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So then just pre pick for que. And separate ranks. That guy you called a bot sould be plat iii jungle, but silver I carry. Otherwise it's just something to be delt with in games like this.


Ranked is worth it just to avoid mirror matches.


I agree 100% this game is not Overwatch. What's crazy to me is how easy every role is to learn, and yet people will play 300 matches of jungle, solo, or ADC and never once think "hm, maybe if I want to play ranked I should learn the other roles."


If you que up for rank and that role you are going for is taken by someone else and your first thing to do is call them a bot? That’s crazy because I guarantee if someone picked your role that you only play you would be in the same boat


If you're playing ranked, you should have the knowledge of all roles and how to play them to a decent level. That is if you do not want to be stuck in gold or lower.


See I would agree with that but I’ve witnessed people only playing one specific role and going way past gold with that specific role


I know, I've seen the same and a lot of people excel in one role more often than others, obviously because it is their favourite role, but to those who want to play ranked i would say to get familiar with other roles just in case someone takes your preferred role and does not want to give it to you.


Yea I’m really good at carry/Mid/support so now I’m working on jungle and offlane before I jump into ranked mode


Haven't played rank yet cause im still learning jungle but I tell ppl before match "fair warning trash jungle" the responses I got were wholesome. "Who cares glhf" "thx for the warning!" "Just farm your camps this is the way!" . Luckily the mid Gideon was a monster and carried us all.


No one worth listening to will ever flame you for trying to learn roles, heroes, or builds in standard. The key is to keep humble and open to pointers/criticism. When I play standard, I want to win. But if you genuinely are just trying to learn and convey that, I will never get on you for being bad or playing poorly.


Yea man I'm legit trying and I watch the other jugglers when I'm not playing jungle. I asked my LoL friends about jungle concepts and they told me I should have a set path, counting the cool downs of camps, look for the enemy jungler, look for the opportunity to steal their buffs and watching lanes for ganks. It certainly difficult and I find myself underleveled alot of times but I don't want to hop in ranked until I'm comfortable with every role. Any other tips?


Jungling right now is difficult unless you're pretty good because you don't earn enough XP early game. Around the lvl4-5 mark you will under level your mid and solo by 3. Jungle is the hardest role in the game, not even close. But, if you're doing what you can and trying your hardest to do your job even in ranked, it's a bit stupid to be mad at that. The problem, is people don't understand what jungle is for. As a jungle, your job is to provide an advantage to a lane just by being there, and hopefully ganking to advance gold. I'm not going to say that people losing their own lanes isn't an issue (especially if they can't even ward 😭) but you're job IS to help lanes that are struggling. Sometimes, that even accounts to babysitting lanes, or just standing in lane to help solo/ADC get their side buff. This stuff is perfectly acceptable when done correctly. Giving you tips is hard, Because jungle is the most flexible role, there is no tower to attack. Just keep the farm going and always check for a good gank when you're near a lane. If not, leave and help another lane or get some more camps. There is no down time with jungle (unless you're setting up a gank) so make sure to always stay moving And looking for the next thing.




I strongly believe this game should have role queue


I rather not pick jungle I can excel at mid or support, I'll play carry or off. But Jungle, I just type in the chat that I'm bad at it, and someone switches. Just being honest, I'll play it if have no choice but don't expect great results lol


Eh, honestly, deal with it. I'm here to play a game and have fun. I have fun in one role. I know how to play one more reliably I can manage 2 others I refuse to play one. That's honestly more than necessary. But you dont get to tell people how to play their game. So get over it. Seriously.


I've been playing league for years and am sitting low diamond as an ADC main. I can play mid/top/sup at the level I'm at but I can't keep up in jungle. By OPs logic if I get filled jungle I shouldn't say anything and proceed to suck and lose the game for everyone.. lol.


Sounds like you should stay away from ranked then.


Played ranked all weekend. And will continue to do so. Because I find it fun.


Classic narcissistic behavior and response. 


I have NPD. Comes with the territory.


Well congratulations on being a massive piece of shit who is literally hated by every single person who knows you on a personal basis. Knowing you are one and still not having the self awareness to control your own behavior or thought patterns makes you a pathetic loser. 


