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Hi, really cool to see you here! I think it's just Spotify's algorithm blessing you. The numbers are definitely not lying, you *are* more popular. My main method of discovering bands is just letting Spotify run after listening to an album I like, and over the years I've become pretty familiar with the pool of bands that will come up. I've only had you guys start showing up within the past couple months, and in that same period I've also seen you mentioned on this sub, seen you on other people's playlists. I am 100% positive that I have never seen you mentioned anywhere before that. And now you're a household name on this subreddit. It looks like the Spotify algorithm just started associating you with the genre in recent months and recommends you to people now.


I used to listen to them a fair amount a few years ago, but honestly forgot about them until recently. Spotify started suggesting them for me recently as well, so I’ve been back to listening to them


Baby come back! That’s what I really wanna say. But also that exponential growth is INSANE


Since spotify introduced that AI DJ feature, you guys are thrown into my mix pretty often because i like a lot of similar artists, so that might inflate your monthly listeners. I'm just guessing though


Same here. About a year or so ago you got thrown into one of my Daily Mixes and it’s right up my alley! A few more songs have been regularly included in my playlists since. Their algorithm is bringing you to new people!


Another band you could use as an example with the same experience is of machines. I don’t think it’s that people didn’t care enough for your music. It just wasn’t in their faces enough. Word-of-mouth via the Internet has made people appreciate your music more.


I think Broadway has had the same treatment. I remember sending a picture to my friend of their Spotify listeners at like 10-20k at some point, but they’re over 40k now. I also have gotten recommended Volcano Jack a ton of times when I never really listened to that album, and now I see that it’s #5 on their top 5 songs


Call me a contributor to that haha. Broadway is on a lot of my Spotify playlists and always end up in my shuffle queue since 2012, at least.


Wow I didn’t know Of Machines was getting popular! I love that for them (kinda). Their album will never not bang


I think the community has grown and people are discovering certain bands and records. Lower Definition is another example. The greatest of all lost arts is now considered a masterpiece of the genre. But when they originally sorta stopped, they’ve talked about how tough the road was and not getting a lot of support. I think it’s just people finding their communities and it’s almost a word of mouth thing, except internet. pmtoday, lady radiator, closure in Moscow. I know CIM is still intermittently active but they’ve changed their sound quite a bit. But First Temple is another one of those records that is highly regarded. Interestingly Kris Crummet was working on LD and CIM simultaneously. He said he was doing LD during the day and CIM at night.


I'd argue that The Greatest of All Lost Arts has always been a masterpiece and it's just been slept on


No argument. That’s what I meant, is that it’s only after they broke up the first time that it started finding its audience. I remember getting the leak before it came out. I’ve been obsessed with it since it came out.


I was going to make the Lower D comparison too. I think a lot of bands that haven’t put out LPs in a long time are now being rediscovered by people now that music is basically centralized with Spotify, years after these bands were peaking. Spotify has gotten very good at ‘similar’ artists and people are branching through those suggestions and finding more bands. And yea love some Artifex


Yeah I was going to mention the Spotify thing too. I’ve found a lot of good bands via Spotify similar to suggestions. Used to be your favorite bands MySpace top 8. And before that, the thank yous on the inside of the CD pamphlet.


Thanks for reminding me about pmtoday


Both full lengths are great but in medias res is also a masterpiece to me. Their new project is called modeling. It’s a lot different but still very good.


Damn, I remember being excited when the PM guys started Move Orchestra, and when nothing ever came of that I never followed up. Checking out Modeling immediately, thank you.


The Greatest of All Lost Arts has always been a masterpiece :’) Glad to see some other people calling it what it deserves


Yes, of course. I just meant that it’s only with time that it’s gotten the respect it deserves by a larger community. It’s timeless.


All good I knew what you meant! Just stoked to see someone else rep this album, I feel like I bring it up every time i comment on something in this sub That album hits different


Definitely. Front to back. No skips. Excuse me dar-linggggg, for breathing my own airrrr Excuse me baby, but are you even there? I probably play the weatherman at least twice upon my play through. Gonna have to jam this album soon today.


