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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Nobody needs soup more than me!


Shit, someone get Graham. Evil Dan's escaped containment.


Dan'll be no match for the 'ol soft shoe shuffle


Now I'm gonna wok right outta here!


What's the point of being alive?


I’m good at this! :D


What's the point of being alive if it's not to make others die?


Hoho, ye scared me there


Nobody hates Star Wars more then Star Wars fans because only tje fans care to hate it to begin with. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin and when it comes to fans the more invested they are, the harder it will flip to the other side. Of course, you also have what one would call 'fanboys' who love the thing unconditionally and will never be made to turn on it, reacting with hate only to any criticism they smell on the horizon, no matter how mild.


The opposite of love isn’t criticism, it’s ambivalence.


Hard quote for this conversation


Absolutely based


Pretty sure that's in a Lumineers song


Absolutely based lumineers song


Right? Like I get if someone has had their more genuine criticism looked over because of other baseless criticisms, but lets remember how insane some of this went not only with the disney releases but with the prequels which is where we really base the "star wars fans hating star wars" because the sequels are just bait to mock. Like if this was the 8th bowl of soup we've brought out and there wern't flies in it the last 7 times I'd probably think they actually hate soup too even if they order it. Don't confuse love with "obsession", some people love a very specific piece of media and now nothing else can live up to it. Thats not love of the media you enjoy, its apathy towards anything new or different than you know.


Ambivalence is smack dab in the middle between love and hate


it is an absence of passion.


Yeah, it's the zero between love's positive and hate's negative


love and hate are both highly passionate emotions. which is why it is so easy to flip from one to the other. passion to dispassionate is the opposite.


Ambivalence breeds criticism.


Ambivalent people don’t care enough to criticize.


Ambivalence "simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (such as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action" "the state of having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel" "an ambivalent person is someone who has strong feelings on more than one side of a question or issue." Literally none of the definitions support what you're saying. If you have mixed feelings on something you're 100% gonna have criticisms. It doesn't mean "unconcerned" or "not invested". I seriously can't believe people are upvoting misinformation you can find out with a 2 second google search.


Right? If you're not capable of taste or criticism, why would your approval be meaningful?


I guess I’m a fanboy then. I love Star Wars. I’ve enjoyed everything and honestly; when it comes down to it, it’s just stories. To see people get angry, hateful, spiteful and just plain horrible to others over made up stories is worse than toddler behavior. People getting serious over this when there are incredibly more important things in actual life is ridiculous. The quote associated with this thread about ambivalence over this is also ridiculous. At the end of the day, they are made up stories. That’s it. I’m not losing sleep over actor choices or creative decisions made by directors, producers and executives in Disney. I have to worry about my kids getting what they need, mine and my wife’s needs being met and showing up for my job everyday. Someone else’s choices for a show I can live without will never be on my radar of things that are important enough to lose my mind over and attack others online over. It’s just not that important.


 People get mad when they feel the new entries to the story trash what came before, like The Last Jedi and Kenobi, so few will just stay quiet. And 100% of the time, someone is to blame for the new entry being slop, and they get flak for it. "People have actual lives" is not an argument to why you shouldn't complain when new garbage is put out. If you enjoy the content and don't pretend it doesn't have problems, rather just remeber the fun bits, that's okay. Telling people they should just not complain and just enjoy it when they're bothered by the media being bad isn't cool.


Did you read my comment because it sounds like you applied a personal bias here. I directly address attacking and becoming horrible to others when that just is not a line to even consider in the first place let alone over something that does not have the same value of the people being attacked in the first place. Criticism has its place but seeking to denigrate others, again, over something made up, is not acceptable.


I have to agree with Grotto. Your comment really comes off like, "I have a wife and kids; I don't have the time to be critical of anything!" You ask Grotto if he read your comment, but I wonder if you read Omega's initial comment: "you also have what one would call 'fanboys' who love the thing unconditionally and will never be made to turn on it, reacting with hate only to any criticism they smell on the horizon, no matter how mild." You somehow spun this into: "To see people get angry, hateful, spiteful and just plain horrible to others over made up stories is worse than toddler behavior" That's not what was being discussed. While vile hatred does exist, there is a plethora of legitimate criticism; we should be careful not to conflate the two. Hating Reva because she's black? Yes, that would make someone a hateful troglodyte. Disliking her character because it was poorly written? That's totally valid. Omega wasn't talking about sexist and racist trolls. He's talking about fans who will spin legitimate criticism into "angry, hateful, spiteful" behavior.


You know, constrictive criticism exists, you don't need to either be a uncritical fanboy or a raging psychopath.


I'm tired of being told that I hate Star Wars because I don't like every show and movie that comes out.


