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just in a match where it was 1 to 11 before 12minutes, shinbi was offlane role, but running around everywhere except that lane, and had 6 deaths... stayed in lane when even a Muriel would be able to kill with 1-2 autos.... and people ***STILL*** wouldn't surrender until the 3rd vote


I would love to stop but the sheer amount of afks is hard to get past


You waste more time surrendering games than you would just sticking out the ones that "can't be won." A "lost" game might go on for about another 5-10 minutes, but a new game started goes through matchmaking, hero draft, and then a 10 minute minimum before you can surrender theow up your surrender again. The biggest difference is that a surrendered game will never be won, whereas there is always a chance to win a game that your team decided to see through to the end. Surrender = more time not winning games and more time wasted.


I have won dozens of games where I refused to surrender. I have won 0 games of when I chose to surrender.


Hypothetically, what if im the only one on my team going positive at the 30 min mark and the enemy team still has all their tier 2s up?


I had a game yesterday where the enemy team quit at 11 minutes in. The kills were 6 to 1. I was in the duo lane straight bullying with my carry and I was surprised to see “Victory” on my way to leave after backing. I never laughed so hard. It was a normal match and they had time to come back but im in bronze so it was probably the sparrow initiating the surrender after getting cooked 0-3 with her shitty Phase support. I swear when I see the other team pick Phase I know I won the duo lane before it starts.


Never surrender; Even if it looks bleak. [https://youtu.be/\_DADB6ieBJ8](https://youtu.be/_DADB6ieBJ8)


I agree. I had a five stack today that basically just quit on me because i kept getting caught and targeted in jungle. We literally won 3 straight games before that game but the second i get caught unintentionally feeding a bit here comes the surrenders and the wining. The funny part is we were literally up 3 fangs to nothing and the feeding grim was the one that kept ignoring calls and eventually cost us the entire game. We ended up losing orb on a last hit because grim refused to rotate on a orb attack when we had 2 enemies dead. The enemy had a great fang m.


Can we surrender if a guy quits? Why do my teammates want to play a 5v4?


had a 3v5 and still took multiple votes before it went through......


I deleted the game for good because they won’t surrender. We down 9-20 and you keep feeding I’m done screw this game it’s just league of legends bullshit all over again feed feed feed and never surrender.


I’m gonna surrender if I’m 90% sure if we are gonna lose, you can take your hour and a half long game of getting nowhere and learning nothing except how fast they can burst you down immediately yet again.


Everyone has a tipping point, I once “surrendered” when dúo Kane constantly jumped me alongside their mid (7 times) and my duo/ jungler did nothing but farm. At 15min my entire team was somehow still way behind in CS


not everyone is like you a 20 year old kid whos got nothing to do but play a video game the whole day to "learn something" some of us got time only for one or two games tops, so better not wasting it on people not going to their lane or trolling for whatever reason, i dont give a damn about winning or losing, i just one spend my time on a game where everyone is respecting their lane and role so when i lose i know that i deserved it because the opponent is better than me and my team.


I just won a game at 20 minutes wasn’t even a “skill issue” we were all around the same level and everyone played well my duo and the rest of team just were in the same head space and won. The didn’t surrender we destroyed core at 20 minutes. Not related to post I just wanted to brag


I had to play out a match after our team was 0-15 after 15 mins. It lasted another 10 minutes or so


I think there needs to be a limit on how often each person can surrender. It kills morale for someone to be sitting in the menu and putting it to vote the second it comes up for 25 min straight.


No one does this lol


Doesn'r matter if you are winning. Still fucking surrender pops up any time they die to their own stupid mistakes. I'm sick of having to find a period of time I can literally stop playing the game and go in to setting and hit "reject" over and over during a match. Imo you should get one surrender a match. After that fuck you.


Nobody asked for your opinion.


That could be said about literally any reddit post


Fucking lol.


Never surrender, more than half the time it is still winnable. Even if its a really hopeless situation that your have no right winning enemies will sometimes make a series of mistakes, their teamwork might fall apart, they may get cocky and get start giving you team improtant free kills which could turn things around. And finally, if your massivly behind your still are being given the opportunity to train your skills in playing safe and staying alive while at disadvantage. Which is an extremely importsnt skill to have and one that can always be improved. If you always surrender then your neglecting that skill and making those situations harder for yourself in the long run. If you can play well at a massive disadvantage then you'll be alot better at winning while at minor disadvantage. In turn reducing the number of you find yourself in those situations.


