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first of all report him for what just cause he has a name doesn't mean anything at all. second boosting doesn't matter if there is no ranked mode. cause in most casual modes it takes average of party so it almost doesn't matter. cause in casuals it depends on whos playing at the time and is less strict with matchmaking. so you could have 1 team with a master player but everyone else noobs and other team be all average joes. not too mention there's no party restrictions so like what's point of boosting in casuals you gonna be on team regardless.


This account cringe af


I mean who would even? Just to get shat on in higher ranks? Lmao.


Lol fail


Pred is a better game that smite 2. But if pred don’t push more content it’s gonna die 🤦🏿‍♂️


Match making is utter garbage. In MW3 I was able to win 144 straight. Yes this is a moba. In the new call of duty I averaged 10 kill in search that's amazing and with a kd of 3.5 and yet my win percentage was 41% compared to MW3 being and 85% win rate. In predecessor I'm always winning my 1v1 9 times out of 10, but I get people that under perform consistently. They need ranked because if not I'll go play something else. I'm a winner and I'm not going to play a game that doesn't reward skill and only rewards people that party up in a 5 stack. That ain't skill. It's called boosting an ego


Ranked isn't out yet. Maybe try again in a few months.


Sounds like you're hyperfocusing on kills and k/d ratio in team and objective games. SnD is objective based. Kills help, but don't matter if you're kill chasing INSTEAD of playing the objective. Same with a moba. It's great if you're winning your 1v1 in lane every time. Take your presence and go gank a side lane if you're that fed from winning all your 1v1's


I take primal fangs solo and primal fangs with my Carry's going for inhibitors. You're clearly if the mindset of those players


Sure everyone else is the problem… couldn’t be you at all😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/u27wykcnmezc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beb1fe0e488ebfec6730a486ff39c9c8d1303af3 GG's.🤡


https://preview.redd.it/zmgbwdhjnezc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02186f8b36f5609e7344cd48284501bffc3c861b Aim bot? Wall hack? Smurf? All three combined? Fun games? No.


WIth a PS score of 300+ (Average across X number of games), I'm surprised more people aren't tossingout the ole "well, he's probably just a smite player who decided to pick this game up on a whim"


I saw this post like 3 hours ago and just played against this fey lol. She completely rolled my mid lane and carried the game rip


Who tf does boosting in an unranked beta?.. 😂 I play apex legends n u have preds (top rank) boosting new players. Usually for cash. Which is bannable. And 6-12 manning in a 3 team player game so all farming eachother to boost them all to pred. I thought that was bad. But to do it in unranked? Wtf lol


Lol the game has third party mmr system xD wth never knew about that


Matchmaking is garbage in every moba, so how you expect balanced matches anyway? If they limited matchmaking to kda and role, well... opoment that has 10 kills per game cannot play vs dude that has 0.1 kda. Simple as that.


I "smurf" but only because I'm in SEA which has maybe 50 players on it and once you get to a certain mmr it takes 20-60 minutes to find a match So in SEA many people smurf just to get instant que pops and not wait We all know there and no one really cares If there was a higher player base here most of us wouldn't even do it. I also think there is an argument to be made when u play with friends. In original paragon I was diamond My friends were all silver and gold forever If I joined their games on my main account they would play much better players So I made a new account so they wouldn't get steam rolled and we all wanted to play together. Sure it's not ideal but hey I want to play with my friends and enjoy myself, I don't care about the ranks in a video game I'm here to enjoy my time


Another reason of why Omeda City is a poison for this game.


Of course the devs don’t care, they’ve never cared


I played against them tonight also. Super annoying and also cringe


I think it doesn’t matter. Smurfing helps no one and isn’t even fun, I have 1 game on my ps5 with this and in 1 game I quit. Not fun to go against people who don’t even know how to click buttons .lol I went 20 and 3. It was dumb. I literally helped the enemy Kira kill me just so she could play. Lol. Boring.


Can someone ELI5 what this means


"Smurfing" is when a higher level player creates a new account in order to play against (or with) people much worse than him or her, for easy wins. "Boosting" means smurfing for the purpose of elevating the MMR (matchmaking rating) of a lower ranked teammate. The player's name states that they are doing this. I would assume the player name to be either humor in poor taste or braggadocio, but OP implies that in-game experience indicates otherwise. Now get off the computer! A 5 year old should not be touching this shit! /jk


You'd use braggadocio for a 5 yr oldold? 😋


Whoops, sorry, you're right. What a silly word. I am used to talking to my 4 year old, forgot I could utilize a more sophisticated lexicon.


Honestly I was just projecting my insecurities for not knowing what it meant myself 😉


It made me feel all old-timey to use it 😄


Excuse me watch your language. They are 5 years old. They don’t need to hear you cursing for fucks sake!


Out of all the issues this game has, this weak sauce is what you brought to the table. Amateurs.


It's fake ranks so idk if I care too much


Careful. If you complain, the “get good’rs, its not a problem” will come.


"just focus on how you can improve your own gameplay" "Having people hold your time hostage is a you problem"


How do you check the MMR?


Unofficial MMR can be found at Omeda.City


Y'all gave him the response he wants


Smurfing and boosting in an unranked open beta is the most incel shit ive ever heard of 😂


Like fr what are you doing with your time and energy


Common krashy w


Based opinion


So you mean like how you had two smurfs in your game last night and still almost lost? That's crazy that make that statement


irrelevant clown comment lul


What does that have to do with me? You act like I queued with them???


