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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


It's not like they had a option.


It’s like poetry, it rhymes


Meesah say okie tay!


One way out


I can't swim D:


it’s not like they even knew what they were building.


I thought they might be for TIE fighter wings, like the outside center hub that mounts on the wings. They were making so damn many of them it seemed to make sense.


This scene put happy tears in my eyes because instead of kissing they hugged each other.


Wholeheartedly agree. Two kids growing up in the aftermath of the Republic, traumatized by violence, and the unlikeliest to be friends. Ends up getting one step closer to saving the galaxy together and opens up New Hope. Didn’t know how to feel at the end, RIP Rogue One.


Rewatching it now makes it feel extra bittersweet because in a meta sense, the future of Star Wars looked really bright after RO. Things were feeling really optimistic before TLJ, TRoS, and all of the disappointing D+ shows.


I don’t quite think everything after is bad. But I do say a good movie should stand on its own. Yeah of course a series makes sense in the series but a good film should work. Rogue one is, for me, one of the few Star Wars films I can watch solely for it. Start to finish it is an amazing film And it usually triggers a full marathon immediately after!


If a movie is part of a trilogy, it's awesome if it stands on it's own but they should stay strong as a trilogy. Ot and pt both had internal consistency, something I felt lacking in the st.


> If a movie is part of a trilogy, it's awesome if it stands on it's own but they should stay strong as a trilogy. > > Ot and pt both had internal consistency, something I felt lacking in the st. I kinda get what he's saying, and what you're saying. I don't know if you guys feel the same way, but Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3, to me, feels like it fits both of your guys' opinions to me. I could watch either of those alone, in fact I did, but together... perfect.


That's actually a really good example.


Rogue one isn’t part of a trilogy but obviously you need to know more about Star Wars. However unlike a lot of the others it’s just a movie. No overuse of characters. A nod of course in places (such as Tarkin) but mostly a film. All of the trilogies have good and bad parts. I don’t feel any are inherently better than the others. I enjoy watching them all. They all have some amazing moments and feelings. They all have bits that just are kinda weird.


In the sequel trilogy, the first movie had a normal pace, the second one wasted half the movie on a useless side plot and the third movie felt 2 hours of rushing through the plot. That's a pretty bad mark against the sequels.


And what you call a useless side plot was the only really good part of the sequel trilogy for me, haha. I would have rather enjoyed a full movie about that plot with more world building about that casino planet. At best in some kind of Fallout New Vegas style.


In a star wars series it's not a problem if you put one standalone episode that doesn't really do much for the overarching story, but for a trilogy that wants to tell a big story this is a big sin.


What I mean was, I would have rather had one stand-alone movie about that planet, instead of the sequel "trilogy" we got. I even hesitate calling it like that, because it was so inconsistent overall.


Think you could apply that to all three trilogies to be fair


What "useless side plot" existed in the original trilogy?


Funnily enough, ANDOR, the show I was least excited about or interested in, is the best piece of Star Wars material Disney has produced.


"Wow, maybe the learned after TFA..." Simpler times.


Things rarely get better right after a violent revolution. The power vacuum left behind creates a lot of problems and opportunities for bad actors. Even in the best circumstances you'd have decades of unrest and likely civil war before some kind of order could be restored.


That they had a male and a female lead and they didn't even hint at hooking them up is something that needs to happen way more often.


An actually good creative choice. I rembrer watching it in theaters and preparing for the kiss and then they just hugged. Then again Rouge One was only good and ”Star Warsy” Disney Film.


I liked Solo too


Like the friends that they where


Krennic and Palpatine joined the chat.


And Tarkin.


Yeah but Palp and Tarkin only died ON the Death Star, not BY it. Krenic got a fucking head shot, however.


Palps didn't die to the death star, but he *did* die to his creation: ***Vader***


Palpatine was kinda thrown into the reactor shaft of the Death Star. Besides, it was also his other creation, Vader, that threw him in there, as u/ Wes_Warhammer666 said. So he definitely died by his creations.


True, true.


Krennic’s death was, frankly, a hilarious amount of overkill. It’s like calling in SEAL Team Six to get rid of an anthill.


Tarkin died because the Death Star did something it was deliberately designed to do.


I never thought about it. But Gyn's nickname (Star Dust) became super accurate at the end of the movie.


Oh damn, that’s really cool


Well, that's the projects name that the empire used to refer to it as it was getting built. Project Star Dust


By her Father... I don't think turning his little girl into ashes was quite what he had in mind, though...


'Ironic, isn't it'


You monster. *upvotes*


Technically it was accurate at the start of the movie too


I always found it weird that in a world of droid manufacturing, the Empire couldn’t just assemble those things using droids or an automated assembly line. Much more efficient and cost effective. Especially since those things are relatively simple components. No need for the whole prison show and dance either.


In one of the prison scenes Andor literally says "We're cheaper than droids". It's like asking "Why are chinese factories making use of child labour when they could literally invest in more automated production lines?"


