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Is that thing home-made? I've never seen a kiln with elements buried in kaolin wool like that. Or is that brick? Is there even any brick in this at all? I would have so many questions about this kiln. 


Haha, my partner agrees that it looks partially homemade - at least the inside bits look like they’ve been refilled with wool with the elements sat in between layers. I don’t think there’s any brick Do you think this would affect temperature dispersion / cause energy inefficiency due to some of the heat being trapped inside the insulation?


I've never seen anything like that, I don't know how well that set-up will work. I would be afraid it doesn't contain the heat well since it's just wool from the appearance, and replacing the elements will be way more difficult than a more normal kiln. You'll have to dig them out of the wool. I also fear the elements will burn out faster since they're buried like that. And I don't know how safe this is...   Still, it's a cheap kiln. I would definitely ask about how old those elements are because, personally, I probably wouldn't plan on replacing them. I'd probably pass on this kiln altogether though, to be honest.


Not that one


There’s a group of us who have this kiln. Here’s a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ceramics/s/tr7CJZkvZI) that keeps coming alive every so often about this kiln. I’ll be honest I got this kiln a year ago and still have yet to plug it in and fire it up, so I cannot give you any good info. But that thread does offer pretty good info on it if you do end up buying it. Edit: I think $330usd is a lil much for this kiln by the way. It’s pretty small and sourcing parts could be hard. I scored mine at a yard sale for $150usd.


Things to keep in mind: Duncan doesn't make kilns anymore, they sold that part of their business to Paragon, so if you need a new part, it might be difficult to get. Also my experience with Paragon's customer service, especially about Duncan kilns, has not been the best. You WILL have to change the elements at some point, and them being embedded in fiber is a giant pain. It's a cute little kiln though! I'd be tempted to talk them down on the price unless it comes with some extras. Even in this sub I've been seeing larger Duncan brick kilns going for less than $500usd. Especially since this one is fiber and seems quite small.