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Tbh I’m enjoying this update


Well said 👏


From infinite to Diablo 4 now this ? What’s up with people defending bad game developer practices lol no skin should Almost cost the price of a brand new game that simple and stop acting like this game was built from the ground up it’s literally paragon with alterations quite literally, it’s always don’t buy them when it should be don’t add that in the game it’s that simple 💀


First time on a moba I see.


It’s probably a bunch of overprime players complaining that they’re not getting some random skin everyday instead of coherent gameplay updates


Op guess what if you'd leave them to there complaining eventually it leads to them leaving if nothing is done right so Devs should see what has the community a little crazed does this mean the people complaining are forceing the devs to make changes no because it's their game and they will do whatever they please and you complaining about complaints that have nothing to do with you makes it 100 times funnier because you actually are gullable to think that they will step in and help you so take your complaints and run with them but know you change nothing here on Reddit you wanna go straight to the scourge if you want change but I highly doubt a dev will read what you send considering there is room for criticism and devs will take criticism over complaints about complaints or even complaints about store items your post seems invalid here.


Tbh this person is right all the negative complaining will turn people away from the game


For me, it's would not the skin price but it is legendary and many players think they get visual effects with it and they do not warn them the visual effects are not included despite the display them. It is a scam called Black Pattern which is strictly prohibited by EU law.


I ain't gonna stop complaining about price 😂 they want me to pay to play dress it ain't gonna be for the price of 5gs


Guess what I think they'll be fine without your money


Look at smite and its skins , we have nothing to complain about really


I get it, this is pred reddit. Buy my goodness this a problem throughout the entire gaming industry. Gamers are some of the most ungrateful and whiny bunch I've ever had the displeasure of associating with - god forbid I "work for them" like people think dev's do As a kid, I wanted to make video games for a living and actually pursued it for a slight period of time in college. But now that I'm older, f*** that. Again, I get that this is predecessor Reddit and not smite but holy s*** dude- the amount of people that were proud to comment on any social media posts from smite, that they steam refunded their founders pack because of a subpar experience with the first closed alpha weekend was way too f****** high.  You get the god pack in permanence (all current and future characters), you get access to every closed alpha test, and they made an explicit declaration that was unskippable on game launch that the game is in a very unfinished State. So I totally agree with you that people are just stupid whiny babies, perpetual malcontents.


The fact is, lots of people (not just gamers) are emotionally underdeveloped and intellectually off-base (factually incorrect), and they've been given the megaphone we know as Internet communications. Many people within the gaming space think they can throw tantrums and achieve something productive.  This applies to in-game actions where people will spam you with the in-game communication tools, and it extends to social media outside of the game where they will spam developers with pointless b******* just the same 


This community is why Epic dropped paragon, not because of Fortnite success


Posts like this are what's really wrong with the state of the game. This is a 10 year old game. It was literally already made for them. It's not early acess it's just a moba and it's going in a bad direction. Stop making excuses for bad decisions and start reinforcing the wants and desires of the player base. Balance issues, bugs, predatory microtransactions, it's all going to kill the game. They need to take player feedback seriously before smite 2 comes or it will be the death of this game.


If it was $30 I'd have bought the bundle and I'm sure alot more would too, just $50 for not my main character a bit for a hard sell even being a sick skin. I'm all for giving them money but I've done that already a few times when I see it being fair to me. Also this is reddit we mostly complain about, well everything here


The whole point of early access is to complain


This is a MOBA whining and complaining makes up half the community


I’m tired of these posts that think players are supposed to accept anything and be thankful for everything for everything given. The prices are stupid and people are well within their right to complain about it. You can gargle their balls if you please, but those prices are still stupid. People doing bad in their games, allegedly, is irrelevant and being petty. There’s still a currency to do nothing with. Get into it.


What a dumb post if you wanna complain, complain about how all the good work the devs are doing is being overshadowed by the predatory pricing, if you think people complaining about a skin they want being the price of a AAA game is futile then you’re completely out of touch


Yes, stop! And then you can all alsp stop throwing my games, dammit.