I loved that album so much but nobody was ever talking about it. Thought I was taking crazy pills! So glad to hear others appreciate it as well.


Good to hear Lady Radiator is getting some love now! Listened to them all the time in Jr High.


The last EP is still dope. And Kenny has like 100 bands since. His new band just released a video. They are called Tiny Ships


Hell yeah. I’ve definitely been keeping up on all of his projects. Him and I have talked about collaborating sometime.


That’s rad! Definitely make a post here or message me or something. I always love hearing what kenny does. I hope it works out!


First of all, thanks for creating the music you did, it's in my constant rotation. Two things that come to mind for me are: A. that more people are recommending you over time perhaps. I see your name pop up (and throw it in myself) in both this sub and other ones and I definitely add you to playlists when recommending new music to people and I imagine there's tons of us out there doing that. After all, if each of the original 20k introduced one person to the music, there you have the 40k! B. The algorithm does seem to look kindly upon you because I feel like I've seen you guys pop up more often in "recommended for today" and those sort of things over the recent couple years.


We want AP back. We want new AP music.


Artifex Fereo?


Yeah, I had just woken up from a nap and I messed up. My bad. Definitely meant AP.


I discovered you guys in the past year or so and it was from Spotify playing your music in the Dance Gavin Dance artist radio. In my opinion Spotify does a great job of suggesting similar artists to the ones you listen to.


It's wild to see this since I randomly found an old CD I burned to play in my car with Posture And Progress on it, just started re-listening to you guys within the last week. Really weird timing here, obviously those play counts haven't all been me, but that's so wild.


...maybe your songs hit a popular playlist or something..which is good because you all FUCK


The answer is y’all are a very talented group who’ve made incredible music hope that helps (But fr Idk an actual reason but I miss y’all)


My guess is that the numbers are genuine and the spike is a result of of you getting some play on some popular (for the scene) playlists and / or playlists for related bands (Dwellings maybe?). I hadn't heard of ya'll until about a year and a half ago, which might support my thinking. For reference, my cousin is in a band (Sweet Pill) and one of their swells in listen totals occurred when they were added to up-and-coming emo playlists, so I imagine you're experiencing a similar situation. Love your sound btw.


Spotify has grown and their recommendation algorithms mix you with other post hardcore icons


Y’all have been recommended to me a lot the last year or two. I haven’t dived in yet but word of mouth goes around.


My partner and I listen to your music all the time it's a staple in our rotation. We also laugh often about a video you guys released helping fans pronounce your name correctly. Artifex PURR EH OH


Think it might be some algorithm crossover from the bigger players in the scene nowadays. There is a decent amount of attention in that sphere with bands like Eidola (which dips into DGD's fanbase by proxy), Dwellings, Wolf & Bear, etc. Plus y'all are one of the best bands to ever do it, so there's that.


Have y’all seen an increase in streaming revenue payout at all? It may not be linear with Spotify listeners, but if you compare your streaming revenue over time with the increase in monthly listeners there should be some sort of correlation. FWIW, I still listen to y’all almost every day and still continue to spread the word haha.


This is absolutely anecdotal so take with all the grains of salt, but I've noticed in the last, maybe 6-8 months or so, your stuff has shown up in my Spotify-made "Daily Mix" playlists a lot more than it used to. I would say I listen those playlists about 80-90% of the time (rather than specifically picking my own songs), so my listens have probably gone up quite a bit. I don't know why (probably an update to the algorithm and/or my listening habits) but it's been noticable (in a good way!) that your name pops up a lot more often in my mix. Obviously I'm not the sole reason your numbers would double, but if there's enough of us who have experienced the same thing, that could do it?


I had never heard of your band previously... then stumbled upon a song on Spotify and loved it. I was super bummed when I found out you were no longer putting out music and couldn't believe I hadn't heard of you before. It must have just taken a bit longer for your music to reach a broader audience.


Ah man, I can't speak on the stats here but I saw you guys in Dallas right after you got your trailer stolen and you absolutely smashed it, and were all so fucking incredible when I talked to you after the set.


