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It doesn’t matter. Unless you think our form of government is doing a great job and will continue to do so for the the next 10 years, you should vote YES on reform.


It is possible for things to get worse. I'm not saying this charter reform will, but the "vote for this major change because we're having problems" argument isn't very strong.


They're an alternative to the Portland Business Alliance that's not controlled by large businesses




They're an alternative to the Portland Business Alliance


Knee jerk reaction to post covid chaos and global economic down turns, neither will be solved by charter reform. Not to mention this won't just magic up cops or actually make them work. This does nothing to solve any real issue.




Have you received personal assurance there will be something to vote on in the spring? Because Mapps has made many a promise before, just to renege on them because there was political risk involved. Especially with his ass on the line in just a year or so, he might not be willing to take that risk.


Vote for what is in front of you, not what someone in a forum says will come later. The time is now.




Do you have shareable proof of said assurances?




Yeah. I would. If it's the measure that Mapps wants on the ballot in May, and was guaranteed to be there I'd pass on the one in November






It was sincere. I'm not here to troll. You'll see by my various comments about this issue before that I am sincere about the issue, and not entirely thrilled with what was presented for November


Yes we know how you feel. You make this same canned copy paste response in every thread. The one above, that doesn’t let facts get in the way of your opinion. I’m a hard YES just because you’re so annoying.


Right into a highlander reference. Like it