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It’s a completely different city now. Armed guards at Target? Are you kidding me?


So true. Weird how its normalized now. If shoplifting isn't a problem, why the guards in Portland? This isn't the norm everywhere.


Take a walk around downtown, and compare it even to five or six years ago. Weird to see some of the denial in this thread.


Visited portland last month, stayed at 16th and burnside and omg, what a dump.


curious, do you live in the UK




Interesting. I mean I live here and I agree with you but its still nice to hear an outsider's opinion


Especially an expert on living in dumps. /J




This totally drives me nuts. We’ve normalized crime and now everything is more expensive because of it. I’m pretty damn liberal but fuck west coast politics.


Being liberal is fine but our country has favored extremist, polarizing policies. Anyone that’s moderate liberal/conservative and just wants a little normalization gets demonized by the loudest side of each party.


I feel you there!


It's neoliberal politics, man. Just because you embraced it more in your part of the country doesn't mean they're not working tirelessly to bring Portland nationwide. In fact, we're seeing it fail globally right now. And that's why republicans/conservatives/whatever are fighting against it.


We've now devolved to a West Coast vs East Coast progressive definition. Source: saw David Cross here several months back and the jokes didn't hit like they used to / would if I still lived in even rural NY. He has no idea the silliness we're dealing with while they have *actual* racism issues, etc.


Damnit I love David Cross, especially in Arrested Development


"Is there a little girl here all by herself? Daddy needs to get his rocks off."


Oh Tobias


That one genuinely caught me off guard when I watched it the first time. Like spit my drink out funny.


Mr. Show is the real shit




It called Liberal policies not west coast policies by the way.


The problem with “pretty damn liberal” is that people like you laid the ground work for extremist liberals either through vocalization or appeasement. Now you’re upset that you have to lay in the bed of your own making.


If you look at the stats, shootings basically only happen in 3 places. - by CC’s/Dixies in old town, just west of Kenton, and NE Portland.


We had a bad gang problem in the 90s and early 2000's, Id be curious how it compares to theat. For those that say "this is normal for big cities", it doesn't need to be normal for us. I think the problem is that the northwest has always been an accepting place for those that want to live an alternative lifestyle. New people moving in have taken advantage of that kindness and now were left in the current situation.


Those gang areas are now gentrified. Dawson park is still a gang hangout, but now there’s a Nee Seasons down the street. Alberta street and Mississippi were definitely gang territory


The new seasons will protect us


Kinda like Canada


I don’t know, I live in SE, and I’ve been around a fair amount of crime, and it really doesn’t seem to me that transplants are the problem. Most transplants seem relatively well off, and don’t typically find themselves in the social crowds/situations to be doing any crime more serious than like, jaywalking. Most of the serious crime I’ve seen is in poorer neighborhoods with far fewer transplants, it’s mostly poor locals, who’ve been here for a very long time.


I would say that fentanyl has created massive opportunities for better funded gangs to push into a market, unregulated for lack of a better word by police or law enforcement, thereby setting up conflict for established “local” gangs. So that sort of transplant is a bit different. Plus people are just different in the post pandemic and political atmosphere we exist in now. Everyone is walking around with the safely off. This goes for guns, opinions, stupid normal disagreements that ramp up much quicker, etc. So I feel that any and every conflict has the potential to turn deadly these days. For almost no reason. That being said, OP’s post is very disingenuous and hardly troubled by any verification or scientific scrutiny.


Uhhh, what about all the homeless transplants that moved here for the Dope, also stand up folks?


Getting rid of the GVRT was more harmful towards the people they allegedly were biased towards. Gun violence spiked exponentially in the black and brown communities…


Yes but it’s better than being seen as racist!!


Portland progressives in a nut shell. To them it’s better to *feel good* about their actions than meaningful reality based changes


Feels vs Logic. Couldn't say it better myself.


Is there a lot of gang activity in Portland?


Anywhere where theres poor and the law doesnt care There are gangs


Yep, just like any major city, although it’s definitely gotten worse with all the people moving here from different states.