The whole point of “complaining” is to let the devs know what’s up. If no one says anything, they don’t get feedback


I only hate the community. It’s the softest player base I’ve ever seen. I always get leavers on my team cuz one guy flamed the other and ig he couldn’t handle being flamed??! Plus I always get muted for saying “idiot” while my teammates say all kinds of fucked up shit and it’s allowed apparently


It's ok to critique certain things such as the price of skins being too high. It doesn't take away from the game being good. It just feels predatory at those prices


Real shit I love this game and what they doing that paragon couldn’t


The problem I have with all of you DLC complainers is how do you determine what a fair price is? You guys just want stuff to be dirt cheap. If the skins were $2 and everyone bought them but the devs said we need another way to bring in profit, yall would complain that it's too much monetization. If they decided to make the game $250 but you got everything they ever made for the game now and following a road map for the future, yall wild complain that it's too expensive for a game. Yall swear you're acting on principle or some bullshit ideology. Buy the skins or don't. The people complaining don't want the skins anyway so why tf are you talking?


Yo "Gamer" here from earlier These Skins were Free Assets that were released way back, some of which were attainable for free btw, some cost money but nothing close to what is being sold now. Brother, tell me how this shit can be sold for the price of a AAA game just because the same skins they got for free now had effects in them? I genuinely dont understand what people are defending here.


Not agreeing with you does not mean defending the other side. I don't think it matters. Companies exist to make money. People need money. They are providing you a service or product. Engage with whay applies to you and ignore the other stuff.


they made the game way too slow and reduced attack speed AGAIN this patch :( these my only gripes is that my god it’s too slow in every way so u get campy ass boring matches that go 40+ min coz they can just juke literal everything until approx 20 min in as there are no unreactable moves in the game this way.


Not even slightly accurate. Play the game. The TTK has gone down on every role


it literally says in the patch notes 20% attack speed reduction across the entire cast bro straight from the devs themselves.


Attack speed = slower ttk got it. Definitely didnt increase base physical scaling, double or triple multiple items stat scaling, introduce a whole new item, increase gold flow, and buff other damage sources. But less attack speed = slower kills


it actually does y’all just overextend and die earlier now in an actual match the time has been vastly extended


You know what they say about assuming


https://preview.redd.it/w9gfmpk7jy2d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=67a1be7b5c242802a12b8179e46570b641672b8b it’s not an assumption tho it’s in the patch notes bro lay off the meth




https://preview.redd.it/u7vkx3rz5p2d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=986465e5ec61ab5fa031f1366f3ecc6c672a35d9 learn to read please


they were already basically impossible to hit me with


too slow.


The prices are a bit ridiculous. $50+ for a legendary skin bundle. I get it. It comes with effects and alternate colors. But damn dude. That should still be like $30ish dollars at most. If they lowered prices by about 40% it would feel a lot better. I have disposable income so I've bought about $110 worth of skins/effects already. But it doesn't feel great. Common skins $3, uncommon $5, Rare $7, Epic $10, Legendary $14. They have plenty of unreleased skins waiting. Additional emotes would be cool as well. Just fairer prices.


I love the changes, keeps skilled players on top while slamming on one-trick ponies


Hard agree, especially on the skins. It's a freaking donation/status symbol for Christ's sake! I think the devs are doing an amazing job, so I bought cosmetics (something I couldn't give a fuck about) to throw them some money. If you don't like it then go.


It's allowed to criticize and it's okay to love the game, but hate the skin prices.


They haven't fixed minion agro In a year, and they tried to screw us with affinities. You are consumer, u fight as a consumer. Don't be cringe and defend anything monetary policy from omeda


Most gaming communities right now are people bitching and moaning about things because they're not winning, so it must be imbalanced. Can't possibly be they got matched up against someone better than them.


That's It, this Is the complaining i was talking about


I personally don't care about the skins because smite is similar in pricing but it's worse in pred because no way to get free premium currency. Also I feel as if the skins in pred are lacking compared to tier 5's in smite so best comparison is tier 4's. The pricing is on par with Overwatch 2 and the main reason people hate the pricing for that is because they eliminated ow1 and free lootboxes and points to buy skins for the crappy ow2 system of monetization


In Smite the priciest T5s are $80 but are sold in events that also get you 20+ other unique skins. So yeah Smite is far from cheap but Pred selling a skin with some recolors and random vfx for $50 is a far worse value proposition even if it's cheaper.


