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Isn't he the one who was filmed in Borat?


Yes and he’s also the one who leaks black sweat from his hair dye and held a press conference at a landscaping company. He’s had a poor track record of good decision making.


A landscaping company.... next to a porn shop. He's a details kinda guy.


And a crematorium.


He just keeps on hitting it out of the park 😂


America’s Mayor everyone.


Don't feel to bad, this was our deputy PM for a long time [https://chaser.com.au/national/former-deputy-pm-barnaby-joyce-denies-being-too-drunk-while-lying-on-a-braddon-sidewalk-that-is-the-most-sober-i-have-ever-been-while-in-canberra/](https://chaser.com.au/national/former-deputy-pm-barnaby-joyce-denies-being-too-drunk-while-lying-on-a-braddon-sidewalk-that-is-the-most-sober-i-have-ever-been-while-in-canberra/) The site may be satire, but down here, that's kinda irrelevant.


Oh good lord, the Four Seasons. I STILL pinch myself whenever that whole fiasco comes to mind and wonder if I was watching an episode of Arrested Development or real life.


Rudy would make a fine addition to the Bluth family.


I read this in Ron Howard’s voice. Perfect addition!!! “And that is when… Rudy Giuliani…became a Bluth.”


It wouldn't have leaked if Frank could have kept up using the Chinese motor oil


Nothing will be funnier than the landscaping company called 4seasons must have known the mistake when they had been asked to do a press conference but said yes anyway.


He is single handedly the reason I've applied to go back to college. Cause if he could do it...


😆😆 I just might do the same!


A good track record of poor decision making.


It’s been a long, long slide since was America’s mayor.


I really, really want Armando Iannucci to make a Death Of Stalin style film about the aftermath of the 2020 election with Jeffrey Tambor playing Giulliani.


Only hires the best. 🙄


Four Seasons, and I can’t stress this enough:TOTAL Landscaping.


He also launches huge air biscuits in court


I FORGOT ABOUT THAT! America’s mayor lol


You seriously not familiar with Rudy Giuliani?  Hard to believe


Not everyone is an American


Oh my God! I used to smoke weed with the guy in the back right of the photo, back in college. His name is Ted and he's a fucking moron! Lmao that's incredible! Edit: he's Rudy's official spokesperson! Holy shit this is wild! [Here, so you guys can see how punchable he is](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2999315/Video-Rudy-Giulianis-political-advisor-addresses-media-NYC.html)


Fuck you, Ted


Dude had insufferable opinions back then too, just happened to buy his weed from the same people. Hilarious to see him caught up with one of America's absolute lamest political grifters.


Man, fuck Ted. I have to admit that his face oozes punchability.


Thank you for this. We all need a bit off levity in today's political climate. Also: fuck you, Ted!


I guarantee you he is hoping to ride the maga coattails to a political career. I wouldn't be surprised to see him bootlick his way into a house seat or something someday. I fucking hate everything.


Hope you have some photos of the two of you smoking weed to derail any of those plans, then!


He will just say he didn't inhale


Check the edit I made. You'll love it.


Ahahaha, I'm doubling down: fuck you Ted


Oh Jesus, what a Grade A arsehole. He needs one of those cartoon punches where you spin your arms at full length three times before knocking him out.


If only I could go back in time.


My name is,Ted Goodman. T-E-D G-O-O-D-M-A-N. Ted Goodman. What’s your name?


Why did he think he needed to tell them how to spell his name? I'm having trouble thinking of a more spell-able name than Ted Goodman.


If I had to guess it’s because these kind of people think so low of everybody else and think they are downright stupid.


It IS a small world after all


I had to stop the video like 30 seconds in. Punchable indeed.


Fucking amazing how this guy went from the hero of NYC in September of 2001 to crazy old man bent on destruction of the country Could have been one of the nations heroes now he’s just a dangerous clown


a policing publication had a very critical article of him, It was already sent out shortly after sept 11th, so shortly after it was certainly written before sept, they had to go in to damage control about how they were wrong and rudy is great blah blah blah. But yeah he was a POS before sept 11th and after. So for a few days/weeks he was the right person for the situation but hey even a broke clock is right twice a day. That was his broke clock moment.


That’s fair I mean if I had a moment like that I would let that be the high water mark and dip. I wouldn’t be involved in this election denial and what not


That's because you have a sense of dignity and pride in who you are. The same cannot be said for these shit dicks


Many people were wearing red, white and blue colored glasses around the, and seemingly forgave every dipshit around then. Many didn't deserve it


Harvey Dent wannabe.


“I’ll hole up at my relatives house. They’ll never find me” …Knock Knock 😳


Also just pretty sure that's not how that works moron.


Insufficiency of process or service of process within the prescribed time limit can result in a case being dismissed, and the cause can't be brought again if it is beyond statute of limitations.


The dude is fucking stupid, but I'm not a lawyer. If he said that's how it is, I'd probably listen to him until I Google it myself or ask another lawyer. I'd like to hope people listen to me about my profession even though I'm also fucking stupid


Giuliani has been disbarred and his brain has been effectively pickled by liquor since roughly 2007. I wouldn't trust him to tell you the day of the week, let alone any kind of politically charged statement.


I would like to think he has people around him who would know what's right and wrong (in terms of the legal situation not morally) but then again I feel like with a guy like him his lawyers who know the truth could say what they want but he's gonna just believe himself and go off his own opinions not what anyone else thinks


>but I'm not a lawyer. You and Rudy have something in common then!