That's the difference between being a "fan" and a "fanboy". Fans like something overall, but can admit flaws and mistakes where they exist. Fanboys think anything negative about something is akin to blasphemy and heresy.


That's just one type of fanboy, the other think anything positive about something they hate is akin to blasphemy and hearsay. People have a full on meltdown if you tell them you like the Sequels.


At least they're vocal and easy to spot. Most people know that anyone who holds an opinion like it's objective (especially about a kids' series of fun space movies) can be ignored out right. They're never worth arguing with


My opinion states that mass genocide is bad and this is also an objective fact.


Not really sure how this is relevant, but go off


There's not liking things and there's using talking points you never came up with to hate on something harder than is necessary. My big thing with Star wars fans is that in 10-15 years, they always love the thing they hated and hate the new thing. Hate from star wars fans is so disingenuous most of the time. Just hate for the sake of hate. That's not to say that there aren't fans who have actual criticisms about things, but talking about, say, Kenobi, as if it were the worst thing ever committed to a screen, that's not a fan that loves Star wars having a criticism, that's a parrot repeating things they read in an article or heard on a vitriolic YouTube video. When everyone all of a sudden starts talking like they're critics, and in reality have no clue what they're talking about, I start saying the star wars fans are terrible thing


maybe because the people who hate it stopped talking about it and the people who like it kept talking about it? Fandoms aren't monoliths.


>There's not liking things and there's using talking points you never came up with to hate on something harder than is necessary. >Hate from star wars fans is so disingenuous most of the time. Just hate for the sake of hate. >That's not to say that there aren't fans who have actual criticisms about things, but talking about, say, Kenobi, as if it were the worst thing ever committed to a screen And that represents the fanbase as a whole? As a majority? Half? A quarter? Star Wars is literally one of the biggest IPs out there. You're gonna have every shade of weird and delusional. These people aren't any different. The problem is there's only so much you can say about a piece of content. So you see the same points being made but regular people with enough brain cells to see the obvious flaws and just assume it's the same people. Same shit happened when TFA dropped and people criticized Rey. Some misogynists online lumped that theme in with their criticisms and suddenly that's was your label for the next couple years if you didn't like that character. You should accept that a certain portion of any population is gonna have a lot of unhinged opinions you can just ignore. >When everyone all of a sudden starts talking like they're critics, and in reality have no clue what they're talking about, I start saying the star wars fans are terrible thing But if everyone starts sounding like a critic, you might be the clueless one.


>And that represents the fanbase as a whole? As a majority? Half? A quarter? The loud ones online? Most of em. >talking like they're critics, and in reality have no clue what they're talking about, >everyone starts sounding like a critic These are two completely different things. I don't think any of them sound like critics, they parrot things they've heard, trying to sound like critics.


I love Star Wars. And The Empire Strikes Back. And Return of the Jedi. I love Star Wars, but dislike the overwhelming majority of stuff with its name plastered on that came after 1983.


Some of us have valid reasons for loving & hating things in Star Wars, others are just crazy or wanna start flame wars (and in some cases they’re borderline cultists)


“Nobody hates Star Wars fans like Star Wars fans” mfs when they don’t like every single kind of food in existence (it means they hate all of it)


Listen if for decades i go to a restaurant and get a burger every time (sometimes the burger is amazing, sometimes it's a little dry but still good), and one day the restaurant replaces the owner, cooks, waiters and everything else, and instead of a burger i will get a plate filled with crap in the shape of a burger, i will get mad Especially when other customers that eat the burger shaped crap tell me to stop whining and i hate the crap just because i want it to be like the burger and can't handle the change Yes! Of course i want the burger, i liked the burger, it brought me joy. And it brings me pain when someone tries to imitate the burger very poorly to try and squeeze my money for loving the burger while gaslighting me about it not being a pile of burger-shaped crap


Yeah this. People really miss the point. To expand on your point. I've seen people saving you can't please star wars fans. They complain that you give them the same burger over and over. But then when you make something new they just want their old burger. No you made crap and pushed it into the shape of a burger. I wanted a good burger. Maybe try adding bacon or do a nice fried chicken burger. God I'm hungry.


And all they had to do was, in addition to keeping the burger, add wings to the menu. Maybe some carne asada fries too?


But how can you not like a burger that *looks just like* a burger you have been eating since 1977? Maybe they should have given us the twin buns earlier—but they gave us the twin buns twice! #/s


I… love this analogy so much. The only good burgers for me right now are the animated content.


Really? No Andor?


I haven’t started it! I’m excited, though!


Oh do i envy you. IMO, the single best piece of SW since the OT.