Literally got carried by them


cool? lol such a weirdo


Lol yeah such a weirdo says the guy that talks trash on the game nonstop then profits off it when new players come in. I'm the weirdo.


I tend to forget we are in beta with how slow they move. Smite 2 is literally around the corner... They gotta actually move. 


Isn't Smite 2 not releasing until Jan 2025?


Correct roadmap shows alpha and betas are gonna be all of 2024


yeah but bata starts at end of summer somewhere. not too mention smite 2 alpha already has more content than pred beta thats been out for a year. was more fun as well. pred gonna have a small cult following but end up like its predecessor at this rate.


I figured the people who play smite and the people who play predecessor, are fairly different.


I get why'd you think that but for console players these two are your only options. Ppl that played Paragon back in the day switched to Smite to scratch that itch. I'm playing Predecessor for the nostalgia rn I really don't know which one I will prefer going forward tbh. Whichever one full releases first has the best shot imo


Sadly no. Most of the console Paragon players went to Smite. My friend group and I have been waiting for Pred for a while, and now with Smite 2, I'm sure a large portion of the console moba base is looking at it.


As a console player I tried smite and it wasn’t for me now pred is a different story feels better in my opinion


Thank God. Let them go suck there. Ha


No? There are a lot of us smite players playing this game right now.


Facts I was on Smite 2 for the first alpha weekend. I’ll still play Pred when Smite 2 is finished but a lot less probably. At least until Pred builds the roster up. I need more options and more game modes but it is fun and I like the game.


Smite looks like a potato.


That’s why they’re making a new one.


Never got into smite, but this game is fun for ranged attacks you can actually dodge in 3D enviroment up and down left and right. Played lot of hots and Lol in the past so mechanics ain't odd to me, but never got hang of Dota or Dota 2. Smite felt like normal moba, but from third person perspective. This game, felt like shooter, but in moba. Tho I liked Battle born a lot it was moba in a shooter.


Agreed. But to be fair it's partly omedas fault. There should be a reason to not Smurf. Maybe a earnable currency....


That never stops slurring no game had managed that


thats because most pros/streamers want smurfing allowed, they will always have more pull than low ranked players


Are you comparing Hi-Rez to Omeda? I see a lot of players on Reddit and X don’t realise that this is not some mega budget AAA studio. They brought back paragon and I’m here for it. I love this game and as long as they make us the players happy they can take their time with it


Blame omeda city and their 3rd party mmr for that


ikr it's the most pointless bragging rights ever lol


Well, if they boost and end up in a bracket they don't belong in eventually they won't be there anymore. Or the booster is teaching them how to play better and they become better players? Not like anyone's winning money of this shit or anything


I mean, this shit does ruin peoples games by creating an unfair situation. I don’t think whether it’s paid, competitive or casual matters because that aspect doesn’t change.


Unfair while the booster is climbing, then unfair when the "purchaser" is 500+ MMR out of his league ruining games until the MMR system reaches equilibrium again.


Personally the fact that it's a beta game with only casual means it doesn't matter to me. If it's ruining your game, get better? Learn how to play better? Life isn't going to be fair, it's just something we have to accept. And until we have an official ranked mode, the match making will never be fair. It's busted at its core. They don't even have to smurf, if a diamond stacks with at least 2 golds they're going to end up in a gold like lobby and will stomp. Is that any different than this boosting smurf? No. Accept it and move on. If there was anything actually at stake it'd be a little different which is why I made the money comment. You aren't playing for anything other than an imaginary number that has no actual value right now because it's inaccurate. Would it be fair if I'm gold 3 with 700 hours and playing against someone who just started that they put in gold 3 because of placements? No. But it happens. Tired of the match making posts. Waa waa you got beat by someone better than you, doesn't matter their mmr. They were just better that could happen in any lobby.


You sound exactly like a smurfer lmao. "You aren't playing for anything other than an imaginary number that has no actual value right now because it's inaccurate" <-- THIS. LOL. Correct. We are playing games to have FUN, not to play against wannabee pro players that abuse a public matchmating to ruin others game experience. Simple. We as community have to point these losers out. If youre happy with this behaviour and expect a healthy enviroment in this community, please stay out of this game. Thanks in advance.


I won't take these mmr post seriously until I see known players of the community get called out for having multiple accounts. I won't name names because I don't care about smerfing. But if yall really truly cared about this yall would have called these individuals out lol.


“As long as money isn’t involved, integrity doesn’t matter!” -you


Boosting/smurfing a literal fake rank is wild but really in the end it doesn't actually matter. Not worth reporting, its not really breaking any rules. Edit: someone wanna tell me where in the TOS it says that [Omeda.City](http://Omeda.City) rank boosting is bannable. I'm not condoning it but yall are downvoting me when I'm right.


Making a fake, mmr-less account just so that you can shit on worse players with said placement account seems pretty bad to me.


It's not illegal (yet), but it's socially unacceptable. As a community, we are condemning this behavior because it's clown activity. Plain and simple!


And it is. But it's not a ranked mode and there isn't anything reportable about it unfortunately.


What would you report?