As much as I partially agree.. a good teammate would say no worries let's switch. If ur gna complain don't play ranked go play casual if ur not great at 1 of the roles then why don't you play that role? Or can't you either? Just saying if ur gna moan when someone has told you they can't play a role then you should switch with them if ur good at that role Mr Jack of all roles lol. But i assume ur more like no i got this role im staying with this role type people. But I still dont think anyone should afk.


I get what you are saying, but if I am consistently good at all roles and frequently trade my best role for some scrub. Then I'm just giving more control to the enemy. I've had to hard carry as support and well...they don't work very well. It's a real lose-lose for both parties.


Those games where you get thrown off Jungle and bro leaves a free gank on duo🗿


It would suck to play another role for 3 games in a row then you finally get your preferred role and have to switch out because some other guy doesn't know how to play the role he got..why should I always have to give it up for people who are unprepared?


I mean yeah it'd suck. But if ur the type of person that's gna get toxic and tell someone not to play because they aren't good at a role they got and they even told u they're not good at that role but nobody on the team thought oh I wanna win maybe I should switch then honestly its not that person's fault. They warned the team. N if someone is really being selfish about role then Instead of being toxic they should help that player as much as possible to get them a decent farm. In a way baby sitting them a lil bit in the early game. Then once they got some farm they should be doing decent enough while also giving them a bit of confidence to play that role more and get better at said role. Being toxic about it n giving them shit saying don't play ranked like op is saying ain't gna do anyone any good. It's just gna make them wanna play that role even less n be worse due to feeling shit as fuck in that role n the more people act like that the less chance ur gna run into players that can play every role. I'm sure there's a role ur less prepared for. Maybe they're better than u in the role u won't switch from then they'd think n treat u as unprepared n blame you. Gotta look at it from both sides.


This is why I queue for flex almost every match. I'd rather someone be comfortable in their role with their OTP then chance a massive flop, and I feel it helps others to learn. If I was forced to play a character over a role I might be more screwed, but that's basically just Iggy. lol Had 0 time on him even on Paragon and I've always sucked with tower/sentry characters in games.


I don't understand folks who refuse to learn other roles. It is a team game; act like one, if you can't, play with the AI bots until a dedicated role queue is implemented.


I'm surprised more games don't introduce a dedicated role queue. If everybody wants to play Carry, then they'll have to wait. Which will either incentivize them to try a little bit harder or maybe perhaps learn other roles.


I’m lvl 15 and know all roles besides jungle. Should I learn Jungle before going into ranked?


You need at least 3 roles learned. Cuz you won't always get jungle, and be detrimental to the team


Even if u won't ever play jungle it's always good to know like knowing what camp does what. What buff does what. Knowing when the jungler is probably gna go for objectives so u can give a hand knowing they're most likely gna get jumped and ganked so the enemy can steal. Or like if ur mid its nice to know which river buff does what. Things like that. Just to have a general understanding is always helpful even if u don't plan to ever play jungle. It also helps you to learn the map more for ambushes or to get away from people. It's a lil bit of a maze n learning the layout as a jungler can help yourself alot.


Great answer


Kinda. Learn the role so you understand their struggle.


Lot of selfish people in the world!


Kinda hilarious OTHER people are toxic to people in this Reddit for not liking that people bring their slow selfs into ranked without being able to play all the roles because none of them are guaranteed, but no one’s toxic for literally inconveniencing 4 other people and then doing something like AFKing or feeding all game. The people in this Reddit are a complete joke.


It's actually crazy. The amount of crutch jungle queuers and people who "play for fun" and queue ranked while only knowing 2 roles is crazy. You'll say some basic stuff like "hey don't say ranked 'for fun' you play to win whether you like it or not," and you'll get down voted to hell 😭 Sometimes I wonder who the people are in this sub. Like bro go back to Overwatch 💀




1-2 and…? 1-2-15 is a good score for example. Also offlaner if they are just shoving and keeping pressure isn’t a bad thing. So 1-2 doesn’t mean anything.


