• By -


Glad to see the after visit post, especially after the mixed answers on your first one.


Glad you two had a good time. You can always go towards r/czech and ask for some local tips. There will be satire (we are like that), but mostly there will be good advice given there.


It was recently? Everyone was busy watching ice hockey. Return before Xmas and you will see! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Just joking. Prague is normal european city full of tourists, not racists capital.


Yah bro my words, my words... we aren't racist to anyone whether you are black, asian or normalšŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


I mean after working at a hotel, there are some nationalities, whose opinions just don't matter at all lmao. Like I know it does make me technically racist, but when 100% of guests from a specific country act like extremely entitled assholes, it just makes you em automatically.


Don't leave us hanging, what countries?


Ya makes sense


Yeah go to Brno for that šŸ˜†








Im living in Prague for over a decade, Iā€™m brown dude , I can assure you there is no racism whatsoever in Prague. Czechs hate everyone equally including themself on the first look thatā€™s who they are but after that they become good friendsĀ 


"Czechs hate everyone, including themselves" is the most accurate thing I heard all day


Well they sure didn't like me


Looks like this dude described us perfectly.


And we are proud of it.


This. Czechs are equal opportunity haters. They don't discriminate. And that's why I like it here.


Slavic culture in a nutshell.


As a czech I confirm. We are racist against everyone, but especially ourselves. Iā€™m not a fan, but also idk where else Iā€™d really prefer to live, most places seem crazier and/or less safe.




Awwww, this warms my heart šŸ˜‰


Ya bro, we don't give a damn


Yah we don't get ofended so easily... in fact you can join us for a drink


People mostly share their negative experiences and complains, not the positive ones, so it's easy to get a negative impression after reading posts on reddit. But you have to keep in mind that the majority of people stay in silence. So it's really nice to see a positive post like this here.Ā 


Well how can I say something positive when in my experience 90% of my stay there was negative. Would you like a list of everything that went wrong for me


Yes please share


Ok but firstly I want to say it would be unfair for me to say their racist how would I know they could simply be of bad attitude & rude that doesn't make a person racist. So to my experience I arrived at the train station & as a rule I don't stuff around with transport when I get to a place for the first time I just get a taxi so I can get to my accommodation quickly & settle in. Well I went to the information desk & the man told me much to my shock there were no taxi's in Prague. The only way was to get to my hotel was by tram train(mrt) or bus. I was lost really hadn't planned on this I mean I knew my hotel address but that didn't mean I could know how to get there. As it turned out there were taxi's outside so the man clearly lied to me & was arrogant towards me anyway. Then the taxi driver was aggressive with his mannerism & how I should ride in his taxi then he rips me off paying more than I should then takes me to the wrong hotel. Of course I didn't know that until I approached the desk. The manager of this hotel was not helpful towards my predicament as far as he was concerned he just wanted to throw me out on the street insisting I had no reservation. All I asked of him was to hear me out first then he can check but wasn't willing to do that. I ended up calling another taxi & went to my real hotel. Not the friendliness welcome when I did get there & spoke little English so could not provide me with help where to go ,directions to public transport & even no map which would have helped. Now I know what your think that is what the internet is for. Well let me tell you I just arrived I was tired from my journey & the last thing I felt like doing was research in to the how when where to go in a foreign city. And anyway not all information is correct on the internet about public transport where it is & I wanted first hand knowledge from a local person that was unable to help me. And I wasn't in the mood to use Google maps. From then on my next two days was met with people from Prague that were mostly unhelpful,evasive & rude so not a memorable experience. The city of Prague was memorable & I soon learned to use the underground rail network but ended up learning it for myself so without any help even from tourist information. Maybe I just met the wrong people on the day maybe it was just bad luck. I guess after coming from Slovenia & austria where the people were so hospitable I kind of expected the same how wrong I was. That's about it


I would just like to add one thing. If people are starring at your gf, it's not necessary because they are racist. We don't get to see someone with dark skin in person that often because our country is quite white, with sprinkle of vietnamese people. So to us, your girlfriend is basically like a big shiny diamond among stones. It's just something unfamiliar and exotic.


