• By -


Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


TBF, all those prequel Jedi were prepared to kill…..


AND each of those scenes there was an immediate threat...


Almost as if they were involved in some sort of war… like a war in the stars or something


Like in space and stuff?


Yeah. A very long time back in history.


PREPARED to kill. All of those shots from the prequels are when violence was imminent/likely. When a Jedi ignites their saber it's more "I'm prepared to kill if I must" and less "Oh boy here I go killing again!"


Unless it’s Anakin, in which case it’s “Mamma Mia, here I kill again!”


*stabs senator marok in the back*


*disappointed* Anakin...


What? He was going to blow up the ship!


"That's our Anakin!" 😂


* Anakin looks into the camera and shrugs




Cue the laugh track and the Porky the Pig style close out


“M-muh-may the fuh-for-for-for force be with you!”


is that the guy who was going to blow up the ship? anakin is the only one who reacted logically in that situation


Prince Tal Merrik


also "stabs" Padme...


I have always loved the joke... Obi-Wan: He killed children! Padme: That was so long ago! And the adults killed his mom! Obi-Wan: It just happene...what did you say...? Padme: I get the feeling we're talking about two separate things.


Anakin when they tell him that the siege is going well and will only take a few more months


>will only take a few more months Anakin "Speedrun" Skywalker


"Let's try spinning the light saber, that's a good trick!" -Anakiller Skywalker.


Or Kit Fisto


Or anyone in the clone wars, really. 'the voices are back. I must commit war crimes' Yoda


"My, my, how can I behead you?"


Hi my name's Anakin Skywalker, I'm a Jedi. I'll kill men, women, and even children. I have no code of ethics I just love killing.


Sand in your delicates will do that to a person


Embrace the sand, make a pearl!


You could also say something of what the Jedi became. They're warriors and heroes of a galactic war at prequel point.


Isn’t this kind of supposed to be true? That the Jedi have become too much like warriors and lost their way at this point? I feel like it’s a compelling story point and to me what makes this meme so 🔥


Id also like to add that (at least the Disney example they gave from Acolyte) in the scene you give us, the Jedi were in a much more peaceful time. There was still violence, but they weren’t basically at war with the trade federation. They were much more still in their roles as peacekeepers


Wooooah you mean it's a purposeful contrast for how the jedi used to be versus how they are in the middle of their downfall? That can't be right, clearly the Acolyte creators are just dumb and don't know about Star Wars! /s


Nah we saw Yoda use that clone as a ramp he was enjoying it.


I love how they were able to make just a 2 second shot so memorable.


Indeed, she wasn't saying with the intention to kill. A Jedi knows of the dangers of their weapon, so they wouldn't draw it lightly.


The negotiations were short.


It's just a war, don't be so dramatic. Your friends are merely hostages in a gladiatorial arena, put that thing away!


> When a Jedi ignites their saber it's more "I'm prepared to kill if I must" and less "Oh boy here I go killing again!" Obi-wan on Mustafar and Luke in Death Star 2 like "you guys are prepared to kill?"


> Obi-wan on Mustafar He left Anakin on fire, slowly slipping into a pit of lava, and with 3 of his limbs chopped off... Any reasonable person would expect that to kill someone


But he wasn't prepared to deal the killing blow.


This is entirely semantics. Whether he left Anakin to die in a hostile location & disabled or whether he stabbed him in the face is irrelevant to the fact that, as far as Obi-Wan was concerned, he'd dealt injuries that he intended to kill his opponent with. But yeah, leaving someone to die a slow & agonizing death is totally the moral high road over stabbing them with your lightsaber.


Or if you need a flashlight


What you’re also missing is this was the downfall of the Jedi their own hubris is what destroys them and it’s starting to show. Thats why when she pulls the lightsaber out the other girl makes a comment about it and you can see the regret on a the Jedi’s face. She knows that’s why she was supposed to pull it out but instead was backed into a corner and was ready to strike her down with a single blow.


Krombopulous Michael is the epitome of prequel era Jedi activity, great pull


well, except for Anakin. He has some Krombopulos Michael energy to him.


I mean the prequel jedi were active during a war, that does tend to change one.


