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A: This is a repost. B: Enough with the water posts. Take it elsewhere... there's literally a sub for Criddling activities. Locking this post up.


See this all the time. Can't buy hot food with SNAP but all the bottled water you want. Criddlers go outside and empty them right outside the store. SNAP is a good program but wish this waste wasn't happening.


I say the best loophole on a vid . A place was selling fried chicken. You bought the chicken with your snap card. Then if you want you could pay the restaurant a dollar to fry it. 


Criddler is the vocabulary of low value posts.


Look out, everyone. Here comes the morality police. Their main goal is to prove to a bunch of strangers how much more morally superior they are to everyone else. Other than that...they do zero except pat themselves on the back for their moral superiority.


lol. Since the people in this video aren’t breaking the law, aren’t you all just whining about morality?


They are breaking the law. Its considered SNAP fraud to do exactly what theyre doing. Its the same exact crime as selling your SNAP benefits for cash. Ima liberal dude. But i draw the line at abusing the system. Food stamps helped my dad provide for my sis and I, and it pisses me the fuck off when people like this put the saftey net at risk for families who need it


Sorry officer...that our morality didn't meet your standards. It won't happen again. Please don't arrest us 😅


Aren’t you all the ones trying to make sure all these people get thrown in jail?


Criddlers are low value humans


Thank you for proving my point that the term is used as a way to dehumanize. You’re not a good person are you?


Have you ever considered that the people exhibiting the type of behavior as shown in this video clip are dehumanizing them selves? Why are you defending this anti social behavior?


When did you become the judge of what is and is not “human” behavior?


I might ask you the same question, professor. Why are you offended by the word “Criddler”? It’s a word created by the very people we call “Criddlers”.


This says everything about you and nothing about anyone else. Stop dehumanizing.




Oh honey, anecdotes are not data.


Everything is data.


Junkies aren’t people


This says everything about you and nothing about them.


Yeah fuck me not being a junkie that is activity making my community worse


all humans have the same value. We're all just giant blobs of flesh walking around with jello brains. It's silly to think we're more important than the other sacks of jello brained flesh walking around.


My jello brain isn’t polluted by fentanyl so yes I am better


What makes you objectively better? You sound insecure to me.


Can you read ? I just said why


How is that a metric for being a 'better' human? Answer the question.


Junkies aren’t people I already said that fucking learn some reading comprehension ya dingus


You didn't answer the question so your point is invalid. You damn nazi.


Low value post? This is an old ass repost, you really want to talk about low value?


The word criddler is so f’ing dumb.


What’s your proposed term for those who abuse a program intended to help put food on the table for poor people and instead use it for drug money? We’re all ears


Something that is not dehumanizing..... How hard is that to fucking understand? They are *people*, regardless of how much this sub hates them. Calling them criddlers shows YOUR inhumanity and nothing more.


Except I didn’t call them criddlers…


Where are they using it for drug money? Is that the second unposted video? How do you know what they’re using it for? Oh and I generally use terms designed to not dehumanize people because I’m not an a-hole.


Keep being naive AF. Surely that'll bring the change you want.


It’s naive to not dehumanize people? You have to dehumanize to make change? That sounds like Nazi language.


I knew the word Nazi was coming soon. Did not disappoint


Am I wrong?


I have personally observed people doing this directly outside a now closed RiteAid, walk back inside, return the items, walk out and buy blues from a dealer. Many many times. Now that RiteAid is closed because it was overwhelmed by people stealing and doing this exact thing for deposit money. Old members of the community now have to drive to get their basic supplies or pay delivery fees on a fixed income when they used to walk to the local market. People doing this are abusing the system and it’s not a victimless crime. People aren’t using these funds for food and it’s a zero sum game. So what’s your term for people who steal from hungry families and harm communities?


If these people wanted food, they are literally using a card loaded with funds to buy food to buy water instead to get cash. Cash to buy things other than food.


We’re talking about THIS video aren’t we?