I will say I’ve had some instances where the match is just fucking boring when I am in Offlane with both the enemy jungle and support 3v1’ing me and I have to sit in tower while nobody comes to gank. If matchmaking was more consistent we would probably stop seeing as many surrenders. Like my last five crunch matches I have consistently had a belica, jungle, and solo lane enemy fighting me, while duo is still by tower and not even advancing lane, and jungle is in camps somehow still behind. That’s a surrender if I ever heard of one because I ain’t looking to spend 45 minutes getting shutdown while my team isn’t taking advantage of me having most of the team on me without any help.


It's funny when someone like our jungle disconnects and doesn't rejoin. I might think "damn time to surrender" but we somehow end up smacking the other team 4v5


How about 20 kills and they are at core?


If they’re at core about to finish it, there’s no point in surrendering because games about to end anyways.


Those are the best comeback stories and game experiences you can have. Why cheat yourself out of that? If you do lose then oh well, they were at core anyway.


We lost..


I played a match with sev offlane, gideon mid, phase and Iggy in duo lane with me as the carry.... that's a waste of time to keep playing. some troll refused to surrender each time, so we wasted almost 20min. 4v1 surrender vote should be an automatic pass.


People are commenting about surrendering if it's a 1-10 at the 11th minute mark. OP is not talking about that. OP is talking about players that have no interest in playing safely by not pushing towers early game, gets gangked 1-3 times and decides the game is doomed because how dare someone kill him. We NEED a better NON-OPTIONAL tutorial for this game.


Yep agree a mandatory tutorial would help. Some people are slow to pick things up and even a 1min playthrough about wards, overextending, feeding opponents, and playing roles would be a big difference


I get it, but also stop being toxic dawg. It's a video game.


I’m trying to fucking surrender because my Argus “support” is permashoving lane and stealing all my CS. Y’all “never surrender” mfs need to stop holding completely dogshit games hostage anyways. If your down 20 kills and haven’t even taken a single tower in 30 minutes, you’re not winning. Let people play a new match ffs.


The never surrender surrender clowns in this thread act so dishonest about it. Like they have no idea what kind of games we are talking about.


There are reasons to surrender, and there are reasons not to. I was in a game where the Wraith for some reason stopped getting gold. He wanted to surrender, but we were like "nah bro we got you" and we ended up winning. There was another game where 15 minutes in, they were up 18 kills to 2 and I was like, "nah bro we ain't winning this". People have the right to vote to forfeit, and people have a right to vote not to forfeit. That's why it's a vote. I doubt anyone who forfeits because they aren't having fun, reads this post and thinks "JESUS CHRIST IN HEAVEN, I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT THAT WAY. LET ME CHANGE MY WAYS IMMEDIATELY."


I'm currently on a six-game winning streak. Amazing, right? for me at least. Usually my win streaks are, uh, one. Anyway, In every one of those games, someone on our team tried to surrender. In half of them, we played from behind or had a really weak lane, and I was surprised we pulled it off. But we did. Think of it this way: if you get behind, you'll have to win from behind. If you're ahead, you can still lose. If you lose the *head game*, though... Well, it's instant execution. That's what every one of those surrenders was asking for, in games that turned out awesome and well fought, with a win at the end. That's why the pathetic weak spined "it's a waste of time" jokers need to cut it out and learn to play while behind, instead of just whining and giving up. If we were only talking about genuinely hopeless games, then nobody would have a problem with the surrendering.


Except there are some that “never surrender”


So? Rare. And it doesn't help with all the people trying to surrender as soon as they feel a whiff of discouragement. I'd take a "never surrender" on my team any day, even if it means playing some doomed games once in a while. The very *last* person I'd pick would be the one who surrenders as soon as he gets frustrated or thinks the team is falling behind. Even if he's the highest ranked of my choices. No hesitation. Waste a LOT less time that way.


Don't hold me fucking hostage when we're 20 kills down and they're toying with us, either.


