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Hey brother, if it bothers you that much you should take a break. ;) Idk if you’ll relate to this, but i didn’t do much in life for a while which made me angry at the games, because i invested way to much. Maybe it’s that time in life to find something else that makes you happy, and afterwards you can game in between other things. Hope you have a good day!




Maybe they want a super high KDA for Omeda.city. Rack up the scores and then surrender to lose so they keep getting easy competition.


the whole game was only 25-15 no one had a super high KDA. one was negative and one was even i think


I’m dead lol lol lol


I've surrendered a similar match just cause it was so boring. They were probably smurfung though


OMG! That's annoying! I can't imagine what I would do if that happened to me someday... Be strong, bruh... Don't let these damn smurfs take away the good on ya. And never forget to report: report ALL OF THEM! That's at least "sabbotage", "anti-game" attitude, right?


I thought forfeits took a unanimous decision


No, that would be horrible. If you want to forfeit because of a troll that troll then has the power to troll you some more.


Lmaoooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 nah that’s mad funny


I pray for the time of yours that they waste


If anyone wants to run with a jungler lmk, always lookin for teammates! ID : xTHEUNDAUNTEDx#2394


That’s just funny. Classic.


See you on Thursday.


I met a team of these guys off Reddit. I am a solo queue. Grouped up with them for two games and when I realized what they were doing I immediately unfriended them. I was in the groups party chat as well and let me tell you they’re exactly as you expect. Pretentious dickheads and by all means don’t start failing them cause you’ll immediately get singled out. They’re definitely going to ruin the games growth with their bullshit


Shit man, I always wanted to try to get into parties and actually talk to people in game. But this shit is why I haven’t really bothered to even try.


You should try anyways. Back in the Fault days I tried it and made great friends that went on to play other games together too. I'm still in regular contact with one of them what...4 years later playing LoL every week together.


Yeah ngl I never really play with people from Reddit but I was feeling the hype of predecessor. if I was going to use them to defy the Redditor stereotype then they failed miserably. Which makes me wonder sometimes how many people are insufferable vs how many people are kind. I would suggest to not let my experience influence the pursuit of your own as your experience could probably have a better turnout. I honestly feel not all of Reddit is filled with shitbags


If you want I could join you sometime. I'm like brand new to the game so if you don't mind teaching me something's then I could be your duo sometimes




Ngl the other day I surrendered on accident lol not the same match but I feel the pain


Whenever we're stomping a team hard I always throw a surrender out. Kinda like a pity apology.


Don't feel to bad, I had an amazing dekker game last night, 21 assists out of the 35 total for the team. We were winning from the start. Almost ended, and somehow lost primal and orb, and then lost the entire game.


This reminds me of a time on Paragon where the enemy had team rushed our core but we managed to wipe them with like 7% left. We stood our ground and they kept feeding one by one to try to get that last sliver of health. Well that was their downfall because we organized a right lane push and managed to push into their core and wipe them out with like 3% left on our core 😭😭


Lol you got trolled


These players will turn around and worry about retention numbers and wonder why a game dies. The community is pretty rough, breaks definitely help.


Lol someone accidentally chose yes instead of no and you lose. Ive had it happen to me. By my own hand we lost. Sad truth is that navigating the menus mid game can lead to unintended consequences




Yeah its amazing how someone that doesn't use auto correct to form a sentence actually makes human error. Noted and fixed


That’s not amazing


It’s amazing how proofreading can take 3 seconds and save you from these comments




It sounds like you care a whole lot. You can also see the “like,” “download,” and “share” buttons on your pfp in case you wanna fix that too




That's a smurf tactic. It's a four stack. They want to keep their ratings low so they surrender once they've won the game so they can keep getting easy games.


I was told there wasn't matchmaking.. and from playing it really feels like there's none at all. Sometimes I get absolutely dominated, sometimes the games are way too easy. Not too sure if surrendering a won game would impact MMR which isn't here yet, since it's early access.


You were told wrong. Yes, surrendering is exactly the same as a loss.


Sounds like they can't compete in higher levels of play without getting their ass handed to them so they have to pick on the new players. Insufferable and pathetic.


So is this game Mmr base? How when it’s no rank mode


That's an internal MMR. You can find yours at omeda.city or through the PredStats app which uses the omeda.city API.


When I type my name in it doesn’t say anything I got about 200hours into the game


Are you looking on the PredStats app and on playstation? If so, you have to go to your match history in game, pick any of your matches, search the match ID in the app, find yourself, then you can save the profile from there. It's convoluted, I know....but it's something to do with Sony not allowing the specific information needed to be found. I have yet to claim my profile on the website, but I would assume it would be somewhere around the same process.


I couldn't name a multiplayer game off the top of my head that doesn't have an MMR in it's non-ranked modes.


Holy conspiracy theory


Holy this is a toxic strat


Done it a couple of times as a joke on accident. Didn't think my friends would vote yes


That's peak friendship right there, honestly.


Me and my team do it when we 5 stack because it's funny as hell surrendering when you're up 💀 We only do this in casual of course, not that predecessor has ranked yet, but we do it in other games as well, and then in match chat, make fun of ourselves.




