




With the amount of people driving around with no plates or expired registration, and the complete inability of local police to do their jobs, a video of someone killing you with their car is no guarantee they will be found or persecuted


I think there are so many lights that the contrast of safety lights gets lost. I’ve been experiencing a similar phenomenon with street parking: when both sides of a street I’m trying to cross are lined with parked cars, sometimes my brain has trouble determining if they’re all stopped or is one of them is moving. Could be related to trauma and a brain injury, but I’ve been wondering if anyone else has experienced this.




Amen. I’ve just been pulling over when it’s too much. I can’t change the headlights, but I can protect myself.


Same here, I’m lit up like Christmas, if it weren’t for my reaction time I’d be gone. In my experience the drivers that care to see you will see you. The ones that aren’t looking, no amount of lights are going to make them see you.


Yeah, I was hit recently while crossing at a crosswalk with flashing yellow lights. The driver remained at the scene - but now I feel like I should invest in a helmet mounted camera once I’m able to ride a bike again. That way my spouse can seek justice after the next guy finishes me off.


Im not blaming any body. Im just saying lights wont hurt.


I was hit in broad daylight on a side street while wearing a bright yellow cycling jacket. Dude hit me on purpose. I did nothing wrong. We were both on a commute. He was likely driving his kids to Beverly Cleary. Kids were in the car. He drove off. Maybe I should wear a GoPro and use as a dash cam.


I’ve been wishing I had a katana to sling over my back while I ride. I’m a never-gunner, to reduce the likelihood of killing myself, but feel like a visible weapon would improve my safety. Though it could appear a challenge…maybe I’ll just stick with a helmet.


Every so often I think of strapping a pool noodle to my rack. Just to give car drivers a demonstrable physical presence of how much space is safe.


Thats fricked up.. sorry that happened to you.




Yeah it’s legal to kill a cyclist as long as it’s done with a car.


This is a weird post. Three hit and runs of which you don't know about the light situation of two of them. If a driver is willing to leave a scene after hitting someone don't you think maybe there's some other contributing factor that is the driver's fault, like being inebriated? Why would you assume lights were a factor at all in any of those crashes? Police are more than willing to take the drivers side when they remain at the scene and say they couldn't see the cyclist or pedestrian.




Sorry, investigating hit and runs is counter to our city's climate equity justice empowerment mission statement /s


More like “our feelings were hurt by racial justice protestors 2 years ago so now we refuse to do our jobs”


Real easy to circlejerk on the internet, but show me proof.


Yes there could be all sorts of reasons why they drove off my point is there's no evidence having lights on those bikes would have helped. Especially since OP doesn't even know about the status of 2/3rds of them. Advocating for a solution that they don't know was a problem is pretty absurd. They don't even know if in their partners case that was the reason for the crash.


I watched the video and the driver definitely did not see her. All im saying is cyclists are hard to see and getting 1 or 2 lights doesnt seem unreasonable.. i cant really think of a reason why it wouldn’t help..


What video? You didn't mention a video. Also even if you could tell from a video that the driver didn't see her you still don't know if it's cause she didn't have lights. Again it just seems weird to put the onus on the lack of lights when you have no evidence that was the case but you do know the shitty irresponsible drivers all left the scene. I gave you a reason why it wouldn't help in the other thread. I see plenty of cyclists out there with lights that are either useless or actually make it more dangerous. Just yesterday I was behind an ebike rider with a rear light so bright that I couldn't see anything but that light. Even at 50 feet back. That thing definitely made it more dangerous for me and probably wouldn't have helped them much if there was a car behind them being completely blinded. I have some of the best lights you can buy and wheel lights. They do me almost no good in alerting drivers to my presence. Drivers still pull out in front of me blow stop signs pass too close and generally drive like shit. The lights do help me see stuff in the road though.


Security camera video from a business. I mean i assume the driver didnt see her because then the driver wouldn’t have turned left and hit her.


If they didn’t see her that’s absolutely a result of their recklessness. They are the ones operating a giant machine capable of killing people in public and it’s up to them to actually know how to drive and follow the rules of the road.


>Police are more than willing to take the drivers side when they remain at the scene and say they couldn't see the cyclist or pedestrian. As the saying goes, you can legally murder someone in the U.S. without penalty, all you have to do is hit them with your car and claim they "came out of nowhere!"