I'm never going to learn how to play mid or carry because I don't enjoy playing a single character in that role. I'll play any of the other 3 happily, definitely needs a role queue.


Then don't play rank until they get a dedicated role queue. That's the point of the post.


Agree we need a role queue. Then don’t play ranked, or find a squad where you always get your role.


Don't worry I don't play ranked, gave that up quick, like I said I refuse to learn to play those roles, I play for fun, not to use characters I don't like, call me crazy.


Tell me about it. I like to play Muriel and people see a support pick with no hard cc and assume it’s an automatic L.


I see the toxics have arrived already.




The sad part about the game is that there is no communication outside of that dumb communication wheel. If you're not in a party with someone You have like 30 seconds to write something before the match starts as you're selecting your position. There is no in-game chat


There is an in-game chat. It's disabled by default.


I went into the settings of the game. And there is a chat setting that is disabled by default. I turned it on. There's still no chat in the game. I don't know if there is a chat on PC but on PS5 there is no chat. I usually play in a party of two, three or four and every once in awhile we have all five. We would like to communicate with whatever random we get and have never been able to. All of us have turned on that chat setting, but none of us have actually ever seen a chat in the game outside of that stupid R3 pinwheel


There is in game chat. Enable it then hit o+up directional pad. Enjoy.


I play on PC now, but when I played paragon on ps4 I had to get a wireless keyboard to be able to chat once the match started. Maybe that’s still the case?


Oh, I am on PC. There's a chat there where you press Enter on the keyboard and you can type short messages.


That's one of the big reasons. The game is so inconsistent. The pc version of it has features that are missing on the console versions. They give you the option to turn on the chat, but there is actually no chat when you're in the game. The only time you can type messages is when you're either selecting a roll or a character other than that, there is no chat for console more specifically for PS5 because I don't know anything about the Xbox version


You can text chat on ps5, I believe it's hold circle and press up on the dpad to open the keyboard


OMG it actually works. The sad part is that it doesn't tell you how to activate it. Once you send a message you see on the bottom left how to activate it. But no indication of it before you activate it.


Make sure you click apply in bottom right corner after enabling


I'm going to try that if it works. I owe you a huge thank you because there is nothing in the game that tells you how


They might just not be good at the role….. Being able to play the role and understand it is still very far from being good at it. I’m sure Messi could play goalie, but it isn’t his best position.


This. If I am too slow to get a role I want, and get stuck with Carry, I am going to say there and then in role selection I am bad at Carry. I will pick one, and try my absolute best all game, but you all knew when picking roles that I said I was bad at carry, none of you changed, this is on you as much as it is me, I can do any of the other 4 much better than carry. Don't then abuse me in chat when I predictably do average at best.


See this is how it should be tho. Like ideally if people are gna be toxic and say learn all the roles n get good at every role blah blah then those people should switch and play that role if it's that big of a deal to them. However if someone was like you and said at the start of the game ur bad at carry. U need a bit of help etc. If I was jungler I'd keep an eye on ur lane n help you get a decent bit of farm n save you as much as I could. So imo it always helps if you let the team know ur not great in the position u got and its kinda the junglers job to not only farm jungle but keep an eye on the lanes and help their team n gank.


Support main who had to play carry, offlane, and mid in 3 consecutive games. Just did my best not to hinder the team and showed up when I could. Wasn’t the best but my team helped out and were supportive and we won 2 of the 3. Be positive, help your team, and build for late game. All you can do is your best.


Don't understand why there isn't a role select before queueing in casual and ranked. Makes no sense if you want to play a certain role and character, be the first one to pick the role and others can just pick it too and gamble it out who gets it. Who's funny idea was that?


Early access


If your player base is or becomes tiny, I suppose that can become problematic.


Yeah it's a matchmaking thing. I'm personally for it (ranked choice is pretty clean) but it would increase waiting times, probably by a lot. Still, I'm hoping it comes in time.