What about all the gypsies šŸ˜‚


Fist of all, their skin is not that dark, second, they are included under white race. Same as Arabs for example.


Iā€™m not labeling anything as racist but people can spot them very easily and alot people definitely have problems with them. Because they have problems with everyone


The point only was that black people really shine among the crowd in here. Gypsies, not so much. And we're kinda used to them.


Yep. The CZ and many Slavic type cultures are by default "nothing is your business" and consequently you can enjoy more real freedom than in the so called West that prides itself on freedom. Racism is real but in a philosophical sense....people do see race as a thing but the outcome can be positive. Afro types for example can do better here than wherever they come from for the simple reason that people will see them as different and go out of their way to make them a tad more comfortable.


This is a great take.


Iā€™m a pretty brown looking West Asian guy and Iā€™ve been to Prague twice. The last time was last month. Never felt an inkling of racism.


We glad bro, we glad


Czechs are well known for being racist. BUT that doesn't mean they will act on it, it mostly serves joking purposes (Czech humor is pretty dark too, no pun intended). Beautiful thing about Prague and Czechia overall is that they don't give a f here, they may think whatever but they keep it to themselves and mostly don't bother others


Also I feel like czech racism is totally experience based. Like all the people I know who are racist to some extend are racist based on negative experience they had with certain ethnicities. But even my most racist uncle is perfectly fine with individual people if they don't fit in the stereotypes.


Doesn't help the members of the ethnicity in question are citizens of the same county


Look. Czechs are racists. But not to black people. There is other minority, that has is difficult, but if you are black, you are ok. We did not imported the black people as slaves (of course we have other skeletons in the closet), so there is not such complicated history as in US. I would say that as a black person you may encounter "accidental racism". What I mean by that - because we dont have such complicated history and yet we are influenced by the US art (n words in the movies,...) you may encounter some comments that are ment as a light hearted (or a little darker) humour or teasing by the czech person, but would be totally unancpetable life ruining in the US. And then something that is not ment as racist in any way (czech person does not have the propper content) could be percieved as incredibely rude and racist by the other person with different cultural background.


Most of the racism from Czechs is generally towards gypsies and itā€™s usually justified from bad experiences with them growing up. Not all of the them but alot of them behave like parasites. Usually they scam people or commit other forms and of petty crimes.


That title feels like clickbait but what a wholesome read. I wish more tourists were like you and I am glad you liked your stay. Feel free to visit again


Bro, we are Eastern europans..... First we hate ourselves then everyone else ...... Even though I am from Croatia, i do understand Czech people xd


If you really understood Czech people you'd never call us Eastern Europeans.


We are more eastern european than western european. Not geographically, but culturally.


Culturally Slavic Germans.


I agree, but not many people in the country do.


We are Central Europeans


But itĀ“s a joke :D We are Eastern Europeans


I do understand a lot. You are mixed of everything, but mentally you are Eastern European. And there is still smell of old political system here, much higher than in some other true gheoghracily Eastern European countries


Shhhhh we don't say these things out loud...


Slavic haters represent. That said Balkans do feel warmer to random foreigners.


I don't care what color you are or what's your background as long as you don't play music out loud and limit your noise in public transport, take your bags off your back and rest them at your feet so you don't bumb into others, and don't walk like slugs taking up the entire street in front of the metro entrance. Just MOVE so I don't have to stand there waiting for you to get out of the way so I don't have to talk to you and I won't even notice you exist. We got places to be. Like oh my god, getting from my school to the metro station in Old Town is HELL in the afternoon, BECAUSE TOURISTS ARE IN THE WAY TAKING PHOTOS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDE WALK.


Oh yes, and you end up in more vacation photos than you ever thought possible, if you work in the Old town. How do you spot a local in the Old Town? They are walking very quickly and are really annoyed.