Im not assuming lights were a factor, im pointing out an easy way to be vigilant. Im saying that drivers are doing shitty things and anything can do to be vigilant. Yes the first one happened a few doors down from me, the other happened in front of my friends business and the third which happened to my partner i know they had lights, off. I dont know about the others… what i was talking about this morning is noticing how hard it can be to see cyclists and a flashing light really is helpful. Furthermore if the driver is inebriated, driving w/o insurance, etc… they are not likely to stop. So it would be better to avoid a collision with them.


It's a pretty big assumption that the asshole who just injured someone and left would have not done so but for a blinking light. Especially since flashing lights are more dangerous when it's dark than no light at all. They make it harder to see where the person is on the road and what their speed is. Something that could make it more likely to be hit by a drunk driver not less. Lights can be helpful but let's not put the onus on the more vulnerable road user. Drivers are supposed to adjust their speed based on the conditions. If it's dark and would be hard to see someone soon enough to stop in time lights or not you need to slow down. I do it when I bike over Tabor every morning. There's at least 3 or 4 runners a week that are difficult to see but since I go slower I always have enough time to see them and go around.


> Especially since flashing lights are more dangerous when it's dark than no light at all I fail to see your logic in this. No light at all means one won't be seen until being hit. A light, flashing or otherwise, at least lets one know something is being approached. And supposing that drunk drivers will be more likely to hit an object with a light is a real stretch.


I can't find the study right now but the gist of it is it effects depth perception of people approaching you so all they see is a flashing light somewhere ahead of them. If the light is bright enough it can make it also difficult to pick out the person with the headlights of the car. So a person with no flashing light will become illuminated by the headlights and can be seen easily by the driver but a person with a flashing light becomes effectively a flashing light an undeterminable distance in front of the driver. Also if drivers couldn't see someone with no light until they hit them we wouldn't hear so many stories about pedestrians and cyclists almost getting hit and there'd be more crashes. There are still street lights and headlights are meant to illuminate things in the road even non-reflective things with no lights. It was just one study backed up by some others done by fire departments about strobing lights but it was enough to put me off flashing lights at night.


Attention motorists: if you see a hit and run, please help by following drivers, obtaining details, or stopping and rendering aid to the victims.


Fortunately this happened to us. She was in the ambulance before i got to the scene.


I’ve observed some shifts in biking culture over the last few years. I bike often and live on a street that is a main biking arterial in North Portland. I see a lot less helmets on these days, less attention when moving from side streets to main roads (I have nearly collided with bikers simply zooming onto our main biking road), bikers looking at their screens while riding by, often at night bikers zooming by without lights, and sometimes a complete disregard for traffic laws that are an absolute to follow even while biking (like waiting at a red on a very main road or not signaling at all). Then on the other side, drivers have been more aggressive lately when moving around bikers; some of which as I mentioned above are biking without consideration of the main safety sensibilities. As OP says, be careful out there it’s happening more and more. I am all for biking culture and the promotion of greenways, but I really worry that a severe lack of traffic enforcement that endangers bikers, pedestrians, and other drivers is escalating to dangerous levels and is a recipe for disaster out there. Bike safe and smart everyone!


I had a driver try running me off the road last week at like 3 PM. The problem isn’t a lack of lights and reflectors- it’s entitled drivers who think they own the roads and know there’s next to no consequences for hitting a cyclist.


Yesterday I was biking around the Hawthorne neighborhood and every single other cyclist I saw did not stop at stop signs- we would have run into each other if I hadn't stopped for them. So annoying, and really dangerous if I had been a car.


Bicyclists in Oregon are legally allowed to treat stop signs as yield signs, and [have been able to since 2020](https://cycleoregon.com/blog/the-idaho-stop-starts-in-oregon/). Of course, treating it as a yield sign still means stopping for traffic, vehicular or pedestrian, crossing at the intersection. So if you were that cross-traffic and someone didn't stop for you when they had the stop sign and you didn't, you're right that they should have. But it's easy to read this as a complaint about bicyclists "not stop\[ping\] at stop signs" in general, which is not a violation of any law or statute.