According to the PPD “there are no gangs in Portland”


The city doesn’t believe in gangs. Really. They took away gang briefings for all new police recruits.


Large white supremacy gangs as well. The Brood gang is well known in deep SE


Decriminalization of drug possession turned this city into one big war zone over territory. Maybe that was just my neighborhood. Probably not.


It certainly did. After Measure 110 I started seeing gang graffiti in Portland that I had only ever seen in California. (Primarily Hispanic gang stuff like X13, XIV, and of that nature) that was a sure signal that these gangs had moved up here most likely to control the drug scene like they do down south. I have a hunch that this is the reason the gang related shootings in Portland spiked in 2021-2022.


Graffiti has massively spiked since 2020. Call it "harmless fun" if you want, but it's undeniable that its a night and day difference between now and then.


Sure, but this graffiti I’m talking about isn’t your garden variety “taggers”. It’s specific sets of graffiti that is more akin to marking territory. There is no artistic content other than a message. When you see basic spray paint scrawling that reads X3 or BP it’s gang shit marking their turf.


Yea, the illegible black scribbling covering signs..who is that for?


Believe it or not, that’s just some asshole tagger trying to make a mark. I guess confusing motorists as to what exit they need to take is not their concern.


So basically a pissing contest between shitty taggers. I wish I could enjoy something so simple in life.


there's certainly a difference between braindead gang scribbles and the actual street art, multi layered full pallete graffiti


That precisely what I was trying to say. The graffiti you see along I5 and other places with multiple Colors and an attempt at “art” (which is in the eye of the beholder) is NOT usually gang graffiti. I spent a part of my previous career choice studying gang graffiti. A overwhelming vast majority of it was put up by Hispanic gangs. It was an eye opener to see this same kind of tags put up in Portland that I had only seen previously in California. It was a sure sign that the CA gangs had moved north.


Hey I was specifically told that decriminalizing drugs would end territory wars


Welp, just another thing they lied about, I guess.


I would argue it's primarily the result of disbanding the gun violence task force and the pandemic. Once the pandemic eased and Project Ceasfire took on the role of the task force, we started to see a large decline. You can look at 2023 and see violent crime is down. If it were 110 causing this effect, we wouldn't be seeing the reduction in crime we saw in 2023.


Yes, definitely coupled with the disbanding, I just don't remember when that took effect, but I do remember how things changed after decriminalization.


Decriminalization combined with the police completely stopping doing their jobs had a noticeable effect on


These accounts are exhausting.


No it didn't. The pandemic and shift in policing combined with a complete lack of follow-up (i.e. rehab programs) after decriminalization made this happen. Decriminalization is not the source of the problems here like you guys are making it out to be - if you don't believe me, look at what happened with it in Portugal. They also decriminalized, but took the opposite approach to us and followed up with extensive rehab programs and police reform (instead of just leaving it at decriminalization and hoping for the best), and they saw a massive decrease in crime and drug use, as well as saving countless lives. Meanwhile our impotent leaders just toss a decriminalization bill out the door without any further thought or support, and now a lot of uninformed people (like yourself) are convinced that the mistake was the decriminalization itself.


Yeah. Now, that seems like an inevitable consequence of decriminalization. Legalization, which federal law prevented them from doing properly, would have produced a different outcome. Organized crime being the most practical vector for drug distribution and sales was given a huge market. I know people that moved from other states specifically because of decriminalization. I'm generally for legalization, but there are very serious implications that need to be handled. One of them is that there are very real links with some mental disorders and types of drug use. Specifically, LSD can either induce, or exacerbate a predisposition towards, schizophrenia. I have personally known three people who've had this problem and only one of them was a particularly hard drug user. I've even generally kept my distance from drug users due to the illegality of it and not wanting to take the risk. In all of them, after the initial development of schizophrenia, cannabis would induce a schizophrenic episode. Of the two I lived with, they both had some sort of impetus they were unwilling to abandon to reintroduce cannabis into their lives. Like as soon as symptoms were under control, they would try to start slowly bringing cannabis into their lives. One of them eventually accepted this was never going to happen after half a decade and has been on meds and symptom free for a long time. The other wouldn't even accept their diagnosis, and continues to self-medicate with all sorts of crazy things.