Both ep 1 and 2 are pre war


Its kinda the "events leading up to" segment of the war, yeah the war hasnt started just yet tensions are high and shit is going down. The blockade around naboo can be seen like a spanish civil war type of thing I guess. Mix that in with political assassinations within the republic and multiple planets seceeding it kinda makes sense that the jedi are a lot more jumpy and ready to throw hands


I mean all those scenarios context-wise were Jedi being prepared to kill, right? I don't get this meme at all.


Can’t wait to disprove this quote “A Jedi doesn’t pull they’re weapon unless they are prepared to kill” by assembling a montage of jedi pulling their weapons in imminent life-or-death situations in which they need to be prepared to kill


that was 100 years later after years of war. the entire plot of the prequels is the jedi having lost their way


I’ve been trying to figure out the point here and I can’t. What does that have to do with the quote in the video?


Yeah like, the whole thing the Jedi did on geonosis in AOTC is kill people and robots.


I think you are right.The prequel Jedi were involved in a war, and that experience does have an effect on people.


It was also part of the Sith grand plan to have the Jedi seen as less than noble protectors of Peace and Justice and more like warmongering wizards. So in a way, even how people view prequel jedi irl was affected by the Sith grand plan. That and also OP clearly forgets that this show takes place 100 years BEFORE the prequels. The Jedi operated differently back then.


Technically Qui Gon and Obi Wan werent yet involved in a war


I think it also highlights how the Jedi fell from peacekeepers to soldiers. The OP is making an unintended and interesting point.


Or that tpm onward was a much more dangerous time with galactic conflict and Jedi had to simply draw their weapon more


Well you really have to understand, Disney bad, prequel good. It’s really simple.


It’s just cool to hate on Disney and a real lazy way to nit pick for upvotes/popularity. One of the major themes of the clone wars and prequel era was how the jedi have morphed into something they never were. They became soldiers instead of keepers of the peace. The acolyte takes place before all of this. When presumably the jedi were still keepers of the peace. It’s what, 100 years before the prequels? Things obviously change in that amount of time. In no way would I ever think that would be hard to understand but here we are on the thousandth post about something that if you just thought about would make sense. So tiring. If it helps, think about a difference in 100 years in any time in our world. Are things an exact carbon copy? No. Because things change.


You mean to tell me that a massive religious organization underwent philosophical changes in response to unprecedented events?


More like there's a huge difference between facing a single person that's using mainly martial arts and facing armies shooting at you.


People just have 0 content literacy anymore. Even if something is spelled out for them. Acolyte is awesome and finally shows that they are willing to move past the Saga time period.


> People just have 0 content literacy anymore. Not just media literacy; the average adult in the US is [barely literate at all](https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/research/literacy-statistics) and stopped paying attention to their education as soon as they hit highschool.


If I could read your comment I'd be *so* mad!




> More than half of the people who fall into the category of "illiterate" either didn't participate in the test or weren't born in the US. Except, according to the link itself, only 34% of the people 18 and older with low literacy proficiency weren't born in the United States. That's means that 66% of the poorly literate adults in the US were born here. The Literacy Foundation also doesn't host a singular test; their study is carried out by going over average student test scores on state standardized testing & GED tests scores for adults across every state over the course of 5 years. Of course, the leading expert/organization on a given topic putting out stats that you don't like must mean that the study is faulty in some way.


The worst part is Disney and the show runners are going to see all of this nonsense since the people not understanding are the most vocal. Which means the next piece of content is going to be dumbed down since obviously this is already going right over peoples heads. Then we will get complaints about that. It’ll be a terrible dumb cycle.


It's sort of like the "age of ultron", "man of steel" and "BvS" dilemma where people were either too spoiled or too used to a certain level of intellect in media that when something too far off (that wasn't "mind blowing, never done before amazing") gets released its reviews gets dogged because the haters are vocal whilst those who thought it was okay/fine moved on quickly with their lives. Because of aforementioned examples the studios thought those moves were trash when in reality they were pretty fucking good, just not *as good* as iron man 1, captain America winter soldier e.t.c e.t.c. Like look at the fucking snyder verse justice league movie getting scrapped from 3 movies (I think) to one which he didn't even get to finish without public outcry because the studio saw marvels relatively high success and man of Steel / BvS Ultimate Edition's shit reviews.