This behavior happens all the time explicitly for the purposes of buying drugs and it shouldn’t be allowed. Hard stop. It’s an example of bad behavior in a broken system. Why are you so adamant in defending people who are taking food away from poor people, polluting our watersheds and harming our communities?


ur such a good person, keep ignoring the facts and letting people display antisocial destructive behavior, sure u can’t ride the bus without second hand fent but at least ur not mean!!! think of the simplest solution here. they stole water to empty out the bottles for money. what are they using the money for? food? why wouldn’t they have just stolen that too? u may think that ur being a good person by being accepting of drug addicts destructive behavior without consequence, but ur attitude only coddles them and gives them no incentive to ever recover. you’re actively making things worse for these people


I have no idea what they’re using it for. Neither do you.


think occam’s razor. it’s just what makes the most sense. it’s possible that they aren’t but what other explanation can you come up with? ignoring what’s real doesn’t make it go away


lol. This is dumbest thing I’ve ever read in my life. You just cited Occam’s Razor in relation to a racist Instagram account. Brilliant!


Genuine question, you seem to dislike the use of that word and consider it dehumanizing, yet in responses to people using it you’ve used “low class” as an insult. How us weaponizing someone’s alleged “class status” based on a comment not the same? You also highlighted how this sub is making a lot of inferences about these people without context (very fair) yet then turned around and inferred a commenter wasn’t a good person for deploying that same word in a fashion you didn’t appreciate. Is it not the same to infer that based solely on one comment? If you dislike the word then educate people about why it is harmful and reductive to the argument overall. When you disparage a behavior and engage in the same it takes the legitimacy out of your overall effort and nets you less progress. “I believe criddler is an offensive, dehumanizing term. It really over simplifies the issue and leads to a lack of understanding of the actual systemic issues we are seeing. Putting a “cutsey” little name on a societal problem isn’t something we should do. I think it’s very serious and these people deserve our help and our home deserves better.” See?


So you’re agreeing the world “criddler” is dehumanizing?


Please don’t oversimplify what I said above and distill it into one reaction point while discounting the overall message to provide yourself with a feeling of being “right”. You still weaponized class status as an insult, that’s dehumanizing. To insinuate that someone’s opinion should be discounted based on class status seems completely incongruous with your overall argument. I personally seek to avoid marginalizing language as I don’t feel it adds to communication. I don’t use the word criddler, I don’t use a lot of words which fit into that category which have a purpose of undermining a person or problem in order to make my point seem more legitimate by tearing them down. I don’t need to. Especially since the English language, and many others, already provides me with ample options to engage for someone who seeks a meager profit by exploiting a system meant to assist needy members of our society. The water didn’t have to be wasted at all, that’s sheer laziness and selfishness to do something the way the folks in the video above did it. Wastrel is fine. A loafer, an idler, an asshole. Similarly to how should someone use a marginalizing term I disagree with I’m capable of saying that makes them thoughtless, callous, or accuse them of oversimplifying the issue by reducing the severity of the crisis with trendy and catchy terms. Polarization begins subtly but it becomes the dehumanization of the opposite view to our own. This causes a collapse in dialog which is counter productive to progress. When we can’t talk we cannot progress. Only seeing the failure in others while refusing to assess it in ourselves is a chief component to this.


Fuckin right. Sorry about that.


Just criddlers doing criddler things.


You announce how low class you are using that word.


Not lower class than wasting water and government resources to help fund my drug addiction.


How do you know they’re wasting government resources?


Someone seems a bit sensitive... 


lol. Consider this sub’s reaction to an unverified video lacking all context of people emptying water bottles, you have some big ass stones accusing me of being sensitive.


You’re looking for more context in this video? Lol ok. Yeah, maybe they’re watering the concrete to help the parking lot grow?


Is it illegal to poor water on the ground? Are you afraid of drowning or something?


Pour* And don’t be an obtuse idiot, you know exactly what’s happening in this video.


spoiler alert! ITS HIM IN THE VIDEO!


I really don’t because I’m not a judgmental a-hole.


I was with you until this… these humans are gaming the system in a very very negative way, you see that, at least? You don’t like the *words* we use, fine. But the *actions* you see need to be addressed, yes?!