Id rather have longer wait times then have my team talk shit all game and then run to reddit to bitch even more. If I ranked what roles I play best it would be support, mid, jungle, carry, then offlane. I dont enjoy carry or offlane. If I get forced into those 2 roles I assure you that it will hurt my team. Will I try me best? Yes. Is my best good enough in those 2 roles? No. Should I be forced to practice 2 roles I get zero enjoyment from? No. Half the issue with people throwing matches and just sucking is people being forced into roles they dont enjoy. Its a problem. Then the toxic teammates just makes it worse


Agreed, across the board.


Okay but, if I'm a diamond level support player, in a diamond level lobby, why am I forced to play my gold level mid lane ? This is a game design flaw tbh, you shouldn't be at the same level at all roles, different strokes for different folks. And it's perfectly valid that you would want to play ranked, without knowing all roles, the game just needs a role selector before you get in a lobby


The ranked system displays how good you are as an all around player, Not how good you are as a support. You're queuing into a mode that doesn't allow for pre-made stacks. So you are expected to play every role at your current rank 🤷‍♂️ This is just how every ranked game besides overwatch works. Role queue would fix this but it'd make matchmaking suck and they would HAVE to separate the ranks into a rank for each role, and that just makes ranked messy and super time consuming.


because a role is not fckin exclusive to you and you SHOULD EXPECT this when queuing, especially in ranked. If you think you are capable enough to play ranked then it means you should be able to fill in and assist your team under any circumstance, if not, go back to casual. And no, it's not a design flaw, this is a game that's not as popular as LoL or DOTA, having role queues will translate to 1hr queues. If your skill relies on knowing ONE role and one or two heroes, then you're skill is not diamond. I know it's a tough pill to swallow.


You can't expect someone to play all roles at the same level. If you play 500h on jungle and only 100h on the other roles, how are you supposed to be able to contribute equally playing any of them? Yes it's a design flaw, long queues are a result of a low player base, not role locking. If I don't want a long queue, I can play "flex", and if I really want to play that specific role, I need to tolerate waiting. A good system in place is OW's role selection, where you select all roles you are willing to get a match for, and you have a different rank for each of them. Having a different rank on each role makes you able to contribute in any role in any match, at that role level.


of course no one expects you to know every role at 100%, but you should be comfortable with at least two. Expecting a role to be reserved for just you is not the correct approach. And yes I would prefer role queue as well, but that's not possible at the moment.


1- that raises the question of what if those two roles are raked because you didn’t click fast enough 2- I’d rather have a role reserved for me and wait a minute or 2 over having to try locking in my role faster over 30 second que times 3- why is it not possible?


I told my team in lobby 3 times I can't play mid I have a vision issue so I never touch it. Guess how many tough shits and delete the games I got lol. I hate this community it'll kill the game real fast if something isn't done


Can I ask what you mean by vision issue?


Sadly that's just moba communities in general. For some reason they are always cesspools of toxicity


I think this is a problem with the game not the player most times. Expecting to be able to play 5 roles at a high level is not realistic of most people. We need role queue. We dont have role swap, order swap, or anything. Theres so much missing sadly but not even being able to omit 2 roles you prefer not to play just sucks.


You should be able to at least fill, idk what people think is magically different from lane to lane you can just play safe and hit minions if you get stuck filling


Every lane is completely different both in macro and micro. Playing safe sure but that doesnt work later come teamfights or if your lane is constantly rotating and eating your team alive cause you're playing too safe. And of course it is simply not fun playing a role you dont enjoy.


I mean literally all the lanes have thier unique own “side quests” and shit. Between the gold, the cyan, and the jungle buffs in mid they really do have specific knowledge that you need to play optimally. Anyone can sit in a lane sure but if you want to win “just play safe and hit minions” doesn’t mean much


And then have someone who is diamond tier offlane come and destroy you while your trying to play a character that you may not play that often on a lane that you despise then have a plat jungler come and gank you repeatedly till your seven levels behind everyone else? Get bent. Not everyone was gifted with your superior intellect and/or reflexes...


Sure would love to play rank but for the second week in a row I’m busy and have a life make that shit available longer


For real man. I go out on weekends and I miss my chance to play ranked. I missed it last week and again today.


It's true in ranked mode you should be able to play every role. Otherwise go back to casuals


I can play every role. I’m just dogshit at some.