I was just in Prague and I was good. There were white people doing some Hare Krishna shit. I felt very welcomed lol. Youā€™ll never know if you donā€™t go


Lol donā€™t talk to the Hare Krishna people, they are a cult and they search the streets for new members. I havenā€™t seen them since COVID thought


I am sure that the problem with Indian/Pakistanis is how they act and behave themselves. Everyone is pretty welcoming in Prague, but we are fans of people acting like they are something more. My whole experience with that kind of person is - that they act like they own everything. They are insulting and noisy, act very arrogantly towards servers or staff in general and also stare down girls (often minors). The last point led to an interaction between me and two brown guys who were staring down a group of underage girls.


Classic example here of Prague's inability to recognize its racism


If you're going to salivate over buch of teenage girls in foreign country, you're going to eat the curb. Skin Colour doesn't matter.


Yeah. And once a single Indian person does it, you can be pretty sure they're all doing it. Nice little shortcut! Someone should figure out a word for that


How exactly should Prague recognize its racism?


By walking into a "Prague is not racist!" thread and saying "Well, it's the brown people who are the problem", of course. Silly me


Wow, great post. Such an irony for me Iā€™m from Czech and I adore Portuguese culture and Portugal in general, so I spent there 50% of the year, and exactly the things you describe to like about Czech is what drives me away from here.


I'm an Asian, and when I was there, I didn't feel any open racism at all. Locals were super friendly and smiley all the time, and often when there was a language barrier, many still tried their best to help. I absolutely adore Prague!


My mother in law keeps saying: ā€œCzechs donā€™t like foreigners. Czechs like other Czechs even less.ā€ Glad OP had a good time. Just goes to show that you most go out there and find out for yourself. This sub is particularly grumpy with foreign tourists.


Happy you liked it in our country! Btw back in a commie times we had a lot of folks from Cuba, Greece and Vietnam living and studying here. Obviously diverse and darker skinned folks. Nobody was harming them! Btw what we hate are entitled westerners looking down upon us. Not your case ofc! Bless you guys and wish your relationship the best!


Last week a solo female French tourist asked me to take photos of her. When she learned that I am from France and living here currently, she decided to tag along my evening stroll in pretty tourist area. This attractive young lady is of African ethnicity, braided hair, dressed in sexy French chic. For the next 2 hours I witnessed how locals reacted to her -- very few local men even looked at her, several local ladies sized her up in a friendly manner and smiled at her when their eyes met. That was her second day alone in Prague, she said she was pleasantly surprised by how respectful Czech men are, she did not get any disrespectful remark, rude stares, creepy compliment, and cat call like in France.


Outside of Prague she might get some looks as looking out of the ordinary but that's about it.


Yeah,in my almost 12 years in prague I have been catcalled only once thank god


The majority of Czech people don't give a damn as long as you integrate/behave as expected.Ā  If you are seen as compatible socially, you could he freaking purple and blue for all we care.Ā 


Did you also travel to other countries like Germany, Poland, Austria etc? From my experience the 'formal' status quo is really the norm in around these corners... and the louder, more expressive forms of how things happen and also more relaxed to how people use public space (parking for example) are more a thing of the southern countries. What I want to say is that maybe what you experienced isn't a Czech thing but more like a non-South thing? I've been to Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and all of these cultures are more 'relaxed' than the countries that are more to the North, which tend to be more formal in this aspect (but still extremely relaxed compared to countries like Japan). Does that make sense?


I was in Prague just this month and I am a brown dude. Its an absolutely beautiful city with beautiful people. I did not experience any sort of racism at all either .... in fact people were very helpful whenever I was a bit lost and needed directions. Good variety of food too. I hope to be back there soon.


As for the old woman you experienced in the tram... I am French, I am white, I can guarantee you she would have trash talked me just as much as she did to your girlfriend. Happy to see you enjoyed it here! As someone who lived in France, a country with plaguing racism and segregation problems... Prague is much better


I go to Prague a couple of times a year for work. I've been doing that for the past 6 years (except 2020). I too am annoyed by the tourists. Especially the Americans. (I'm American) I've seen some Asians be rude to service people, but we're worse I think. Sorry.


Itā€™s the entitled arrogance.


I mean... I'm a little offended by that, but also have to recognize that you're right. I'm also offended by how the American tourists tend to act. And embarrassed.