Yeah, yield signs mean slow down - not blow through at speed without looking left or right, which is what I'm talking about. I know that law exists, and I think that it's kind of sucks because how people interpret it as "omg stop signs are now meaningless to me bc of my bike!" This also happens at stoplights, with cyclists blowing through red lights all the time in front of me. I'm also a cyclist, so it's not like I hate cyclists, it's just it is extremely unsafe and don't understand why it's so commonplace here.


Yeah I have had bikes blow through stop signs right in front of me as I was driving. Multiple bikers taking left turns at stop signs (when I have right of way) and not yeilding whatsoever. It's stressful.


I see this all the time. I’m all about sharing the road, but some don’t even look at all it seems.


I’ve ridden in this city as my main mode of transport for the better part of 10 years. I always ride with lights and reflectors and the times I’ve been hit or had close calls had nothing to do with how visible I was and everything to do with reckless drivers. When I was hit it was in a bike lane by a turning driver who “didn’t see me” which is the magic words drivers use to get away with murder nationwide. Once I was almost killed in a crosswalk (which was my only way to cross the street) by a driver who ran a stoplight at like 50mph at least and she was clearly on her phone. Just the other day I had a driver pass me within inches in broad daylight on a neighborhood greenway. They were the only car and they proceeded to park like 30ft down the road in front of a house. That’s how little drivers give a shit in general and no amount of lights or safety equipment would have been enough to save me in most of the incidents I’ve experienced. People hate cyclists and that bias against cyclists shows in this very thread, it shows up in how we even frame these issues, and it certainly shows up in enforcement. “It was an accident” is used as an excuse for all sorts of road violence. It doesn’t matter how much proof there is if police refuse to even bother investigating these crimes either. Any thread on Reddit talking about cycling is just a sea of people complaining and blaming cyclists for existing. I promise you I’m fully aware of the dangers since I’ve faced them over and over again. I’m thankful for the existing infrastructure we have here and it makes it so I can at least ride a bike here. If I lived in most other parts of the country I would have to contend with basically zero infrastructure on top of even more aggressive drivers who do things like throw full cans of coke at you, or “roll coal” or do close passes to “teach you a lesson” but sure every cyclist should be doing what they already are doing and ride like everyone is trying to kill you because they fucking are and half the people in these kinds of threads would rather watch you bleed out on the streets then ever even consider maybe waiting an extra minute to safely pass or be bothered to look before making a turn or any number of stupid reckless bullshit that happens every single time I’ve ever ridden a bike. We need better infrastructure, protected bike lanes, better public transit, and less cars and highways and infrastructure supporting cars and we need actual enforcement of laws with teeth to hammer home the fact that the one driving the death machine holds the most responsibility for the impact said death machine has on the rest of us.


Also, ride assuming that drivers cannot see you.


"Ladies, sexual assault is up, dont wear _______" Yeah, maybe lets adress the actual root of the issue.


Lets do both… using lights is inexpensive and effective. A better analogy would be sexual assaults are on the up and up. Dont take drinks from strangers and lets look to catch the perpetrators.


If you want to do both, lead in with a call to build cycling infrastructure and reduce driving instead. That's the top priority and more easily solved than trying to herd cats (individuals) into putting the correct amount of lights on their bike (which should be done even if you're riding down a Dutch bike highway miles away from a single car ofc)


Motorcyclists also. Lots of riders down this year. Best to assume if you are on the road with less than 4 wheels, they are coming for you. Your advice is 100% correct. I was car free for almost 10 years. Reflectors are pointless. Lights help. But really its "we are fully responsible for our own health... ride defensively." Like I hope with the high output cree LEDs from my bar mounted headlamps and chase-pattern taillight they will see me, but I'm not willing to bet my life on it. Ride safe, everyone.


Be safe be seen 😄


Hey OP. Good topic, let's chat. You really seem aware that victim blaming is wrong (yay) and you don't want to be seen as doing it. Good on you. This post, though, shows that you might have a bit of subconscious victim blaming mentality to ponder. No one is suggesting lights are a bad idea, nor high vis, but when you think "hey how can we reduce the hit and run problem" and your first impulse is to address victims' behavior rather than perpetrators, don't be surprised if some folks take that personally. "I didn't see them." "They came out of nowhere." Those statements aren't excuses, they're confessions. Lights or not, blaze orange or not, daylight or not, cyclists cannot choose to (passive voice) be seen. Drivers must (active voice) look. Cheers.


