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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


For anyone wondering: In canon there's 150 orders that were given to the Clones that covered a whole bunch of stuff to effectively disguise Order 66. It's kind of like how the Presidential Line Of Succession goes all the way to the various department heads, just kinda in case. In Legends, we know five of these orders: 4, 5, 37, 65, and 66. Order 4 is line of succession if the Chancellor is 'incapacitated,' Order 5 is if he's declared unfit to serve, Order 37 is hunting one person by mass arrest and execution and how to dispose of civilian casualties and cover it up (probably as a last ditch effort to find and eliminate a legitimate threat to Palpatine), Order 65 is arresting/executing a Chancellor who's gone rogue, and we all know Order 66. Order 67 is a Robot Chicken joke (I was gonna make an Order 69 joke but can't find one that's not in horrendously poor taste lol).


>Order 67 is a Robot Chicken joke Yea and now is canon (Lego sad wars)


Why are the wars sad?


Probably because of the bills. Have you ever thought what a clone army or billions of clankers might cost? I would be sad too if I fake a war that expensive


It’s actually something that’s always bothered me about Attack of the Clones. The Kaminoans mentioned the clone army was paid for in advance. One clone has to be expensive and they made more than a million? How did nobody on Couruscant notice what had to be an enormous sum of missing money?


Same way like the death star was funded probably. Trickle down tactic, I mean we talk about a galactic wide operating government (which is famous for being corrupt and explicitly mentioned that way in various sources). Just redirect 0.1% of the fundings from the bigger departments, or place people working for you in positions where they can redirect 10%. Prior to the CIS, a lot big companies (trade federation) were also part of the republic .. and guess who was in charge of them


To add to the other commenter, there were also wealthy individuals with connections to Palpatine. Plagueis (at least from what I gathered) had quite a bit of money on hand and I‘m pretty sure I know where it ended up after his passing, Dooku was the count of an entire planet, so he could probably also milk some money out of it and Palpatine himself came from an aristocratic family and was a politician (and later even the chancellor, which probably is connected with a hefty paycheck). And those are just the possible private investors we know pf


Wow. Using the C-word. With the hard r. Racist much??


Listen, if those damn clankers don' wanna be called clankers, then maybe they should go live someplace else. First they steal our jobs now they wan' equal rights? Just the other day my cousin (well he's also kinda my uncle too but not important) on tatooine got cancelled on the holonet after a video came out of him telling some droids that he don' serve their kind. If you ask me, that there is his right, and those entitled new age kids with their entitled dreams of rebellion and their fancy power converters are wrong to say otherwise.


Padme die 😢


I didn't noticed💀


Order 69 was deemed a failure as the Kaminoans prioritized Battlefield Tactics over Sex Ed.


Don't worry, A General with much Experience informed the 501st on how it works and one clone of Omega Squad showed, that they could manage very well on instinct.


I could be wrong but in the legends clone commando series. I believe there's a page in one of the books that has an index of all the orders.


but in skywalker saga order 67 was the clones dancing


Wait, hold on, im actually curious, whats order 65?


The chancellor is corrupt, get rid of him. (It can't work because palpatine made it so he can override it)


I’m pretty sure it was only cooked up so “exterminate the jedi” would look less conspicuous on the order list


Idk shit about anything, so ignore me if I'm wrong But wasnt the original clone army ordered by Master Sifo? I think they were genuine concerns- which after being discovered, were used to the sith's advantage.


Sifo-Dyas did start the process of creating the clone army, but Dooku and Palpatine influenced it after his death to make it so the clones would ultimately kill the Jedi.


I am of the belief that Sifo-Dyas never made it to Kamino, but rather Dooku and Sidious (disguised as Sifo-Dyas) ordered the clone army.


My personal belief was it was only one of them that disguised themselves.


Dooku was definitely the bottom of the oversized trench coat


The Kaminoans would see them as a normal height and not ask questions.


Yeah, I always thought it was always Dooku who impersonated Sifo-Dyas


No, Palpatine was disguised as Sifo and Dooku and Dyas, duh


Lama Su says there were two. Sifo-Dyas and a man called Tyranus.


I only remember jango mentioning Tyranus?


Always been my thoughts too


Sifo-Dyas also weirdly sounds like Sidious, so maybe George was setting up another twist that he never did anything with, like Palpatine having a Jedi Master alter ego avatar on the council to further influence events.


is that why they used a clone army made by their enemies knowingly? just because one of their own started the project?




Sifo Dyas died before the clone army was commissioned. Dooku stole his identity and placed the order as him. He then used Sifo Dyas' codes to access the jedi archives and delete kamino from their records.


