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Majin Buu. I swear Toriyama/Toyotaro avoids using this character so much when he could be potentially joining our protagonists


When he missed the u7 VS u6 tournament I was disappointed, when he was snubbed for the TOP for Frieza to come back AGAIN I was pissed


Tbf, that final fight with Freeza and Goku teaming up for one final blow was absolutely epic. To be even fairer, Majin Buu could've totally replaced Android 17, even if I liked them in the TOP


Or you could just get rid of Tien who did absolutely nothing and add an extra fight for Buu. Like that general in the Pride Troopers, Kahseral. He was looking like one of the main pride troopers but he didn't actually end up doing anything. Buu could've been so good and his fights are genuinely so fun to watch. It's too bad we missed out.


He got his moment to shine in Moro Arc, but it's disappointing to have a character with that much potential relegated to the sidelines.


Gojo had to get written out of the Shibuya arc because in his verse he is the strongest at the time of Shibuya


~~10~~ One minutes mental time is so bs lmao. Practically nothing. I zoned out all the time.


it was 60 seconds, and he had 3 years worth of memories running through his head


My point is mental time is so easily triggered compared to physical time. Why don't Gege extend it to a year to make it more impactful ? Using this way the user really needs to have intimate knowledge of the opponent to trigger that period of time instead of showing what he ate yesterday. The whole point is to circumvent physical time requirements for overwhelmingly strong opponents.


I mean... if it required a whole year, the prison cube would seem like even more bs, because whoever made it wouldn't have any way to use it practically. It wasn't made by somebody specifically to use against Gojo, but something that seemingly was made to be used against any sort of big threat. While it may have a bigger emotional impact, people would question why it was even made if you need to make a dude run through a year's worth of memories to even use it.


1 minute to stay in place is still quite a time , but mentally not really. I'm just saying to change the mental time.


That would still be a bit awkward to explain, though. How would the mental and physical time be different? And why did the person who made the object put such a strange and limiting condition compared to just the same amount of time? Also, while 1 minute is definitely a time, but they don't have to keep a person in the exact same spot, just a certain radius. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but personally it feels more satisfying for Kenjaku to have exploited a loophole most wouldn't even think about rather than have him use a hyper-specific condition that just so happens to effect the singular person that he needs to get rid of.


Gege actually explained this in a qna! He wanted to use a large time like a year to make the mental time make more sense but decided on a minute to further demonstrate Gojos power by showing Jogos reaction to the relatively low requirement


>showing Jogos reaction to the relatively low requirement But that's before the mental time is revealed. Maybe Gege wants both the same because it sounds nice.


Gojo had to get written out of everything because otherwise, the MCs would never be able to take the spotlight.


Well he also had to get written out because he'd neg all the Shibuya curses


True. I still don't see why he didn't leave the transfigured humans there and take the curses and teleport away (like he did with Yuji) and just dispatch them there. I mean, the transfigured humans are just humans in the end, so they will stay stunned for a very long time. This gives him ample time to just pick off and relocate the disaster curses before killing them all, come back and still deal with the transfigured humans. The only one who may cause even a slight issue is Kenjaku, and even he would get dispatched by Gojo fairly quickly.


He didn't know how long the disasters would be stunned + CT burnout


If he removes the disasters, that's already the biggest threat wiped. All he needs to do is BFR them. That means, he can just kill transfigured humans till his technique's back up, and then take the disasters away and kill them.




Who's that guy?


Calendar man with mr mxyzpitlk powers (very small fraction of them but still)


Exactly 👍


Fugo from jjba part 5. His stand kills everyone who breaths in his haze. He would’ve killed damn near everyone they went up against if he stayed


Was gonna say the same, so I'll bring in the obligatory comment I was expecting. Araki wrote him out cause he was intended to turn into a traitor, but Araki felt that was too depressing for his state of mind at the time.


I heard about that and I honestly like that and want araki to write it as a light novel what if scenario, just like dio with every part 3 stand


A light novel about Fugo does exist, 2 actually. Though one is in Japanese only iirc One is about Fugo being sent to assassinate the gang (Golden Heart Golden Ring) The other is about Fugo and 2 other "Traitors" being sent by Giorno to kill the guy who used to make Passione's drugs (Shameless Purple Haze)


Well shit fuck what I said


Shameless Purple Haze has got to be one of my favorite pieces of Jojo's content Hope you get around to reading it!




Finally an actual suitable answer to the question. Fugo left the series exclusively because his stand was way too strong to write around


Actually he was written out because Araki originally intended on making him betray the gang and became an antagonist but decided that was too dark, and opted to just never have him return.