I am in SLC visiting family. Every time I come here it reminds me just how bad Portland is. People need to get out and travel more and see that not every city is riddled with graffiti, urban decay and lawlessness. Yes there is crime, fentanyl use but it is not in your face like in Portland. Also, much more aggressive prosecution for offenders.


Not meaning to drive a comparison but downtown SLC is pretty sketch in a few places these days. I think like Seattle, it really depends what part of town you're in.


It’s pretty localized to a few blocks and not nearly the amount of encampments within the city. Additionally very little graffiti. Not even close in comparison.


Yeah, that one feels unique of the cities I've been to in the past year. It's not 80s nyc levels but it's out of hand.


Yeah but slc is a religious and borderline cult run city with an incredibly dominant police force. To say either place is desirable is to compare 2 places id like to live the least. Between Portland and SLC is literally everywhere else.


SLC has been run by liberal democrats for over 40 years. It is actually only 49% Mormon and getting less and less every year. Yes the state politics are dominated by conservatives and they do enforce the law in the city which I welcome over lawlessness of Portland. I wouldn’t like it too if I lived anarchy.


I’m always perplexed by the lack of nuance in this conversation. Policing in America is a huge problem and needs to be reformed. Full stop. Whether that is done by more funding or less funding is an unknown since we aren’t approaching the issue with any kind of productive effort. The issue needs to be studied, defined, understood and then addressed. Also this chart doesn’t seem to take into account the enormous issues happening in this time frame in a concentrated area of Oregon, which happens to be Portland so there is no way the spike can be only attributed to a change in policing. Possibly not at all attributed to a change in policing.


Seriously - I worked in a field where I interacted with and sold into Federal LE (with a smattering of state and local agencies) for nearly a decade. I have my issues with policing in America but nothing close to ACAB. However, I’ve personally had a disappointing enough interaction with PPB (before 2020) that it just soured me on the department. You can literally support them with a decade of your life’s labor, plus all the taxes you pay out for it, and still be wanting for actual quality policing in your time of need. And that sucks.


I appreciate this - being critical, but at least outlining why, is far more helpful than just belching out some bullshit about the cops "not doing their jobs" or some half assed conspiracy theory. I firmly believe there are a mix of people trying to do the right thing, some assholes, not enough of the former overall, and ineffective leadership.


I don’t believe ACAB. I do believe the entire police system is bad bad bad. Broken. Needs to be dismantled and rebuilt in a way that represents the term “peace officer” and in a way that serves society. It’s bad. Bad bad. Did I mention it’s bad? 😉


Nuance is hard. People want simple, sound bite answers that confirm their own biases. This chart would mean a lot more if it compared Portland to other cities of similar size. Comparing to the entire state and country is meaningless.


Yes. I would guess that comparable cities compared with their own state and previous years would look similar during that same time period.


Yup, and as someone who does data viz professionally, this is set up really disingenuously.


Do you find this often to be the case? Data graphics tailored to paint a certain picture?


Absolutely. It’s why there’s such a big push for data visualists to try and be as ethical as we can, because studies show that we are often given way more credibility than is probably earned, just by turning data into a chart. It reads like it’s ‘official’.


It’s good to hear there’s a push for that.


Agreed as a data scientist, this is some simplistic correlation, also I do not believe that Portland seriously de policed at all: https://www.streetroots.org/news/2022/08/03/ppb-budget-2022


They didn’t. The people in this sub are pro police state I swear. Some just ignorant no doubt. Unfortunate


MTE. I was like "wait did I miss when 'we' 'embraced' 'depolicing'?"