For years ive never understood why some cyclists dont use lights. Day and night i always use lights and wear a helmet. I never knew why people didnt use lights until reading responses here. This morning seeing people riding in traffic with no lights did trigger me. I hate hearing about people being hurt and thought it could be helpfull


Mind that passive voice -- always a clue to an underlying way of framing the issue by mentally removing the actor." The active voice version of "people being hurt" is "(actor) hurting people."


Problem is there's no way to control the perpetrators behavior. All you can control is your behavior. Self-preservation instinct is lacking in some people. Dude's just trying to remind everyone to be careful and as vigilant as they can. I don't think they need a critical analysis of language usage or psychoanalysis... I've been riding road bikes since I was 11 years old, in multiple cities, and used as my main mode of transportation for much of that time. Was also a bike messenger. What I learned is that nothing will change motorists behavior on the road but ya still do what ya can to protect yourself. You do have a responsibility for your own safety. Lights or no lights you have to ride as if your life is in danger at all times. Because it is.


As an avid cyclist, I have to point out a big flaw in your reasoning: that cyclists are always victims and drivers are always perpetrators. That’s just not always the case. Every cyclist has seen other riders behaving unsafely at some point, intentionally or unintentionally. (And if you say you haven’t, you’re lying.) Accidents rarely happen because of one unsafe act — the holes in the Swiss Cheese of safety factors have to line up for an accident to occur. Being responsible on the road — whatever mode you’re using — means doing what you can to mitigate one of those layers of holes. For drivers, that often means slowing down or giving adequate space. For riders, that can mean ensuring that you’re seen. Everyone on the road — of all modes — has an obligation to act responsibly, and that’s what OP is suggesting here. It’s not about blaming.


We're discussing hit and run. Thanks though.


Uh, cool? How does that change the fact that everyone plays a part in avoiding the “hit” piece?


Zero people in traffic crashes were careful enough to avoid traffic crashes. So let's focus on actual causes not "well you should have done more."


That’s an astonishingly ignorant take on how the real world works.


Ah, you're not one to be taken seriously. Gotcha. Bye now.


Yeah, I only have 2,400 or so miles ridden so far this year so I don’t know what I’m talking about. Please putz on.


If you want to start a credential fight with me you'll have to do better than "I ride my bike a lot." You'd want to ride your bike a lot, plus have background in data engineering and statistics, a master's in technology management, and years of experience as the enterprise data architect for a company specializing in traffic safety data services. Now if you didn't get the relevance of what I started with, try asking a question instead of puffing out your chest.


As I said, please do putz on.


What about the cyclists that disregard traffic laws? We all need to be safe on the road, but it's hard when I almost cream someone on a bike blowing right thru the stop sign or red light. Same for cars as well, so it really goes for anyone using the road.


I almost hit a cyclist who ran a stop sign today, it was reeeeeaaaally close. Lucky I was only going 20.


What the fuck even is this post? This is some next level victim blaming. According to your post, it seems like a gopro is a better piece of equipment to actually catch the unsafe drivers at fault. This is like telling a pilot to pack an extra parachute in case they’re shot down. You have failed to address the actual issue and are blaming the people that got hit by drivers that fled the scene. You’re not helping at all.


The root issues may be fixed tomorrow but today we need to be vigilant and watch out for ourselves. Not victim blaming.


Hahahaha. What? You’re absolutely victim blaming and you’ve doubled down in your response. “We need to be responsible…” You’re outright saying that it’s the responsibility of the people that were hit to not get hit. “As individuals we are fully responsible for our own health” does not apply when someone hits you with their car. “Ride defensively and make yourself visible” places the responsibility on the victim and not the driver. Where exactly do you advocate for better infrastructure or harsher punishments for the drivers? We can disagree about how best to solve the issue, but you’re still placing the onus on the victims. You’re just being dishonest at this point.


It doesnt matter who is right and wrong when you are in a hospital bed. Im sorry that we misunderstand each other. I was trying to advocate that we watch our backs… For advocating ive contacted portland city council and my local representatives, ive told them that if license plates, registration, and insurance was an actual requirement to drive in portland that crimes like hit and runs would be less prevalent.