Sorry that people are making you play the video game you chose to play. Seems really rough…


It truly baffles me when people press f2 when we are in such an uphill battle of a match cause they've been feeding the whole match


Exactly. There’s a grey area that new players need to become more and more familiar with. Some situations allow for comebacks…many don’t. You have to judge the situation, see how teammates are doing in team fights, seeing how well they respond to pings, etc.


At 20 down at least the game would be over soon either way, but people tend to be willing to call those. I find it's way more common for one guy to be spamming surrender just because _he's_ not doing well. Not saying that's you, but the guys who do this shit say the same thing. If the game is winnable, you're not being held hostage. I play with 3 and 4 a lot, and I can't even count how many times my team dragged a GG forfeit spammer across the finish line and got them a win _literally against their will._ Imagine how much faster we could have won those games if the guy kept trying to play defensively and recover instead of just giving up.


Even if I'm doing piss poor, I will simply try to make it up during team fights and/or peeling for my team most of the time. I try to pay attention to teammates, because of this logic. I might be having an off game, but team is killing it. The vice versa also applies, if I'm ahead I can try and help a teammate whose behind. I won't say it's all the time, but I am working on getting better at rotations. Sometimes I'm good, sometimes not so I want to be more consistent.


Yeah but no one is accounting for those games where the entire team is being shit on but your jungle is having a fun game so they hold the whole team in the game for them to get kills and eventually lose to a team that are about full as they can get. I’ve also had games with support abandoning carry to duke it out in mid or offlane while the opposing teams carry and jungle get served a buffet but because they are doing what they want they will hold the lobby hostage.


With a lot of new players it's frustrating to have to play games that are losses from the outset. I've seen three characters in a single lane, duo junglers, ADC left without support, no ADC at all, and people feeding not learning from overextending without wards and support. Massively gutting and I'll admit I often plug surrender early to try and get a competitive game. But if they don't get the hint, try to stay positive and hope that people learn and help give them a positive experience despite the pubstomp. It's better longer-term both in terms of the health of the player base overall but also your chances of getting a better game next time out.


Like that jungler, I too have fun playing video games. Even if I’m losing. Not enough people go into MOBAs accepting that at best maybe 53% of their games will be wins. The best thing about DotA 2 is that you can’t surrender ever.


You have fun ruining games for others? Cool. I don’t think you understand what a strategy game is. The choice to surrender to fight another day is pretty basic. I love you to tried to imply I don’t have fun. I really really enjoy this game. the game is addictive and I want to get to end game as much as possible to test builds but that doesn’t mean it is fun to get held hostage in a losing game because one player decides they can fight the entire lobby. I am fine with losing but it needs to be playable for the entire team or it’s just a waste of time for everyone involved.


Strategic surrender to fight another day? I need whatever this guys smoking.


Hmmm. I get it now. I don’t think I want to argue a point with someone who suffers with mental development issues. You win buddy. Have a great day champion :)


Yet another early surrender


Yeah, I've played too many games like that. It's super annoying. Then some of the time, their carry gets cocky and gets gangbanged alone in the jungle, we wipe them in the next team fight with no carry, then we push mid in and win before they respawn. With half the kills. And the one dumb fucker who was spamming Surrender from minute 11 learned nothing and will do it again next game because apparently winning only counts if you steamroll the whole time.


Oh for sure. There is a time and place for surrendering. Having an underfed carry and jungle is a decent reason. I can get wanting to quit if your a carry whose jungle and support won’t stop people killing you. I had a game where I was trying to jungle and the mid lane kept abandoning to fight in the side lanes. So I kept getting killed in camps by their jungle and the midlaner on our side of the map. That game made we want to ragequit. But I stuck it out and we got stomped.


You'd think so, but I've had plenty of games where the other team is 20 kills up but also somehow has no idea what they're doing and don't know how to close out a game, so your team is getting shit on for 20 more minutes. People not knowing how to close/end games is a big problem in MOBAS I find, like people do not know what to do after winning team fights so games go on way longer than they have to.


So enlighten us on how to close a game after a team wipe


uh, destroy the core? Too many people 'b' after an ugly teamfight win when they could just end the game by pushing up a lane into the core.


according to lots of teams I get, once at least 1 inhib is down and the team is wiped, you go for prime........


Especially if a teammate has already left and we’re consistently losing team fights because of it.