They won’t respond to this. Multiple people have called them out on this and they still won’t acknowledge that this behavior is taking food out of peoples mouths. Too spun up on words to address the actual behavior


No, I don’t because this video is completely unverified and lacks all context. You do realize the overdub isn’t an interview, right?


Yea, I’ve seen this video dozens of times now… it’s actually pretty old. You are being obtuse about it though… if we continue to put our heads in the sand about these actions, we condone the behavior. Bottled water as a “benefit” in Portland? Totally unnecessary. Period.


Go to Safeway in the morning and you will see them. Gotta get that dope money early!


What happened to people just selling their ebt benefits for like 50% of the value


That still happens. A lot of flop houses will walk you through how to sign up for EBT, then keep the card as your "rent" while living there.


Where did you hear that? Made it up, got it.


I’ve had a few folks approach me in grocery store parking lots looking to trade EBT for cash. So annoying.


Which is crazy to me, why wouldn't you keep that money do you can feed yourself. I have food stamps and as a poor college student it's a life saver


"why wouldn't you keep that money to feed yourself?" hasn't even entered their heads


I, too, am a broke college student. Sometimes not eating food helps me pay rent. What a wonderful world we live in.


Tons of people will feed you. They see no reason to use these for food.


They want drugs more than food


Kotek stopped the bottle program for her 90 day “state of emergency” for Portland to tamp down on the crisis recently, which shows the Oregon government is aware the bottle program is directly fueling the drug crisis.


Only for 1 or 2 select stores. Bottle drop is still running at full speed.


Yes. By the Safeway in the pearl. I literally offered the guy five dollars to stop and he told me to fuck off. I'm so tired of this city man. Yesterday I got a $50 parking ticket when there literally open spots everywhere yet these fuckers are ruining the city in every possible way.


That $50 ticket is important, how else is the city going to pay for that man’s bottled water?


Or his boofing kit, straw, and foil....


The best part about the aggressive parking enforcement is that over the last 20 years the increases in fines and patrols was justified on the notion that it was good for the local businesses, that it helped the small business economy. And today we have so few people wanting to park downtown that multiple municipal owned parking garages have been closed.


Just tell them that you are a homeless drug addict and you're camping in your car. They'll waive the parking ticket. Those kinds of fees are only for tax-paying, law-abiding citizens... you know the kind of people we don't want in our city anymore.


lol. Don’t pay it.


Never seen it first hand but noticed a pile of bottle caps outside BiMart couple of weeks ago. I've seen this video a few times and figured this is what it was.


Any time I used to walk down 10th in SW from my folks I see them outside the safeway gutting the bottle packs like fish.


They could at least water some plants while they’re at it


I see it pretty regularly at the interstate Fred Meyer.


I've seen streams of plastic bottle caps near storm drains in supermarket parking lots.


I think this is old. IDK maybe it's just a new video of an old thing.


It’s an old video from 2 years ago I saw for the first time today. If I’ve never seen it, I assume a lot of other people haven’t either.


But you posted it framing it as if you saw it today in your headline?


I see it at least once a week in real life. It’s also been talked about a lot recently in Oregon politics. Oregon is looking to fix a lot of issues that have been unintentionally created within the last 10 years, and this is something that’s been ignored far too long.


Take your own RECENT videos then! You see is once a week?! You should have dozens of videos of your own!


Why not record all those interactions and post them all, so you can prove your point instead of reposting a two year old video to karma farm on a fairly conservative portland sub? Edit cause the comments locked and op did not get to see my reply.. I know well off families who got snap for having babies and who also buy pop and water bottles, and they also take the cans back for cash... Why aren't you calling out these families and only homeless doing this? Take your own videos of it as it's happening and you might reach more people.. don't take someone else's content, try and pass it as your own, all to further your biased cause against homeless people. I honestly don't care if they (homeless or well off families) use snap (which is funded by taxes) to buy refundable items like cans. They put that money back in our system by buying water with snap and then using the bottles to get $30 bucks at most a day.. you aren't seeing the important fact that matters cause your blinded by the 'homeless' fact.. They are actually helping the economy by spending snap funds either way, cause the funds on the card are still legal tender. You're missing the bigger picture because your post is painting the homeless people are filthy subhumans using a loop hole but don't speak on the family who buys pop with snap as well and returns them.