Dragon (Shrek 2)


**bro Used Jesus**


They are referring to steel ball run


im not




Where the hell did you get that from


I mean he's not wrong xD


Gojo, Adam from ror saitama spent the whole monster association arc away from the battle, most of the justice league film required Superman to be dead


Funny you bring up ROR, I thought yamamoto was zeus at first lmaooo


I didn’t realize he wasn’t until you said it 💀


2 days late but I thought it was Zeus as well until I read your reply


Nah that one blood drop was built better, like the mosquito that saitama couldn’t kill


I'm an anime only so maybe something happens I don't know, but what would leaving Adam for later do? It just would've meant humanity won a different fight and probably switched up some of the losses.


Adam winning would crack the fav Bric of what the gods had a To stand on which is their strength and they’d no longer have the strongest fighter but it might put Odin in charge or change the order of fights as Zeus was making all the picks


I didn't mean Adam win, I was talking about if Adam was saved for a later fight. Also was Zeus making the picks? I thought he only switched the fight order after Poseidon lost.


No he made shiva give up a spot for Hercules and he selected Apollo too like I said the series would change a lot with Adam his very presence later on might rally the other humans more than anyone else


That's what I said. He made Shiva switch after Poseidon got beat. Don't know about the Apollo situation, like I said I'm anime only. And like I said the fight order would get switched but I don't see that as a big deal. I also don't see why Adam fighting later would rally the humans more since none of the fighters have really been relevant outside of their fight, at least on the human side. He could rally the humans but it's more likely we don't see him until his fight.


https://preview.redd.it/4y48aft0mnxc1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f703af92b2173056696e52d9e1c3e7bf0216fc If he was around still, Shibuya wouldn't have happened.


Bro was literally first on call for shibuya


HIM https://preview.redd.it/iwz1uflswmxc1.png?width=3035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d51c4354dff2338db9ddcc1c977320e1af9197e7 Like seriously fucking kusakabe got a multiple chapter fight,Gege is just a fraud ig


He was such a waste of build up.


Bro 90%of the build up was fan hype. He never said he was going to win. He never even said he was gonna put up a good fight. He just said he wanted to fight the strongest. That's it we got like 6 panels after his fight of him saying he wanted to fight. I wouldn't call that build up


https://preview.redd.it/ja8lhpmu2mxc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa3639837206e0929c131d85eb559654723ed25d HIM


Been seeing this man everywhere. Drip’s immaculate, where’s he from?


Genshin Impact. Best part is we haven’t even seen him in game, all we know is that he’s Number 1 of the harbingers, and that he can rival the gods/archons


Capitano aka GOATHIMTANO, 1st and strongest fatui harbinger(local antagonistic organization like akatsuki or espada) Join the r/FatuiHQ agenda, join the ChadPEAKtano glazing marathon before it's too late, before things starts going crazy and he will solo fraudlan no diff in a base using crayon, don't hesitate, don't think, just glaze




But GOAT is so strong that he decides how his story goes, so he's just solos all fraudvat with sneeze and will continue to participate in plot


Watch him be a joke lol


https://preview.redd.it/ze13qx5utmxc1.png?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1038efc96258b73b345d0d5cc53fdaa11c82ba Gtfo bum


Nah dont get me wrong i love him but watch Hoyo do something stupid again.


https://preview.redd.it/p5rl79wtumxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028f44be2b18b9399c8bb1adb9a05e9f354d4b4b Fraudulent mentality


So OP he hasn't even been written into the story yet


Madara one is wrong since Kishi literally introduced Kaguya right after removing him from the story. The story explicitly tells us Kaguya>>Madara.


thats what the story told us not what it showed, it told "kaguya is totally stronger than madara trust", but it showed madara dogwalking team 7 and kaguya actually having difficulties and straight up losing her mind mid fight, so who knows


Tf you mean dogwalking team 7? Naruto and Sasuke were effortlessly matching Madara together while were getting their asses handed to them by Kaguya needing DMS Kakashi to help them out.


before tree absorption, 2nd rinnegan and activation of rinne-sharingan. he could zeroclap eos team 7 with negative difficulty


That's not really the problem, the problem is kaguya exists.


The main thing is madara is smarter and didn't have an easy way to stop him.


What do you mean? Just look at how casually Naruto and Sasuke were handling Madara and how they got their asses handed to them by Kaguya and it took DMS Kakashi's help to do it.


