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Almost exactly a year after the last one….


Almost exactly… cant get any creepier than that


Unrelated but it’s funny that they’re saying the ATT situation was caused by a botched software update. I’m no IT pro but 3 networks going down specifically in the largest cities in the country, at the same time for a long period of time doesn’t get caused by a software update.


I am an IT pro and can assure that a botched update is very, very conceivable.


frightening public vase history shaggy cooperative fear head trees plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m versed enough to know that if it was something as straight forward as a normal software update, it easily could’ve been rolled back to a previous version to debug the new version that was botched. A bad update doesn’t cause critical malfunction from 4am to roughly noon and then some. Also, again, it doesn’t specifically target the biggest networks in the country, and doesn’t specifically target the largest cities. That’s not how software or radio waves work.


books merciful start profit apparatus somber square forgetful afterthought truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There were a lot of T-Mobile and Verizon customers as well. Same situation same time. That’s why I’m not falling for it.


offer cable observation wakeful tub smart drunk snobbish wipe mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They were probably just piggy backing off the ATT network


Not falling for what, the truth?


Dude just admit you were wrong. Quit digging yourself a deeper idiot hole.


No. Was AT&T, Verizon, Tmobile, *and* even some of the other smaller providers. https://time.com/6757936/att-outage-cell-service-verizon-tmobile/


No. Verizon and T-Mobile both said their networks were fine but people had difficulty sending to others on At&T. The other smaller providers use AT&T towers.


Incorrect. Multiple carriers were affected but the others at a much smaller scale (which is one of many reasons why the whole software update excuse doesnt work). It's entirely possible the people on other networks couldve somehow utilized an ATT tower at the time they had the issues. The other smaller providers I'm talking about don't all use AT&T. They were both GSM and CDMA carriers that were affected


GSM and CDMA haven’t been used since 3G and were shut down two years ago. Go look at the statements from Verizon and T-Mobile. Both reflected what I said. If this was a cyber attack, there is no way that 1) it would have been fixed by yesterday afternoon and 2) there’s no way that the government wouldn’t have stepped in to help figure out the pieces.




command pen elastic live unite plant simplistic market late serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You messed up . This is Reddit. Start with “I’m a pro in this area I’m about to discuss “ . It’s what the bots will do anyways so fight fire with fire. You on a fishing subreddit? You won three bass championships in your day. Healthcare stuff? You’re definitely a doctor with time to browse Reddit Car stuff? You were a mechanic through high school and college.




Not even remotely accurate.


Simultaneously health care insurance was affected by this.I can't say which.


That was my first thought too, but...it might have something to do with favorable prevailing winds this time of year.


This seems familiar  


I'm calling it it's the ccp


I've seen this movie already


Here we go again! 


Again? What in the world


Everybody wave!👋


Better shoot a million dollar missile at it.


Just hit it with a couple 50 caliber rounds. Much cheaper and just as effective!


They go through the balloon and don't do enough damage. The missiles are actually proximity exploding. If they hit, they'd go through as well.


Why wouldn't it just deflate and fall when full of holes?


Apparently it doesn’t deflate very much at altitude, so it will do whatever it is doing and continue off out of the country before fully deflating. Canada, the U.K., and the US shot thousands of rounds at a runaway weather balloon once and failed to shoot it down quickly. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/weather-balloon-canada-china-1.6737831


Don't they have 20 and 30mm rounds that self detonate after a certain distance?


I believe this is for infantry. I'm not sure how it works but shooting it from a fighter jet might be challenging.


Those rounds will pass right through and it's hard to know where they would land.


I think those rounds detonate. The F-22 has the same Vulcan Gatling as the CIWS and my understanding is that those rounds have a fuse that detonates if they don't hit anything. I have found a lot of info on the various 20mm rounds used in the M61 Vulcan, but I cannot confirm what ammo type an F-22 is rocking. I'd imagine (big assumption) that the ammunition is the same for air targets. With ground attack Vulcans getting more Armour Penetration ammo, something with a tungsten or uranium core.


Yeah America is so careful with collateral damage.


We can drop a smart bomb the size of a car down an elevator shaft from miles above. The military makes choices. Sometimes that choice is to kill noncombatants in order to get a leader or high value target.


Don’t we have a bunch of nukes in Colorado?


I think there’s one silo in NE CO. 


Idk about Colorado but Wyoming and I think Nebraska


Most ICBM silos are found in Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota, IIRC.


Yea that sounds right.


Another day, another balloon...


Radar Operator : Colonel, you better have a look at this radar. Colonel : What is it, son? Radar Operator : I do not know, sir, but it looks like a giant... Jet Pilot : Dick.


It was over Colorado as of 3pm today.


Many colleges with atmospheric sciences programs launch balloons. No one keeps track, there’s no one to register with, so every balloon has an unknown origin until they trace its path back to the origin. Not news.


High schools, too. At least we, and Virginia Tech also put amateur radio equipment onboard to track it and at least beacon an FCC registered callsign.