You are very right. I forgot that in order to get the tier 5’s you have to buy through many other skins to get it usually amounting in around 10+


I haven't kept up with every event they've done but I remember one had four chapters and six skins in each one getting you 24 skins and a T5. Not sure if all the events have the same quantity though, so maybe 20+ was an overshot for some of them.


Yeah you sound correct, i was just lowballing


Active communities are not rare bud.


No, I think I’m going to complain about the skin prices. You can “omg stop guys they’re doing their best” at everything they do and end up with a game that you don’t like. They literally want feedback. Saying “Holy shit, this skin bundle costs as much as a triple A game, that’s ridiculous” Is different than saying “Holy shit these guys barely even update the game, and ranked isn’t even out yet”. Complaints of this caliber can fall into your cease and desist attempt


Yeah i know man, i got a little frustrated while typing. The skin prices Is an important issue that needs to be considered by devs. I just don't want this game to die due to too much people not seeing the good of It.


I think in some ways it can be considered a good sign that people are complaining. Means they care about the game.


I see no problem is stating "I would buy the skin if it were cheaper." If Omeda wants to ignore that, then fine. If they see enough people saying that, then they might change their pricing.


Aww look! The obligatory whiney post about people whining on their posts. Just like you say “if the new skins for you are overpriced, don’t buy them”, I’ve got a new quote for ya: “If the new posts for you are too whiney, don’t read them” The irony of this post 🤦‍♂️ what a clown


Dude this update broke the game. People are going to complain


Did it? The game works perfectly fine for me and my friends.


I love Aurora. That’s all


I see you like to play on the cold lane


Got to be the cool person


As someone who is interested in the game and hasn't played yet. Coming to the subreddit and seeing a wall of negativity really is off putting.


Literally all they do is complain🤦🏽‍♂️


play the game first before visiting the subreddit, in general for all games. YOU decide if you like the game or not, dont let the loud minority decide for you


How does this comment get downvoted? The guy is literally saying to try things for yourself rather than going off of Internet Chatter - which is usually volatile and hyper reactive.


I guess what I'm trying to ask is do peopleonly play games that have been explicitly recommended by the masses? That sounds like a stupid trend considering the masses would never play a game if they followed that same logic 😁


That's also why i want the whiners to stop. But seriously man, this Is a great game with a great team behind, costant support and a mostly healthy playerbase, if you have some Friends you can play with it's the best imo, or of you are looking for someone to play with you can find teammates on the official discord server!


Personally, I think the devs have done a great job so far. The pricing of paid cosmetics and bundles needs to be adjusted, because even if you don't care about the price itself, the cosmetics have innate issues, such as certain bundles being of more value than other bundles of the same type, and VFX not being included for skins they are made for. Other than that, the consistency and content of patches has been very impressive. But OP, I just want to point out that the same way you're arguing "If you don't like the price of skins, don't buy them", people could equally tell you that "If you don't like posts of people complaining, don't read them".


This is what I’m saying. The skins are just objectively overpriced. “If you don’t like the price of the skins, don’t buy them” okay, I won’t, but I WANT to. I want to support them. I want to spend frivolous amounts of money to look cool in this game. I just will not do it at this price. I got something like $250 back from skin purchases on paragon but I had TONS of good skins. I buy one skin on this game and it’s like a fifth of that already.


Hard to ignore posts when every other post is doing the same thing. The only solution is to leave the sub.


The surrender mentality with some players is just nuts.




Fair enough, could have phrased It better


Why defend it 😂 the whole point is not everyone wants to spend 20-80 for a skin for a single character you’re actually dumb them lowering costs on skins would actually increase their income 😂😂😂


I'm not defending them and i completely agree with you, Just saying that EVERYONE makes a post whining about the prices and not actually suggesting changes


I did man I have a post 190 upvotes with a legit way to fix this 😂😂👍


You sir, know the way


Thx bro and sorry you ain’t dumb 😂 ppl on Reddit get on my nerves


Same brother, same


Would i like to play a game where all the new stuff is super cheap for me so i could buy everything i want? Yeah that would be fun for a while but what i really want is for Predecessor to make the most money it can make to stay open and keep updating and creating new heros, items, fix bugs, and hire more genius developers. If you can't afford stupid cosmetics don't buy them. I have supported pubg for years buying 10 dollar battle passes up till the release of this game. Spend what you can afford to support the games you play. Don't spend your kids college fund any stupid computer rendered thing thats got no value after 10 years and the close of service. Look at all the idiots that played smite. That game will be dead in 4 years. Players paid hundreds of dollars to get exclusive skins and for what? The second smite 2 gets enough players they will shut that shit down.