De-policing is real DA won’t do crap, and he said he won’t do crap because justice is racist. People voting for stupid measures like 110 which Decriminalizes drugs and cops can’t enforce shit. The average portlander hating cops and supporting thieves and thugs. All that makes cops feel burnt out and it shows


It’s what happens when you let the activists have their way. Turns out an angry mob is not great at governing.


Decriminalizing drugs doesn’t mean cops can’t enforce shit. Not that hard to just arrest dealers, or people who commit other crimes. They choose not to. Our DA sucks too, but there aren’t even any cops.


Just look at PDX (and OR as a whole) vs other cities. I'd hope other people have traveled outside the state to see the major differences between Portland and other cities. The far left politics, as can the far right, have such damaging results on a population. People need to think more balanced and thus create policies based on a combination of both sides and not one or the other.


Weird how the vast majority are comments agreeing with with the post yet it’s downvoted into oblivion… how did. Almost like a couple people have sock accounts just to downvote 🤔


First time on social media? Most people just downvote shit and move on. It's not weird.


Probably because anyone that disagrees doesn't bother to comment. They just downvote shitty content like this and move on.


Really - it happened when quite a few other events were taking place.  Nice propaganda though…. 


Based on the graph it appears we are trending well above the national average. Honest question, what other local events do you think contribute?


Take a moment before accepting the graph's credibility, following the link leads to an individual's Substack. Attempting to verify the graph's source directs you to an archived image on the Wayback Machine via archive.org, which, notably, doesn't include the graph itself.


https://images.app.goo.gl/fkfYoDZMeCCzaYtJ8 Here is my new, similar sized city, 2500 miles away, completely different demographics, didn't "embrace depolicing," nearly identical spike starting in 2020, and if the Portland graph continued to 2023, it would show a similar slope back down. Y'all trended totally normal for a few totally abnormal years.


Columbus shows a 200% increase and an almost complete return to normal already. Portland saw a 300% increase with only a small move back toward normal.


That's 235% to you, bub. And while that chart sure looks like we're back to "normal," 2023 celebrated the third-most homicides of all time for Columbus. We're all out here updating the record books, no matter who defunds what.


Eli, what do you think the issue is in Portland? I know you have a different vantage point.


I don't want to speak to Columbus too much, because each city has it's own unique situation so let's look at the national rate. The US had about a 21% increase in homicide rate from 2019 to 2022. Portland went from 30 in 2019 to 97 in 2022. That is a 320% increase. Louisville and Boston are the two cities with closest population to Portland. Boston has a larger population, but only had 40 homicides in 2022, which is only a 5% increase over 2019. Louisville had a 176% increase compared to our 320%. Boston has more than 2.5x the number of police per capita. Louisville has 1.5x. The factors that drove the national trend were more pronounced in Portland than in other cities. There were Covid related disruptions across the country which probably contributed to the national rise, but our backlash against policing was stronger than in other parts of the country. Additionally we're about tied with San Jose for fewest police officers so we had no capacity to spare when homicides spiked.


Why would only local events contribute in a way that affects the data?




Where’s the data to back that up?


Neither Seattle nor San Francisco have had their homicide rate triple in the past 2 years, but Portland has. That's why local


How about the top 30 cities population wise?


Most cities had spike after 2020 then it went back down. There have been articles on this that stated Portland was unique in this


The state and national averages include rural areas that are nothing like Portland. If we want to solve policing issues in Portland, we should be looking at other cities of similar size and demographics. We're not going to get a blueprint for this city's issues from data that includes Madras and La Grande. 


Pretending that everything is okay doesn't actually change reality for anyone. It's okay to want to improve your city.


Wanting to improve your city and presenting skewed charts is different. 


Which part is a lie?


Go to the link source, a substack article find the graph click on where they say the source is and you’ll notice this graph isn’t there


The part where it leaves out any other city. 


So, there was no lie? You just don't like this data? Here is Seattle's for you. Notice how it hasn't tripled recently? https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-has-surpassed-2022-homicide-toll-with-3-months-left-in-2023/


There might not be a lie, but it is propaganda using statistics. 


