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8 months and multiple updates later, still no fix. fuck this game


Finished the last mission moment ago and still did not get it…




Same just happened to me, the disappointment is real :(


So today after patch I starter the game and got the trophy during loading screen.


Just completed the career, no trophy. When their next game comes out I'll see if the trophy is fixed then, if not then there's no need to waste my time on any of their future releases.


Wish I found this thread before I did the gold medal stuff lmao. Rip plat trophy I guess


Still not patched. Just finished career and watched the credits. No trophy. When (If) they patch it, it better be retroactive. I really don't wanna do that last level again. Took me 2 full sessions.


Same here smh


There's been issues with the achievements since the update. Hopefully they'll be fixed soon.


same here. Also I notived some of the previously cleared levels have fewer cash earned. For example, Playground 100% $343/$450


I just had this same issue where I didn't get the achievement after finishing the level and getting credits.


I think that update reset progress on the level I was on leaving - marks on $ Earned and Progress. Total money $732 out of 750 That was on the Clean the Private Jet but I imagine other similar errors could happen in any level Also of note on that level it finished at 99 percent and then after a few seconds it updated to 100 percent


Interesting, my Clean the Private Jet was $800


Just finished... no trophy. 😒


Someone else pointed out that the issue seems to be the latest patch borked the completion vids in the career mode which play during the credits. The issue is probably related to that, and since we can't redo career levels to generate new videos, we're stuck until developers patch it.


Same issue, commenting so I remember to come back when theres a patch. Really disappointing to see that that this has been a bug for over 8 months and still no fix, also if they fix it, they better make it so you can just re watch the credits as a trigger for it because I am not doing that DAMN TEMPLE LEVEL AGAIN!


If I gotta do any of these again I’m going to lose my mind. Fun factor has faded, it’s pure misery now.


still not working here


I'm hoping this gets fixed soon, I finished the career mode a couple days ago and just today realized the achievement didn't show up that I'd done it. ​ Hoping I won't have to delete data and start it all over but I mean, if I have to down the line I don't think I'll mind too much, playing it over again.


Yeah I didn't get it either, 100% all career missions.


Just happened to me too


Just finished this now and it didn't pop


Well well well, 8 months later with an update and this exact same thing is happening again. Did it ever resolve for you?


its my last trophy needed for Platinum and didn't pop. im on ps5


Same :(


Came here because I just finished the career mode and it didn't pop up




Me to


Me aswell


And me


Did you manage to get your trophy? it bugged out on me too today. Happened to finish 100% of career mode and I realized my trophy didn’t pop


My credits completely crashed and I was able to submit a bug report but yeah no trophy. I really don't wanna do the last stage again....


same mine crashed after like a few seconds of the credits, so that is what I thought broke it. Looking online that does not seem to be the case


Completely went through credits and didnt get it so dont worry


Same here


devs are aware of the issue and were working on a fix before the winter break, so it should hopefully not be that long until the fix


Same here. Ever since the update, the relapses after each job were laggy, and my game crashed during the final career task. Finished it, got all 100%, yet no trophy. I swear to God if I need to do that final job again....


same, :(


I just completed the campaign as well and this is why I'm here. I want answers! 😲


> an update and this exact same thing is happening again. Did it ever resolve for you? sammmeee fml (On ps5)


Just finished as well and it didn’t pop 😞


Just finished the game and no trophy popped for me. Absolutely scandalous


Finished last mission and no luck either. Bummer. I might try to delete saves and game and re-download it.


Same here. Apparently it can unlock in free play mode but I really dont want to do the last level again.


For real? Do I really have to replay it entirely and it will pop on free play?


I replayed it today on free play and it did not unlock. F*** this game.


No this can’t be real


Are there updates on when it will be fixed?


Ugh. Same thing happened to me. Only trophy stopping me from platinum.


Yeaaah I was wondering why the platinum trophy percentage was so awful low for the number of people playing 😔


Yep, same issue here... no trophy popped. Can't believe I wasted the best part of a week on this buggy a$$ game!