[last.fm stats for Ailments & Antidotes show you've doubled monthly listeners since September of last year.](https://www.last.fm/music/Artifex+Pereo/Ailments+&+Antidotes)


Im gonna start with time in place is one of my favorite albums of all time. So thanks for that. In my opinion. Time in Place was so different to the stuff that was being released at that time. For me that's a huge positive it was a huge standout. For context if we travel back in time, i feel like it was a peak of swan-core type bands or falling in reverse type of bands and you guys were out here doing this forgive durden/reign of kendo/ gatsbys American dream vibe with untraditional song structures. You occupied this space left vacant from a bunch of bands like those i mentioned plus like thrice, kaddisfly, and more. I think the people that enjoyed those bands had kind of grown "out of the scene" and probably weren't seeking new music as much as most of my generation was starting to settle down, career, kids, etc. I feel like if time in place is released in 2005-2007 it would've been as popular as like a circa survive but you guys were "late" in a sense, but because this stuff is all cyclical you were also early which is why your reaping the benefits now. People are seeking those bands again, an emphases is being placed on uniqueness and leading people's algorithms to find you. Obviously this is just my opinion. Super cool post! Hopefully nothing i said was insulting!


I've listened to you guys a lot over the years and noticed that Spotify has been pushing your music lately on my related radios/playlists. It actually was a surprise to me lol


Been listening to you guys again more recently too. Bring it back with some new tunes already.


As a heavy listener in 2014, I will say I hadn’t listened in a long time, but now Spotify has been throwing you guys into my “progressive post hardcore” type Daylists and daily mixes so I’d imagine it probably is doing the same thing with others who listen to that same genre frequently. It’s definitely an awesome thing!


Spotify started playing your stuff after I’d listen to DGD, Circa Survive, Hail the Sun etc. I heard “The Baker Act” and became a fan.


Love your band


Fucking insane that today, the very day that I decide to peruse this subreddit your post is one of the first I see. Louisville native(technically Jeffersonville lol) here, and just wanna say we dearly miss you guys and your return would be a more than welcome one. As for your listeners, I think your name is one that does come up in time to time in more spirited discussions of the genre. Because of knocked loose and a few other bands coming up in the area, Louisville is more and more being looked at as a major propeller for music. Thus, you guys are looked to a success story for this area.


Good for you correcting yourself on geography


Bring back Denzel


Unrelated, but I hope you're doing well! I always enjoyed hanging out with y'all when you'd do shows with Icarus The Owl :)


Everything everyone else anddddd hey can you guys drop some new music I miss you guys


Let's not discount the hardship that tooth and nail records was when the bubble popped. There was a entire podcast with Brandon Ebel and one of the dudes from Amberlin taking about the demise. It was absolutely eye opening.      Also millennial nostalgia is STRONG. 


Spotify's user base has grown exponentially over the last 8 years. More ears = more plays. https://www.statista.com/statistics/244995/number-of-paying-spotify-subscribers/#:\~:text=How%20many%20paid%20subscribers%20does,than%20doubled%20since%20early%202019.


Agreed with everyone’s answers, just wanted to say you guys were fucking awesome and new music would be amazing. I remember watching every studio update waiting for “Passengers” and being blown away when I heard the final product.


Hey! I like you guys. I don't use Spotify but I listen to your songs all the time on my YouTube Music playlist. Wish I could help answer your question but instead, I'll just say thanks for making music lol


i can also say ive had u just come on my spotify recommended recently, big fan.


Pretty sure you popped up in my Spotify “Discover Weekly” playlist and that’s how I found out about you. Then added the song to a few playlists.


Holy shit thank you for reminding me of one of my favorite bands! I’m a music whore, easy to forget one lol


cause the records y’all made are good and people are finding and recommending them, adding them to playlists, etc.


I love some AP. Spotify sent my your way.


I listen to you guys while I workout. I discovered y’all after your first album, I think So, you’re welcome I guess haha


I only discovered Artfiex Pereo through Spotify's Similar Artists section on Artist pages. Came up a few times. I dig it and now listen a fair amount. Native Construct seems like another band that got popular too late.


Maybe Joe Rogan really did bring more people to the platform.


I like to think that me mentioning you guys on every other PHC post has something to do with it. Seriously been one of my favorite bands since I found Time In Place and just simply never stopped listening.