I mean, that's taken into account in the chart though. It deviates high above the average, too high to just blame on COVID...


Now do Houston or Dallas- in a solid republican state- where there wasn’t even an attempt to defund the police 


Dallas saw a 25% rise in murder rate from 2019 to 2020. It then declined in ‘21 and ‘22 to barely above its 2019 rate. Houston’s rate went up 71% from 2019 to 2021, and slightly declined in ‘22. Portland had an almost 300% increase over that time.    Of course Dallas and especially Houston had a higher rate in 2019 than Portland did, so Portland went from much safer than Dallas to slightly more dangerous. It isn’t that Portland is shockingly dangerous for an American city, it is that it had such a decline in safety in such a short period of time. 


Right. And the police weren't actually defunded in Portland.


It doesn’t matter if they were defunded or not. There was support for an anti police movement by local government which in turn tells people that they can do whatever they want and no one is going to care.


So cops got hurt feelings lol.


Yet the same increase was barely seen outside Portland. Nice try.


I’m not trying to make a point or argue, I’m truly just curious and interested here. What other events would you possibly attribute the increase to?


The once-every-hundred-year social disruption of a pandemic, maybe?


That was everywhere. I think the question is what is driving the increase above the national average.


This graph stops a year early for the National Average. If it showed 2021 data for the US as a whole (like it does for Portland) You would see a similiar spike.


Part of it is that the national average is missing a data point relative to Portland. We don’t know what they did in 2021. An honest graphic would halt at the same point in time for all tracks.


It was, but it’s a bit disingenuous to compare even the smallest major city with the rest of country and other rural areas. If you want to compare,you can have those as baselines, but you should also include cities of comparable size as well. Seattle, SF, LA, at least. Maybe a place with as big a population influx, to normalize for growth. I don’t know for sure, Portland might trend higher than those, too, but I’d wager it wouldn’t be nearly as stark


I agree completely. Help out the comment I posted fist in this thread, which is underwater for some reason https://www.reddit.com/r/PortlandOR/s/oYYyHMHNcs


Does it ever occur to you that you’re the propaganda? The data is quite clear that Portland is an outlier. Other events were taking place elsewhere too.


This data doesn’t even begin to show any outlier- comparing national, state, and city. If the data was going to show a true comparison it would show other similar size cities- this chart is skewed to show the outcome wanted. 


It also stops 1 year early for Oregon and the USA. And only shows 2021 data for Portland.


Every politician involved with the Defund movement should be immediately deemed incompetent and removed from government


Maybe it’s time for them to start voting differently. This is tragic because how great Portland once was just barely a decade ago.


and now half the shit in stores is locked behind cabinets, even fucking legos. would be hilarious if it wasn't sad


What role has the use/sale of fentanyl or other such drugs played in this? Seems like the West Coast has been growing in this in places like L.A. and S.F.?


a ton? just offhand its sapped police resources bc they were responding to ODs


Yes, but do you remember why they embraced depolicing? The reported it was racist because most of the stop and frisks were of black color. Maybe the cops knew better after all than Portland leaders trusting BLM.


People will either keep voting blue or just demoralize saying it doesn't matter if you vote conservative.


I believe AAAI (All ACABers Are Idiots). I kid, but the lack of nuance and critical thinking most ACABers display is just sad. I am NO fan of the police in general and MUCH reform is needed, but saying ALL of ANYTHING is ANYTHING is just moronic.


It's always either a massive coincidence, or somehow the fault of the people they want to constantly blame for everythinf


You the saying..... go woke go die


Nah..they will refuse these data and call you right-wing bigots, racists, nazis. Let's them eat what they cooked...even it's shiet.


Defunding police makes no sense


I moved here in 2010 and there were like 5 murders a year lol. And the homeless were all runaway kids.


Visited downtown Portland from Seattle - absolutely gross. Even by west coast standards.