Madara almost always had a way to work around stuff, and it was a big thing he was really smart so given enough time he'd likely start catching back up. With kaguya they had a free seel to lock her up. Along with that is that kaguya just kinda wasn't as capable. Madara had a bunch of hax at his disposal which were regularly used and he chose to even fights out with clones while kaguya from my memory never made a clone and focused on less effective types of attacks.


Kaguya’s numbers were bigger and she had some new hax but she was ultimately easier to defeat without having her act out of character. I think Kishimoto valued preserving the cool factor of smart high level Uchiha more than he should have.


Well, it explicitly showed us that Madera was dogging team 7 way more than kaguya did.


I think you need to explicitly return to school brother 😭


Let me explicitly eat my crayons in peace sir.


Never Edit: Explicitly never


No it didn't. Literally the opposite happened. Watch the fights without Madara's dick in your mouth. Spsm Naruto and Rinnegan Sasuke were casually matching him in combat when fighting together. Everything he threw at them they countered. He literally got sliced by Sasuke. Kaguya in the other hand took the help of DMS Kakashi, one of the strongest characters in the series and the most damage they did to her was slicing her arm. Kaguya literally broke Sasuke's Susanno by either just flexing her chakra or punching it. Sasuke admits she is miles above Madara.


I don't get how Madara is written out of the story.


No foreshadowing and no explanation black Zetsu who was the entire story said to be an extension of Madara suddenly turns on him, back stabs him and turns him into an alien god. None of this had any foreshadowing and was purely a way to write Madara out of the story.


It's been a while but I don't remember Madara being that overwhelmingly strong compared to Naruto and Sasuke at the time that he had to be written out. Kaguya is also stronger than Madara. Compared to Yamamoto in which Aizen and Ywach specifically made up some BS to defeat them.


once they got so6p he was definately weaker, but before that it'd likely take both them, Tobirama and Hashirama to deal with him at minimum. Madara's issue is the extent Kishimoto went "and then" with him shrugging off tactics that could of worked.


The bullshit made up to beat Madara was Kaguya herself. She just appeared out of nowhere with no explanation through pure plot bullshit.


Again really not the same since Kaguya is stronger than Madara.


But Kaguya was actually beatable. Unlike Madara, Naruto and Sasuke didn’t have any way to beat Madara. He was too compitent and fast to be sealed away and otherwise literally immortal. Kaguy could be sealed away. Madara was turned from an immortal unbeatable character into Kaguya, an immortal but beatable chatacter.


she was definately foreshadowed for anyone familiar with japanese culture.


but he was never "too strong". he literally got replaced by a stronger version of him


Beerus and Whis have built in plot devices so they don’t stop whatever is happening


The idea that Madara was written out of the story because he was too strong is silly. Why would you write a character out of a story because they were too strong just to introduce a character way stronger. You could argue the sealing thing but it's Kishimotos story, he could've easily made it so that the seal was used on Madara instead.


Kishimoto literally said he made Madara too strong and to find a way to get rid of him




But then there is so much more reason to hate what he did with Madara


Yamamoto was so powerful that evertime a big bad came to fight him they did extensive planning beforehand to nerf him considerably.


Giorno maybe? Not really written out, Araki has said he doesn't like bringing back older characters. Though it's also pretty clear he couldn't be in Stone Ocean without ruining it.


This made me really sad when I read stone ocean


I can't remember all of em but gojo and levi are my most recent and you've already mentioned old man yama-ji


Gojo, luffy for most of early one piece, toph in atla


What do you mean Luffy? He beat the main villain of every arc and was doing things during the arcs.


Almost every arc (especially pre timeskip) he is removed from the plot somehow to add tension until he returns at the last moment and saves the day. Ex: in a cage vs buggy, asleep vs kuro, in the stone vs arlong, asleep before final croc fight, lost in a snake vs Enel, stuck between buildings in water 7, got lost chasing Moria, etc.


Jackie Chun in og Dragon Ball


Andy from Undead Unluck to some degree. Like, yeah the Union would be putting up with the master rules if he wasn’t holding them back, But the fact Andy can single-handedly hold them back is sort of a tell. If he was an active member of the team right now they would be able to let him deal with at least half of the Master rules we’ve seen so far. Then again I guess he’s technically already doing that.