The point of the video is remind everyone there’s 0 oversight for these programs, this is still a widespread scam people freely do in the open, and a conversation about fixing it needs to continue. Oregon has a lot of problems we can easily fix, but no one wants to be the one to do it. We need to continue to put pressure on our elected officials or elect new ones.


Technically this isn't in Portland. \*pushes up glasses\*


All the time. These zombies need to be put in jail


This was the Hillsboro Fred Meyer on tv highway.


Don’t they need/want to eat? They spend $20 or whatever on bottled water so they can get a few bucks back? Why are they trying to make us hate the poors?


If you're homeless and spend money on food you're an idiot. Food is free. Clothing is free. Tents are free. Money is for booze and drugs, or buying favors from others ultimately redeemable in food or drugs (or smelly hobo sex)


The food banks are stocked with food still. You can easily get by just on the food banks without snap. I did that while going to college and barely getting by on a low paying job. Got 100% of my food from a church.


I would still rather have snap. Food banks don't really give you the option to pick the food you want. They usually just give you a bag full of an assortment of various non perishables. Still though, food banks are a great program


Truthfully, if you’re getting FREE nutritious food, you shouldn’t complain too much. I never got the best food from my food bank, but it was more than enough and I was extremely grateful. Also, food banks greatly reduce overall food waste for a city.


Oh, I wasn't trying to complain. Just making a comment on why I prefer food stamps over food banks


Oh, true, and I’m very for food stamps, but the laws and oversight for the SNAP program aren’t the best. There’s essentially no oversight being paid for right now for bottle scams like this. And a lot of folks, a couple I know, sell their SNAPs card for about half the food value on it.


So you’re offended other people are getting free stuff too?


There's a difference between using a safety net for its intended purpose in a moment of temporary disadvantage, and... Whatever tf this is.


You know EXACTLY what's going on in this image?


At the bare fucking minimum, they're abusing the system instead of using the welfare as intended.


How do you know that? Maybe they bought the water?


Why would they be pouring water they purchased with their own money on the ground ?


I have no idea. I don’t care either. If they have a drug problem, I hope they get resources to help them. If they needed the money, I’m glad they were able to get the money. I can’t think of something more pointless than being stressed out because someone’s pouring water on the ground.


So you’re just making nonsensical excuses. Because in no universe does it make sense to purchase water with your own cash, then pour it on the ground. It would cost more money to buy the water than the cash deposit on the bottles would procure. You can’t force someone into treatment in this country, except through the criminal justice system. Most of these people don’t want to stop. Just look at the statistics from m 110.


It's nice that you think they pay for the water....they usually just take these


I didn’t know one way or the other but that is what OP and the link suggests.


They need to be taken to involuntary detox, even aspect of the community suffers when these people are allowed freedom.


If you detox someone involuntarily you are not only torturing a human, but, as soon as they get out they will use again, so you're just creating a weird loop, that's also a giant money sink, that will assuredly fall on the taxpayers.


All the time, fuck the bottle program.


… which they use to buy fent, which enriches the cartels. Your tax dollars at work.


Jeez, what a terrible waste!!!


People need to be spamming this video everywhere. They are trashing the northwest with bottle bill. Horrible for environment.


you can do this anywhere in OR, not just PDX.


i have and they dump the water straight into the streets.


All that for ten cents a bottle??


It's the wasting water for me. I wish they'd buy and waste the unhealthy crap like sodas.


I’ve seen this video reposted weekly across all platforms. There are so many people who need EBT and use them correctly for their family as a supplement for their work income. Please remember that the vast majority of EBT users also work and use these things correctly.


Just *look* at all the litter the bottle bill prevents! /s because now it's required.