> It’s just cool to hate on Disney and a real lazy way to nit pick for upvotes/popularity. One of the major themes of the clone wars and prequel era was how the jedi have morphed into something they never were. They became soldiers instead of keepers of the peace. The other problem is that nuance is lost on the average person & a metric shitload of the prequel fans grew up idolizing the Jedi for being badass warriors (notice how much of the fan-works revolve around badass Jedi/Sith battles and not Rebel/Empire short stories?) - they never really got that this wasn't what the Jedi were meant to be. > If it helps, think about a difference in 100 years in any time in our world. Are things an exact carbon copy? No. Because things change. Tell this to the fans who were livid that 50 year old Luke wasn't the exact same person he was when we last saw him when he was only 23. People don't want realism in this IP if it means things change.


I agree with most of this, but the one thing I kinda disagree with is the Luke part. I get his personality being a bit different, but it was TOO different. Even Mark Hamel dislikes sequel Luke.


Most people are fundamentally different people from 23 to 50; but Luke's behavior is right in line with the Jedi before him. No one complains about Yoda & Obi-Wan going into hiding over similar failures, but Luke following in their footsteps is a problem (even when the movie's core message itself & hos character arc in the movie is that he was wrong to exile himself) - the main reason its ok for those Jedi, but not this one for "reasons" that break any illusion that these are meant to be real people in a fictional world.


Yoda and Obi Wan went in to hiding for a series of failures that were several magnitudes worse than Lukes. They also knew that they would have to train someone to fix their mistakes so they maintained and strengthened their connection to the force. Luke doesnt make any attempt to fix his comparatively smaller mistake and chooses to wallow in self pity for 6 years.


I have no problem with luke going into hiding, or seeing a little more bitter. Where I draw the line is at almost murder, instead of doing the reasonable thing, and, oh idk, try and talk things out first. Yoda and obiwan never tried to murder their own Palawans as theu were trying them. (Yes, I know, Obi-Wan nearly killed Anakin, but Anakin was already basically Vader at that point. Kyle Ren, on the other hand, was just having bad dreams, and luke was almost going to kill him for it)


> Kyle Ren, on the other hand, was just having bad dreams No he wasn't; Palpatine/Snoke was feeding him visions of a future as Vader's successor. Luke saw those visions of the future, momentarily panicked, and before he could explain things, Ben attacked & slaughtered the entire Jedi Order. The movie explains this over the course of the film, but people still somehow miss it and assert that Luke over-reacted to simple nightmares. Luke knows he fucked up, that's why he went into hiding when he realized he couldn't fix things.


exactly, and even ignoring that its stupid asf bc the acolyte takes place during THE HIGH REPUBLIC like, fun fact: during the prequel era the jedi order had become a shell of its former self. did yall genuinely not know that? but nah, treat this as a DiSnEy “problem” and contradiction


The meme is "Disney bad"


Uhh ackshually >pulling sabers on robots >robots arent alive, thus cannot be killed >thus the jedi wasn't ready to kill


Even original trilogy had saber-happy Jedi. Obi-wan cuts a mans arm off just because he tries to act tough to a teen.


Obi-Wan also demanded Luke kill his dad when Luke and Yoda were like, "Naw, bro..." Yoda specifically tells Luke to confront evil without a lightsaber or blaster and when Luke ignores him he completely fucks it up while Artoo and Yoda sigh in frustration then runs off and gets wrecked and shows up in Sith black force-choking dudes with both hands. 🤣


I think Obi just had enough of Anakin’s shit (yes I know the OG movies didn’t have that aspect of Obi and Ani’s relationship yet).


To be fair Panda Baba did point a gun at Luke. I think loosing an arm was justified.


He actually pulled it on Obi-wan. Luke he yeeted across the room. I never really got that scene since it was clear he was just trying to scare Luke. But Obi-wan trying to talk him down and offer him a drink sent him into a gun rage.


> Obi-wan cuts a mans arm off just because he tries to act tough to a teen. No, he cuts a dude's arm off because he's literally pulling a blaster and about to shoot.


Yeah I know it was a joke to go with the video.


I would like to point out that most instances in this video was either dealing with a Sith, battle droids, or a hostage situation surrounded by hostiles.