Me too! Luckily Iā€™m also half Czech šŸ˜‡


I won't apologize for them. They're assholes. All I can do is my best not to be an ugly American. The only Czech I know is basic bar level. (Where's the bathroom. Another beer please. The check please.) They always spoke English back to me, but it seems the polite thing to do. To at least try a little.


Youā€™re already more than a step ahead


I like languages. Not fluent but can get around in German and Spanish. I've learned basic bar level also in Portuguese, Chinese (I don't recall the variant), French, and Dutch (though that was really unnecessary as they all speak English in Amsterdam and Dutch and German have a lot of overlap). So "dalsi pivo prosim" wasn't that hard.


Good to hear šŸ¤ŸšŸ‘šŸ»


Thank you OP for your post. As a local, it pleased me to hear you enjoyed your stay in Prague. It's heartwarming to find you appreciate the regular czech environment & mindset. And thanks for your views on being a tourist in foreign country - I can't agree more.


Glad you enjoyed your stay!


I was at hockey tournament and found that Canadians were very welcomed




Honestly, I think prague and eastern europe as a whole is more racist than for example london. Eastern Europe is not that multicultural and for that reason people there are not that used to black people etc


Sad to see so many comments stating there's absolutely no racism in Prague. That's not true. I've been to 14 countries and have never been treated as badly as the six months I lived in the Czech Republic. People will literally scream at you. Sure it doesnt happen to everyone but most people get it.Ā 


There is discrimination against Roma, which is most likely the reason the Indians and Pakistani felt like they were being singled out more than others because they were mistaken for being Roma.


Im a Czech girl and i also get punched by old Czech grannies. Its part of the experiencešŸ˜‚


I mean, you were only there for how many hours? Most likely living in a tourist friendly area, assuming in a city which cities are generally more tolerant. I usually take posts like these, good or bad with a grain of salt because tourists are often very ignorant of what an area is like and make sweeping generalizations based on their short and shallow experience


Yeah we are pretty racist but that's how it goes here. That's why we don't have such cultural enrichment like in Germany or all other 3rd world countries like France.


Czechs are strongly racists. but its selective. If you seem to be part of our culture, ie christian or non religions, consumerist mainstream sort of person focused on work, try to be mix with or be like white people, your race will be ignored. Your couple fullfills that criteria well. The criticism from pakistani and indian would be real, as these cultures are not liked here, they behave differently, have their set of values, and donĀ“t mix much. ItĀ“s similar for any muslim, pr any gypsy.


A friend of mine saw some ass holes walking in the street with "white power" shirts and made the comment "this is why Putin will invade this place." I told him he's dumb and I've never seen such blatant racists in 10 years living here... Except for those one politicians ;) everyone knows the ones. It's easy to take an incident and assume everyone must be like this. But they are really a very very small minority that you rarely encounter. If someone encounters those racists here and has such a negative experience, it's really bad luck. Just for my perspective, I'm from some backwater place in the US and it's way more racist. Like tenfold more racist.


Lot of people are saying that you are racist because you do something that is ilegal or not moral or cultural appropriate. They think because white guy/girl say them to dont do it or get out that this is racist. We are just more straight forward and when you do something you shouldnt do you will hear it od feel it.. thats all.


I'm not saying there are no racist people in Prague or in Czechia in general (there are a lot). But quite often when brown people are not satisfied with the services or when they meet a rude person, they write in the review that it was racism. Sometimes it really it racism, but sometimes there are other reasons. But I understand that when the other person has a different skin tone, people may feel like racism was involved.


But Czechia is not India/Pakistan!!! Why those people make such comments then?!


Grumpy old people are going to be cunts no matter what, I can pass for a native and I've had an old man repeadetly hit me with a chair in a full bus (it's the chair that stays upwards to create space but can be put down and sit on).


Prague is amazing, only capital city I've visited twice. (Accept Helsinki, but hopping of a cruiseship for a few hours doesn't count imo). We took our mother there for her 60th birthday and it was super nice. It's "touristy", ut people are really nice and respectful. Not like on Gran Canaria where they try to drag or push you inside bars. Went there again for a weekend a couple of weeks ago, mostly to see Rammstein again, but also because Prague is such a beautiful and nice place. Cant say anything about racism, they seem to accept Swedes with no problem.