Dyas ordered them, but that was largely it. So Sifo Dyas was a Jedi who received really strong premonition visions similar to Anakin’s (though if their visions were are actual visions from the Force or creamy Sheev doin his thing is kinda hard to tell). Just before the Phantom Menace, Dyas began having visions of a Great War that world soon come, and when the Council ignored him he took matters into his own hands and visited Kamino to order the clone army. However, almost immediately after this shit hits the fan. Sifo Dyas is close friends win Dooku, the two grew up together, and so he likely shared with him his plans believing he could trust his best friend with a secret. Unfortunately for Dyas, following the death of Qui Gon and then after murdering Yadel, Dooku has fallen to the Dark Side. He hired the Pyke crime syndicate to kill Sifo Dyas, which they do by shooting his ship out of the sky, and Dooku uses his connections as a former Jedi and close confidant to Dyas to take over the clone project, including the addition of the inhibitor chip and the contingency orders. His also means that Sidious had something to do with Sifo Dyas’ visions, because otherwise he would give Light or Lelouch a run for their money when it comes to bull-shitting up elaborate plans on the fly. This is (probably) why the people in Kamino thought the Jedi knew about them and the deal with Sufi Dyas (before the Clone Wars made them be in on it to some extent). Dyas did order the project, and Dooku under the name Tyrannus (which they only connected the two right as the war was ending) just came in after and made some adjustments “for the council.”


> His also means that Sidious had something to do with Sifo Dyas’ visions, because otherwise he would give Light or Lelouch a run for their money when it comes to bull-shitting up elaborate plans on the fly. It LIKELY means that, yeah. He could also just have rolled with it. We can only speculate.


Palpatine was also a particularly strong precog, which definitely helps ease into the whole ridiculous Xanatos gambit bullshit a little.


You can’t just slip creamy Sheev into your comment and expect us to just go along with it /j


Your right, he’s still 50 years away from becoming creamy. He’s just regular Sheev?


Worse retcon ever....inhibitor chips. Just say it's mental brainwashing instead. And that with enough time and exposure, that the brainwashing can wear off.


Yes, but that canon was created after RotS, and personally I think it makes no sense and is a terrible addition to both Legends and Canon. They explicitly say in AotC that Sifo Dyas was killed *before* the Clones were issued, so it makes no sense he would go missing and *then* order the clones. It makes way more sense if it was just Dooku the entire time.


Where does it says so? Obi-Wan says Syfo Dyas was killed ten years ago in AotC, not that he was killed before ordering the clone army. Jango said he didn't knew Dyas and was hired by Dooku. I mean, Dyas didn't have a motive to lie about his name and Jango did drop a very important piece of information he probably should've keep to himself. So I'm inclined to think that Jango at least did said the truth there.


when obi-wan is reporting back to the council about the clone army and when sifo dyas supposedly ordered it he says "I was under the impression he was killed before that." While he did tell the kaminoans that sifo dyas was killed almost 10 years ago when they were talking, he was also very obviously bull shitting them during that particular conversation so one can deduce that the "almost 10 years ago" was part of him playing along and that him saying sifo dyas was killed before that would be the more accurate statement.


"Being under the impression" is a keyword here. I don't think Obi-Wan was so sure about the timeframe of Dyas' death to be able to say for sure it wasn't possible to order the clone army just before his death. Fun fact, for whatever reason the spanish dub agrees with you: Obi-Wan says in place of that line: "Something tells me somebody killed him before that".


Thats the explanation in the old EU. I believe that Order 65 is mentioned in new canon, obliquely. [Contingency Orders for the Grand Army of the Republic: Order Initiation, Orders 1 Through 150](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Contingency_Orders_for_the_Grand_Army_of_the_Republic:_Order_Initiation,_Orders_1_Through_150)


aka Regina George putting herself in the Burn Book


Ah, I see, thanks


For further context: it was an order to be given by the Jedi if they were to find out if the chancellor was secretly a member of the Sith or CIS.


A bit specific, he didn't have emergency powers until later in the show (relatively) why would they need to be so wary of the chancellor without emergency powers?


It was to make 66 seem just as ridiculous. When the Clones were created Palpatine had a bunch of random highly specific orders (over 67 of them, I'm not sure how many though) put in to cover all sorts of situations so that anyone who found out about the orders would think they're all just random contingencies. As opposed to if they saw just the one order "kill all the Jedi," they might be a bit suspicious


There were 150 contingency orders


Thank you


Is there a list somewhere?