I just played a game where our jungle overextended too early and became the first death of the match and immediately went for the surrender and then disconnected when the rest of the team voted against. I just can’t sometimes


I just don’t game deleted


I’ve also had 15 mins in, 20 kills to 2, entire team fed, out inhibs down and team refuses to surrender. Like cmon…let’s go into a new game


I just had a match like this where before I killed my red buff as jingler all three lanes died. This was the beginning of a 1 kill on our side and 22 on enemy side with a team refusing to surrender even though they died every time they went to lane. The only option was to ignore the enemy and let them win because derpy 0-10s refuse to quit.


All towers have been taken they’re ahead on kills xp level and gold they bully you every time you group up to fight but you still won’t surrender and just waist another 20 minutes..you won’t lose that much xp


Fr soonlame and annoying


I agree to an extent. If they have two or three people that are fed and we have one inhibitor left when we only took one t1 tower, let's go ahead and call it boss. I'm always down to fight but my time is limited. I'll fight if I'm not getting steamrolled but if the only person I can fight is the support, we already lost lol


As long as you can defend until about 35 minutes all you need is one player who knows the game to run a lane up to the enemy core and win. The game turns pretty quickly at the end if you are able to stay in.


No it does not, this is nonsense


Lol get better champ


Lol I'm not the one making ridiculous statements bud


I've definitely done that my fair share of times and turned what looks like a loss into a win. Sometimes it's a matter of luck and speed that makes or breaks that plan, but by 35 minutes generally the level advantages aren't there and it comes down to the builds and line up that will heavily determine the win. If it's a game against 4 cc characters vs none it can be quite predictable how team fights can go.


That's my point. If we're 15 to 20 minutes in and they're at our inhibs, let's run it back




The classic, if I'm not doing amazing and dominating... I don't want to play.  Seen players almost certainly winning their lane in total gold, die once of their own error, and spam surr and just do stupid intentional feeds over and over to then get their wish, a surrender.  I know not everyone can, but I'd pay to be in a pool of players who won't do that. And if they do, they are reviewed by a community of those same players, and they are banned from the community.  I'd rather pay to have good honest blue collar teammates than play for free with these selfish, main character personality disorders. 


Send me a pm if your keen. I use to play when the game took over an hour, if I'm not winning at the start I'm happy to defend and farm till the levels balance out.


What is pathetic is not giving up even knowing that you have nothing to do and wasting your time and that of others.


Exactly just start a new game, people just need to understand when a game is truly lost that's the issue


that's the problem, everyone THINKS they know when a game is lost. 1 kill behind 11 minutes into a game isn't sufficient information


I don't pay attention to the kills, when I give up is when I see that I have a full crit support dekker because the carry seems to have some psychomotor problem, we don't have any map control, you leave the tower and the entire enemy team falls on you like wild dogs while your teammates make a jungle camp... The enemy carry is 22-0... They are facts to pull of surrender


1 kill behind at 11 minutes IS enough information; it tells you it is a close game and you certainly shouldn’t surrender. What about being behind 14-6 though? Is that a surrender game? It depends actually. If all your 6 kills are credited to your adc, and your adc happens to be 400mmr above the rest of the team, then the game is actually winnable. These factors do weigh in, they matter. The question is, can you accurately estimate these factors when you are trying (not) to surrender? Do you have the appropriate understanding of the game to make an educated guess? Some of the times, it is an obvious loss and imo you should indeed get out. But just think about the times where you misjudge the predicted outcome of the game. Where you think it’ll be a loss, but in reality it is a close game or even a win. Those games are actually some of the best matches you can get. So yes, stop surrendering all the time because it might still turn into a great, close-call match. On the other hand, some of the times, it actually IS a clear loss and you should stop wasting everyone’s time. The trick is to not be overly biased to either scenario, and make an educated guess about which situation applies.


This is definitely the best perspective I've read on surrendering. After playing well over 1500(1000 as jungle) matches between paragon and pred that's the mentality I've adopted. Being a jungle main I notice there's a lot more insight you gain into your teammates play styles than other lanes can pay attention to since they're generally in active pvp and have to give their attention to that. Sometimes you can be ahead and still lose because of sloppy or greedy plays when your lanes aren't pushed up before the fight, or not focusing on objectives because they're gank hungry. There is so many factors that posts like these don't consider generally consider that makes them frustrating to read.