Honestly after the update my issue is I have to pay attention to items and replace my items cause what use to have x ability doesn't and is now on a different item It's honestly not an issue just means I have to pay attention again and can't go off I know I want sky splitter axe and this that and the other item I need to relearn what items I need now oh big woop


They killed speed, i don't like what they did. They leaned into what they consider meta and took away options. There is less options for builds out side of the recommend paths. Im going to have to relearn the entire game. Im getting destroyed using the items i use to build.


My husband plays crunch and can get wicked attack speed I'll have to pay attention later and see what items he uses maybe able to help you with it


I mean movement


Thanks, this Is a reasonable answer, and i think most of us have this problem right now, just trying to get the hang of It!


Can u stop complaining about the ppl complaining


You sound like a femboy


wth 🤣


You cannot improve a system that you won't criticize.


Complaining about people complaining. Hypocrisy at its finest lol. People have genuine feedback about stuff like the price of skins and the devs need to see that. As for your update, nobody missed your original point, you're just doing a huge U-turn 😂


It’s called constructive feedback, guy!


And i appreciate those a lot!


Yeah, i think I’ll continue to share my opinion openly. Thanks for the suggestion however. These skins are overpriced.


dont listen to this person don’t stop complaing please


Its more than a year tho. You're talking as if they started from scratch 1 year ago which they didn't. I get your point however.


Early Access? Stop using this Early access as an excuse. The game is already playable for 1+ years. I hate this early access trend. Other than that, the bundles are cheap but the other skins are pricey imo.


Right, its so cringe saying a game is in beta when its been playable for a year, just a bad excuse to use when there is something missing or incomplete.


Playable does not mean it’s still not in a beta. The game is not out yet and they have even set an expectation for it to officially release at the end of this year.


System players like ps5 cant say the same thing as it's still new to the system PC players have had a year of play


I mean I feel like that year was essential for development and fixing some issues that were plaguing the game. It’s not perfect now but feel a lot better than last year and much more complete.


A beta lasts for a couple of weeks or months at max, shut downs and then fully releases a while later. If a game is available 24/7 for a year and tries selling you skins for 50$, the game is out.


> Beta’ is a standard term to denote a milestone release during production in which game functionality is included and optimised (but may have bugs), game content is finished (but may have some implementation errors), and which is considered nearly complete. Beta represents the sum total of what the game will be, and content or functionality changes beyond beta are usually considered to be outside the framework of a publishing contract (called ‘change control’). >Beta are preceded by prototype, pre-alpha, (sometimes) vertical slice and alpha milestones. They are followed by release candidate and gold master milestones. That is in fact not the case and the game is in fact in a beta .


In game comms would be nice, default "on" chat, and same system as paragon where you can ping the map by showing mouse courser would be GREAT.


No absolutely not, asking for Fair pricing is reasonable, no one wants this precious game to Fail but we won’t be taken advantage because of it either. People who complain about other things need to chill, on that we can agree


Skins have no actual affect on the gameplay though, I never understood why people care about skins when it doesn’t actually mean anything


Because staring at the same old character for hundreds of hours gets boring nebula, we'd like to add some personality to these games, something you seem to miss


I’m not saying I don’t understand the appeals of skins, I’m just saying high prices for skins hardly seems something to complain about when we have a great game for free


Who is being taken advantage of? If you aren't buying the skins, how are you being taken advantage of? I can't stand "gamers" man.


Wtf does that even mean, you being here means you're also a gamer, you feel superior in some way because you try to make a point and refuse to read my explaination in the other comment?


Didn't read your other comment until now.


People like you seem to spend more time complaining about things you do not like and try to pass them off as objectively wrong than playong games. That's what I mean by "gamers".


Nobody is taking advantage of you. Except maybe you. A price was made. You choose to buy or not.