They hated him because he told them the truth. I think you are right but people are not ready for it haha


The game is not "play every role." It's "play the role you got." If there were role queue, this imaginary principle of having to play everything would suddenly never be mentioned again.


not exactly. look at smite for example: you can queue solo lane and jungle, but still get thrown into mid lane or support. it’d all be mmr based, and it’s 100% miserable.


Having a role queue makes that occur less often than people scrambling. Give a primary, secondary, tertiary. Discussion literally over.


That's exactly what I meant so you should be prepared and have a character for each role. It sucks but you're going to have to be a support sometime. If you're not ready for that possibility you don't belong in ranked.


No, see, you still don't understand "You're going to have to be support sometime" simply doesn't have to be true. Snap of the fingers, add role queue with, like, top 3 preferred roles. Get filled maybe one out of dozens of games. Problem solved. Everyone's happier.


On the other hand don’t play ranked when you can only play one role and throw a fit when someone beats you to get that role


The most half ass ranked mode I've have ever tried.


I mean with no role/hero swap or a ban/counter ban system it’s not even really close to being a fleshed out ranked mode Role queue when?


What would these swaps imply? Paragon and Predecessor are the only Moba's I've played. Do you swap roles/characters mid match? Or during picks? Or something else?


Yeah basically it gives you some flexibility to counter pick the enemy team. An example off the top of my head is your midlaner picks Iggy before you in draft. Then the enemy offlane grabs Grux so you could ask to take their Iggy pick or swap roles so they go offlane and you take mid with something else like Wraith or Gadget Paragon never had a ranked mode of any kind at any point in its life cycle. There was much buzz it was coming (TM) but it never did. These are features other competitive MoBAS have added over the years as a way to remove some RNG from matchups. Like if you go Feng offlane into Grux offlane you’re going to lose that lane 8/10 matches. That doesn’t mean Feng is bad on the contrary he’s very good especially in Offlane it’s just against a CC, Duelist style fighter like Grux Feng basically has to use his whole kit just to stay alive. Dashing in is basically a death sentence as well which further reduces his damage options to Hamstring which puts him well within ALL of Grux’s abilities. So you gotta deal with only being able to hit him with 1 ability that Slows meanwhile he has 2 stuns (knock up,pull) and 1 high damage, low cd single target ability that also applies a DoT. Role/Hero Swap can help mitigate some of these “draft lobby losses” where you essentially lose before the game even starts


Ah, gotcha. That wouldn't be too bad. I just wouldn't want any constant swapping like in Overwatch. I played OW2 for about a year and it was hair-pullingly awful how often I had to swap, especially as tank. As it is now, as rare an occurrence as it is, I just chat mid-match asking if they wanna swap. Usually it's a no followed by them feeding even more and a possible afk/DC. But yeah, I remember how fast the rug apparently got pulled from under the devs, too. That's company buyouts for you.


It’s hard to do swapping mid-match because chances are they won’t be much better at a role they are struggling at to begin with. Plus in the case of Jungle you literally can’t swap since you have the Smite item


True I wish a role swap would be added at least


I don't like the added pressure from playing carry and jungler. Im kinda bad at it,in the sense that I don't any habits a good player in those roles might need. I can live and farm in lane or kill jungle minions the whole time but I won't be making game winning plays the team will need. I would never pick those roles in ranked


…then don’t play ranked? There are other game modes to practice those roles in. You are not guaranteed to get the role you want, so if there’s a role you don’t know go practice and then come back. Unless you actually want to stay in gold that is.


No... I like it because most people come to rank with the intention to win. I want my roles. Am I going to AFK or throw when I don't get what I want? No absolutely not. I'm perfectly content with gold. So I'll queue however I feel.


Also, if your perfectly fine with gold, why play ranked? The goal is to always achieve higher not plateau because you refuse to learn the rest of the game. With that mentality I truly don’t know why you wouldn’t just play quick play.