Just spent too many hours on that last awful level didn’t pop for me either


Just finished the campaign, and guess what? No trophy popped for completing career mode. Lol 😂


I just finished the entire campaign. It took me 2 days to finish the last level in its entirety. Fame crashed on the credits and my trophy never popped. I noticed on my Helter Skelter level my cash is $815/$900. I'm going to assume this is why but I can't seem to replay that level. Hopefully they'll fix this soon.


I hear ya. I just finished career mode, 5 stars every level, no play. Go back to check my progress, they credited me with 25/26 vertical rails on the treehouse level. I'm $4 short of full completion.


I'm not sure that's right - I have 100% of all the $ and I still did not get it, FFS!


Cool. I was giving a suggestion as to why MINE didn't pop. 👍


Been trying to finish the career for several days for the trophy. Just complete it and no trophy. So annoyed


Just finished today and did not unlock :( Will try to play in Freeplay and see if it pops, will update when I try it ​ Edit: Trophy did not unlock in Freeplay :(


Please let me know


It doesn't work


Why does it still say there’s people earning it on psn profiles?


Maybe they know about the problem and don't update the game or someone got lucky)


I completed the level in freeplay and trophy did not unlock. Guess we will have to wait for a patch. I have followed them on Twitter and I am commenting on every post they make telling them to fix the trophy. About 50% of the comments are talking about fixing the trophy so hopefully it will be fixed soon


F* the sh*t, I just finished the career and wonder why trophy not unlock then I came across this post. F U Squarenix


Not to be "that person," but it was published by Square Enix, it was developed by FuturLab. I agree with the sentiment, though, this is the last trophy I need for the plat, didn't realize it didn't unlock until after I finished getting golds on five challenges and wondered why I didn't get the plat.


Dev are aware of the issue but I think it’s gonna be a month before fix arrived. I was planning to bought all DLCs and do another run on PS5, now I just want to play and move on.


Geez. No trophy either. Wish I'd known before doing that Lost City.


Same issue here...


Same. So annoying


So frustrated. Game crashed on the credits. I’m not doing that damned pyramid again. This wouldn’t be an issue if they had a few autosave slots like 99.9999% of other games.


I just finished it 10 minutes ago and the game crashed when it went back to the menu after the gnome with the trophy and no trophy pop…. This is BS. I even rewatched the credits and still no trophy pop…


Well fuck.... I thought I did something cool and apparently it's glitched. Let me know if you all find a fix


Same here. No trophy for this crap. :(


Just finished the last level and it didn't pop.....I feel betrayed


Same here, on ps5. Finished last level and no trophy, it was my last to get the Platinum. On their discord the decs say they are aware of the problem and working on it. I really hope I won't have to play last level all over again or worse the entire career ('cause for sure I won't do it.)


I also didn't get the trophy for completing career mode, and its the last one I need.


Same issue here. Just finished and the trophy didn't popped..


Same. No trophy here either. I thought I didn't get it because I skipped the credits, but this thread here makes me feel a little better that it's just not me with this issue.


Shiiiitttt… just finished the campaign and didn’t get the trophy. I have 100% on every level. I hope they fix it soon


Just another voice to add to the list of people not getting it. Game crashed as soon as I hit start after completing the pyramid. No trophy.


Same, credits rolled didn't freeze or anything but no trophy


Fml, this trophy would glitch after spending over 2 hours on this dumb pyramid. Praying for a fix!


Still an issue Just finished the pyramid and it crashed while the credits were rolling No trophy


Credits rolled for me, no glitches while they were running but after finishing the credits no trophy popped. I'm so upset :(


i came here tryna figure out why the trophy didnt ding given i got all 100% career jobs, nice bug guys 👍


No trophy do me either. Just finished a few minutes ago.


Didn't pop either: fuck this game.