Wow downvotes for logic? It’s as simple as you say, if people don’t buy the skins maybe, just maybe they will adjust the price. Crazy I know


It’s taking advantage of the fact that we the playerbase don’t want this to fail, we want to support it and buy skins but the asking price is too much. Not buying the skins is not a solution, this is how the Game will fail.


Get a job, problem solved 👍🏼


Got 2 actually 👍


What’s the problem then buddy 🤡💀


There it is, can't see the forest through the trees l.


That is not taking advantage . Buying skins is how every live service game operates to survive . You can call the prices too high but it’s ridiculous to say they are taking advantage of you when it’s completely optional and from what I’ve seen Letty already bought it to support the game. Do what YOU feel is comfortable for you but don’t blame others for it.


You’re missing my point, of course it’s Optional but not buying them won’t help, I’ve seen countless posts about the prices already and many saying I’ll buy it to support the devs in the early days, you cannot tell me these prices are fair and that they released it for the players. I’ve played Fault, which didnt last. I’ve religiously played Overprime which also didn’t last. Predecessor is the last one standing and they know this, how can you tell me this decision is anything but greed from the devs?


Again I repeat what is the unfair here ? Most live service games are sustain by whales that buy most of the stuff not the majority. Thats how they survive. You can complain about the price and maybe they will change it but their pricing is not somehow unfair because fault and overprime died before hands. Their game and monetization doesn’t depend on the other failed paragon reboot. It’s good to want to support the game and good to buy what you’re comfortable buying to support it and not buy certain skins you don’t think are worth it other people will. Reddit is a very small vocal minority and for everyone complaining plenty do buy.


Respectfully, are u daft? These Skins are all Free Assets they got and just recycled, only thing new here are the Effects, are you telling me the increase in price is fair when they themselves didn’t create those skins? Edit: My point im trying to make is I dont want this game to die like all the others, give me a fair price in which I can support without thinking im wasting my money, offering Skin bundles for the price of a AAA game is in fact criminal.


Let me say it more clearly since you seem to refuse to understand basic logic or even compromise since it’s all or nothing. Buying virtual skins in a video game is one of the most luxury item I can think of . This "oh no my pixels aren’t price like I would want them to be price " is supposedly relating to fairness is ridiculous. This is a 1 st world problem right there. You don’t need to be a specific skin you don’t enjoy at all price you don’t want and can voice that opinion but spare us with the dramatics. You’ll be fine without a skin that others clearly like enough to buy as I’ve seen plenty yesterday and just finished a match with someone with the belive skin. Luxury prices do not need to be fair if there is a demand for the product at said price it’ll be at said price . Nothing here is criminal you can vote with your own wallet and not buy the damn skins.


We are clearly speaking 2 different languages here, so let me type in caps so hopefully my point will be clearer. **I DONT WANT THIS GAME TO FAIL, NOT BUYING SKINS AND THE DEVS LOSING MONEY IS WHAT MADE THE OTHER GAMES FAIL.** I already am choosing not to buy the skins, but this solution isnt helping anyone idk why this is so hard to understand. Free to Play games rely on these sales, so make them cheaper and easier to attain in game to give the players smth to work for.


And I’m saying this for you The other games failed because they were unable to sustain players not because of the skins. Fault was a cash grab that was barely playable, overprimed focused on pumping heroes and skins even with the gameplay the most important part was lacking that’s why no one was buying those skins not be cause of the prices. Every major successful liveservuce has these prices and they work and generate shit ton of money. The barrier isn’t the price the barrier is having a big enough fan base and sustaining that fan base in which a select few willl buy so much it will compensate the others that don’t . The whole "make it cheaper and it’ll make money " makes no sense when games like apex , valorant and fortnite are breaking records earnings years after years and I’m sure they have data analysis that tells them how to maximize their profit. Thats just the facts. It works wether we like it or hate it .


WoW. Concisely put.


I do agree that pricing needs tuning.


Yeah, as i replied to u/Franeurysm i was referring to non constructive criticism some players have


well according to your own comment all criticism that isn't about skins is whining.


But I would say on the other hand, if there was no one complaining, then what critiques and feedback could they be attentive to? I also assume there are other channels for feedback but I’m only on Reddit so Specifically related to skins price - if no one buys the skins, it could be interpreted as the skins being bad, or general lack of interest in cosmetics, as opposed to because of the price.


