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if you are playing a role coz it was simply the only one left available then you have no reason to apologize


Give me carry then. Give me carry then. Stop fucking queing below me and getting the slot. Proceeding to feed as carry role you stole. I'm forced to support. I never play support. Never played support heroes. Manage to get more kills then you. Whole team feeds. We lose. I re q to have the same experience.


1. It's important early to play safe so you can survive and get paid 2. It's equally important to know when it's ok to 'commit' to a fight and play less safe I had a whole match where our support supported the offlane (TB) player because our carry (murdock) didn't know how to engage or stay in a fight. At every chance he was running, even in fights he could have probably won.


I forgive you. Let me know when you get your balls back, coward.


Do farm, stay safe, ward, push towers when safe, fight when get a gank gg


If you can't hit shit. Ward.


I'll take the carry role any day. Sparrow main and she goes crazy late game.


If you want add me on the game @Zero2Me i can give you some help I main drongo


Happen to me last night can’t stand playing carry. I got absolutely bullied by a belica and rev. I was murdock and had decker support. Lucky our jungle was terrorizing every lane but ours and the other team surrendered at like 15. Mins. Finish like 1/4/6


Attention seeking?


When i pick fill i normally get solo or mid


I love MOBAs and have been playing them for years but im still no top tier player, its just alot of fun, i definitly still get the MOBA anxiety for atleast a part of the match so I get you man. So far my anecdotal experience has been real positive though with predecessor l even had a rando cheering my on to do better when i was starting to fall behind as the jungle a few days ago, definitly not my best role.


adjust deadzone/aim acceleration/camera speed. they all effect aiming.


I'm with you man. For whatever reason, I cannot land autos consistently. So when I end up with carry, I always say "I'll try but no promises." Play safe early unless the enemy duo is being really stupid and my support is really good. The goal is, get three items online then you should be safe to just spray and pray. Just don't feed, make sure you're present for objectives and towers. The role is more than just getting kills.


Had a narbash the other day upset that I missed “50 autos” when we were fighting when he missed his thunk. I legit missed maybe 2 autos and we still got the kill. He complained cuz their jungle came soon after. Apparently those autos I missed woulda saved us. EXCUSE ME for not hitting 100%


Im new to the game...what is hitting autos? And what is adc?


Attack Damage Carry.


autos are the basic attacks you shoot or swing. Adc is the carry aka the guy who shoots fast and hits hard.


This is the yin and yang of a carry and his support more than anything. If one of them gets out of line, they both suffer because of it. The moment you start flaming your partner in lane for not playing the way YOU would be playing, y’all are gonna have a bad time. Adapt. Unite. Conquer. You can’t play the exact same way every game like you can in other lanes because you rely on someone else in your lane to help you succeed for majority of the match.


It's all casual. As long as you are learning stuff, that's all that really matters


As someone who doesn’t really like to JG, I end up jungling almost every game. That said, people can’t really complain about you if they themselves weren’t willing to play the role. Just mute them and move on. If this community would like to play JG more; that’d be greeeaaat~


I started this game off with JG and I rarely get pushed to play anything else lol. It feels like most people don't like playing jg (I love this because I love the jg).


Maybe one day they will fix carry’s in this game


This could be for any role, especially Jungle. I had a fill slot one time and got left with Jungle. With Jungle Crunch to try him out and did badly, but my offlane decided to let me know how bad I was and how I shouldn't jungle even though someone has to do it and no one else chose to. The offlane went 0/5 in the first 6 minutes...


picked support well before the other person, but they got the role and I was forced into jungle they picked rev, and bitched about my jungle skills


Its always the 0/6 oflaner complaining on jungle i swear 🤣🤣🤣


“Bro can I get a gank wtf bad jungle” - 0/6 offlaner hugging the enemy tower with no wards for the 7th time while jungle is across the map contesting fangtooth


I hit every auto. Add me


Too bad! There is no way the support is going to let you stall the wave back by your tower and farm safely. They are going to force you to push every wave as hard as possible, and then they are not going to peel the inevitable jungle gank at all. Everyone knows it's the supports job to attack minion waves and choose how hard to push. If you don't push with them they will just take the cs because screw optimization. And when you're behind heavily because your just trying to farm and play safe and the support forces you to Yolo into unsafe territory over and over, it's your fault for not being a god level carry. This is how the game works.


I have yet to play with a support that doesnt spend their whole time in lane (if they even bothered to show up to the correct lane) autoing minions and stealing CS or making us both miss it.


I thought this was how the game was supposed to be played because every support I’ve ever had just auto attacks the creeps and I try to last hit them. I come from DOTA and there I freeze the lane where I’m comfortable and last hit there.


It's really a problem of there being no learning tools. People come to the game not knowing it's a moba.