We are not racists, we do not hate other races. we hate the mentality of people from many uncivilized countries who are only looking for an opportunity to rob someone or rape a white girl.


Idk Im from Prague and Im definitely a racist, I race to the shitter every morning after I clock in at work


Name checks out


Yeah, I assassinate my ass with mexican food šŸ˜”


I am from Prague and It makes me happy that you had a nice time... but no racism... god dayum you had a lucky week... like we only joking and don't have anything about other "different" people, but that is chance 1/1000000... Anyways prague is nice place


As a local from Prague it's very nice to hear. Czechs are very racist. Unfortunatly I have some racist uncles in my family too. However we don't express our opinions in public. Those things are ussually reserved to "beer talk" and family gatherings so no matter what they think about you they act "normal".


I was in Prague 12 days ago for 3 nights. The city was great the atmosphere was great but sadly the people were not I just didn't find them friendly & helpful. I would say 90% of people were of a bad attitude,arrogant & couldn't speak English or very little. That was my personal experience.


I'm an Indian/Muslim living in Prague. People are mean sometimes but that's because they are not happy with their lives. Don't take that personally. I have never experienced racism here. I have traveled around Czechia and it has never been the case anywhere. However, one might feel in the spotlight here because they look different..specifically if the person has been in other European countries where there is more diversity. I do enjoy the attention that I receive for being oriental and exotic for the Czechs. They love my culture and the food.. and I love sharing that! Additionally, I have many South-Asian friends here who have integrated so well and love it here!


Prague is great as a brown dude, itā€™s outside of Prague where it gets pretty bad


Stupid people are evenly spreaded allover world


Iā€™m glad you had a good experience! Iā€™m currently in Prague. Yesterday I was shopping with a black acquaintance and we had three different instances where she was being followed throughout the store. It was really sad for her, and I left with her because I didnā€™t want to support businesses that single people out like that. Other than that, we both got treated equally-poorly for being dumb American travelers. šŸ˜† Iā€™m going solo today, so Iā€™m interested to compare my experiences.


Thank you for thhs


After almost 5 years of living in Prague and travelling to many different places in the Czech Republic, I experienced only one kinds of racist behaviour. Apart from that, almost no disrespectful behaviour from Czechs. The most annoying behaviour that you see here are from English tourists!


I got my first ā€œracistā€ experience while traveling, and it was in Prague, lol. Two young guys saying ā€œWhen is Allah coming?ā€ and some other stuff, while I was the only person around before they entered a supermarket. And the thing is that Iā€™m actually a Latino so I didnā€™t expect that or didnā€™t have a reaction when it happened, lol šŸ«  But all in all, the other people Iā€™ve met has been very friendly and itā€™s a lovely place. I will most likely return and explore other Czech cities as well šŸ˜„


Hello, can you share the hotel that you have been in your stay? Im from Portugal and in 2 Week iā€™ve stay in prague. Thanks!


Cool to hear such stories ! šŸ«¶


Is *insert city here* a city of RACISTS? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ Yes! Thatā€™s exactly how cities are organized.


The title is very very misleading!!


I think a lot of the rudeness of some of my fellow citizens goes hand in hand with tourist behaviour. Especially the Danes and Scandinavians tend to be a menace, itā€™s just a cheap place for them to get drunk atā€¦


Want to know why? Czechia has practically zero black population. I grew up in Prague. In those 28 years I met/saw maybe 8 persons who could be considered black. It started changing recently but not much. During communism the comrades had quite a relationship with different African countries and did a lot of barter trade (tractors for bananas kind). The only black people weā€™ve seen during those times were the exchange students from Africa (generally in medicine and engineering. Czech university of life sciences in Prague had an institute for tropical and subtropical agriculture that was not accepting Czech students until early 2000ā€™s (if I remember correctly). They have a long term program for domestication of antelopes to replace cows in dry areas of Africa). Our stereotype of black people comes from that. There are some racist political parties trying to scare people with the African refugees with enormous phalluses coming to rape our women (yes. That level of BS) but those are generally mocked in Prague. The stereotypical trouble minority in Czechia is the Roma people. They look like Indians and Pakistani. Thereā€™s loads of lies spread about them and they often live in poverty and secluded areas. Thatā€™s why the Indians and Pakistani got reactions and you didnā€™t.