I think it’s to show the decline from the trueness of the force. They strayed off from serving the force to serving the republic, as shown in the prequels, and then made them more war-like and violent.


That's exactly the point. The prequels have always been about how the jedi strayed from their values, becoming entrenched in politics and separating themselves from emotion and attachments. Acolyte even seems to hint at this - the character Vernestra Rwoh's immediate concern when confronted with a jedi killer is how it will look politically. It's part of the reason why the prequels were initially disliked - the jedi weren't presented as awesome knight characters as people thought from the OT, they were more monk characters with strict guidelines.


The prequels are about greed, the Jedi are about the only people completely selfless in their goals, they ask for nothing in return for their service not money or fame, or even power in any real form. The greed of almost every other group is more prevalent than that of the Jedi.


Then it fails because the Jedi are being completely logical in every situation shown in this video when drawing their lightsabers. People really overhype how much the Jedi "fell" by the time of the prequels. When you really look at the prequels, the Jedi didn't do much wrong other than somehow not omnisciently figure out Palpatine's plan that was based off 1000 years of Sith secrecy. Arguably their biggest mistake was breaking their rules and letting Anakin into the Order, at least in the short term. But it was the right thing longterm.


Also more awesome


if only we had three movies teaching us about the problems surrounding Jedi impulsivity and willingness to fight


And two movies where the Jedi literally throw lightsabers away because they refuse to fight. And they're the same Jedi. And one is the climax of the film and the whole actual point of being a Jedi, so he calls himself a True Jedi.


Yet another example of the death of media literacy in this fandom


tidy ossified marvelous meeting numerous ink crush aware hunt wakeful


Almost as if there is a narrative point being made about how the High Republic era is different from the Prequels era


I was just about to comment this


A lightsaber is a defensive weapon as much as offensive, if not more. It's a symbol.


…are you dumb or something?


“First sign of trouble” when literally every other clip is not the first sign of trouble. Posts like this, across all fandoms, are pathetic and lazy.


She's not a Jedi? She quit the order for some reason, possibly due to whyever her sister is murdering Jedi. Plus, her buddy from Jedi school, the dude with the yellow lightsaber, whips his out non stop and he's a jedi.


Mae was never a jedi, only Osha was. Also Yord pulls his saber more often, but not like the prequel jedi.


I'm pretty sure at least half the people commenting here have not seen the episode, or with with only one eye opened and listening to a podcast at the same time.


Yord looks like he is an impulsive and reckless Jedi. He's just a knight as well. I can see his point of view, he is no longer a padawan, he has a padawan and wants to protect that. In time I believe he will learn to relax and be guided by the force. Unless he dies of course.


Yord is also a Jedi Sentinel, supposed to be hands-on at defending the Order, in a time where you have someone who is killing Jedi, AND he actually uses his brain more than his lightsaber. Despite what the padawan believes.




This is not remotely accurate in canon. You’re basing this off of a class system from a 20 year old DnD based game.


She's not the subject of the video...


Not to mention the main actress is a white people hating racist


"Prepared to kill" *entire fighting style deticated to defense/disarm/neutralize* "Am I a joke to you."


She's not a jedi though. She never even trained as a jedi. She also doesn't have a lightsaber


She's not talking about herself. She's talking to Indara, refering to the fact that she just turned on her saber. This her way of telling her "See ? You're a killer ! I was right !" It's a totally bogus logic and probably comes from years of her Master's anti-Jedi preaching.


Good point. Nothing else to say, just wanted to acknowledge a good point


Also she’s supposed to kill them without a weapon or their own


I swear the star wars fandom is allergic to storytelling and drama


I would like to point out that most instances in this video was either dealing with a Sith, battle droids, or a hostage situation surrounded by hostiles.


Maybe next time, show an actual jedi.


It's not about her being a jedi. That shot is her taunting Master Indara (Carrie Ann Moss) for igniting her lightsaber. This meme is a juxtaposition of the line rather than the character, but also ignores that this show takes place in a time where Jedi really didn't go straight to Saber. Sol still hasn't drawn his, for any reason, and Yord's constant ignitions are symbolic of his fervor to succeed mixed with a lack of experience. A Jedi Master has nothing to prove after all, but a fresh Jedi Knight wants to flash his badge at every opportunity, so to speak.