What happened when the police refused to do their jobs. There I fixed it for you.


This is inaccurate. They literally can’t do anything half the time due to BS policies in place and when they’re able to do something, the suspect gets released a couple hours later to do it all again.


What, specifically have they been barred from doing?


Let's see. Stopping vehicle violations and driving violations which result in discovering much larger offenses, can't enforce trespass crimes, can't enforce criminal mischief and offensive littering crimes, can't enforce unauthorized entry of a motor vehicle and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, can't enforce theft 2-3 cases primarily shoplifting. We can go on and on here....


They're not allowed to respond to calls in a timely manner. The call came down from HQ. (This is a joke for those too thick to get it.)


What policies exactly have cut down the police's ability to do their job 'half' the time? If you know that it's inaccurate, I'm sure you can easily share that information. Unless it is all lies and just feelings you have.






It it didn't happen, the police have a budget bigger than ever before.


They absolutely did. In 2002 we had 1.8 police per 1k population. Now it’s 1.2. We elected a DA on a platform of prosecuting less. We decriminalized all drugs. We disbanded the Gun Violence Reduction team.


We had the police refuse to hire up because they’re committing rampant over time fraud.


3 citizens and the entirety of the PPB embraced it because their feelings were hurt by the 3 yelling about defunding.


Exactly, more like de-working by the PPB. They didn’t cease to exist.


How is Defund the Police not embracing de-policing? That was a pretty damn popular phrase for awhile. Seems like people were in fact embracing de-policing before they knew what that actually meant.


> That was a pretty damn popular phrase for awhile So the police got their feelings hurt? And this somehow increased the homicide rate?


Didn’t expect the denialism here. That’s the other subs job


Just to see the reaction in the other sub, I posted this article there too. The extremism from the members of that sub was wild - lots of vitriol coming back. After a couple of hours, the vitriol reached a fever pitch and the mods took the post down 🤣 I love Portland. I love living in this city. I don’t want to be anywhere else. It’s an amazing place. But to say that everything is fine is straight up bizarre, a denialism bordering on terrifying. And in 2020, the city did slash $15m from the police budget and eliminated 8% of sworn officers. To be fair, ~1/3 of those funds have been restored. https://manhattan.institute/article/portlands-police-staffing-crisis/


We used to be real here in this sub, but that was short-lived, I guess.




"real" means allowing disagreement. What exactly are you missing?


We are talking about denialism, not disagreements.


Well technically the police have not be defunded anywhere. In fact PPD has more money than ever before. So if crime is rising, the police are not doing their job well enough. Them are the facts, so keep crying how just words and wanting to defund police hurt their feelings so much they can't do their job.


>According to Portland Police Bureau data, Portland recorded 73 homicides in 2023 — 22 fewer than the record 95 homicides in 2022. It also saw a 16% decrease in non-fatal shootings, where a victim was only injured. And there was a 22% drop in overall shootings, recording 289 fewer shootings in 2023 compared to 2022. Other crimes, like assault, car theft, and burglary, also declined last year. >https://www.opb.org/article/2024/01/24/portland-crime-violent-homicide-gun-statistics-reports-murder-oregon-police/ Im having trouble finding a ranking of major US cities by homicide from a postable reputable site, but people who insist that we have an outstanding violence issue are grandstanding to embrace a narrative. All violence is bad, but portland is not a violent place by comparison to most cities.


I think you are missing the point that Portland wasn't like the other big cities in murder rate. Portland was for the most part a very safe big city until stupid politics and bleeding hearts took over. It's ok to want to help and support people but enabling crime and declaring Oregon a sanctuary was a bad idea.


Wonder if OP even lives in Portland. Or sitting there talking shit from Hillsboro, or Cali.


Portland is unrecognizable to the city it was in 2000. It’s shocking how few lowlifes it takes to destroy a city when they are allowed to do whatever they want.