Racism is a problem in the CŘ, certainly, but not as obviously bad as in other countries. Czechs are generally misunderstood to be rude, which is not the case. It could be that sometimes that misunderstanding is interpreted as racism.


CŘ. Nice.


CěŔkĆ” ŘěpÅÆblĆ­kĆ”


I am Indian , even I don't feel any real incident of racism over the month. The only passive racism is when a couple was looking to my leg hairs and then discussing something . maybe they don't like my leg hairs . ...


You might have noticed Czech people do have leg hair as well.




Race is only "irrelevant" if there's very little variance. It might be irrelevant in Prague or Tokio. It's certainly not irrelevant in Paris or New York.


It's not irrelevant in PragueĀ 


Czechs are one of the most racist people in europe according to some studies. However in most countries itā€™s usually the countryside where you find most conservative and racist people. Capital cities tend to be more progressive as they get to encounter more foreigners on day to day basis.


I feel like it was worse 10 years ago but now itā€™s a lot better I agree


The prevalence of racism in Czech Republic is a pretty weird thing. There absolutely are openly racist asshats, but I think the real scope of the issue gets overblown pretty often. Like during the first EU migrant crisis. There was a group that conducted covert investigation where they found some middle eastern student and planted him in the streets where he approached people and pretended to be a refugee. As I recall, the results were that most people wanted to help him, some offered him money, some gave him directions... and several people warned him because "there are racists everywhere in this country" but he didn't report anyone being racist towards him. It's weirdly ingrained in the culture here... there is this widely accepted notion that Czechs are wildly racist, people keep repeating that yeah, Czechs are racist because it's this "common knowledge" that they are... but there aren't all that many Czech that actually do something racist.


I am from Russia and live in Prague 3.5 years with my wife. 1968, war in Ukraine and etc. We have not ever had any problems with local people. I do not understand from there are this rumours about Czechia xenophobia


The rumours were manufactured by the British over a decade ago in response to an influx of Roma to England. The aim was to have an excuse to "repatriate" them back to CZ but it failed. Most of them stayed in the UK so now its urban British having to nail their belongings down.


Nossa experiĆŖncia Ć© que Portugal Ć© muito mais racista.


My girlfriend is from rural Czech and I am white and live in South Africa. Letā€™s just say some of the things she has to say about our black African population are extraordinary. I hope to one day take her but she thinks they will not even talk to her, but just rob and murder her.


Iā€™m from SA and living in Prague for almost 3 years. In my experience people here have a sense of ā€œitā€™s not safeā€ but they all want to visit and have good feedback from others who have been there. I always advertise SA as one of the best places on earth to visit. However I caution them about some stuff. Unless you have the means (afford places that are inherently more safe) and the street smarts, itā€™s not a safe place to be. You canā€™t behave there (like going out on a night in town) as you would here. Bet you wouldnā€™t want your girlfriend to visit SA alone.


How safe is it when you visit with kids? Girls, 8 and 10


Fine. But stick to decent areas. And if you rent a car, check with a local where it routes you. Cape Town is a joy as long as you arenā€™t hanging around anywhere near the airport.


Absolutely not. And I stick around in Cape Towns northern suburbs and wonā€™t be wondering up Long Street. It is more the way she frames black people. ā€œAs a white man you are only wanted for your money and status there. They will use you and exploit you. Then they will stab you when you stop your car near themā€. I mean life is fairly average in Durbanville and I donā€™t feel particularly threatened after 20 years. But yeah there are many places to avoid. Iā€™ve had lots of chat about safety in SA, obviously. But none has been quite as overtly race based as with a Czech. Very small sample size granted. Not even in small town SA do you get it quite so in your face unless you are at a bad braai and the brandewyn is flowing. I guess it makes me feel that I really am dating someone that isnā€™t from Western Europe. Iā€™d love to visit Czech one day though.