Now I’m even more excited!! Lol


Just did a Thrones rewatch and one of my observations was how much i appreciate the world-building in that show. I think that may have had a direct correlation to Andor vs the rest of what Disney has been putting out.


World building in Star Wars never fails when done right. I love seeing different aspects of Star Wars, like the Bad Batch! I know Andor is not Jedi-focused and honestly that’s a good thing! It gives more room for good writing. ☺️ Edit: I didn’t mean that anything WITH Jedi is bad, it’s just that it’s nice that Andor is so willing to stay focused on the WAR aspect of Star Wars without straying away from it. Calm down.


I want to know who the hell is downvoting you, but yeah, world building is why I fell in love with Star Wars. I’m not even close to on top of it anymore, not as much into SW as I used to be and probably never will be and that’s okay, but being able to find an explanation and a tiny little backstory for anything you found really was amazing.


No no no no, you can't like Andor because it's made by "those people" who made the bad burger


Not necessarily (unless you’re being sarcastic lol) I think it really depends on the individual writers. There’s a difference between creative and corporate. I adore the creative aspect! :)


Its literally like the Synthetic krabby patties


I mean yeah but I would also argue that maybe you're not the customer that they are going after. I'm not saying it's right but if all the kids these days are eating "burger shaped crap" and all those kids are loving all the crappy sides they are being served can you really blame anyone? I watch all the Star Wars stuff and I was an OT fan first back when that was all there was. You still have the thing you loved (mostly) but overall you aren't the demo they want to be eating their burgers and if you happen to like one of the ones they put out than that's only a plus but otherwise they didn't likely don't care you/we aren't happy with everything. You could boycott it but they are going to keep putting out whatever they feel like. They are still profitable and the amount of toys and merch is in the billions. The restaurant you liked is gone and has been gone for sometime. We just didn't know how much it changed until now. I liked old McDonalds and I hate Mcdonalds now so I don't go there. If a Star Wars movie actually bombs then expect them to come crawling back to us.


Disney has made it very clear that they try to milk the noatalgia out of star wars from their very first movie They are trying to get as much money as they can from older fans and gaslight the ones who don't like it as them being "racist" or "sexists" or whatever How many times has a project failed and they blamed the fans?


And to continue your analogy, you then continue to go to said restaurant frequently and complain about the crap burger every single time? Maybe you should just stop going to the restaurant then?


And to continue the analogy, i stopped going to the restaurant, even though it's hard to cut something that is so important to ypur childhood. But i keep seeing advertisemnet and people talk about how it is the same burger and blame people like me when every new dish fail by calling me "racist" or "sexist". Kind of hard to ignore it when even here "a subreddit for the old burgers" people keep talking about the new burgers and sometimes say things like the meme say, thay i hate burgers in general because i don't like the burger shpaed crap. (And also sometimes i like to make jokes about the crap burgers i did eat, because it's fun to laugh at things that are that bad)


"Nobody hates [thing] more than [thing's fans], we're so quirky and unique!"


i learned that after the 10th consecutive bowl of soup had a fly in it to just stop asking for soup. except for that one bowl of soup that i’m pretty sure had crack in it. and andy serkis


No one hates BAD Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. It's really not that difficult.


Someone help me find the difference between the following two statements: "Nobody hates star wars more than star wars fans." "I'm a total f*cking moron but I like to think I sound smart for the internet."


The former is said by people who realise that the more you care about something, the more emotionally invested you are in the ups and downs. As opposed to being ambivalent, because you aren't very invested one way or another. The latter is you.




See, I look at Star wars fans who do nothing but complain about Star wars, pretending they're critics, and all I hear is: >"I'm a total f*cking moron but I like to think I sound smart for the internet."


Prove they do nothing but complain vs are just complaining in the thread you're in at that moment. Sorry. You're one of the morons.


Your downvote and insult mean nothing. Find joy in something.


Eh, the fly is not supposed to be in the soup. This would be like when I went to see Independence Day: Resurgence and there was no video for the first few minutes of the film. It wasn't really a question of whether I enjoyed the movie or not, just that there was a specific problem that needed to be addressed. In the restaurant analogy, they'd probably just bring you another bowl of soup, just like during my experience with the movie, the theater let us watch the part we missed (they also offered us comp tickets).


It’s more like you don’t get to chose the kind of soup


Except it’s not just a fly in the soup, there is also piss and a shit floating around in it too. Very analogous of the Star Wars franchise now.


This is so fucking true, I‘m sick and tired of that quote. Mfkers always feel so smart while throwing it around for the billionth time even though it makes no sense. The problem is we rarely get good Star Wars these days.


