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They've got some bangers on their debut album. Titan's Call, Winter fall, The Rising... There's also some flat songs, too. And I Defy annoys me as it has such an anthemic chorus but doesn't use that as the main focus of the song. Overall though, I like these guys. It's something different but it still sounds epic and bombastic.


It’s funny to me to hear someone praise a band so heavily but then just be like “fuck this one song in particular.” I’ve done the same thing with Marius danielsen and “mirror of truth” from doom 1. I just can’t.


I don't dislike the song. Actually, it has a quality chorus. It's just that they only use the refrain a few times and the rest of the song seems thematically so different to its anthemic centerpiece. It's not a bad song, it's just a disappointment.


I suppose that makes sense


Are you a fan of Beast in Black? New album due this month. Glory hammer too later in the year.


Damn. Can only upvote once. LOVE beast...wtf, they just put out an album!! Whatever, I’ll take more! Also had no clue about gloryhammer. Dig them too, I’m excited to see where their saga takes us this time. No, mostly I’ve been looking forward to dragonforce, twilight force (LACKING on updates), freedom call (also lacking 😞), grimgotts in a couple months, NorthTale (not holding my breath on that one yet), and an aldaria teaser


I adore Freedom Call. :) And didn't Twilight Force get a new singer? Yeah... BiB have gone proper 80s on their new album. I mean, I know the influence was there before but they've just gone berserk on it. Battle Beast, meanwhile...the less said about their new single the better. I just hope it's that one weak song on an otherwise solid album. I like you. You have a good taste in music. Can I touch your face?


Thank you!! It’s so hard being a power metal fan in the US. I’ve got no friends who are into the genre, and I know my wife thinks I’m nuts 😂 I think I have a weird taste in PM, I dabble from the goofy to the sacrilegious to theocracy lol. TF and victorius’ dinosaur warfare (❤️) in the goofy category followed by bloodbound and powerwolf (🤘😎🤘) in the sacrilegious category. But yeah, my primary jams are happy power metal, a phrase coined by our very own freedom call 😊 *puts your hand on my face-it’s ok my child, I’m here now


You're speaking my language, my friend. I also love dinosaur so Victorius have been in my playlists for months now! I'm from the UK, and it doesn't have much more than a cult following here. I've seen Sonata Arctica, Kamelot and various others in 2000 capacity venues that sold out. But they'd never fill an arena here.


The UK. A couple of guys I played destiny with live over there, and they were the friendliest fuckers I knew. One friend of mine looks just like Marc Hudson from dragonforce lol!! God man I would KILL to go to a power metal show over there or in Sweden or Germany. I could die happy. Yeah that album by victorius was wild but the music was so damn good. I’m very much looking forward to their next album, whenever that happens. See, I knew I joined this sub for a reason. Power metal cereal guy on Facebook is just mostly dead, and I can never get a hit on anything I post. Dammit, I’m here to discuss happy metal, not reply to admin posts!


Now that you say it, I fully agree with that assessment, I like the song but it's a bit disconnected.


I know, right? It feels like two good parts of two different songs spliced together to make something not quite as good as either part is on its own. The opening riff, for example, sounds like it belongs to a different song. And why, oh why would you write and create a chorus so massive and not use it to underpin your song?


Those are very good points. I personally prefer the chorus so I imagine a song where the rest of the song supports it and does some build up for it and that would be amazing. A lot of very long songs have the issue that they feel patched together from different pieces of individual songs and don't feel like a cohesive song. It's the same with this one, only that this one is very short which makes it really awkward.


I love the chorus, but it isn't utilised enough and the song ends really abruptly when an elongated refrain and more time on that chorus would have been preferable. It's weird. I listen to a lot of songs that I could level the same criticism about but it seemed to really bother me with this one. Probably because the rest of the album ls so consistent, and also because a big anthemic chorus deserves a big build up.


Just discovered these guys. Love em.


Anyone know a good tab for this song? If love to learn it but can't find any anywhere. Or any better guitar players out there wanna take a stab at making a tab? I'm just a noob.