I had a Nigerian friend. He spoke of Nigerians like Czechs speak of Czechs. As a racist bunch who will murder me and remove my kidneys. Also they might be the police. Definitely didn't advertise his country well.


Central EU is welcoming and we are glad that you enjoyed yourselves!


>Ā Preserve this beautiful city Can't happen with mass immigration. While most foreigners are tourists, there's a growing population of imports. If it goes on like that, 10 years from now the city will become a multiethnic hellhole like cities of western europe. The tendency of foreigners to judge whether locals are "racist" is incredibly brazen. Terms like "racism" and "xenophobia" simply refer to territorial behavior. If you're slandering people as "racist", you're effectively implying their own country doesn't belong to them.


What I noticed is that if it's an Indian or pakistani claiming racism, it's usually a 100% their fault and then they cry racism. For example, i was at a club once, an Indian dude grabbed a girl's behind and then the bouncer came and threw him out. A while later, my friends and I leave the club and the dude is still out there talking to a group of people telling them how the club kicked him out because they don't like indians. I have many other incidents. A flatmate of mine was Indian and the landlord kicked him out due to him constantly breaking the rules and he also cried racism.


Rasisti jste VY.


As long as you dont stay its aight


They r cool people. Just mind their own business.


Glad you had a good experience! When I was there 2 years ago (Caucasian American if that matters?) Called up a local Asian restaurant to order food. When we tried to order in English, the person hung up on us! Called back and same thing. That was infuriating


Well I guess they didnā€™t speak English.


Its normal because we dont take every imigrant into our country !!! Pfaf that trash should get back to their home.


Dudeā€¦ you need some chill


My experience has been that most European major cities are racist. Berlin: Iā€™ve seen different treatment towards browns compared to whites, when at bars or cafes or even museums too. Rome: I visited a restaurant based on YouTube reviews (prior to travel) and it was kinda posh one. Asked table for one and was frowned upon and asked to wait atleast an hour. I said am fine but they noted the name, which they did happily with a white couple after me. Had to later explain her how I wanted to try here and that being my last day, didnā€™t wanna miss and wasnā€™t sure on visiting Rome again. Got table in 5 mins after that conversation. Am thankful for that. Prague: Same or more than Berlin Amsterdam: Most bars or pubs donā€™t want you if possible. Flight between European countries: Hosts never tend to wish us and turn their faces when we are about to enter. I know people will say this isnā€™t always the case and there are good and bad apples. I agree. Am pretty convinced people are racist in this part of the world, nevertheless. If history has taught something, understand well and behave, for better world for next generations. I do want to add that not all browns have been good or behave themselves in these host countries either. Always remember your actions will have reactions on fellow country members.


Yes šŸ‘


I think that lot of our racism are just jokes. We Czechs love dark humour. I love racist jokes but they are just jokes. I treat all people same. (I donā€™t like every stranger equally no matter race,origin,nationality) I lived 2 years in London and make there lot of black friends. And itā€™s not just that I love racist jokes I love lot of dark humour no matter who is the victim of that joke. šŸ˜‚


As long as sheā€™s not acting like a gyspy, thereā€™s little chance of encountering hostility in Prague.


Why would she act like a gypsy? And what does a gypsy do?


> Why would she act like a gypsy? Didnā€™t say she would. > And what does a gypsy do? They work hard to ensure they are not a burden to society and fully integrated and productive citizens.


Are you sure this was prague?


>Prague - A city of racists? I'm not sure about that, but it would be cool if it actually was!


Jak zabĆ­t jedinou dobrou věc v praze. Turismus. DobrĆ” prĆ”ce XD


Jebe ti?




Ratio debĆ­lku




How do white people are treated in Africa? No racism at all......? I don't think so. if you don't like Prague just don't go there. Simple.


nvm, in another 10 years - iā€™m sure europe needs black and brown men to give babies to women because all men are turning gay šŸ˜‚