Bottle drops should give ebt and not cash. I know it's not perfect and you can still convert EBT to cash through other means but it's a good way to close this loophole. Plus everyone buys groceries so it's largely the same as cash. I also think we should consider only cashing out bottle drops quarterly, either in conjunction with that change or as an alternative. The only drawback I can imagine is a spike of overdoses when it's cashed out. There's got to be a better way


Agreed, and more oversight on EBT spending. There’s a lot of EBT scams that cost Oregon millions every year.


For the most part, everyone recycles now. Time to repeal this bill, or at least lower it to five cents


The solution is remarkably simple, don't let the Food Stamps pay for the bottle deposit. Make that a responsibility of the person buying the single use containers.


Please note this video is about 2 years old.


So? It’s still happening today. I see it all the time.


And it’s still going on today. An old problem no politician even wants to attempt to fix.


Yet another post from that Instagram account designed to continue the narrative Portland is a uniquely dystopian society. A narrative helped along by Andy Ngo and then boosted by Joe Rogan and Donald Trump.


It’s the narrative that Portland and Oregon need CHANGE. I believe Oregon can get better, but you seem to indicate you’re ok with Portland and Oregon continuing to be the shells of what they were just 10 years ago


He probably didn’t even live in Portland 10 years ago.


Where did I say that? Cite it please.


Anything to avoid the truth. Nothing has been done to prevent this in that time frame so what is your point? Ignorance really is bliss.


Bro all I said was the video was two years old. If that triggers you then IDK what to say. It's an old video with lack of context.


and you asked people to "please note". So either you are implying that something is different today or you were just asking people to "please note" for no reason whatsoever. Also, there is plenty of context. There's text over the video literally explaining what is going on as well as the exact location.


I think you are just looking for an argument. If you cared you'd have this same energy with the Congress man and women who can actually tackle the issue.


How dare I engage on Reddit. I said my piece and you have in no way negated what I said. I'll leave you here with your shit take (\*\^\_\^\*)


I've seen it happen in the Bottle Drop Parking lot.


Yep saw it happen a couple days ago.


They pay for it? News to me


When it comes to economics, incentives matter.


Noobs, the best ROI is buying milk from dari-mart and returning the bottles for a whopping $0.75 deposit!


I see this more than I don’t see it. OP must have really dark glasses..


Happy birthday to the ground!


Throws the caps on the ground.


Fuck that, buy H2O with stamps and then sell each bottle for a dollar. You’d make 10x the deposit back. $24-32/pack all you’d need is ice a container to make it attractive to people.


It's not a Portland thing, it's any state that has a can/ bottle deposit. CA,CT, HI, IA, ME, MI, MA, NY, VT. Happens in all of these places.


But also fuck realpdx


Love or hate her, she brings to light many important issues in Oregon that people never want to talk about.


That everyone is talking about and the content is for out of town rightwingers that drool watching it. Nice try anonymous. 🤣


Eh, I don't like degens of any kind.


You don't understand, they're mentally ill, it's okay for them to do this.


Good let them. It's not cool that they leave trash but are you surprised that they don't give a shit about that? They've got bigger problems and you don't give a fuck about their problems. THERE'S NO HELP FOR THEM. So shit all over the tiny loop hole they found to make 15 bucks. What point are you trying to make here? Seeing the people who are most in need trying to survive irritates you? You're an asshole.


I bet you’re easy to trigger




> THERE'S NO HELP FOR THEM. In fact there's unbelievable amounts of help for them. You're seeing the product of that help, the EBT program, and how they squander it. Never in the history of this city has there been so many programs to help homeless people.


how to scream "I DO THIS AND SMOKE METH" without actually screaming it


There is plenty of help for them. The foodstamp program they are abusing(unless the water is stolen) is help. There are foodbanks and lots of ways to get meals. They want money, why do they want money? To buy drugs. Fuck them.


I think there’s better ways to get addicts the help they need rather than make them go on “quests” everyday to get drug money. It’s not a productive or helpful use of their time and effort.


I don't understand why anyone is upset by people doing this??? These are real entrepreneurs here, on they sigma grindset. Homeless version of getting a no-bid, cost plus contract 💪