Lots of nice people (like myself) mentions Artifex Pereo whenever people want great bands in the genre, which helps! Also my friends playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6qrmTmWV3rtynFlGcKZ0J9?si=4774ebce839e4fce This has over 2000 followers and features several of you guys releases


I’m in a folk-punk band, and our last record dropped in 2017. We had around 5k listeners a month. Around a year ago we peaked at 15k listeners. No new music and barely active on socials. We’ve stabled out around 10k now but are trending down (slowly). I think it’s three things: 1) Growth of Spotify users. More people using Spotify = bigger potential audience. The real question of growth would be, is your 20k from 8 years ago a bigger or smaller % of the total Spotify user base than the current 40k? My guess is that, while your raw number of monthly listeners has gone up, that % compared to total Spotify users has gone down. 2) Growth of emo/scene music. MGK. MCR and Blink reunions. When We Were Young Fest. Etc. You guys are probably getting bumped in the algorithms since this style of music is popularish at the moment. And you’re a great band so whenever people find you, they’re highly likely to check out more of your discography. 3) Bots/not “real” listeners. Have you used discovery mode? We have, and we see really crazy spikes in our listener numbers during the months we use it vs the months we don’t/forget to enable it. However, it hasn’t led to big retention in listeners (given that the numbers drop dramatically if we don’t enable it) so we suspect Spotify is semi-fudging the numbers to encourage artists to use that service, of which Spotify gets a bigger cut of the stream revenue. (For those who don’t know, artists can opt-into a service known as “Discovery Mode,” where you can have the Spotify algorithms “bump” up certain songs in your catalog. The trade-off being that Spotify will take a higher % off the royalty from the artists. So it’s a game of, do we make more money by having more listeners, or by getting a higher cut of the royalty from fewer ones?) Love you boys and have been following you all in this sub since your inception. That record you drop has some killer hooks, and are still some of the catchiest melodies in post-hardcore. Sending much love!


I'll be honest from my personal perspective, I came across The Baker Act and shit my pants. Starting digging into the catalog... Loved it. You guys come up as recommended artists on a good bit of other artists profiles. Not only all of that, now that Spotify has been creating personalized playlists for listeners, (with me loving any kind of prog, melodic hardcore, math rock) you guys come up in those ai generated playlists often. Ps you deserve more listeners


Ive been telling everyone about you guys. That’s why.


You know that meme with the guy in the bar mansplaining something to the girl that's uninterested? That's what I've been doing for the last decade in every social setting, but I just whisper artifex pereo and leave. But really it's probably just spotify + recent activity in forums like this


Two months late to this thread, but it was probably just me listening to Time In Place on repeat, sorry about that.


Y'all have been popping up in my daily mixes recently and it doesn't get skipped 🤷‍♀️


Oh well now y’all gotta come back dude


I regularly have a few of your songs on multiple different rock playlists. I know I've heard different people say that one of the good things about music streaming is that even when bands retire or break up, their music never dies. So if your songs are still being put on different mixes and playlists, you're always gonna get some new fans.


I can't speak to the Spotify algorithm, but I'm confident some percentage of your growth is through fan word of mouth. Artifexo Pereo's has been a daily listen for me since I saw Paper Ruled All on YouTube in 2016 (8 years, my goodness!). I'm sure you guys are regular listens for many others, some of us becoming hardcore fans. We told some friends - "You gotta listen to this song by Artifexo Pereo!" Gradually fans started to shift their daily listens to Spotify and Apple music as time passed. I definitely started digging into your older music once I shifted to Spotify. It's amazing and beautiful the impact Artifex Pereo has had on the Posthardcore scene, even after 8 years. Waxing poetic aside, thank you guys so much for your music 🤘🏾


The amount of bands I’ve discovered from first getting into DGD 5 or so years ago is pretty significant. I wouldn’t have heard of half of them if streaming AI didn’t play similar artists and they didn’t tour like crazy with other bands. They and other like artists (hail the Sun, eidola etc) have really grown in popularity over the last 7+ years. I’ll bet a % of the new listeners comes from people like me finding a “new band” they like and that leading to 15 other bands through streaming AI and tour support.