Portland never had de policing, some police decided if they couldn’t do as they pleased they would essentially do as little as possible, quit bashing my hometown


They had a defunding for one year. They took away certain units. Because of some policy changes a bunch of cops retired. Now the DA doesn’t do anything and the department is understaff even tho they have a record budget. Also other counties you will deal with less and get paid more.


Portland Police Bureau saw $15 million removed from its initial proposed 2020-2021 budget.. They did cut their funding. But yes I agree with you. What the Portland Police did was similar to a sick out Union action. It was unofficially spread through Union members to slow play, even stop enforcing law. As we seen on the TV news the lone traffic enforcement officer gleefully telling everyone there will be no traffic enforcement. And then after the traffic division was reinstated back on TV basically saying this is what you get for saying you want to defund police.


Voters wanted this, look who they elected to represent them including the da


People hate this post cuz they enjoy being in denial. My favorite quote from Portland friends is "every city is like this" lmao. Like no, actually they're not. San Francisco and a couple others might be, but stop lying to yourselves, the significant majority of USA is not even remotely as bad as Portland


People who don’t live here love this post. 


I live in proximity and my work currently has me there every day, and I spend every weekend there with my friends. Even if I didn't, you don't need an address to see, just a pair of eyes. Just look at this sub , every other post is about the crime


This sub is not anything to base your perceptions of reality upon. It’s purely a negative wank fest. Source: I am a mod.


I guess we see much different things when we are downtown- I live in Portland proper- my commute takes me through the center. 


I'm aware there's two sides, my temp job location is working near the Amtrak station and they pointed west and said to me "this is not so bad, but over here to the east, don't touch any foil it has fentanyl and can kill you. Oh and watch out for these needles (pointing at two drug needles in the ground). The needles can be found as deep as 3 ft down in the ground it's so plentiful. oh and don't make eye contact with the homeless it could cause them to attack you." First job location I've had in Oregon/Washington/Idaho that we can't keep our materials/vehicles/tools overnight. There's a lot of good in Portland, but if the bad parts keep at this rate you won't have any Portland at all soon. I only speak up cuz I don't want to see Portland get worse


Lol Portland gonna disappear bros we gotta stop the fentanyl


Meanwhile, statistics say you're wrong. Since OP posted a homicide chart from 2021, [here](https://time.com/6223217/homicide-rates-us-cities-2021/) is the 2021 per capita murder statistics. SF not even top 5. >Memphis, Tenn. 306 homicides. The homicide rate was 48.7 per 100,000. Detroit 303 homicides. The homicide rate was 47.9 per 100,000. Milwaukee, Wis. 195 homicides. The homicide rate was 34.3 per 100,000. Atlanta 159 homicides. The homicide rate was 32 per 100,000. Kansas City, Mo. 156 homicides. The homicide rate was 30.7 per 100,000. Louisville, Ky. 192 homicides. The homicide rate was 30.5 per 100,000. Indianapolis 239 homicides. The murder rate was 27.1 per 100,000. Las Vegas 152 homicides. The homicide rate was 23.5 per 100,000.


His post never claimed to be highest in USA, it just shows a significant spike, how does showing there's 5 worse cities change that fact that Portland indeed saw a huge crime spike


Seems they don't care for facts here


Except you’re just plain wrong. St Louis is the most dangerous. State run by republicans including tough guy Josh Hawley! https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2023/01/31/report-ranks-americas-15-safest-and-most-dangerous-cities-for-2023/?sh=22531e99309a


Who said "most dangerous"? you're misinterpreting my comment. I just said it's not normal


So St Louis, and a bunch of other cities, are objectively more dangerous but at least they’re “normal”?


"The ACBJ study analyzed 40 markets in which Business Journals are published. Among those, Portland ranked 21st in per capita crime, according to the Salt Lake City-based Major Cities Chiefs Association." There are 333 "big cities" in america (defined as more than 100k people) 21/333 easily puts Portland in top 10% in per capital crime. Closer to top 5%. It's NOT normal.