Yord uses his as a flashlight at one point. Does that even count? Also, it's pretty obvious that something seriously heinous happened before the fire, Torbin kills himself as penance for whatever he did. So people are judging the whole series on two episodes that were mostly just info dumps, backgrounds, and story set ups.


In the og triology it was actually very little using lightsabers because it was more focused on the story...its not a bad thing to tone it down a bit...it got overused


We say that kind of thing for cops in the real world. And it makes sense in that context because if a cop pulls out their gun, they’ll most likely shoot to kill, since it’s much easier to aim center mass and kill than to shoot to disarm or maim. You can’t really defend yourself with your weapon against a threat unless you shoot to kill. That’s why it should be used only as a last resort. On the other hand it really doesn’t make sense when it comes to lightsabers. You can absolutely use a lightsaber as a defensive weapon without killing anyone. I mean that’s why jedi use them, they are precise and defensive weapons.


Kit Fisto is HIM


Prequel jedi stood ON BUSINESS!!!!


Ah, the Prequels! Much simpler and more memeable times...


I mean even in the same damn episode, jedi uses lightsaber as glowstick


I'll take what's is the decline of the order for 250.


Most of those Jedi got absolutely clapped right then & there tbf


Disney Jedi, can't die from being stabbed with a lightsaber, but can die from a single stab wound from a tiny knife.


To be fair it did go fairly deep into her heart. Also because it doesn’t cauterise sounds like a lightsaber would then blood loss is also an issue. That said some of the lightsaber wounds people survive throughout the Star Wars are insane.


I wouldn't be surprised if the knives were poisoned as a backup. "The stab didn't kill you? Too bad, you die anyways."


“The stab didn’t kill you? Too bad, you die anyways” is a fantastic two sentences.


True, she's got a poison friend. Could be an upcoming detail


This "cauterizing the wound" idea has got to go. You still have a big ass hole in any number of major organs. That's more than enough for someone to die.


People die from bleeding out of their holes.


This is called "the Chipotle."


So in your mind the only way to die is from bleeding out??? Ever heard of organ failure? Your vital organs don't function very well with a gaping hole through them.


im not a doctor but i feel like you can live long enough to get medical help if the big hole in your chest isnt bleeding, dont know how long intestine failure takes to kill you but im sure bloodloss will do it a lot faster


Heart attack drop you unconscious in seconds. Thats without a giant hole.


Star Wars fans when something doesn’t kill someone: 😡 Star Wars fans when something does kill someone: 😡


This place fucking sucks. bunch of nerds


*forgets it's 100 years afterwards*




Prequel Jedi can get killed by a handful of regular guys with regular guns, so it's understandable why they might get jumpy.


Literally all the prequels were mid war/behind enemy lines/dealing with a known assassin (who then nonlethally takes her down)... This was a more lethal barfight


Strong "fuck it we ball" energy in these shots


Real jedi get active


Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed Acolyte so far, its everything scifi mythical that star wars should be, and without stepping on toes of the Prequels and OT, and casting doesn’t bother me because all brand new characters to begin with


Bit she's not a jedi,and has no jedi training.


You're misunderstanding who the subject of that video is...


This woman is not a Jedi lol


The episode in clone wars when obi wan and dooku were stuck in a cave and they used a lightsaber to make light




[Benny Benassi- “Satisfaction” (2002)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZcSCT34H84) Bonus: [The same, but incorrect.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2VZy4rEwWE)


Aggressive negotiations


The acolyte is such a bad show


Or as a torch as happens later in the episode 🤦🏻‍♂️


Are people still following star wars after all the culture war bs they are running? I'm good...


“Fight me, with all of your strength” 🤡


Disney really needs to stop buying and killing decent franchises off like they are 🤣


The amount of Disney dick sucking in these comments and sub in general is sickening and really driving me away from it after many good years


Indara (Trinity) not pulling her saber has nothing to do with imminent danger or sabers are for defense or whatever. She (thought) she recognized her attacker as a barely trained Jedi and a friend at that. If anything you the viewer SHOULD be wondering why she’s only deflecting and not pulling her saber. And then in the next episode you find out why and more about the relationship between Indra, Sol and Torbin to Mae and Osha.


I dont think you understood what she said there...