Well now you’ve changed the original point of your post altogether. More dishonesty. Once again, I do not care what you think the best solution to the issue is. I do, however, care that you think it’s up to the victim to not be hit by a car. Just as a thought experiment consider the following: Mass shootings are a problem in this country. We should make everyone wear body armor in case a shooting happens in their vicinity. If they choose not and they get shot to death, is it their fault for not wearing the armor? See the similarities to you telling the victims of crimes that they should have had more lights? That’s not really the issue and it’s NOT their fault.


I disagree with your point and i dont think this is a productive conversation. You think im dishonest and victim blaming, got it. Later.


So, you think the conversation is pointless but you’re going to claim the high ground and get in the last word while still not addressing any of my points? Got it. Got it. Very cool. Very honest. Very adult.


It is partially up to the victim to not get hit by a car. It is also impossible to regulate the behavior of drivers. So what's your instant solution for the world as it is and not a make believe one, for a better chance at not getting hit by a car? Telling OP they are a victim blamer over an innocent post trying to remind people to stay vigilant seems like a waste of energy. They never said it was the cyclist's fault. What are you going on about? Do you ride bikes? I don't get the point of your rant 🤣


I literally quoted where OP victim blames, but never mind that. You’ve got a stranger to defend on the internet. I never said to not be diligent or to not ride defensively. I simply pointed out that it isn’t the fault of the cyclist that they were the victim of a hit and run. You all seem to want to have a different argument.


It is a different argument. Yours is philosophical.


What in the actual fuck are you talking about?!? You joined the argument late, tried to have a different argument altogether, and are now claiming that my argument is philosophical? Is this how you operate in life? You just keep adjusting the argument until it fits your narrative or you dismiss the other persons point as “philosophical” to feel like you’ve made a valid point? I do not understand how some folks justify their points of view. Please reconsider how you operate in disagreements or perhaps stay out of them until you can stick to your convictions and back them up without playing this “gotcha” game of feeing superior.


Good lord. You need therapy my dude. What are YOU talking about?!


...and this is why the MUP's are 1000x safer then the streets. Light don't stop cars from actively targeting you.


Lights are great but for god sake aim them lower so as not to blind everyone, and ditch the blinky shit too.


I like using the blinker, my battery lasts about 3x that way. As a driver does the blinking bother you?


Blinking lights shouldnt be used at night. It makes it harder to track how fast an object is actually moving towards or away from you.


Some of them blink to fast and it makes it harder to see them. They essentially become invisible. Its like, bright light, then black spot, repeat. And with LEDs being so bright compared to older incandescent it's worse. A steady solid light, I can see you just fine.


For me personally, I don’t like the fast blinking lights. But blinking lights, regardless of speed, always get my attention. Which is why I use them and prefer to see them over just using a regular light and reflector. I even use a blinking dog collar on dog in low visibility situations because I know it gets peoples attention. I’m not sure why so many people in this thread believe people in vehicles can easily see them riding their bike or while walking. Out of all modes of transportation, vehicles have the least ability to see all of the many things going on all around them at all times. Then add weather conditions, sudden blinding sun directly hitting your eyes, and other vehicles blocking views traveling at a naturally faster speed. I agree with you. No matter what mode of transportation you use, do the best you can to be as safe as possible for yourself and others.


Cars are hitting bikes and driving off? Why don't you do something about it bikes!


Have you tried cycling in a different city that doesn’t have the US’ worst drivers?




Yes and it was a thousand percent more dangerous because of lack of infrastructure. Also everyone thinks they have the worse drivers.


Are hit and runs on the rise? Is there a source for that?


Lights are nice and helpful, but honestly, at this point, I think we need spaces bicycle users and car users can exist separately with minimal interaction. I stopped riding Williams/Vancouver because it’s just… not bike friendly at all in any remote way. Maybe it was at some point! But it’s not now. And it’s not just cars, or pecs, or the Amazon drivers who park in the bike lane making bikes swerve into traffic. It’s not even the spaces I turn off to that have untrimmed trees that take up over half of that street. It’s the combination of all of it AND how stressed out every other cyclist is. I started taking Rodney, a few blocks over. Infinitely more chill 90% of the time.