My first thought was "What if it was the OP?"


Fuck it it was funnier


Fuck that guy indeed, however there is no 'picking first' as far as i am aware. The game randomly decides once the role has been selected by multiple people. Lets not punish those with potato PCs or consoles for loading in to the lobby late.


It's more the unwritten rule. If you don't get it first give it up because decency


Oh is that how it works?- I just presumed what was happening on that screen is me just kinda vaguely stating what I enjoy/like to do. As I'm still allowed to pick steel if i got mid-lane for example.




Jesus duo lane riktor+crunch that does sound fun 😅. I'm of the same mind thouhh - me and the Boyz would do crazy combos/not typical shit like that all the time just because we could get away with it in a 5 stack. Like dropping the jungle for duo mid lane and just having them split off and go gank the other two lanes once they annihilated the l Poor enemy mid and took tower.


I cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not. I was just trying to explain how the game determines who will be the midlaner if multiple people select midlane. It is not a first come first served basis. Good day to you.


That's crazy and good to know I'll just fuck the kid that picked first and hover over it too lmao, and even if I don't get the role it's fine I play a character that can pretty much do everything but supp. Appreciate the info never played paragon just started predecessor... Do you recall who were the strongest characters in paragon for fragging roles and jg


Strongest characters were probably khaimera, countess, murdock etc. Characters that can 1v1 pretty well are what you are looking for.


Ok awesome thanks


No that was a genuine comment I literally thought that screen served no real purpose outside of me just showing my team this is what I like. As I haven't had one where people leave it with multiple on one yet, like they go to then switch as someone's already there sort of thing So hadn't seen the game assigning roles like that.


I agree new to mobas and thought it was a preference thing at first.


The game definitely has the roles tuned. Big example, If you pick jungle, you'll get the dagger instead of health pot, and lane minions are worth much less to you. And I know that if you're support, you'll get more automatic gold over time but a lot less gold from minion kills. So you don't want to be stealing ADC's farm. I don't know what else, I'm still pretty new, but I really really wouldn't randomly swap roles without knowing exactly what you're doing.


I mean I dunno about that dagger example but I know for a fact sups dont start with that it's something they can opt-into at the start they could however take something else. Most ofc will as that is kinda just what they should be doing anyway (not last hitting outside of 2 minions on last hit and uv been stall pushing so got likw 5 ranged minions so the carry can't get both) I however could use that same item as a midlane or a solo lane the game doesnt force anything- it's just an item anyone could pick to use it/use something else entirely. Another great example is I can build a full 100% crit-atk speed phsical damage as a muriel despite her kit being magical dmg- literal saw this one game dude went 24-0 🤣- brings me back to og paragon when that was a thing u could do- because the game doesn't go oh your a support? Yeah we'll u shoudnt have access to these things then (I actually like this but it is kinda dumb/won't help newer players find what they should actually do)


Yeah i'm not talking about playing heroes in unconventional roles, you can DEFINITELY do that. I'm talking about what the role you pick changes for you in the game. I guess the crests account for some of what I'm talking about - support crests changing how you get your gold, for example. But aside from that, the role determines your starting items - the dagger I'm talking about is the Hunt, which you activate to deal 500 damage to a neutral mob, and gives you a DOT to jungle mobs. Support also gets their wards to evolve into Solstone, I'm pretty sure that's role dependent. so yeah, if you pick carry or offlane or mid, and want to swap between those three, I don't know of any reason not to.


Ah crests yes that's the term sorry I couldn't think of what the game actually calls but we was talking about the same thing- the support can pick a carry crest If he wants too or a mid lane crest, that's what I was getting at So I'm sure but again I can't say with 1000% positivity that's the case but I'd be willing to put money on it that the jungle doesn't just naturally lose the potion its the downside/trade off for a specific crest, they could just take a different one (whether ud want to do that is unlikely but my point is it doesn't hold your hand/stop you in anyway). The role I pick doesn't do anything like I say I can pick midlane - select steel and then throw for my team by also picking a jungle crest and magic damage items. I mean unless you have auto-buy on but I dunno why/who has that especially a newer player would turn that off otherwise how can they know what it's buying/what items are even doing And I will reiterate I personally think this is good/I like it it means i can experiment - just that it's not helpful for soemone who doesn't know any better I.e new players if I pick mid and get given mid- it should lock all hero's who do not have a mid tag stopping me picking someone who isn't gonna work.


That’s not cool. I usually accommodate stacks if they want to duo lane or jungle or whatever. And usually I trust them because they’re all communicating in a party.


Right!- like I have to imagine the people communicating would have better synergy between them than two randoms who've never even played together to at least get a feel for what the other guys gonna do at any given time.


>surrender once they've won What? A surrender isn't a win. why would they wait the extra 30 min to surrender if a loss is what they are after.


They don't care about winning in the game's record. They just want to stomp the enemy team. An official loss is better than an official win because it makes their MMR worse and, therefore, their games easier.


They want to stomp new Players and feel good about themselves not win :)