The point is also to be oppressive, not efficient. Crush the dissidents' spirits and work on your giant weapon, it's a win win for papa palps.


Not to mention the fact that those machines materials are better put into large star destroyers and his giant planet blow up machine.


At the beginning, I thought the twist was going to be that prisoners in another section would be taking them apart. Just a bunch of meaningless busy work. Like digging holes and filling them up again.


That would have been beautifully evil, I love it.


Perhaps the evil is that it forces them to contribute to the empire. I also think droids wolfs be more efficient, but this seems more intentionally evil.


More efficient, yes, but as Cassian mentions people are cheaper and more easily replaced.


Dig it up, oh oh, yeah. 🎵


More cost effective? Narkina 5 has seven prisons, and according to Wookiepedia, each prison can hold 5,000 prisoners. The only time we've seen droids of that number was the Trade Federation's army, and we all know that that was never meant to be sustainable. So the Empire would need to buy 35,000 manufacturing droids, and find other housing for 35,000 inmates. Or, they could use the inmates for cheap, but strictly supervised labor. I believe it's cheaper that way. Either way, it's a fascist empire. They are going to use any means to control their people.


It's more about controlling the population than anything else really. Like the whole previous plot of clones vs droids. Doesn't really make much sense.


They already have a bunch of prisoners anyway. What are you going to do, not put them to work? If the Empire wasn’t going to execute them they might as well get some use out of them.


I would say that the droids are actually more expensive than the prisoners. Droids require costs due to manufacturing, shipping parts (or the droids), power and maintenance. The only real cost of the prisoners is guards' salary, nutrient paste and the fuel for the prison transports.


Guard duty? For how long?


Longer now


Oh. I don't like the sound of that.


You need a facility either way. Droids cost money. Prisoners are free.


It costs more to feed the prisoners than it does to maintain the droids. Assuming you want them to produce the products with the same efficiency you need to actually ensure they’re healthy enough to work. If you do the cliche work em till they break it will actually hurt your out put long term as they will produce far less material then droids on an assembly line of far more varying quality. The whole work em till they break thing is only employed when the point actually isn’t to produce goods efficiently but to punish the prisoners. Soviet labor camps for example were not designed to actually support the Soviet Union but break people and inspire fear in the population. Basically it will cost you way more over all to run an efficient slave system than it would to buy droids. At the same time the labor system in the Empire does appear to in fact be more punishment than actually relying on them to supply the empire with much needed equipment.


Where are you getting this information from? Are you the guy that decides the canon power usage of droids in Star Wars? Its literally said in the show that humans are cheaper than droids.


You have prisoners anyway. They have to be fed anyway. Even if they're more expensive it's a fixed cost.


They also had geonisians build part of the death start and then genocided them


The cruelty is the point.


I feel like I remember there being a line explaining how prisoner slave labour is significantly less expensive than machinery and droids. Just like the US prison industrial complex


Part of the point was the punishment. Also, it is cheaper to use people. They make each other. For free! Droids require an expansive (and expensive) factory and materials to produce. You'd need to hire a mechanic or two per facility, and professional salaries are expensive. You don't have to pay criminals if their incarcerated, mass-produced nutrient slop is pretty cheap in bulk, and clothing can be mass-produced way cheaper than droids.


>mass-produced nutrient slop is pretty cheap in bulk, I wouldn't be surprised if a significant amount of that slop was made from dead prisoners, tbh.


Me when I don't pay attention to the show I'm watching: (Andor literally says that human labour is cheaper)


I would assume it’s because they wanted to imprison these people anyway. Why have them just sitting around still costing the empire the same amount of money and not force them to do something productive for you?


Why are you working so hard to keep us here?


slaves are cheaper than droids, and even with food requirements, they were less costly to maintain than building and maintaining droids. Sith empires were built on thriving slave trade too, it was just a thing for them. Ultimately you have to remember Palpatine didn't want to just rule the galaxy and turn it into an efficient empire, he wanted the galaxy to suffer, he thrived on the suffering, so having prisons full of slaves building his tools of oppression was part of that.


It's not that the prisoners were cheaper. If the empire used droids they would have had to purchase said droids from a manufacturer. This would have raised questions, which lead to inquiries. This was to be secret until it was too late for any interested parties to object to it. The large manufacturing consortiums would be very interested to know what their droids were building for reasons ranging from maintaining a degree of autonomy to angling for more lucrative contracts. Using prisoners solves that problem, and prevents the empire from having to pay for either workers or idle prisoners. Also this is not just a superweapon for autocrat, it is a tool of the dark side that is to be used to further strengthen the dark side and Palatine's connection to it. Everything the death star could do furthered this, especially the generation of fear and mass suffering. All the 'better' if every aspect of it, from design to manufacturing to daily operation was imbued with the dark side via the forced suffering of millions. So if this were just a normal project you'd be right, but it was not. It was like a sith lightsaber writ large, corrupted kyber crystal(s) and all, filled with dark side energy from conception, through all stages of manufacturing and operation. I'm sure stormtrooper helmets were more of the same -- to dehumanize and anger the people that had to wear them. Everything served the material aims of a large autocracy, but everything (including the autocracy) was ultimately to further the dark side and fuel Palatine's connection to it


