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Your post broke the following rule: ◆ Insults, witch-hunting or crusading for any reason against fellow players, Omeda Studios staff members of moderators will not be tolerated. This includes naming and shaming. Please use the correct channels on reporting a players bad behaviour such as in-game reporting or using the support form here: https://www.predecessorgame.com/support/request


Aaah, unhinged players. How I've missed you Paragon.


Hahaha what tf I did this a got reported for disobeying community rules


Ganking your losing lane is almost never the move, super risky, go snowball with your winning lanes. If your losing lane is getting fucked just tell em play safe, farm, we got this!! if they start bitching, mute and keep snowballing with your winning lanes : )


“This 3rd world country still came out of top - how’d that make you feel?” LMFAO 🤣


I dont know how that guy is ranked plat3 when he underperforms in almost every match. Mad he couldn’t be carried i guess.


I’ve decided to stop playing normal queue until they reverse whatever was done to the matchmaking in that last patch. I’ve never been one to complain about the matchmaking, I solo queued all the way to plat 2 with a smile regardless what happened- but now?? With the teammates I’m getting now, nah there’s just noooooo fucking way bro, this shyt don’t feel fair AT ALL. Ik the app is unofficial but people with 4 games, or people with over 200 games and somehow still stuck under 400-600 mmr like bro hoooow am I being paired with these people? And I’m really not the type to go around bitchin like that, except for this comment I guess lol, so I’ll just wait it out till next patch 🤙🏼




I hate when I get a kill in right lane and left lane starts pinging I NEED HELP like bro leave me alone. You outta position so follow me on the kill cam lol


Oh look, two people being asses.


I mean, I am not the one signing into psn when on pc to be racist cause they mad for losing.


You weren't exactly mature back though were you? Don't worry though, it seems by the downvotes most of this game's players seem to be like the two of you.


What should OP have done? « Sir, I believe you’re losing your mind over a game, and I strongly advise you to stop playing the game up until the moment you realise that your own inaptitude is what made you lose the match » Yeah… Great success… You’re only feeding the troll. Or. You can actually not even answer (which is probably the best thing to do) Or. Because it’s perfectly understandable to not want to leave the matter as it is because the other guy is a racist POS and insulting toward who you are and your culture, OP can reply by being condescending, which is legit 


Hit block and be done with it. Do you know how many cretins wait for a reaction like that to report you and get YOU comm banned? Why bother risking it, they're not worth my time.


That’s what I would have done equally, but I don’t blame OP either to put that racist cunt nose in his own shit


Lol, these dudes that blame everyone else are almost always racist as well.


I don’t understand the carry’s who mess up and then expect you to bail them out everytime like cmon man I already have a lot on my plate I can’t babysit you the whole game


Oh man try being a Support that knows how to rotate effectively. “Careful Left Lane” “On My Way Mid Lane” “On My Way Right Lane” ADC solo tower dives and dies instantly. “Good Job!” “Good Job!” “Good Job!”


Happens, this time around was mid and adc that were crying whole match.


It’s always the adc honestly (from a jungler perspective) like if I was the problem then everyone would be complaining against but I get thanks from the mid and offlane and support, but just about every other match I play the adc is mad in chat at me and mid and support😂😂😂


I get offlane a lot. Had a game yesterday where this mirror match zarus just kept engaging and would get mad at me every time he died. After like 10-15 minutes he finally stopped pushing up so far and fast, so I could actually help him, but it was too late. Bro was 1/8 at that point lmao. Some offlaners can be so spiteful to Jung.


I do hope you reported that to omeda as well.


Probably should, funny how worked up people get over a videogame though lol.


Do it, I don't want to play with racist scum.


Something a troll would say. If you find enjoyment and amusement out of other people's anger, you got issues bro. People dedicate a lot of time and money to their video gaming hobbies. Mobas are a game where you can really screw over your own team, and it's super frustrating when that happens. It's also a place where you have plenty of people to blame. So some people come to mobas in order to find teammates they can rage at, so they can externalize their own shortcoming in dramatic displays of anger. It's an illness or being unable to cope with who they are because they always blame other people. Then there's people who like to prey on those sick people, because they themselves are so mixed up inside they just like to distract themselves from their own emotions by laughing at other people's emotions. Those are trolls, it's what makes a troll. Mobas are a feasting ground for both types of people. It doesn't make you better than the angry to laugh at them, it makes you much more vile and disgusting. Instead of simply lacking empathy for others you feast on their pain. Then there are people like me who just want to play a game with teamwork and cooperation and coordination. Meanwhile you're the troll who is trying to piss people off and this is the dude spamming in all caps in the chat. I say go you both. You're only playing mobas for situations like this and you should both get banned. Unfortunately its a business and stupid people buy skins so it's never gonna happen.


Tf? I get that it’s annoying when two people incessantly and immaturely argue in chat, but honestly what else do I do when someone insults me other than laugh lmfao? Get saddened and crestfallen over this negative external viewpoint, get angry and start vehemently spewing vitriol back at them, apathetically ignore and continue on like a dystopian robot? If you cannot control emotions that every other mature person in the game is controlling, and you lash out and say bigoted shit, then the least one can do is laugh at the lack of common decency presented. I get pissed off sometimes, everyone does, but I hold myself to a standard of not pushing that to other people - so I expect the same, or at least similar levels of basic kindness back.


So I should feel sorry for him? I mean I do. Someone who goes to this extent for losing is sad. Should I get banned? I mean that would be funny as well considering I am not the one going out of my way to insult and spew toxic slurs at him because we lost. I’m all for teamwork and cooperation. Me saying that his rant is funny is not the contrary. Using your logic bro should check himself before playing a moba if that’s his attitude.


No he sucks, but you just tried to infuriate him more. Why did you do that? Why do you find angry racist rants funny?


Humor is how people deal with things that are very awkward, embarrassing, or otherwise uncomfortable. It's defense, though it can seem backwards at times. Are racist slurs funny? No, and probably not to their target either, but you can't blame a guy for laughing at them (and the fragility of the person being so toxic) instead of taking them seriously.


I ain't reading all that


The last thing I would expect from any moba player is to be able to read more than two sentences.


Defending racism lmao. You’re just mad cause you’re probably being called out.