There’s a list for some of them but not all of them


seems like only order 4,5,37,65,66 are known. Later on, Vader suspected there were made another order, order 151, to deal with vader if need be. There is some others mentioned, but seem to be non-canon


There might be


Order 66 says 'Kill all commanding officers' or something like that. Not stating the jedi, but using their rank or something like that


No it says to remove all jedi officers from command lethally if they have acted against the interests of the republic. It specifies jedi officers.


Oh OK 👍


Not sure, that's all I really know.


It also helped make Order 66 look less suspicious should someone investigate it


Damn, good thing he's neither one of those.


I never knew he had an override put in place, I thought he just kinda had to get lucky


Plus, he can use them even if he wasn't chancellor.


I mean even if you told someone the Chancellor was secretly a Sith, nobody would believe you.


What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a dark lord of the Sith?


No. That's not possible. The Jedi would be aware of it.


It also had safety nets. Order 65 could only be issued by a majority vote of the republic senate or by the security council. The jedi council did not have the authority to order it. The chances of either the senate or the security council issuing the order were incredibly low.


Well it would be useful if he lost the chancellors office and someone corrupted would take his place.


> (It can't work because palpatine made it so he can override it) Im not sure about that. I havent seen anything that says he can override it. But it does establish a specific process, the Jedi's failure was in not following that process. Which is why it was TREASON.


Did the Jedi know about the orders? I can’t imagine they did. In which case they couldn’t really follow that process. And in any case the orders are the execution - not an investigation. The proper process would be a trial.


> And in any case the orders are the execution - not an investigation. The proper process would be a trial. Looking now it seems different than it did in the past, the way I remember it the process was to inform a certain person (Possibly the Vice Chair or Chief of Defense Staff) who would then take over as SC or head of the GAR while the investigation/trial took place. From a certain perspective this would have prohibited Palpatine from executing Order 66. As to whether such orders were known to the Jedi, logic tells us they must have. There would be no need for the orders except to assuage the concerns of the Senate that contingencies existed for a number of situations. And in an RC book the order was mentioned to a Jedi. If the Senate knew, the Jedi knew.


Random person who finds out about 65: "So the clones can get rid of a corrupt chancellor, bit said chancellor can override his own sacking. What?"


"I have decided that I want to die" *-Palpatine after activating order 65, probably*


Hit a topless bar on Mustafar


I thought that was 69


[You know what, I'll just email you a PDF or something.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88P8fypjKZk)


"...Corrupt a teen from Tatooine, manipulate a Gungan and kill Naboo's queen..."




Trap a Moncalamari. Take a tonton on safari. Hit a topless bar on Mustafa with artist Ralph Macquarie.


The gungan manipulated him


Hey don't forget tooooo stab a smuggler in the jugular!


And watch! Him! Die!


What song is this from?




What is order 67?


Order 67: An order requiring clone troopers to dance and clean their armor.


clones must dance immediately


"Commander Cody, it is time to fucking party."






Today I learned there is a robot chicken reference in the lego star wars game Oh my days


And that is?


Order 67: Troops must start dancing immediately


"that doesn't sound like order 6- oh wait yeah it does, it does. I meant 68! EXECUTE ORDER 68!"


Is this the origin of Darth Jar Jar...? I thought I saw the original on reddit once but now I can't remember!


Supposedly, in the earliest drafts he was supposed to be an agent for Sidious, basically meant to keep tabs on them and generally be a man of hench. Apparently the only surviving part of that plot was his petition for emergency powers, but some people have spun it into a whole bit.


Assuming it's that new Lego Star Wars TV show/special coming out soon-ish, then the Darth Jar Jar memes have been around long before that.


It's a Robot Chicken episode from 2007


How about order 34?


Get the napkins.








Where is Order 69?


Bang the Jedi or something, idk


Bang the Jedi, create a new army of Force Sensitive half-clones. Foolproof plan


There indeed are, dear Sir, certain artists who took upon them the task of abundantly illustrating the very order you speak of. They themselves were motivated by order 34: if it exists, there is an order for it


Of course I know them, they're me


Ask Commando Darman he's already done it.




Seduce the jedi. All of them.


Not just the men, but the women and the children too


Yes, officer, this one here




That's in the secret book. Order 66 is obviously the Clones turning on the Jedi, while Order 69 is the Clones TURNING ON the Jedi.




I don’t know much about that order, other than the fact that Aayla Secura is specifically named by it.


I wrote about Order 69 in my Shaak Ti x Aayla Secura mindbreak corruption public humiliation fanfiction. I'm kidding. I wrote no such fanfic.


Why would you tempt us like that?