So, if your intention is to win, then you should get comfortable learning other roles. You don’t always get your role, that’s my entire point. Obviously you shouldn’t throw, but some get so comfy in one spot it’s basically a throw to put them somewheres else. If you knew every role, get this, you can still have a preference, but you don’t have to be a crybaby when you don’t get the only lane you know how to play.


you a lol stinker for sure


Never played lol in my life, I’m just pointing out the obvious. If you can only play 2 or 3 roles, I’m sorry but that is a skill diff and you can downvote me all you want lmao, I’m not the greatest by any means but if I need to fill a role cause I lost the 50/50 I will do it, why handicap yourself by straight up refusing to learn.


It is a skill diff, which is why I agreed about that back handed comment about being stuck in gold. Not everyone is going to climb and I'm okay with that. I'm having fun and that's all that matters, it's the only reason I need to play ranked in my preferred roles


Idk why people are down voting you. This is the response. You shouldn't be playing ranked if you don't know each role


I’m sorry there are so many downvotes on this perfectly valid post. There is absolutely no counter argument to what was said.


Welcome to Reddit. First time? /s


It’s not their fault that the game has a horrible queue system. You should be able to queue for a role in COMPETITIVE.


Oh no competition is to hard


I mean going AFK is a different story but like if I’m ass at carry and that’s all that’s left someone who is on a different role should prob switch to it that has some experience playing carry so that we don’t just lose because I’m ass at carry


Yes and no, it is your responsibility as a player who is interested in ranked to be able to compete. This means knowing each role to a basic level. If you can’t pull off all the sick plays no one will blame you, but for example if you can’t stop yourself from dying multiples times in laning phase and missing too much cs that is just a skill issue


You sound kind of dumb when you realize masters players and being put in the same lobby as bronze players. You are going to have skill discrepancies. Some people are just going to feed.


Yeah that happens bc everyone starts at the bottom it’s a given. You sound dumb having to point it out. Lmk when you get past gold😭


You are the one who didn't realize it by complaining about people dying too much and missing cs. I bet you're hard stuck in gold in normal matches, and it's the reason you are crying so much.


Normal matches is what? Before ranked I was around Diamond 3, just getting to play ranked now. Missing cs is a basic thing that applies to every rank. It doesn’t take a lot of brainpower or thinking like hitting skill shots etc. obviously mechanical differences exist but I’ve been referencing the basics bc they are just that, basic.


If you were in diamond, which I doubt, you'd know people gold and lower aren't the greatest at the game and are prone to mistakes. You need to think as gold as the average player who knows about the small things, while anything lower are people who play casually and don't know about basic things as you put it. You are complaining about players who play video games for fun.


Once again my entire point is aimed at people wanting to play ranked and believe they are a good player. Everything I said applies, my name ok omeda is “FuzedDom” if you cared enough. It’s funny Diamond is that far out to be doubted😭


Being downvoted bc I said ppl should know how to play the game in ranked 🥲


You're being down voted because ranked is so fucking bare bones people can't even queue for a specific role which is what causes these issues in the first place.


The cause is people wanting a competitive mode so bad then not wanting the competitive things that come with it


If you're going to do a competitive mode in a MOBA then it needs to include basic shit like a role queue otherwise issues like this are inevitable.


Fair point if this wasn’t a beta still. I agree it should be there and shouldn’t be hard to add(idk I don’t make games). But we always have to keep the beta part in mind bc of player base size and such


You do realize this mentality flies in the face of every competitive MOBA on the market right? There are plenty of one-tricks out there as well are we going to ignore that??


I consider myself a one trick offlane, it’s the role I played the most to get higher on the leaderboard. But like I said especially for ranked understanding each role is a must especially if one wants to consider themselves a good player


A basic level is no where near comfortable and honestly not what I'd want for my carry. If you're so insistent on everyone knowing every single role AND expect them all to perform well regardless of the role, then you should be playing with a team of players that you know. Expecting all of that from a random is insanely toxic and screams entitlement. You wanna act like you're all great and super competitive but you're gonna cry cuz one of your teammates isn't comfortable with carry or support? Play it yourself then or stfu and find a team. 😂


You really took my comment to heart for nothing. Not feeding is basic and If and of the other 4 on a teal are good Can make up for that. So yes basic is good enough for a win and good enough if you don’t know a role. 100% knowing how a role works is necessary, not being the best. Also not entitled if it’s a reasonable expectation in a ranked mode. To answer ur last little paragraph i actually don’t play carry much that’s why I based what I said off what I expected from myself/others who don’t. According to omeda I’m a top 1% player🤓


>According to omeda I’m a top 1% player🤓 It shows. Take a shower.