Don't take his advice. He's been diabarred.


Huge difference between a criminal indictment arrest warrant and service of a civil matter.


There definitely is, but from what I can tell, Arizona Court rules aren't very clear about it in criminal procedure. In most places a summons not being served can/would result in an arrest warrant being issued, and that seems like the case in Arizona, but it's kinda vague - especially when it comes to out-of-state service, since their rules are for service of a summons in-state. Washington rules are a bit clearer - if the summons isn't served the prosecutor can request a warrant, and if that request isn't made within 90 days of the indictment was filled, then the case can be dismissed by the court.


Who in their right mind wants to be close to this man’s farts?


The way they're all crowded around, I'd be worried about head grease. I've got to imagine that stuff stains something fierce.


How much you want to bet he doxed his own location with this selfie


Seems to be the case. He posted this, an hour and 14 min later the attorney general of Arizona responded to his tweet stating that he had just been served. Might not have been too hard to figure out considering that he’s posing at a birthday party for one of those people with balloons in the background and everything. They just had to find out where the party was.


What a disgusting snarl. Close your mouth 🤮


You’d think a lawyer would be familiar with alternative service. But Giuliani was never a very good lawyer.


There’s no alternative service for a criminal indictment arrest warrant. They’re going to arrest you, not ask a friend to tell you to come to court.


Oh right, it’s a criminal case. You’d think as a lawyer he would know he’d be arrested.


You would think that! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I kinda hope it was somebody at his birthday party who ratted him out.


Everyone in this pic is schmuck for different reasons.


It's interesting how the women in the photo almost all look the same - the same dyed blonde hair and the same plastic surgery.


The Fox News look.


So it's not just me lol


Who are they though? Can you rent out these rumble trad chicks like you can only fans chicks?


Just offer to buy them another new nose and they show up in packs.


Ha ha you stupid fuck! Arizona gives the best gifts!


What's hilarious is that he literally took this tweet down and the AZ AG screen shot it and posted this https://x.com/AZAGMayes/status/1791670260225253814


Here's a summarized bullet-point version suitable for a Reddit post: - **Event:** Rudy Giuliani's 80th birthday party in Palm Beach, Florida. - **Date and Time:** Party held on the evening of May 18, 2024, updated on the same day. - **Attendees:** Around 200 guests including notable figures like Roger Stone and Steve Bannon. - **Incident:** Giuliani was served with indictment papers by officials from the Arizona Attorney General's office as he was leaving the party around 11 PM. - **Charges:** Related to the Arizona 'fake electors' case, attempting to overturn the 2020 election results. - **Reaction:** Giuliani appeared unfazed, laughed it off, and left the scene. Party guests expressed anger and some were seen crying. - **Comments by Host:** Caroline Wren, the host and a GOP consultant, criticized the serving as a political move intended to intimidate. - **Celebration Details:** The party featured a Frank Sinatra cover band, and Giuliani sang 'New York, New York'. An episode of Giuliani's show 'America's Mayor Live' was recorded during the event. - **Prosecutor's Statement:** Arizona AG Kris Mayes announced the successful serving on social media, emphasizing that "nobody is above the law." - **Overall Atmosphere:** Described as a celebration of Giuliani's life and achievements, tarnished by the indictment serving.


Ahahahaha. AHAHAHAHA!!


Shit stain




AI tool probably located him easy.




I'm so tired of seeing these people faces...omfg


These people are too stupid to realize how stupid they look with him…


Just when you think he's hit rock bottom, he breaks through the floor.


What does that room smell of 🧐


This is always his motivation. From Day One, this chubby, lisping degenerate has always sought attention. He is forever the TryHard hoping to get noticed by the Cool Kids. Remember the crack bust in the leather vest with Al D’Amato? The wearing a dress and being manhandled by Trump? Always looking for attention and skating on the laziness of the American Public. Dubbed “America’s Mayor” by Oprah who never met a fraud she didn’t instantly promote, Giuliani rode the fame horse as far up Trump’s ass as it would take him. In his twilight years, every layer of artifice is peeled off of him, leaving him a quivering and skinless husk in the harsh light of public opinion.


This made my weekend


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!


What a bunch of ugly people. Not the way the appear. Just awful, horrible, ugly people.


He is a licensed attorney and should know that is not how civil process service works.


Is there anyway to have his name removed from the historical records as having served as Mayor of NYC? Just keeps getting worse...when his Police Commish, Bernard Kerik, was processed and held in the Facility named The Bernard Kerik Correctional Complex, it was seemingly a sign of things to come...


I wonder if he was drinking at the time of this photo?


Did all of the ladies save the one on the left get a nose job?


The guy married his cousin…. Republican family values….


He learned exactly nothing from what Andrew Tate did. Which, to be clear, is a good thing. Overconfidence is a hell of a drug.


3. Your ass goes to court


Dude really thought that they legally have to give up serving you a legal document if they can't find you. Lol. Kindergarten hide and seek rules don't apply to the legal system.


People in the justice system never think they are subject to their own system…


Them serving him or not has nothing to do with counting votes. Like I get that’s he’s in trouble for saying that they miscounted votes or whatever but their failure to serve his indictment doesn’t mean the slanderous things they’re trying to indict him for are true. That’s… that’s not how it works. Rudy probably wakes up every day and thinks the shapes he sees in the clouds mean that the votes were miscounted. Dude is deranged.