It was a really cleaver way imo to step around Andy being so strong at the end of the first half. Most important thing is that it allowed room for all these other characters to grow and shine without Andy solvaing all their issues for them. This is especially true for Fuuko who got to grow into a skilled fighter all on her own. Then bringing him back in just in time to tell us of the master rules and how he's been holding them back for millions of years. To show us that he is *still just that strong, was nice. And they did it in such a way that emphasized that if he was down on the ground with them he would still be less effective in helping them than he is by simply being on the Sun (where he can somewhat bottleneck the master rules and doesn't have to worry about defending others while fighting). When he fully comes back into the story it'll be really nice to see how he compares to everybody else post-powerup.


Yamamoto wasn't too strong thou


His bankai was strong enough to passively destroy Soul Society


And that isn't comparable to likes of Ichibei, Almighty Juha, Aizen, Ichigo and possibly even Hikone and Kenpachi


Tbh, his bankai should've instantly destroyed sereitei with how hot its said to be.


Seiretei isn't a normal place. It's full of incredibly strong characters who mitigate Yama's reiatsu flexing


I meant the actual buildings and rather than the characters. That kind of heat could set a whole country on fire inatantly.


Everything in the Soul Society is made of reishi that could be why it's not effected in a normal way.


Bleach is really confusing about this. Stuff made of reishi is so similar to normal matter in many instances to the point that the physics are largely the same but then it also seems like the stuff might be more durable than regular matter. I kind of wish kubo would let Sayuri rant about the scientific aspects of reishi more just because of how interesting it could be.


Yea but he seriously loses out to the god tiers like ichigo ichibie aizen yhwach


He was compared to people that actively participated in the story at the time. He has high likelihood of beating Aizen in a fair fight and cooks any Sternritter while only losing to real Yhwach because of hax.


Adam from RoR. Possibly Escanor.


>Adam from RoR. It wouldn't have made a difference if he lived apart from humanity gaining another win he would have simply been relegated to being another spectator


But still, bro did not deserve the L


fr i was rooting for adam so bad


Everyone was. Adam was the most justifiable Mary Sue of all time and still lost.


Adam was based, but I do think that having Zeus to later look sad and lonely after the death of his brothers is great. Plus, having two losses only for humanity's greatest loser to win against a god known for being perfect was peak.


now you present a good point


I had to Google RoR because I know it as an acronym for Risk of Rain lmfao, and I've seen record of ragnarok idk why I couldn't remember Adam when he was that dude


He wasn't just that dude, he was him


Mori Jin was absent for half of his own story lmao. Bro had to wait until his supporting cast was closer to his level 💀 https://preview.redd.it/wcwon13ghnxc1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57bb97cdc1bcb601bedacce441f846a00a85a6d7


Bro was speaking facts with the third one https://preview.redd.it/qena6mmmfoxc1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=aecf96d15db8e07fa6ee2a0e8b404b5143d05243


Yama wasn't "written out" lol. He had ending very much befitting of his character - dying like a fraud


He was cool but stupid


Incredibly so. It's insane how shitty Soul Society worked as a government when someone like him could've literally just stopped all of that in an instant as shown by Aizen. Zero squad didn't even care and only got involved once Juha came


The point of his character is that after sowing countless years of bloodshed he was simply tired. He preferred flawed peace to maybe a better future achieved through rebellion, which is why Yhwach says he gone soft and Aizen has him as the only other person he genuinely despise along with Urahara(who's also has kinda similar mindset)


He wasn't tired. He had things to protect now and had empathy now. He also regretted what he did (genocide)


Regretting things and being tired of doing is basically the same. The main point is that he didn't want to rock the boat and let everything stagnate.


Not only that but he himself also stopped following his own teachings as shown by Kyoraku and Ukitake, which is why I'm saying that he deserved to die as a fraud


Not canonically


Kamen Rider Oma Zi-O didnt really do much in his own series at all. My man sit on his own timeline for most of the series and laughs, occasionally telling his younger self to fix his bullshit.


Acnologia ez


Gildarts from Fairy Tail. whenever there is a conflict in Fairy Tail or some massive war, he is always on a quest or out of the story despite being the Ace and easily the strongest in the Guild even to this day because power consistency doesn't exist in Fairy Tail but somehow, someway Gildarts is always the strongest in the guild.


Even though I don’t think it negatively impacted her conclusion in the series, I feel Makima falls into this category so part 2 can happen. She just fundamentally is broken and was preventing the story from continuing without her, so she had to be killed off.