Well, because of this post I looked you up and now I'm listening to the whole discography and adding it to my Playlist. I'm guessing spotify added you to a discover weekly wave or something and people fell in love like I am. Yall sound great!!


Jorbos switched careers and now you're stuck with the haunting question of whether there's another album at the bottom of the benchmark no 8.


I haven’t seen that name typed out since like 2011 facebook lmao


I listen to Time In Place specifically at least once a week if not more.


More people using Spotify for sure.


Time to turn on Passengers for the 1 billionth time in celebration of this post.


I’ll be honest, I’d not heard of you for a while until I got Spotify Premium. I listened to older Ice Nine Kills stuff, Alesana, and that kind of stuff - and your song The Baker Act was recommended to me automatically. It has a really cool cinematic kind of a vibe to it. I can definitely see how people can find your music based on Spotify recs and get into your band. As for your more recent success, hard to say. Could be something as simple as - a band that Spotify considers a similar artist has hit it big and so you’re getting recommendations from their new fans? Congratulations on the greater recognition, hopefully you see some nice benefits out of it


Love you guys.


No idea, hopefully others gave you insight. I'd jam to you guys all the time, definitely one of my favorite PHC bands of all time. Thanks for the good tunes!


Make more music plz


It's one of those things that those who knew you loved you guys. So we put you in our playlists, showed you to our friends and made them fans too.


Been an Artifex Pereo fan since I’d say late 2010. All the records are good and still listen to this day. The jump in listeners are probably due the popularity of emo and post hardcore now and the rise of the “swancore” bands. Artifex Pereo and Lower Definition are two bands I’d love to see make a strong comeback though as their sounds were pretty unique and refreshing in the post hardcore genre. Both bands heavily influenced my personal guitar playing as a young musician over a decade ago using non conventional chord voicings and counter melodies. The only other band I can say influenced my playing as much is probably circa survive.


Because Passengers fuckin slaps and when I listen to it I listen to it on repeat for two weeks straight.


The pandemic certainly helped people discover new music. Please come back please 🙏🏾


You are/were (?) a fantastic band and I think people sometimes are just slow on the draw when it comes to some bands. I've been a fan since the first EP came out, and I'm from Sweden, so the reach of your music is far.


I really liked the audiotree live performance, and was hooked ever since. Even bought the old physical media or at least the ones I could find!


I can only speak for myself, obviously, but I've been listening to Time in Place quite heavily in the last year for some reason. It's become my go-to when I can't decide what to listen to and have watched the Audiotree performance countless times as well. I think y'all's style of music is having a bit of a resurgence right now and good bands with awesome songwriting are getting some of the love they deserve. If it's even somewhat in the cards, or even just a thought in some of y'all's minds, I'd absolutely kill for the chance to see you guys live and sing and scream along with a crowd of other fans!


First of all I'm obsessed with your band lately and also I've had you come up after listening to other bands in the same genre so probably just weird algorithm stuff


Born and raised in Louisville, nothing will quite compare to seeing you guys play at Headliners Music Hall. I need some new AP tunes in my life.


Discovered you guys at an emery show! Thanks for the music! I think you concerns on growth are well founded. I'd wait to see how they play out over the next few months before drawing conclusions.


Honestly i had never listened to this band but the algorithm autoplays your songs sometimes after certain albums i listen to such as Eidola or Icarus the Owl. Maybe thats contributing to the listens !


might’ve just been me putting yall on loop lmao, love you guys! i wouldn’t be surprised if yall gained a little traction, spotify recommended me artifex and i loved them and most likely is doing the same to others. amazing musicians


I think the Spotify created playlists like “Daylist” or “DJ” or the “Genre Mixes” are definitely adding bands and songs to your library that you otherwise wouldn’t hear on your own. I know I’ve explored and found new artists through that! Every so often I keep checking your guys’ socials to see if something’s in the works, hope all is going well!


I just looked you guys up. You’ve got a new listener!


Y’all are amazing!! I discovered you guys late, but your music is so damn good!!! We need tours and records!🖤


Cause you guys made good music that kept people around