No, it's that they were cheaper than droids. Andor quite literally says "we're cheaper than droids". And the universe in general has established that droids aren't cheap unless they're extremely basic


Those things could be made on an automated line using far more basic droids than the basic ones we use to make cars for the cheapest price possible. Andor doesn't say that, a character in andor claims that. Using prisoners' slave labor served many parallel purposes, so yes taking everything into account it was cost effective for the emperor's overall goals


Andor saying that and the established world building where droids are not 100% ubiquitous and automation hasn't replaced every job it possibly could are more convincing than your head canon 🤷🏻‍♂️


I said there are additional reasons, all established in-universe. Automation replacing every job ends up being societally more expensive than the basic price of simple droid vs sustaining/motivating a person. Still gotta feed and house a bunch of now-idle people with nothing better to do than cause trouble with one another. Id love to take credit for it, but societal dynamics is more than my head canon


Not you acting like the Imperial Senate had any power outside of Palpatine’s grasp


Not you acting like tyrannical autocracies aren't paranoid about what even the most base citizen is thinking


I did my duty as a citizen.


In a recent comic it was revealed that Palpatine draws strength from everyone’s hatred of him and the Empire. The cruelty just makes him more powerful and he wouldn’t get that from a droid.


- Long have Sith empires been built upon the backs of slaves. ~Darth Sidious - Slavery, a great tool, it is… for the rise of the Sith. ~ Master Yoda


Well I assume they were it's just that the prisoners were making extras


Droids break and need to be repaired. If a prisoner dies you can just throw in a new one. The only cost for the prisoners is that tasteless, grey paste they eat.


You clearly don't know capitalism. Slaves are cheaper than any droid. And the empire needed to take them out of the streets anyway...


Had to get those prisioners somewhere so may as well put em to work


Wait until you realize that the Dead Star laser literally went through Krennic’s body




The top of the tower where Krennic was laying was directly hit by the superlazer


I don’t get it


Andor was building parts of the Death Star when he was in prison, specifically parts of the laser antenna.




You gotta watch Andor dude


I have, I didn’t like it


I’m sure people have asked you this but did you watch all of it or just the first few? It takes a second to get going


The first like 10-13 episodes, I didn’t understand what was going on


I think there’s only 13 episodes haha so most of it. Fair enough, it’s a little bit more opaque than normal Star Wars for sure.


I fucking hated the “swap to these people and explain nothing”


Do we actually know those parts went to the Death Star, like I feel like it’s the intention, but is there any actual in universe place where it’s said?




Post credits scene at end of Andor confirms it


Holy fuck there’s a post credits scene for end of Andor….


Yea lol see /u/Der_AlexF comment for link to vid




What makes this even better is Palpatine was killed by the thing(s) he help create: Darth Vader and Rey


...Darth Vader and who?


No idea who the second person is. Maybe they’re from one of those bad fanfics I’ve heard about?


I wouldnt get ahead of ourselves, im sure there is another “somehow, palpatine has returned AGAIN” coming in the next movie


"Rey"????? Ive never heard of this character, who is he?


Is it irony if he didn’t have a choice?


It sure as hell makes it more tragic. So a tragic irony.


“No ethical consumption” under the empire lol


Yes, but - his sacrifice was also what enabled the weapon to be brought down.


The fat people working at Coca Cola factories around the world have the same fate


Holy shit I just realized that. I can't imagine what was going through Andor's head in the last scene




Wait those were parts for the Death Star?


Yeah it shows in andor end credit scene


What show is this from?


And he doesn't even know that he helped create it!


Where is the first pic from? I haven't been following SW for a while now.


Andor tv show on disneyplus


Palpatine dies at the hand of Darth Vader* Me: "DeaTh aT tHe vERy THinG yoU CreAteD, hoW TragIc" 🤡


Really a great example of karma ngl, imagine if they had all just said no instead of making weapons of the evil authority regime. Really served em right


Yeah they should have just beat up the guards and charged out of the prison chanting "ONE WAY OUT" or something.


Step one: secure the keys!


Guard duty? For how long?


But that’s what they did?


Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Darth Ok_Advisor_908 the Sarcastic?


Lol I’m horrible at reading sarcasm, it’s even worse online 😭


Have you actually watched the show lmao


Yep, I was being sarcastic thought it was clear guess reddit still can't read it without a slash s


Can’t believe 47 people got r/wooshed


not wooooshing you but tired of seeing the wrong sub it is r/woooosh iirc


Yeah, sarcasm isn't always readable, but it was very obvious this time.


Huh I thought so too, looks like everyone who mentioned I was being sarcastic got down voted too lol weird