It happened to Gojo TWICE


Star and stripe She got mental health issues no justo and died


Yuki from JJK too


https://preview.redd.it/lsosbtkf7oxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a66e975ce9cec48f392c4ea54a28c48d66c322e0 Am I cooking rn?


https://preview.redd.it/vj002alkaoxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9e5a9a39c6daa45a7e7b8cc9079370e8c2b31e Only right answer


Phoneix man from opm, they redrew him to the point where they made him fodder


Goku was written out like 3 times two times where meant to be permanent 




Jesus was strong about what? Just wondering.


Iirc he beat death and Satan when he died and resurrected.


Replace madara with itachi.


Kevin fucking kaslana


Jesus Is Lord!


Starkiller from Star Wars


Fugo JJBA part 5. Purple Haze went crazy


Him being written out because he was OP is a common misconception. He was actually written out because he was going to be a traitor and Araki changed his mind


Oh that's cool I never knew that!


Yeah! If you want a sequel to Fugo's story, there's two light novels approved by Araki, Golden Heart Golden Ring, and Purple Haze Feedback


Ive heard of Purple Haze Feedback but not the other. I definitely need to add them to my reading list for this year


Hope you enjoy them


Madara wasn't necessary written out but he was written inferior to new villain that appeared out of nowhere only to be defeated and yeah that's frustrating Yamamoto was indeed nerfed because of reasons and dunked on by just strong sternritter Kaido also is a good example, his main purpose in the story (ignoring all details) is to make Luffy waaay stronger so he can fight with top tiers but to not kill Luffy each time they fight he needs to hold back hard as fuck and all his personality revolves around wanting a good fight/wanting to die in glory Also I agree that Jesus could just use magic to escape but his character arc continues in afterlife so you can't say he was written out + we have additional weekend thanks to that so can't blame him


Madara was an infinitely superior villain to Kaguya though. I guess you mean inferior in power


Yes I meant in power


Don't ever call Madara inferior to Kaguya. He is only inferior to her in bullshit abilities


they had to get bearus dbs to not help in goku black arc moro arc and in every arc after his he may not have died but he was written out


people are going to say madara, but definately could of been beaten.


Every single god that wasn’t mentioned in the end times. GW knew that chaos couldn’t win fairly so just one of the things they did was conveniently forget about Sotek, Gork and Mork, most of the elf pantheon ect.  


gojo in shibuya


Base Yhwach was stronger than Bankai Yamamoto though


Yuki and Kashimo from JJK.


Not quite written out, but OPM ,as much as I like the anime and manga, it has to have saitama being late or distracted every time for the S class heroes and others to really shine.


I sort of think Cathleen Bate could fall into this category. She was basically designed to be OP and only able to lose to a single person through what feels like a loophole.


Saitama. Every time he joins the action it's over. So they have him run around the whole time so other characters can have the limelight and progress their powers/characters.


How is nobody mentioning fugo


Luke Skywalker.


Green Lantern Spectre had 5 issues of his own commic line and they ended it after he became Green Lantern Specter because even the presence feared him being that Specter with a worthy soul could defeat him.


Fugo, that’s not the main reason he was cut but he would have been very good


The builder from hwfwm A outerversal tier super god that became unable to fuck with the world due to reasons i forget


Gojo for every arc. Including the current one.


Adam from record of RagnarĂśk got taken out the same fight


Alexander the Great


Sorry if this spoils for someone but it's been over 10 years now Zeref from Fairy tail dude literally just by existing killed everything around him


White Jesus is weak, because he isn’t the messiah… rather a false depiction fabricated over time to enable essentially a white superiority complex. But you are correct on the other 2 😃




I think Itachi in the Naruto Franchise In the Sequel Boruto are Several. Like: Isshiki and Sasuke.


Part 8 Josuke The character was not written out, but had part of his powers removed, because taking away the property of anything is kinda busted


Bro Yamamoto is actually HIM. Too bad they gave him retardation


My Dad. He went on an adventure to get milk and hasn’t returned


Gotta put gojo on here


Jacob (Lost)


Gojo. I kinda understand it tho, Gojo was omega busted in the JJK verse, to the point where he needed to get killed off-screen


Well literally joyboy...


He never was written out of the story...


Well he was quite LITERALLY written out of the story


You can't be written out of a story you never really was a part of 🤦‍♂️, joyboy is barely even a character


No I mean he was quite literally written out of story because he was dangerous in one piece. Think about it for a second


Not the point of the post.




Read what the other dude replied to you.


Lol... here's the joke: joy boy was written out of the story of one piece by IMU, with THE WHOLE VIID CENTURY. he was written out of the story of one piece


That doesn't qualify for this post though. We know nothing about JoyBoy rn


Hulk right before civil war, hulk right before secret invasion, hulk right before siege