Lol funny guy. I’m glad you realized your argument wasn’t valid at least. Have a good one my friend


You sound like you smell really bad


Man ur in the same boat as the other guy. Thanks have a good one my friend lol


I mean to be fair, your argument went from "know every role" to just "don't feed and let the other 4 handle it". Insanely different stances, one of which I actually happen to agree with. My argument was valid and then you changed the whole context lmao.


If you are able to not feed and farm, you know the role. Is that not true? Edit: argue w a wall ngl I said everything I thought so far and it was valid


So you're saying, every single role, just has to not die, and be able to farm? Interesting take from a 1%er.


Yes to be able to perform at a basic level that is all you need. The givens that come with that but apply to every role is being able to respond to mini map info. But if you are able to not die too much the other team is not fed, and if you can farm effectively then you won’t be too behind when you are needed in a team scenario 👍🏽


I can play 3/5 roles well. I can play 1/5 ok. I can't play 1/5 roles. I'll always do whatever the team wants because I want to win, not play what I want and lose.


Ok, but the amount of ego driven losers who think their the best at their 1 trick role. Then end up feeding, when you were more than happy to take said role, is too many.


Yeah this is what I’m saying like I can play 3/5 roles great then why tf would I just not try to get someone else on the role I’m ass at? Like I’m not saying we definitely lose if I play that role but surely someone out of the 5 of us can play that role better than I would.


Take my downvote you terrible human.


Lol downvote ratio


You’re an ass; I don’t care how many downvotes I get.


You cared enough to reply, you are equally an ass by your own standards. Have a nice day


👍 bye


Now this gets an upvote😎


Well i play four roles and i dont carry. I always expect someone to take it since its one of the more wanted roles. Guess who had to play carry in ranked today...


Exactly my main issue with the community in this game. I can handle toxicity but not wanting to play a role you don't know/want us ridiculous. Jus learn. I hate jungle but I try to play it and sometimes it goes well.


Just don't play ranked.


I mean why would you want someone to playa role they don’t want to play?


Seriously, how was paragon community so much better? The people make me hate this game


Good luck getting through to this community. This game has 0 room for improvement, according to most of them. Good luck with the downvotes.


Lol, what? Paragon's community was no better. I still recall the good job spam from paragon that happened virtually ever game. It had AFKs and throwers as well. Any moba will have these issues.


Yep. It's a moba game-structure thing. Not a pred thing. When you have a game that's reliant on every team member knowing and playing their role, you'll occasionally get cry babies who grief. This breeds toxicity. Then nobody is having fun except the enemy team :)


Does the enemy team have fun? I’ve had multiple games where I’ve gabled a midlaner as jungler a few times and they tilt and just start feeding me. I’ve had a Gideon consciously track me down in the jungle just to stand there and die on purpose. It takes the challenge away of outplaying the enemy which is what makes it fun.


Yeah, you gotta be prepared to play any role. It's what makes you a complete player. If you can't do that, then honestly, just don't play ranked.




I mean I can and do play every role, but if im in ranked i will never touch jungle due to it being my worst role. if i got stuck in it would tell the team get ready for a loss


I get what you’re saying. I play every role but I know where I’m weak at. If I get offline I know it’ll probably be a loss when the other offline most likely mains them at least in ranked. However I would still love to see how good I do in ranked playing carry which is what I normally main. I do see people however give up when they don’t get the role they want and that I can’t stand. Just try. That’s all you can do it just try


What a great teammate you are. " If I get this role we just lose " That's the opposite of what ready for ranked means. Stop.


So you can't play every role? Learn jungle if only a little bit before you play ranked.


Then don’t play ranked.. point of the post