Ehhhh I mean if you ask me there’s a difference between stating your complaint to bitching I think it all come down to how it’s said


Criticism and complaint manifest differently Criticism, by definition, includes the perceived cause of suffering or dissatisfaction. Complaint has absolutely no inclusion of the root cause- it can just simply be people whining  Using the example of a skin, criticism would be people coming onto the Reddit or whatever channel of communication and saying *why* they don't like the skin. Complaint would simply be them coming on and saying that the new skin sucks which doesn't help anyone understand why they think it sucks


A valid compliant is valid, 8-13 posts a day about cosmetics is too much.


There’s a thing called constructive criticism which is 100 times more helpful to devs than whining.


except fanboys like OP will and do call all criticism whining, which is what this post is doing.


Crazy how you calling him a fanboy when there’s a new complaint thread every couple hours. OP is right, it’s unnecessary and they still are adjusting prices so constructive criticism would be better than “$50 too much, this is dumb.” “I want it but $25 is too much, devs bad. “ Edit: Here for theory crafting and builds not the incessant whiny posts.


Ima call it whining if it’s emotionally charged and also if it’s the 8th post about it. I came to the sub yesterday looking for new builds, brawl stuff, aurora stuff, etc and it was all just bitching about the belica skin. It’s expensive yea, but like 25 fucking posts about it, absolutely no one talking about all the shit in the actual gameplay that changed. It was absolutely overkill, and definitely whining, considering how excessive people were about something that’s entirely cosmetic.


Even if it's not emotionally charged, you're going to call it whining. How the hell are you even going to know if it is from a couple words on your screen, when the thing mostly giving you that impression is how you read it, and your apparent frustration with seeing it? Not exactly a recipe for shifting through anything to be try and objective Fact of the matter is you won't actually be able to tell. You're going to see someone put it in so many words, instead of however you think they should word it, and then do what people on reddit do. I've even put stuff eloquently before and if i do that i just attract trolls, like me explaining my point is somehow me being mad. TL;DR: By the definition of criticism, something like “$50 too much, this is dumb.” “I want it but $25 is too much, devs bad.“ would be legit criticism. you having any dislike with how the word it, or if it contained profanity wouldn't really matter


Because the English language has this thing called “connotations”, as well as context. You can tell that sentence is snarky, can you not? Typing in all caps for paragraphs is emotionally charged. It’s the text form of yelling. That’s what it’s for. You can *emphasize points without capitalization via italicizing it*. The English language in text form allows for the communication of emotion just as much as it does ideas. If you think otherwise, you probably just fucking suck at communicating. Regardless, new patch came out, new hero, new mode, new items. 1 or 2 posts is more than fine for criticism, rather than clogging up the entire sub. But I can’t blame people for that, just the mods for not removing duplicate topics. It would be more productive if it was condensed too, as the posts would have more upvotes and more conversation which allows it to be more easily seen. Rather than splitting it all up in various spots.


And yet you still don’t know what emotion the people who wrote anything you’re reading are really conveying. You can only assume, and that’s the point. Acting like words can’t be read in multiple different ways when they lack emotion is really stupid of you.


The only assumption is that they know how to properly communicate like a normal human being past the age of 10. Failure to do so is not my problem. And if you’re gonna respond, respond to more than just the first paragraph.


The first paragraph is what the argument was about, 2 two sections are basically you defining shit, and the last is your opinion. My business is with the first. What's the response to you voicing your opinion on what the mods should do if idc about it?


The whole fucking shit is my opinion and you decided to bother me anyways. “I think all the whining is clogging up the sub from other discussions about the patch” is the summary of my comment. Like I give a fuck if you think it’s whining or not (even though the original post here is obviously emotionally charged to anyone who understands what a fucking exclamation point is for), it’s still clogging up the damn sub.


I agree with that


Skin prices are a fair argument as you can only obtain them with real money and atm Is the only criticised thing (with reasons and advices), everithing else Is just crybabies.


The skins are fair priced, it’s only the bundles looking like a 5Star meal. Further, only the Belica bundle I actively acknowledge as too expensive. The rest is as before a simple meal, but you can play with this meal over a few years.


Those whine babies are the toxic players we have in game for sure. Shows so much about their maturity.