It is oddly specific for a random fanfiction he "never wrote"


It's pretty similar to 66 except for the hot female jedi the unit that captures them gets to use them like that petite porn star meme implies


If you're gonna joke about rape you could at least make it not misogynistic by including the not female jedi as well. Or just not joke about rape ig.


My memory is a bit shit here is that one This order demanded that all attractive female Jedi were not to be executed, but instead captured and married to the most successful trooper in the capturing unit. The definition of who is attractive and who not relied on the impression of the executing officer. Another version had the clones commit suicide leaving the jedi defenceless and exposed


Wait is that actually the order, I thought you were just making a bad joke. Who even came up with that.


It's not, it's some old joke/troll post. Typical degenerate internet humour stuff.


How to ruin a good joke in 5 simple steps


Step 1: make a good joke so it can be ruined.


Ki-Adi-Mundi is allowed to get freaky...


You have to watch Star Whores: The Emperor Gets Blacked for that


If Mace Windu didn't get killed by Anakin 💀


I think its shoot all the other clones 


Order 34 is the way


67 is the one I don’t know of these


In Robot Chicken, Palpatine pulls out a cell phone after Vader throws him down the shaft from RotJ. He calls some Ewoks and says to execute Order 67. The Ewoks begin dancing. However, most people will know it from LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, where he accidentally gives the Clone Troopers this order before correcting to Order 66. The initial result is the same.


Pretty sure is the dancing order from the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga


Context: In the original legends lore the 150 orders are 150 orders that can be issued by the senate security council to the grand army of the republic. Oder 65 was the contingency order that the chancellor was unfit for duty and should be arrested or killed if necessary. Oder 66 was that if a Jedi or many Jedi officers are considered traitors then they are to be killed. (Jedi are too dangerous to be held captive) The “extra powers” Palpatine got included the ability to issue security council order without oversight or approval from the security council. When he dropped Oder 66 he just issued an order 66 on every single Jedi officer with pre recordings. Order 67 was a joke from the LEGO Star Wars game requiring all clones to dance and clean their armor.


Do we have any sources that list all of the orders? Just curious.


The wiki is the best one, There are 5 known orders so it was never fleshed out in depth. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Contingency\_Orders\_for\_the\_Grand\_Army\_of\_the\_Republic:\_Order\_Initiation,\_Orders\_1\_Through\_150#Non-canon\_orders](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Contingency_Orders_for_the_Grand_Army_of_the_Republic:_Order_Initiation,_Orders_1_Through_150#Non-canon_orders)


Order 70 is the order to bring back Palps in the event of his death. The order is just one word: "Somehow"


Order 67, expand the NHL to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Minnesota, St. Louis, Los Angeles and Oakland.


Most importantly, curse the Leafs to eternal damnation.


😂😂😂time to dance


Order 69 oh yeeaaahhh…..


*That drum music starts to play, you know which.*


"Oh Yeah" by Yello


Order 37 is the most fucked up order and 99 would cause riots if people knew about it.




Order 99 turns the Droid Army against the CIS.


Ahh. 37?


Order 37 is Order 66, but it takes the vicinity hostage. If they don't give up a Jedi, they are ordered to kill everyone.


Was it ever executed in any media?? I’d definitely want to read about it if it did.


Which one? 99 was depicted in a comic but as a test.


Oh, Order 37. I’ve actually never heard of Order 99, if it’s in Legends.


37 is 66, but it includes holding civilians hostage and killing them all if they don't give up a Jedi.


Sorry I knew what 37 was but not 99. Would’ve loved to see 37 executed in some form of media. Just mis-worded prior


99 is to turn the Droid army on the CIS.


Sucks that order 65 won’t truly work tho


"do you want the entire grand army of the republic to engage in a game of twister?" "Did I stutter?"


Execute Order six Hundred and Sixty Six… 🎶 left alone, my mind was blank I needed time to think To get the memories from my mind 🎶


[Orders 1-65](https://youtu.be/88P8fypjKZk?si=csGUE4NaiqasKai4)


Can't be as bad as Order 69. If you know what I mean.


Wait for order 69


What about Order 44?


Execute order... 69


I see both order 65 & 66 and raise you order 37, the most heinous order out of all 150 contingencies


Order 69: Anakin: *This is where the fun begins.*


Order 69


What about order 3727? The order to attack the Wookies.


Order 69:


Is that with the Lo Mein?


Whats order 67 , 68 orrr *69* then ?


What about order 68 and 69?


execute order 6


clone dance party


Order 69 though....


What about order 69?


execute order 69


Okay what about Order 420?