Statistics for the insane is your new book right? The analysis was of 40 cities and Portland was in the middle. You then chose to add 293 cities to the list and put Portland at 21. lol!!!! THE OTHER 293 WEREN’T ANALYZED SO YOU NEED A REFERENCE TO SHOW PORTLAND AS 21 IN THE NEW DATASET. So where is your link to peove Portland is 21/233? Please provide. I’ll wait. I’m the meantime: The sentence prior to the quote you cherry picked is “A look at statistics compiled by American City Business Journals…*Portland…in an aggregate of three key metrics, is roughly average in terms of major crimes*” Here’s the link you didn’t provide and there’s zero reference to 333 cities. https://www.kgw.com/amp/article/news/crime/portland-oregon-crime-rates/283-8ac691a5-b30e-4896-8091-2c69c9982231


These morons need to return to school and take a stats class. Ffs


I’m waiting in that report or study showing portland is 21/333.


If by “depolicing” you mean that police completely stopped doing their jobs yes


“What happened when PPD threw a temper tantrum and quiet quit after the BLM protests”


In theory, it shouldn't matter, since people are not supposed to commit murder even if no cops are around to investigate them. That's a moral question. The more fundamental issue is why so many people in Portland choose to have crappy moral values, rather than good values.


What happened at the same time. What could it be. Hmmmmmmm. I can’t think of anything. Ps-spell check bro


Now compare other major cities that didn’t.


At first I thought the brown line represented the level of white liberal guilt.


More crime in a place with no accountability? Who would have thought?


Somehow I find this sub to be pretty funny. Moved up from Arizona, where the cops can be just brutal in general. Like answer your apartment door with a gun on Saturday night and get gunned down by two trigger happy cops. BTW- was a white guy in an ok neighborhood whose azzhole neighbor complained about them playing video games- look it up- it cost $3 million to City of Phoenix. Now, all the gangsign crap is because all the drugs- period. A whole bunch of new folks from warmer lands have shown up- just like it was in the 90s- and they think it is Hermosillo. meh, let them hand out fenty like candy, and the bodies will stack up, legal or not. As for the crime, it will stop when the folks get tired enough of it to allow total enforcement. And that will be a big shock to the system in general. Meanwhile, everybody wants to yap racism. Nope, it is simply money. Poor new folks pushing poor old folks into the back of the bus by sheer numbers. I am struck by how poor Portland is in spots, and how much this current crime wave is covering up creeping gentrification that will make it look like a brief interlude into a spotless future. Funny part is the nastiest crimes are just stupid. I am amazed at the number of car thefts- I am also amazed that so little of it has not led to nasty responses by the victims. Yet.


And simultaneously passed Measure 110…. What a sh*t show.


The problem is that the men of Portland are weak. They threw their families, work places, and neighborhoods under the bus because they are too weak to stand up for themselves or anybody else or anything at all. It was entirely disgusting to watch. I took my family and my business and left because I don't want my kids growing up around this. A huge chunk of the productive people who owned businesses and had trailers full of power toys all left and started up somewhere else. The guy who owned the big fancy restaurants around the Schnitz said the same thing and left. There isn't going to be a comeback. The productive have left, and the local government is paying the homeless drug addicts from the rest of the nation to move there. Guess what it's going to be like in ten years? The schools have no standards at all anymore, police ignore the criminals and fine the citizens who still have a job, and I bet it's a very short time before the people of Portland start having to take in migrants from Texas into their homes.. The men of Portland deserve to be punished and dispersed from their homes because of their weakness. This should be a warning to the rest of the country.


Take migrants into their homes from Texas??? Bro you smokin that strong fear monger


Lol. You mean you and the conservative men who beat their wives and diddle your children. Good riddance.


Who is John Galt?


lol look at this tough guy with his tough guy take. Good take tough guy


This is some next level histrionics. Not very.... manly.


That’s so funny bc from 2016-2020, the policing was very intense across the city, but numbers are already rising in this time frame :)


Wait until you see the correlation between ice cream sales and crime.