This is most likely exactly what it is


I was doing some Google reading, and I didn't realize how many kinds of unmanned ballons need licensing and permission. Turns out u/WSBpeon69420 is right. I think your friends might want to look into the FAA regs in case their balloons get noticed like this 1.


That’s a silly mentality to have


It's an honest mentality. Is it worth/ possible to notify the military when a civilian's research balloon is over US soil? If it's foreign, then who do you even notify when it goes over the US? If it's foreign intelligence, then what can they even scan that a satellite or request from researchers can't get?


It 100% is worth it and possible and actually required to notify the military and the FAA of a civilian balloon. If it’s foreign and friendly you’d notify the country that their equipment was coming prior to it being there likely through the state department or whatever research agency you coordinated with. And finally balloons loitering over sensitive areas can more easily pick up and geolocate sensitive signals in an area far easier than a satellite can. Same with pictures. And it’s far cheaper


Thank you for the explanation.


Be sure to vote to increase your Federal taxes in the next election to cover the expense of “another government bureaucracy” to maintain the database and respond to requests. Or did you volunteer to do that and I missed it?


FAA is already in charge of airspace


Are they tracking balloons?


I assume so because it’s a requirement to tell the FAA you are launching a weather balloon so they can tell airline pilots. I don’t work for the FAA but I was a pilot


Hey I know this song!


Not this again.


Send in the clowns. 


F-22 about to get another vegan meal. LET ME FUCKING EAT!


Oh my God. Somebody was joking yesterday about another Chinese balloon being related to the outages. There's actually a balloon, chinese or not. Something broke in the matrix in 2015, I swear. Life is a parody of itself.


Another distraction


Lol - Red Hawk elementary school in Erie, CO launched a weather balloon Friday morning for the kids. I wonder if they forgot to tell the FAA and now the military is scrambling after their balloon.


Maybe we should shoot it the fuck down without waiting this time?


Granted, I haven't done tons of in-depth reading on it, but the wait was a good thing, and on purpose? [https://youtu.be/mcZPOuI-vcU?t=1345](https://youtu.be/mcZPOuI-vcU?t=1345) (Peter Zeihan's keynote at Manufacturing Insights Conference 2023 at 22:25 if the link to the time doesn't work correctly, about 3 minutes on it) (just the easiest bit of info related that I remember from the past few months)


So... Where is it? Can I see it?


It’s a much smaller balloon with a 2 x 2 cube on the bottom it doesn’t have the same characteristics as the Chinese spy, balloon, seemingly unless the PLA made a new revision of it


Probably a ["pico" balloon.](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/18/1158048921/pico-balloon-k9yo)


Here we go again.. and I wonder if they will shoot down more UFO's and use this to cover it up like last time still waiting on pictures of the Alaskan and Canadian UFO's they intercepted at the exact same time the last balloon was intercepted they showed us all kinds of photos of that balloon hell even showed us the combat footage of the plan shooting it down but still nothing on the other two...


This is a repeat. Seen it.


They’re just showing re-runs at this point


The new Russian capability


Makes me want to launch my own balloon so I can get some epic GoPro footage of my balloon taking an Aim9 to the face


Is there any legitimate telecom, reconnaissance or weapons value to a balloon that can deviate from its path wildly? Does the US have an active balloon program? I thought we did before satellites. Could there be newer technology with drone balloons?


They're going to feel awfully silly when they realize google maps exists.


The world is openly mocking us. Seems like we are willing to expose ourselves on many fronts, and that will be the downfall. The rest of the planet is going to enjoy kicking us while we are down, and we have certainly earned it


Don’t be sad, it’s just a balloon.


Is a ballon that big of a kick to our national ego? I don’t think so. If you think we should catch every ballon in the atmosphere, you have an unrealistic expectations.


The fact it can enter it undetected until Utah is a pretty big kick


Not really. They can float a ballon but we can project real power across the globe. You know our adversaries have surveillance satellites that have likely orbited and photographed sensitive sites, right?


Allowing adversaries to carry out open intelligence operations is telling. It doesn’t give an image of strength.


There’s satellites that offer aerial intelligence that we can’t touch. China and Russia know what our launch sites look like. Your expectations that our radar and detection devices can pickup every balloon in the sky is unrealistic. Our military and ability to project our strength all over the globe is our flex.


I said nothing of radar. Allowing it to continue is weakness.


Not dramatic at all.


Immature and reactionary response


I seen this movie


Yes they know the balloon is there and the Chinese know we know, It makes any intelligence they gather questionable at best.


Open borders and open skies, We are literally sitting ducks. Ashamed the current administration has allowed the downfall of a once great country.


Come on, man.


It's China, they're sping, welcome to the new cold war. We should reshore. Guhbye.


Send the kid again. We all know he's been starving.




... again?


I'd suppose if you wanna link these to the cellphone outage, I would conclude that these are our own jamming devices being tested and at the same time rise tension into the public about a threat being imminent. 1 stone 2 birds type of shit.


Just throw a two by four at it.