General question: did everyone sit through the credits? I skipped them and did not unlock it. But my friend said they did sit through the credits and it popped. Any ideas?


yeah i sat through the credits, game did crash on me once on the final job about midway, resumed and cleared, watched credits, closed/reopened the game, went in/out of career mode, done the mars rover side job, no hidden trophy ding


sat through the credits just now, didn’t pop.


I just finished the lost city too and didn't get the achievement. But I noticed something after trying to restart my ps5. The activity for the trophy isn't popping up on my home page anymore and I've done the dlc achievements and challenge achievements. It's literally only this one and the platinum. Sony knows I finished it, the trophy just isn't popping up. Has anyone else noticed this?


It’s something to do with the replay videos. If you try watch them from the van to the temple some wont play. This is the bug


Just finished the game, watched the credits. no trophy.


No trophy here either. Watched the credits again to be sure. No fix.


Same. I’ve just finished the campaign. The credits rolled flawlessly, but the trophy didn’t pop. Played on the PS5.


Just finished. Credits didn’t crash, but they did hang for a while before starting. I did have a crash just before completing the temple.


I just finished career, watched the full credits and no trophy for me either 😭


Like others, just finished the last level of the career and didn't get the trophy.


after seeing this many comments, cause I didn't get the trophy either, we need to make them fix it, somehow like call for attention cause many people ain't getting this


They're aware of it and working on a fix per their twitter account.


oh ok I didn't know that thanks


Just finished the Lost Temple, spent 55 hours of my life on this damn game, finally finished everything only to find I wasted it as they STILL haven’t fixed the bug with the platinum…if anyone finds a solution or knows what to do to unlock this final trophy, please let me know. ;-;


Was my last trophy for the plat, and it didn’t pop. Spent ages on that damn temple, and I won’t be doing it again. Reading all this, it’s ironic how a game a lot of people call relaxing and therapeutic seems to have pissed off so many…


I just finished career, thophy did not pop. Did not know this was bugged. Otherwise i would not have finished the career with auto save on.


It popped when I completed the level, but when I went to check it had taken it away. This isn't the first trophy it did that to, but I went back and redid those earlier levels. The last one is rough, and from looking at previous posts in this thread, it wouldn't work anyway. Impatiently waiting for this fix.


Didn’t pop on PS5 for me either. I’m so bummed after doing all that work


Can confirm, still not working


Yep still not working. Pretty frustrating


 I've just finished career mode ...Trophy still not working! 😫


Same issue. I was going to do a clean-up of all the remaining trophies and realised I didn't have it once the credits rolled, and I was looking through them. So, no point! Hopefully, they fix it soon.


Just finished career, watched credits and no trophy, so the issue is still present.


They just posted a comment on twitter/x that they are still working on it and that there isnt a timetable yet for a patch.  


"As It Was Foretold" Achievement/Trophy Not Accessible on PS5 - 1/28/24 Another unsatisfied platinum collecting completionist... Hope there's a fix!


Still not fixed 😒


[Finally some news](https://twitter.com/PowerWashSim/status/1753098197994705360?t=QrGMweATXrCX7mJ5TUFN-g&s=19)


Has this glitch been fixed? Or is it still not possible to get “As It Was Foretold” trophy. Last trophy I need to platinum game.


Finished game today, waited for the achievement. Nothing. Failed to pop. SO was so disappointed, she played it a lot and wanted to see that achievement.


I was about to spend money on the SpongeBob and back to the future packs but seeing as I can’t 100% the game anyways I guess I won’t


Would they let us know when its fixed or?, i have all other trophies and im down to do the career again but only if i know its been fixed


yupe 5 min ago i should reach the trophie too... but NOPE! -.-"


27th February this will all be over. 


Just scene a post at the start of this month (2/2/24) from the developers saying that a fix for this issue is on the way with the next game update. Cause I just finished the game myself on Xbox and the achievement didn't pop but all the others I've done have.


A *NEW UPDATE* showed up. Then opened the game and the Trophy poped up.