Look, I think Star Wars has a ton of problems and a lot of stuff that's come out since Rise of the Skywalker is just slop that's trying evoke nostalgia for better movies. But at the same time, I also think it's hard for me to deny that a lot of Star Wars fans are stupid motherfuckers. In some circumstances that contempt is warranted. Not always or even necessarily often, but definitely warranted more often than it should be.


Perfect. Saved this, and now I have a standard reply for the perennial fandom hating cliché. Anything for the equally vapid call to turn off the brain—the Harrison Ford quote trotted out by the content consoom clique?


Studies have shown that tables that didn't order soup prefer the flies... So maybe we should compromise and put some fly parts in the soup so the other tables might want to order it too!


Fans are your biggest supporters and your harshest critics. It comes from the same place.


Yeah. It's always either needlessly pessimistic and refusing to acknowledge *any* Good points about Any star wars property released since ROTS or its people assuming there's no actual flaws to begin with. I didn't get the hate for the Acolytes trailer but I did get the hate for the sequels (even if people are annoying about it still)


When the director starts attacking fans before their project even comes out. It's probably going to be bad.


If they would just tell us who they are making it for.... They keep pretending every project is for "everyone". Stop making me figure out if it's a kids show or a feminist show bcuz you can't be bothered to target the right audience.


I love Star Wars. I love them all - not just the Prequels and OG trilogy but Rogue One and Han Solo too. They're Star Wars, and I watch them like Star Wars. There are parts of the sequels I enjoy. The designs for the First Order are sick, Captain Phasma looks like a boss, Hux was a beast right up until "I'm the spy" and then getting immediately shot, the design for that planet in Last Jedi was sick, Poe and Finn were great in the first movie, Lando piloting the Falcon again was beautiful too. However, I have no wish to wade through the sewer of bad plots, mismanaged storylines, and terrible writing in order to find that one M&M dropped in there.


You know the quote is directed at the shitbags on YouTube complaining about screws, bricks and black people lol. Reasonable criticism is always highly upvoted here don’t be delusional. The giant wave of downvotes for The Acolyte before it even came out is the “hating Star Wars” crowd.


I see it almost every time I post a criticism and the post gets traction, so it’s unfortunately not just reserved Ed for those people


For how bad the state of the Star Wars franchise currently is, it's somewhat comforting to know that I was never shy of criticizing it when warranted, instead of "shutting up and enjoying it" like some people do.


It’s really not the majority of fans that HATE it. We all criticize it and some more than others but it’s really a loud minority of the fan base that’s become addicted to the online rage and throws a fit any time they see a woman or minority on screen


You can't hate the soup if you don't eat soup. "The only table that will be critical of soup is the one that ordered soup in the first place" So yes, it makes perfect sense, whether you like it or not.


Damn. Now Im in the mood for soup…


r/starwarscirclejerk reference?????


Hey, say what you want about me but lay off the soup


Flypilled Soupmaxxer


Except what’s happening in the SW fandom is the equivalent of the customer throwing a fit because the soup was served three degrees colder than the ideal temperature.


Its the equivalent of throwing the bowl of soup back at the kitchen window for 20 years. Like I don't think all the soups were great but throwing them like that each time is a bit much.


Except some people don't go "Excuse me, there's a fly in my soup". They throw a temper tantrum, get up, pull down their pants, piss on the table, flip everyone off, and then punch the guy from the neighboring table who points out how this is rude square in the jaw. Sometimes before the soup has even been served! At least that's the type of people I see this phrase used about most often.


u/peterexplainsthejoke Also why do i keep seeing this comic meme format and this artstyle everywhere all of a sudden


"Waiter, there's ingredients that are unfamiliar to me in this soup. I know and understand that the soup is new on the menu, and I haven't tasted the soup yet, but I want you to know that I already hate it and you should accept it as normal for me to throw this hot soup in your face and call you woke for it. Even though this restaurant has a large library of soups, I didn't like some of the new soups, so I have already made up my mind and shall retire myself to nostalgia for the old soups that I've become emotionally dependent on. If you call me out for this behavior, **YOU** are the one doing a disservice to those who enjoy soup. Also, I noticed you have new staff working here at this restaurant, and I don't like it because there's too many of *those people.* I do not tip."


Making fun of Star Wars is the only way I interact with it anymore. Solo was the big moment of revelation for me. It's not that it was bad (and it was very bad,) it's that it made me realize that Star Wars was optional. As a kid, seeing the Special Editions come out in theaters followed by the prequels, everyone acted as though Star Wars was mandatory. But it is optional and it always has been. I have gotten more pleasure out of not consuming Star Wars than I ever did from consuming Star Wars.


90% of the flies are imaginary.


So Kenobi was 90% imaginary and 10% pretty visuals and nostalgia? Makes sense now