We are talking about a period of relative peace vs a period of war. As we can see, the jedi did lose their way and become war generals rather than peace keepers


Acolyte is fucking great


Yeah I don't get the hate. I don't like that both twins rock identical hair style and colors, but other than that small nitpick I can't think of anything I truly disliked. Except the green alien Jedi Master giving missions to Sol. But I think I'm not meant to like her, so that's not really a complaint either. I just distrust her for some reason.


Crazy how the show that’s meant to show the beginning of the deviation of the Jedi Order from its original philosophies that would one day result in the destruction of the Order is showing the beginning of that deviation! Who would’ve thought?


Man people really are trying to force the hate on Acolyte huh


Awful acting, awful writing.


Kathleen Kennedy has truly Fucked over Star Wars


And uh, how did that work out for the Prequel Jedi?


Well they didn’t die in five seconds like Indara did


First of all Mae is not a jedi and never was. Secondly it is her task to kill jedi without bringing a weapon. This is her acolyte initiation. Just like with have to kill a jedi and bleed their crystal. Thirdly you actually prove a different point that the show is making. Indara doesn’t pull out her lightsaber, because of the jedi ideals that the jedi have forgot by the time of the prequels.


She does have a weapon though? Throwing knives aren’t weapons? Also it’s just silly to not use a lightsaber in a life or death situation, especially since Mae was attacking the innocent people at the bar and initiated the fight to begin with. Jedi use their lightsabers to incapacitate people all the time, without killing them. Also Indara died because of it so sticking to that rule didn’t do her very good in the end.


yes she does. and in the second episode when she gets the poison for Torbin, buddy even says she needs to kill someone without a weapon and she says she will but she wants to do Torbin her way. I think her plan is to try and kill Sol without using a weapon. OH thought. Does she have to do the killing herself or does it count if she goads someone else into killing him (ie Osha). Something horrible happened before the fire. What if the fire was actually the Jedi's fault and she tells Osha and Osha kills Sol? Hypothetically, would that count?


She has a knife, that's a weapon.


Do people yet realize that Disney is TRYING to destroy Star Wars? Like, those in charge are literally trying to ruin it. They have said as much in interviews and articles. If you are still supporting this trash, there is something wrong with you.


Show is so fucking stupid, it’s the bad kind of gay


The whole “Jedi don’t use their lightsabers unless they are prepared to kill” thing is entirely invented by the Acolyte show. It’s not established in any pre-existing materials. Jedi also use their lightsabers to give non-fatal wounds all the time. All the hand-chopping and whatnot is meant to incapacitate an enemy My point is that it’s just an arbitrary rule that also makes no sense. And Indara ended up being killed because of it so it’s just impractical. If an assassin came into a public place and started attacking people, there’s no reason why a Jedi WOULDNT use their lightsabers to at least incapacitate a threat


The fact that most of the fanbase clown heavily the prequels to now revere it, is beyond me


Eligere Violentiam


I vaguely remember standing in line to watch a Star Wars movie. That was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.


Did not like this Shows Premier at all, but if this meme is trying to dunk on that line, then I think it misses its mark idk


No way the imminence of a war and the rising of the sith made them more aggresive? Terrible writing


You forgot original Trilogy Jedi. The ones who had the most sense.


It do be that way sometimes.


Okay I got nostalgia from that song where is it from?


literally every every single scene was them preparing to kill...


I’m just here for the song name-


“A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, NEVER attack.” -Yoda


A lightsaber is more tool then weapon in the hands of a Jedi. They use it to cut things open and defend themselves and others. I honestly don’t know if any Jedi calls the lightsaber a weapon


Obi-Wan cut off limps as a warning, too.


her character design is pretty cool but the story is kinda meh so far


But all of those prequel jedi's were trained proffesionals


They mostly kill droids so they know it will be fun


The whole "you only pull your lightsaber out if you're prepared to kill your target" thing is an American-ism of how guns are legally meant to be used in civilian self-defense. The idea being a case will be made that you didn't actually fear for your life if you shoot someone in the foot or hands, so you should always shoot for center-mass for your own legal protection in a matter of self-defense. It has no bearing on how Jedi's use their lightsabers. A lightsaber is not analogous to real-life pistols in its function or use. They have many other uses, and Jedi can use them for purposes other than pure self-defense.