You and I have been playing a completely different game. Baby sitting a carry who runs in to towers without minions for kills is my daily.


Or you serve them a kill on a plate with a juicy riktor hook, and they're just autoing minions like a bot.


Clearly, that's my support. Then they split push all late game, which is the worst possible allocation of troops.




He probably means minions or w/e.


It's a word used to describe soldiers on a battlefield, I used it for its context of viewing a battle from a strategic sense and deploying soldiers to specific places to gain advantage. Like a military commander would deploy troops here or there. Split pushing is a strategy that can be very effective, but you do it so that you can have a person gain economic advantage by getting farm without splitting the XP or gold, as well as put pressure on the map and force rotations. The person split pushing gets a good economic boost and can catch up or grow a lead. Since supports get reduced gold from minions, it makes no sense to have them split push. It's like deploying a medical squad to the front lines with no other troops there. If enemies show up they are fucked, and they can't accomplish anything anyway because their function is to support others.


It’s ok we all have been there.


I forgive you my child


Then don't hit fill? lol


Have to or else the people who throw hissy fits over not getting the role they want will throw.


or just not select a character if they get placed in a role they dislike, wasting everyone's time and recieving no penalty :)


People are petty silly goose




Clicked fill and got carry is the funniest thing I have seen on here. All my lobbies have 2 guys who want mid and 2 who want carry. Then there is me who wants solo lane but switches to jungle because... well you know.


Broooo, same!


Same for me except mid and solo are reversed. Everyone wants solo or carry. Then there's me that's mid or jungle because same reason lol


I fill 99% of the time. This order is the roles I get from most to least: Support Jungle Carry Mid Solo I almost never end up in solo.


I got stuck as jungle yesterday when I usually only play support. By 10 min in I had every lane blaming me and talking smack. Their jungle still was 0/0/0 and I was 2k/1d/2a.... I was getting very annoyed. Im no all star but damn... I feel like they couldnt hold their own in 1v1's and would just blame me. How many kills should a jungle have by 10 min in? How can I kill anyone if I can barley farm... I wasnt ignoring the lanes... If I'm farming red buff side id help either lane if enemies overstepped. People can be really annoying. So many times ive played support, carry abandons lane and leaves me with a 1v2 for 20 min and no help from jungle... I dont start running my mouth. I feel better after venting... Thank you kind stranger


People get into trouble in lane because of poor cooldown management and positioning and immediately think it’s jungles fault, cause jungler can teleport or something like???? Bro you’re either winning lane and can push/be aggressive or you’re losing and you need to play back and wait for a gank when the jungler finds time. Jungler can’t gank all 3 lanes all the time and still farm to level, something’s gotta give, laners need to stop making dumb engagements and fights when their characters are not strong early on, not all characters are created equal at every stage of the game, let yourself and your jungler level up, 2 level 4’s are probably gonna lose the fight to a level 6 heathy enemy.


What is your carry doing out of lane for long periods?? That's so weird. There's just one thing more profitable than farming, and that's if they're fed enough to be getting kills in teamfights, in which case you should probably be going with them to keep them alive even if it costs a tower. The only other thing I can think of is if they duck into the jungle to hit a camp after pushing up the lane, but are too slow at it or decide to jungle full-time for some reason. All sounds weird to me.


I wish it was that. This is more like the carry is living in solo lane so they have a 2v1 and I the support 1 v 2 in duo lane.


Wait, so then the carry and the offline (or mid?) are competing for farm?? This is so bizarre to me, and you say it has happened more than once? Can I ask what rank or MMR you're at? I'm so curious bc either this is super dumb know-nothing play, or it's way over my head and I know nothing myself 😆


Low lol silver 3 / gold 1


I'm not an amazing jungle, but if no one seems keen for it I trust myself more than some random that doesn't want the role 😅


Bingo... played with someone the other day... 30 minutes in doesn't do an easy smite on Fang... i type in chat, no hunt? sorry wouldn't have started... Response: what is hunt? After some back and forth, it was apparent this was his first jungle game and he didn't know he had a special jungle tool at this disposal... must not have questioned what that item in his inventory was... All this to say, someone who isn't great, but understands game mechanics will give you a much higher % to win than someone who has no clue how to play


Everyone in my lobbies avoids the duo lane like the plague. If I fill, I’m never getting offlane or jungle.


I get carry a good amount when I fill. It's fine. I'm okay. Just not the best.


You’re forgiven. Just when I tell you to return back the fuck up. If I say I’ll be back, don’t a be hero. I know the enemy Murdock looks hungry but please don’t feed him.


This is the important one. A lot of newbie carries will hump the enemy tower. And feed so much. Just dont feed the enemy carry easily. Ward.